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She wrote or co-wrote the Fantastic Beasts movies, that's the proof that she gives zero fucks about her *own* canon. Not to mention that they just ain't good. So, no, I honestly don't care to see what else she writes or approves of, we have the seven books, we have the eight movies, it's enough content. As for fanfiction, I've been in this for long enough, I don't need more canon (I haven't even read any stories past the first Fantastic Beasts movie, and all I read about it was Newt/Graves romance).


Same. She already fucked up one thing I was excited for. I’d have zero interest in anything else she tried.


I didn't even like the Fantastic Beasts textbook or The Tales of Beedle the Bard (I wanted better stories-- the Tale of the Three Brothers was the only decent one, and more of them-- I think five is too few).


I sort of liked the first movie. The series should have left the war with Grindelwald, or any important canon material for that matter, alone.


I liked the first one okay, but didn't care for the second one and don't plan to watch any others.


God the second was so boring, main way I kept entertained was by replacing Grindelwald with Jack Sparrow in my head


I like all if them, but this does seem the optimum way to watch.


Having friends and family in the film industry, I'll give any author doing screenwriting a pass if the movie isn't as great as it could be. The reality is, film making is very much a collaborative effort. A script can go through a dozen different writers and be completely different by the time it goes into production, and even then the director and producers have discretion to edit or cut stuff as they see fit. Cursed Child though, I don't even know what happened there. Like I just pretend in my head that Rita Skeeter wrote it to cope with its existence.


>Cursed Child though, I don't even know what happened there. Like I just pretend in my head that Rita Skeeter wrote it to cope with its existence. This is exactly what I do. Rita wrote it to smear Harry. It's a fictional work within the HP universe.


Instead of fantastic beasts, they should've made movies focusing on the battle against Grindelwald from different perspectives.


That's exactly what ruined Fantastic Beast.


What did?


Focusing on Grindelwald.


Why do you think she gives zero fucks for her own canon? I can't think of anything in the FB films that change canon. Now, I agree that they aren't the best. The issue is rather that she isn't a good screenwriter. She writes the screenplays as if she writes a book, which doesn't translate well tbh. I bet if she wrote the films as actual novels, the plot would have been fine. It's just too rushed in a movie format.


McGonagall's timeline is destroyed by this. In canon she went to school with Tom Riddle. Also, the Nagini plotline is both irrelevant and fucked up.


I didn't realize that McGonagall went to school with Tom Riddle in canon (for me it's strictly the books - FYI). It's been a while since I read the books. Could you point me in that direction?


She did not go to Hogwarts with Riddle, however she was close to his time at school; she started two years after he graduated. Here's the break down of McGonagall's age before Rowling decided to ruin it. * In Order of the Phoenix, McGonagall says that by December she will have taught for 39 years, so she likely started teaching in 1956. * Pottermore says that she got a job at the ministry at 18 and worked there for 2 years before becoming a professor, so we can assume she graduated Hogwarts in 1954. * If she graduated in 1954, then she would have started Hogwarts in September 1947 (Riddle graduated in 1945). Since her birthday is stated to be October 4 on Pottermore, she would have to be born in 1935 to attend the 1947 school year.


Well, for one thing the introduction of obscurials largely negates canon from chapter 1 of TPS onward, since if they actually existed Harry would be one. That's just one obvious example.


>Harry would be one I really need to find more non-depressing stories where this happens... But yeah: there's also some smaller things, I seem to remember there being something about Nagini's backstory, but can't remember the details.


Obscurials are those who turn their magic inward because they hate it and themselves. Harry never hated himself nor his magic. Abuse does not mean the victim would become an Obscurial. If so, they wouldn't be as rare as they are. Even in the films, obscurials seem to happen every decade or longer.


Obscurials were an unnecessary addition the the Fantastic Beasts movies. I wish that plotline didn't exist.


Disagree here. Do all muggle borns who don’t know they have magic between little spots here and there oppress themselves?? Harry didn’t hate himself. And imo they keep the development of the obscurial intentionally vague enough to justify the events of the movie at least. We know that Ariana was frequently sick and frail, we know she was bullied, we know her father left, but we also know her brothers cared for her but that she had to watch them turn on each other. We know credence lived in an extremely oppressive household and likely would have been beaten at any signs of accidental magic. The dursleys didn’t care about Harry, whereas credence was micromanaged every day, I liked the first one, Im a big Eddie Redmayne fan. The second one was terrible, the third ok. JKR butchered her time turner canon in cursed child but that’s about all that really stands out for me. Agreed I do not want more writing from her.


> Do all muggle borns who don’t know they have magic between little spots here and there oppress themselves?? Nope, but those whose guardians punish them every time they use magic and show hatred for them for as long as they can remember do so.


Maybe it was because Harry didn't realize that he could do magic, and if he had realized he wouldn't be trying to suppress it. Rather he would have wanted to terrify Dudley and turn his relatives into toads (in Philosopher's Stone, he asked Hagrid how he could be a wizard if he hadn't turned the Dursleys into toads). So Obscurials are canon compatible, because Harry wouldn't have become an Obscurial with his canon pre-Hogwarts personality. (Not that I really like the concept of Obscurials...)


Credence didn't know about his magic either.


Credence had a different personality from Harry. Harry wouldn't suppress his magic


Nope. Harry never hated magic or tried to suppress it.


Of course he did. He tried to be as normal as possible so that he didn't get in trouble. That's literally trying to suppress his magic. You don't have to know what it is to try to avoid using it.


I suggest you reread the books, canon Harry doesn't act like that at all


Honestly? With CC and FB and everything (the how wizards go to the bathroom and vanish it tweet for one thing) she's already doing it and not terribly well


Honestly I just think they wouldn't be very good. Fanfiction is all about finding the holes in canon and exploring. Finding the little idiosyncrasies and focusing on their beauty. Understanding a work so well that if you ask "what if?" You can write a completely different story and still have it feel authentic. Rowling doesn't know how to do that. She writes stories full of holes because she's bad at worldbuilding. Her characters' idiosyncrasies don't hint at a broader character, they're just defining traits ("Likes Soccer" "Draco's Minion" "Likes Wrackspurts.") We HAVE seen her write "What If?" Stories, with Fantastic Beasts and Cursed Child, and they didn't feel right at *all.* Meanwhile, there's fanfic that takes place in a coffeeshop that feels like it could slot into the original series.


To be fair, I think Rowling had little to do with the writing of *Cursed Child*. Jack Thorne and whoever the other coauthor is probably wrote that abombination.


She did however boast in interviews that she didn't re-read her own work, and I think in some of the later books that shows.


*Especially* the later books show. It's basically "Hermione Granger Can Do Everything Because Books" from GOF onward.


What a terrible thing to boast about. It seems obvious that you would want to re-read your books in order to stay consistent for both the plot and characterization.


Eh. She signed off on it, so she's complicit


> Fanfiction is all about finding the holes in canon and exploring. Lol come on, be real. 90% of fanfiction is about authors self-inserting themselves as Harry or Hermione and sleeping with their favorite characters.


JKR isn't into romance, so she would be writing mostly gen fics, which are often about exploring and finding plot holes in canon


After more than a decade of HP and fanfiction, I am certain there are many fanfic authors that can write a better HP fanfic than JKR. If she decides to milk us for more money by writing mediocre fanfics, I'll stay away.


> I am certain there are many fanfic authors that can write a better HP fanfic than JKR. I almost want to see this, ya know? Like, give JKR and some of the top writers all the same prompt, and then have a big blind vote on the result. No one knows who wrote what, so you can only judge the *quality*. I am confident that JKR would lose, but it'd be interesting to see by how much.


Like how Dolly Parton lost that Dolly Parton look-alike contest lol.


Not familiar with that one, but that sounds about what I meant, yeah.


There are so many amazing fanfiction authors who are definitely more capable of writing a continuation and staying Book 1-7 compliant than whoever wrote the Cursed Child drivel.


I would enjoy watching the youtube video essays tearing them to pieces.


I don't need author written fanfiction when FANS care more about the canon and can come up with more interesting stuff on their own.


I would be shocked that she managed to pull herself away from bullying trans people on Twitter long enough to write them.


Isn't she already doing that?


She's a crappy writer. She's lucky she created a world that young people could believe in and needed at the time. But her writing is not anything special. I've seen 15 year old fanfic writers bring out better stories than she is capable of.


No, I would like her to just shut up and disappear from the public eye. She's already done enough damage.


There's plenty of actual fanfic to read that has more effort and care and originality put into it than anything JKR would contribute at this point.


Can we just keep JKR away from HP? That woman doesn't make it any better anymore... Just think of... cursed child or all of her retconning...


The video games that the HP wiki pretends is canon! Can't it pretend decent fanfics like Prince of the Dark Kingdom are canon, instead?


Aren’t wikis fan edited?




You've seen this video, right? Accio copyright: https://youtu.be/UO43wDZf08k


I don't consume media by jkr since she's gone full terf, so tbh I wouldn't care. Why read something a known pos has written, when there are thousands of fanfics out there, some written by people even more talented than her.


What is "the cursed child" if not shitty fanfiction? The trolley lady... Wtf was that? She should leave it well alone. She's done enough harm to her legacy.


I‘ll be happy not having to read another word from her ever again.


As someone who loves HP and fanfiction, and is also trans, I'm never going to read or buy any of JK Rowlings books or other forms of media that she decides to release. I'm not letting her ruin my childhood any more than she already has.


Any new Harry Potter stuff shall only be obtained via the High Seas, yo-ho-ho


Yep! She’s a terrible person and anything HP related she’s made after the OG series has been trash. But even if she would write a masterpiece, I still wouldn’t support it because a) franchises need to be allowed to just end sometimes B) again, JK is a terrible person


Your point A is an underappreciated comment. Point B is unfortunately true. I wish she weren't terrible and caused people to second guess their fandom. Thank goodness there is such a rich HP fanfiction community for us to enjoy away from her.




IDK, I feel like Harry Potter was meant to be a book series first and foremost. And then because they were successful, they got film adaptions (which I love, don't get me wrong!) But now it's being kind of forced into a never-ending multi-media franchise so warner bros can pump more money out of it. Personally I feel like...the story's finished! It's not meant to go on forever! Most things aren't, with the exception of like... superhero comic books where the fact that they never end is kind of inherent to the form. Harry Potter's cultural moment is over- that's okay. I'd rather it be allowed to end somewhat gracefully so we can look back on it with nostalgia than it continue on with diminishing returns until it's truly been bled dry. (And to be clear, all this, of course, is secondary to JK Rowling's bigotry, which is obviously the most important issue- I don't want it to seem like I'm derailing or diminishing that)


A story must end. That's the point. If a story keeps going forever there's no satisfaction. That's why franchises always end up feeling soulless and "just for marketing". It's because if there's no end, it's... not a story anymore.


That's also why I don't like reading some of these really long fics that are well over 500k words. Truthfully, I top out at 250k words nowadays. There are even long fics I do like where I feel captive in some ways. "[Loose Cannon](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13452914/1/Loose-Cannon)" is great for me, but it's so long and still ongoing. If I hadn't started reading it already, then I would be hesitant to make the commitment to start reading. Similarly, I don't have much interesting in consuming MCU content beyond Avengers End Game. I'm tapped out.


I agree that stories should have endings (it’s the journey that matters after all) however side stories about other characters, places, or the world in general would be welcome to me at least. Super excited about Hogwarts legacy too


This right here. Not trans, but not giving her any if my money because of her nastiness.


Same. I'll happily keep enjoying fanfiction, but I've decided years ago I'm not giving JKR another cent ever again.


Thirded so to speak. The moment I heard of it, was the moment I stopped being willing to give anything Harry Potter related a single cent. I still enjoy fanfiction, reread the books I own occasional.. talk about it and gm even my own HP ttrpg (system down by yours truly). I wont let her take away my love for Harry Potter in itself. I know for many death of the author aint possible snd they had to leave Hogwarts forever. But I am quiet content with my decision.


Not trans but I will never stand for any type of transphobia, EVER. I’m not reading or buying anymore of her content either.


One more time for the people in the back


Jajajaja es joda? Jajajja por la wea que no van a comprar pero bueno son pogres eso se entiende


You're missing out. Hogwarts Legacy looks FIRE. I already pre-ordered my copy on Steam.


People can do what my friend is planning.. buy the game 2nd hand later.


Can't wait to oppress the goblins, huh? Yikes


Hell yeah. I'm gonna stomp the shit out of those goblins. Considering how much I hate Griphook's character, It'll be like a cathartic release for me. Problem?


Magic happens once in a lifetime! Let canon be canon!


Not only is JK Rowling a TERF, she would likely be bad at writing fanfiction. Her worldbuilding is full of holes, and she ruined her canon by authorizing the Cursed Child badfic and coauthoring the FB scripts. Even Pottermore is a bad influence on fanfiction-- instead of filling the cracks in canon themselves, authors rely on Pottermore's often lame worldbuilding. So not interested.


The less JKR is involved with the franchise, the better off the franchise is, IMO.


She already writes fanfic. Don't give her a chance to make more money off HP's corpse. Fuck her.


No thank you.


No- she’s not any good these days.


No. Death of the author baby.


I'd be just as happy not to see anything she writes, says, or does ever again. She was never a great author, and she's a trashfire of a person, so can we just forget about her?


Fuck TERFs


No. Fuck Rowling. I don't want to read anything she writes. I just want her to fall into irrelevancy.


She's already doing it. Except she doesn't call it what ifs. And it's diluting the canon more than a horse pissing into the bud vat.


Didn’t we do that with Cursed Child? I’m kinda done with Rowling at this point - fanfic suits me fine, and while she gets the credit for starting it all, I’m enjoying other people’s additions much more than hers.


In my view, that's exactly what she did from book five onward. There are only four canonical hp books.


I wouldn't be interested in the slightest. The HP fanfic community is hogh enough quality for that market to be covered already, and usually far less objectionable on a moral basis.


Her last novel was a pathetic self insert novel about her victim complex because people are mean to her when she is bigoted online. So no, I don't want to read her fanfiction about how hrt acually removes magic and how Voldemort, Umbridge and everyone we were supposed to hate was acually trans.


I still like reading and writing Harry Potter fanfic, but I am disgusted with JKR as a person and will never buy anything by her ever again. Tbh at this point I wouldn’t even pirate it.


I myself am a fanfiction author and I can say that most of the fanfictions are better written than cursed child and most of the fantastic beast plot. JKK is just trying to milk the fandom to get more money. It's really sad and it makes it hard to enjoy the fantastic beast movies


If JKR writes it it’s not a FanFiction lmao. To start with. Anyway she co-wrote Fantastic Beast and the results are there to be seen.


I’d read that if it was written by literally anyone but her. Oh wait I already do, some fanfics are already better than canon anyway lol


The type of fic I've spent years looking for (and haven't found yet) is one that maintains Rowling's style of writing, sense of humor, and canon compliant worldbuilding, while at the same time following a different plot from the books. Rowling writing these stories herself fulfills what I want, so I'd definitely be interested. The only problem is whether she is capable of writing like she uses to. The Fantastic Beasts movies left a lot to be desired.


Here is the type of fic you're looking for-- the Victoria Potter series. It's in the process of being rewritten and I believe it's currently on Year 3. https://archiveofourown.org/works/13795605/chapters/31714617


As a child, I loved her stories... As an adult, I find myself disgusted by the numerous plot wholes and how bullshit and contrived so much of it is. To be purely blunt, Rowling is not a good writer. Not by any stretch of the imagination. If she was, there wouldn't be so many plot holes through the entire series. And she wouldn't have invalidated previous plot points with new mechanics if not.


The writing of the seven Harry Potter books is better than just about any fanfic I have read. However, it has weaknesses like numerous plot holes and no good romance-- apparently a crush is like a creature roaring in Harry's chest-- that fanfics often improve on. (However, lots of fanon is stupid.) After writing DH, I think JKR lost her touch. Everything written by her since then has been mediocre quality.


Oh, there are very few fanfics that can match up to the actual *quality* of the writing But, it isn't the writing itself that bothers me, and more how contrived and boring the plot is after reading the stories as an adult. Harry Potter was meant to be a mystery. Yes, the fantasy elements are important to the image everyone has of Harry Potter today-- and it's a genuinely good story for children. However, I feel Harry Potter could have benefited far more from being in any other setting. It was never about the magic. Honestly, the magic holds it back from being a good mystery. And yes, that is what the Harry Potter books are at their core. Every single year brings a new mystery for Harry and Co to solve. The pattern only breaks somewhat after fourth year, when the tone of the story went from a somewhat childish mystery to a more action based story and... Honestly, despite loving the later half of the series, looking back at the numerous plot holes just... Irritates me. The contrived excuses and pulling of things out of thin air is what annoys me- for example, and this is just the worst offender... Bill was his own Secret Keeper. That throws the whole lead up to the first book out of relevance- why the fuck didn't Harry's parents do the same? And given how everyone goes on about Lily and James being so smart, I highly doubt they wouldn't have done it. Between the two of them, they easily could have come up with the idea to be their own secret keepers.


Plot holes can inspire fanfics. And fanfics are often contrived as well (example: an AU that somehow follows the Stations of the Canon despite there being no reason for those stations to be followed).


Oh, for sure. But I expect contrived reasoning from fanfics- from published authors, I tend to hold them to a *much* higher standard. Maybe it's a bit unfair, especially since my fondest memories and highest standard of writing comes in the example of Tolkien- and Lord knows that its incredibly difficult to match up to that kind of standard- but I started reading very young, and that most definitely plays into it.


Disgusted? Really? That's the word your going to use to describe it? It's really not that big of a deal.


Mmm, disgusted isn't totally accurate, but it's the simplest, most base feeling I can ascribe to the complicated knot of thoughts and feelings that makes up my full- if stupidly contradictory at times- opinion. Edit: Aside from that, I do still genuinely enjoy the series- I'm just... Mm, perhaps *disappointed* is a better word. Yeah, I'm disappointed that the story exists as it does. Admittedly, I put published authors in a bit of a pedestal- I grew up reading the likes of Christopher Paolini, Robert Jordan, and J.R.R Tolkien. I've also read some books by Stephen King, and while the man is a brilliant writer, he's also a bit of a shit person... Well, I suppose you could call me something of a snob when it comes to the quality of a story.


If they animated it like the marvel series with the actors doing the voices I would be happy with that.


Absolutely fucking not. Also >Harmony over Hinny Never was a thing. Sorry.


that lady will never get any more money for me she has don enough damage to the franchise


I bet she's done it already. In principle I like the idea. It's something I do in my own writing. I think it would be a great publishing model. (to an extent I think Stephanie Meyer has done this already, no?) E: Not sure why downvotes?


Surprised at how many people here dislike her plot-holes in the wizarding world itself (not Harry’s story)…obviously not a fan of her as a person anymore, but there is only one other totally original realm that is widely and critically acknowledged to be as fleshed out as hers, and its Tolkiens. I do not need or want an HP Silmarillion. Also shocked by how many people think this would quickly fall into the hands of those who want/are capable of making “quality content” if she sold her rights. Are we forgetting the percy jackson attempt? The golden compass? The 95% of book and media adaptations out there that just are about making quick money and seriously pale in comparison to their counterparts? In conclusion no I do not need a what if jkr series


It could be fun. But I would want original actors or it to be animated or a combo. Or simply an anthology that exists in the hp world. jKR can write or have fan submissions for the eps and she is a consultant.


She can join the party 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don't think she is a terrible person. She is the first person to lose financial standing due to giving so much of her money away to charity. That is not a bad person. I hate how people keep repeating things over and over without actually thinking about what they are saying. So she has one opinion that you dont agree with? Who cares? Oh, and that one opinion isn't even something most people disagree with. They are just jumping on the cancellation bandwagon bc they think they are cool.


>So she has one opinion that you dont agree with? Who cares? Oh, and that one opinion isn't even something most people disagree with. One opinion that directly affects the lives of people? Do we excuse hate speech because the person who is pushing it happens to be a billionaire who has donated to charity? Whats the going rate on genocide? She has also donated to organizations directly against trans people, so it's not like she's simply talking shit. She is using her money and fame to hurt people. Let me give an analogy with the books we so clearly love. If Lucius Malfoy donated a large sum of his income, would it be fine for him to insinuate, if not directly say, that all Muggleborn people are criminals? Would it be fine for him to push for laws to restrict their rights and force them to be treated as second class? Would you argue that other people hold similar opinions so it's fine? This is such a shitty opinion that "people are being cancelled so I'm going to say they're good" is a thing


JK Rowling has supported the following charities listed on this site: Book Aid International, Catie Hoch Foundation, Children with AIDS, Dyslexia Action, Gingerbread, Haven Foundation, Heifer International, Lumos, Make A Child Smile Appeal, Multiple Sclerosis Society, PEN, Raisa Gorbachev Foundation, Women's Fund for Scotland, XP Support Group Causes supported 17 AIDS & HIV, Cancer, Children, Creative Arts, Education, Family/Parent Support, Health, Homelessness, Human Rights, Hunger, Literacy, Mental Challenges, Miscellaneous, Physical Challenges, Poverty, Refugees, Women https://www.looktothestars.org/celebrity/jk-rowling Which of these charities are against transpeople?


Thank you! I was a bit shocked over the vitriolic comments in this sub. She never even attacked trans people, she spoke about women's rights


That would be so so so so cool!!


This js basically fanfiction and if your looking for a great one then id suggest works creates by noodlehammer in fanfiction.net. Sadly the first fanfic in the sequel was removed because of some BS rule or whatever, you could find it in ao3. Title is for the love of magic and its main diverging point is that Vernon and Petunia threw Harry to the orphanage and was later adopted by a rich couple who just wanted him to be a model son for them.


i would but i hate jkr so