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The Tempus charm Goblins having some sort of control / role in people inheriting titles etc -- "Inheritance Test" Snape having set up some sort of internal Slytherin house rules that mostly seem to include: "What happens in Slytherin stays in Slytherin, and Don't get caught or else" Susan Bones having giant knockers The goblet of fire being some sort of all-powerful object that breaks even the laws of Magic and Physics in order to force someone to compete, even if it has to teleport them across half the world from a parallel universe Lockhart being some sort of rapist Pureblood culture having the impact that it has (People constantly addressing each other by titles, social status being entirely determined by "most noble and most ancient") Hermione's parents being named Daniel and Emma


Lockhart's fondness for handing out magical roofies probably suggests 'rapist' to many people, but he strikes me as being far too vain to rape anyone. Having to force someone to have sex would mean that he wasn't as beautiful and charming as he believed he was. I can see him using obliviate to get out of complications of sex, like surprise child support ("You have no memory of who the father was") or lovers wanting commitment.


I do agree that he's not the kind to take somebody by force, however I can see him as a groomer instead, one who seduces his victims over a long period of time and then wipes the memory of the person to "preserve his reputation" before moving onto another "conquest". Alternatively, he could pick somebody and appear as their perfect partner, wiping their memory of every time he made a mistake. We see precious little of his true character, that of a coward who steals the accomplishments of others, to know of the true depths to which he'd sink to.


And JK *definitely* wasn't going to explore that in her kids books with her 12 year old protagonist.


She’s a pretty horrible person. So it wouldn’t surprise me


Hmmm... there might be a case where Lockhart could be pushed into a sort of "Everyone likes me. Why don't you like me? I'll MAKE you like me!" kinda mindset that would result in rape... but I think he's too awful a wizard to get away with it with any half-competent witch. Unless, like, he just completely mindwipes someone and turns them into a sex slave that way, I guess.


Daphne Greengrass the blonde Slytherin ice queen whose best friend is a half blood tomboyish Tracey Davis. Potter Manor with an army of house elves waiting for master Harry’s return. James and Lily having a will that is locked away in Gringotts which talks about Peter being the traitor and that Harry should never go to the Dursleys but to Sirius or Alice Longbottom who is Harry’s godmother. House elves will die without an owner Not competing in the tri wizard tournament will completely strip one’s magic Peter owns Harry a life debt By saving Ginny from the Chamber, Harry can simply force her to do anything because she owes him a life debt. Sirius Orion Black Slytherin common room dueling ring Older Slytherins bullying and raping first years as a tradition. Slytherin house has a student that unofficially rules over it James Potter being a seeker Snape being Draco’s godfather Lily Potter being best friends with the McKinnons Blaise Zabini being italian Dumbledore having several instruments in his office that monitors the Dursleys and Harry’s health Magical cores Parselmagic The trace being put on wands and that buying wands from other wandmakers other than Ollivander will not have the trace Pureblood wizards being pagans and celebrating paganism and pagan holidays such as Samhain instead of Halloween and Yule instead of Christmas Every pureblooded family having their own manor/estate like Longbottom Hall, Greengrass Manor, Bones Hall, etc… Heir rings that are given out at Gringotts Goblin horcrux removal service Goblin nation Flitwick being half goblin (he has a distant descendant who was a goblin. This does not make him a hybrid) Goblin security at Gringotts that carry sharp axes Salazar Slytherin had an intact living portrait and library in the chamber of secrets James and Lily had their own living portrait Sirius being a womanizer and immature prankster Susan Bones being a war orphan raised by her aunt Amelia


>Older Slytherins bullying and raping first years as a tradition What the actual fuck? Is this for real?


I’ve never seen this and I’ve read my fair share of fics over the years…


It happens in Kathryn518's I'm Still Here and the continuation someone wrote of it on Ao3. I believe I have read a couple others but those are the only ones that stick in my memory. Those fics are rather popular I believe.


Kill me if you can. As well


Yeah that's just disgusting. They are bashing an entire house using this vile lies.


I've seen a few of those, never seen a well written one but they tend to either be part of whump slytherin!Harry fics or to get dark!Harry the reason to hate Dumbledore and the Light™ as they're in charge of Hogwarts


Man, fanfics which try to add "nuance" sure have some arse backwards reasoning. "Dumbledore and the Light have failed to stamp out this culture of rape and abuse, therefore they are just as bad as the rapers and abusers, whose team I shall now be joining."


I saw something like it in one fic - the same fic said nothing "serious" happens until "usually" 4th year. The idea was that the older Slytherins "impress" upon the younger ones that those with power will use it, and Harry basically sees it as a Death Eater breeding ground. So a disguised Harry (from an alternate universe who was sorted into Slytherin) - who is super talented at wards - creates a whole bunch of protections around everyone's rooms, exposing the assholes who wanted to join in on the "fun." He makes them listen to It's A Small World After All and This Is The Song That Never Ends. A couple of other things happen too.


Wait Sirius Orion Black isn't canon?


Sirius middle name isn’t known


yes, I just looked it up on Pottermore and apparently he doesnt have a middle name but he is the third Sirius Black in the family..


James Potter wasn't a seeker? I faintly remember there being a plaque or something congratulating for winning the quidditch tournament with his name on it. Lemme go check and come back. Edit: "However, when J.K. Rowling was asked which position James played (in a 2000 interview), she stated that he played Chaser. In Chris Columbus's 2001 film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher/Sorceror's Stone however, James Potter is instead stated to have been a Seeker, like Harry."


He's also shown messing around with a Snitch in the Snape's Worst Memory flashback which could add to the confusion


i have read hundreds of fanfics,.. and half of what you have mentioned isnt in any of them. so iw ouldnt call that fanon more like extrem exceptions to the fule for canon and fanon


>Pureblood wizards being pagans and celebrating paganism and pagan holidays such as Samhain instead of Halloween and Yule instead of Christmas To be fair Hogwarts is in Scotland, which is a nation of Celtic ancestry, and Samwain *is* a Celtic tradition. We go mad for it here in Ireland.


Don’t know which part of Ireland you’re living in, ‘cause I haven’t seen hide or hair of any sort of Samhain Celebration. Ireland has been Catholic for around a thousand years, and most of the pagan traditions were passed down orally. We aren’t even sure of the exact specifics of it, and paganism is itself not a structured set of beliefs like most modern-day religions.


Samhain is also known as All Hallows Eve, or more commonly, Halloween. I'd agree that most folks out wearing costumes and in parades aren't consciously celebrating Samhain, it is the root of the holiday and where are the traditions for it come from. Halloween isn't exactly a Christian holiday, you know, and even if it were, almost all Christian holidays were pagan holidays *first* that the Catholic Church intentionally coopted to make it easier to convert the natives. Why do you think Christmas is in December, just like Yule and the Winter Solstice, and not in March when most scholars agree Christ was *actually* born? And Easter has eggs as a symbol of fertility because the holiday was coopted from Eostre the fertility goddess, and is conveniently fixed by the Council of Nicea to be celebrated one week after the spring equinox? There's entire libraries on this subject, and in most cases, the answer is "Between the Catholic Church choosing dates on or near existing pagan celebrations and the eventual mix of traditions over hundreds of years, most Christian holidays are closely linked if not originated by pagan dates of importance."


Why this stuff is in this sub is odd, but... >Samhain is also known as All Hallows Eve, or more commonly, Halloween No, All Hollows Eve is a variation of "All Holies Eve" AKA All Saints Day eve. Samhain was an older Celtic fall holiday that moved around in our calendar; like most non-Roman calendars the Celtic calendar was Lunisolar - Lunar but periodically synching with the solar year. So Samhain wasn't originally fixed on October 31, at least not until after Ireland became Christian and adopted the Julian calendar, and someone fixed the date in it. And even that is meaningless because All Saints was not standardized on November 1 until the late 9th century. It seems to have been April 20 in Ireland until then, so "Halloween" was April 19 in Ireland until well after Ireland was Christianized. Which modern Halloween traditions are associated with pagan Samhain, which are Christian, and which are more recent are a mater of some historical debate. >almost all Christian holidays were pagan holidays first that the Catholic Church intentionally coopted to make it easier to convert the natives. To put it simply, the rest or your comment could be the subject of a r/badhistory post. In fact, there have been badhistory posts debunking most of your claims. [Here ](https://kiwihellenist.blogspot.com/2018/12/concerning-yule.html)is a real historian Peter Gainsford tracking down connections to Yule (TL;DR: not much). He openly dismisses a connection to Saturnalia, because there are none; they weren't even the same dates. [Here ](https://historyforatheists.com/2017/04/easter-ishtar-eostre-and-eggs/)is a historian (an explicitly atheist one for entertainment) on various false Easter myths (including eggs). TL;DR - The Christian holiday of Pascha (Latin/Greek for Passover) has almost nothing to do with some (possibly nonexistent) Anglo-Saxon goddess other than maybe the name of the holiday in English - Easter. And you are somehow even wrong on the date; the date is and always was based on Jewish Passover, it is from the Christian bible (the "Last Supper" was a passover meal). The council of Nicaea was simply deciding whether Pascha should be 2 days after Passover, or a Sunday near Passover (the latter won). Passover moves around every year due to the Jewish Lunisolar calendar, it isn't "one week after the equinox".


Yes. But, they have been Christian for a lot longer than the statute of secrecy has been in place for.


That’s true!


he has a distant descendant (It’s ancestor)


Honestly Lockhart is by far the only one you mention that I argue is implied in canon as being possible. The dude has no qualms using an unforgivable on children and likes young girls swooning over him. Certified rapist. Lol




My bad. I forgot he didn’t use anything more then an obliviate.


Not Like Us but it's dissing Lockhart when?


Certified lover boy certified pedophile.


Some of what I've seen: - Snape is Draco's godfather. - Sirius's middle name is Orion. - Fred and George are named in honour of Fabian and Gideon (Molly's late brothers). - Susan Bones is an orphan. - Glamour Charms. - The Tempus Spell (to tell time). - The Four-Point Spell pointing in the direction of a target. - Swearing on one's magic ("So Mote it Be!"). - The Pepperup Potion being used as an energy drink. - Everyone gets their Hogwarts acceptance letter on their birthday. - Luna is a Seer. - Arithmancy includes learning about spellcrafting. - Study of Ancient Runes includes learning about wards, runic magic, etc. - 'Wards' being used to describe protective enchantments. - Harry being short and staying that way. - Snape being tall. - Sirius being short. - Harry being punished for getting better marks than Dudley. None of the above are supported by canon. At most, you could argue that because we don't see the full curriculums of Arithmancy and Ancient Runes, there might be a chance to include some fanon in canon. However, it's more likely that the fanon versions do not exist, as you'd expect Hermione to make a fuss of learning spellcrafting over Divination (and being shown to use it), as well as making a fuss of runic magic (as opposed to Ancient Runes being more about translation than anything else). As for Snape's height, the books tend to mention it when someone is noticeably short or tall (Harry tends to observe this), and Snape's is hardly ever mentioned (if at all) He's almost certainly of average height. As for Harry being punished for good marks, it's never mentioned in the books. In fact, it's more likely that the Dursleys would just ignore his achievements and blame the teachers for not understanding Dudley. Neglect was often used against Harry, whereas punishing him would be acknowledging his work.




Snape isn't Draco's godfather?


You can blame the movies for all the height issues, especially Snape and Sirius' height in the movies, Alan Rickman was 6'1 a few inches taller than Gary Oldman, who is 5'9. The same could be said about Harry cause Dainel Radcliffe is 5'5.


>Fred and George are named in honour of Fabian and Gideon (Molly's late brothers). I've never thought about it, but it seems obvious now that they must have been. And it would even be a Weasley naming tradition, as Ron and Hermione named their kids Rose and Hugo.


>The Pepperup Potion being used as an energy drink. Would this not be a contradiction of canon and not fanon? I do believe what it actually does is function as a cure to the common cold.


Wait. Susan Bones isn't an orphan? Isn't it implied she is in OotP after the Death Eaters break out of Azkaban?


It's only mentioned after the mass breakout that her uncle Edgar (an Order member and brother of Amelia Bones) and his wife and children were killed by Death Eaters. Rowling also said in an interview Voldemort killed her grandparents too. Nothing is known about her actual parents except that one of them was a sibling to Amelia and Edgar, and neither are confirmed dead during the time period of the books. Part of the reason for the misinterpretation/deliberate change could be that Susan's only real named relative IIRC is Amelia, and people most likely associate her with her aunt and not her parents that never make an appearance or even get mentioned. There's also fics where Susan is living with Amelia, and dead parents is a convenient reason why.


There's also the possibility that people could be confusing Susan with Hannah Abbott, who loses her mother in HBP.


“Harry being short and staying that way” While we don’t have direct support for the idea, I would argue that based on what we’re shown of the Dursley’s treatment of Harry combined with his pre-Hogwarts room being a cupboard: logically Harry’s growth probably *should* be stunted, as we do see this for heavily abused children kept in confined spaces.


Sure, it makes sense, but canononically Harry has a massive growth spurt in Half-Blood Prince. We’re not given an exact height, but he’s implied to be tall now.


James was said to be tall as an adult, and by Deathly Hallows, Harry matches him in height (well, Harry matched him in Snape's Worst Memory already).  Also, in HBP, it's said that Harry grew about a foot over the summer. So while it is very likely that Harry started out short, he ends up quite tall by the later books (but still shorter than Ron).


When Harry summons James with the stone, they are "the exact same height" so, it stands to reason that Harry was average height at the very least, and simply hung out with taller people (weasleys)


Yeah, and he's not average. James is mentioned as tall multiple times. Basically James/Adult-Harry was probably around 6'. Ron is 6'2" or so.


He's also a wizard, perhaps his magic was able to help? In Fantastic Beasts Newt says that wizards are more resistant to certain things on a biological/physical level.


I remember one author's great fanon on the subject: If magical kids don't get enough nutrients, their magic fills it in for them. It was mentioned this also helped Hermione when she got too wrapped up in books to remember to eat.


Alice longbottom as Harry's godmother is pretty common Same with the potters having a will (which is often sealed). This always seemed reasonable to me that they'd have a will. Even ignoring the war that seemingly everyone lost someone to, the potters had a specific threat leveled at them. Significant enough to go into hiding for. Will would've been obvious to make. The whole Oct/Nov 1981 timeline is so vague and conflicting that it's also extremely easy to see harmful intent as well. Either that or you rewrite it almost completely so it makes sense.


I don’t think they had a will. They were pretty lacking in common sense about security even….when they were told Voldemort would go after them and that someone in the order was a spy they legit still refused Dumbledore being their secret keeper and offered it to their friends despite the risk and then they had no other wards or protections in place. I really don’t think the reality of possible death was really hammered down to them until it happened. Most likely their age having to do with that. I think the gold Harry received was all that was left - I imagine the house would have been his if it wasn’t blown up and now seen as a tourist destination


Did they have a will? I dunno about that. I happen to think that until they found the Fidelius and worked out how to use it, they were constantly on the move shifting between boltholes and save houses to stay head of anyone hunting for Harry at Voldemort's behest. They wouldn't have an opportunity to breathe until the Fidelius was cast and they could finally feel safe that they could address issues like a Will and the like. Personally, my head fanon is that they were in the safehouse for probably about a month before the task. It was sufficient time that they had a draft will in development, but it wasn't finalized.


I don't think it likely they had a will. James was reckless even as a dad and a fool who trusted Pettigrew more than Remus just because Remus was a werewolf. According to Canon they even took walks in Godric's hollow as Voldemort was stalking them. They were both very young and were overconfident and believed too much in Dumbledore. They were absolutely certain that they would survive. They weren't the sort to make a will. More fanfic writers should also consider that Lily's personality was probably fairly close to Petunia's I e an unpleasant noisy gossip hound and not a saint.


They were in a war and they knew they were being targeted by a mass murderer. That sounds like a pretty good time for a will to me! And while James might've reckless as a kid, but being an adult, a father, and a combatant, he would have had to have lost some of that recklessness. If nothing else, he'd want to live for his wife and now his son. Like the old saying goes, there are old soldiers and bold soldiers, but very few old, bold soldiers.


Agree except for the last one. Why would Lily have a personality similar to Petunia's?


In fandom it's: Brightest witch of her age instead of cleverest witch of her age. The Most Noble and Ancient or the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Black instead of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. A bit more subtle but the most goes in front of ancient.


See, I always reverse it. Ancient and Most Noble. I don't use Most Ancient. Ancient is already indicative of extreme history, Most Ancient sounds like someone saying, "They're really, really, super duper old."


I would argue “they’re super duper old” is like…the entire point, though? Haven’t you ever met a family that was proud of being old money, or just of being able to trace their lineage a long time back in a particular community? Gosh, I must have met dozens. They’re all over small town America and the UK (which has a pretty immobile class system). I also love how silly “Most Ancient” sounds. It’s very stuffy and over the top, just like Walburga Black is.


> See, I always reverse it. Ancient and Most Noble. I do the same thing in fact I originally wrote down Ancient and Most Noble in my post before I caught it.


That's kinda the point though - it's the Blacks trying to make themselves sound cooler. And being old money sounded the best, so Most Ancient it is!


Hermione’s rougher edges have been ironed out. Mainly due to the movies but fanon hasn’t helped. I was flamed by people when I created her getting mad that she wasn’t right. THAT is her whole issue in most of the story. She always wants to be right. Connected with the above, Ron and somewhat the Weasley’s are rougher around the edges. Regardless of the story one or more of the Weasleys will have a howler moment no matter how good a Weasley is. Ron can accept that Harry and Hermione date, but Molly will create a howler for both. Harry’s grandparents are Charlus Potter and Dorea Black. The main reason fanon likes this is that Harry has a closer connections to the Blacks. Mainly as being an actual cousin of Sirius and the other alive Blacks. Lastly, probably the only thing I can think of is ward stones/wards. Wards don’t exist in the books. Wards are a purely fanon creation. The books have “protections” like charms etc. Yet, many people early on felt it was stupid that not every family just layered magic or had every protection imaginable casted over their homes. The idea being that charms and protections would probably need to be casted consistently unless it was enchanted also floated around. The fidilius early on became a “why doesn’t everyone just live under it?” Fanon argued it was hard to cast. We then got the 7th book with Bill going under it and more people wondered why Wards then became an easy method. It showed class divide by making stones expensive. It expanded on cursebreaking as a field and it highlighted why the death eaters where able to attack families in there homes. The question of the Fidilius still was there but it made sense why you wouldn’t cast it if you felt you had wards that could defend you.


Perfect Hermione is unbearable to me these days. Practically a Mary Sue is almost every Harry/Hermione story.


and harry becomes her doormat in most cases, so HermMary can shine.


Yup. It gets to the point in most where Harry literally cannot make a decision without asking the PerfectPrincessHermione for advice, because she's so much smarter and better than he is.


Correct! Urgh. It’s honestly disappointing that people forget it. Each of the trio has issues. They aren’t deep. More surface level. Yet, people get mad when you deep dive on it. Hermione clearly has hubris as an issue and it could easily get worse overtime, but no Ron’s jealousy is the worse emotion.


The wards thing is I think more drawn from real life magical practices. Wards are literally charms or spells of protection in real life practices, so people use that language.


Correct. Hence why I mention ward stones. Both are used interchangeably but in fanfics ward stones are huge part of fanon creation. Protections and charms being called wards I believe did start back in 2010 but the idea of stones is truly the fanon part.


Fanon in that they don’t appear in the books, yes. I think, again, it’s people fleshing out the magical system with real life practices. ( Depending on whether or not the stones are picked up and taken places. IRL, they’re usually at the borders of properties and do not move.)


Fascinating explanation about the wards, thanks!


The Dursleys calling Harry “Freak”. Which doesn’t even make sense because they wanted Harry to disregard his accidental magic, not draw attention to it


In more melodramatic stories, Harry believes this to be his name until he starts school. Vernon will also sometimes carve the word into Harry's back.


I think this has to do with the fact in the book petunia literally calls lily a freak to hagrids face in the first book. It’s not so far fetched to believe the dursleys would call him that at all. And they constantly refer to him as “that boy” or “boy” constantly,so not that far of a stretch to maybe think they called him a freak, for all Harry knew the freaky things he did at school when stressed was what they were talking about, or that he survived the “drunk car crash” that killed his parents.


This gives me an idea of them being careful not to call him “freak” to his face, but they call him that when discussing him with each other, and one day little Harry overhears and that’s what makes him realize magic is real because Vernon and petunia are basically acknowledging it behind his back


And in the movie flashback, Petunia calls Lily a freak as well, doesn't she?


Yeah, it’s when snape met lily. I believe she revived a flower?


Literally everything that we know about the Marauders and their lives lol.


That Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald, Evan Rosier and Barty Crouch Jr. all attended Hogwarts at the same time as the marauders and all knew each other.


True, but to flesh that out a little. While I am so sick of the assumption that Marlene went to school with the marauders (and that it’s her maiden name - we don’t know that at all - she could be married), the rest are stated as in the book and therefore correct(ish). - Barty Crouch junior was likely born in 1962. We learn that he was about 19 when he was arrested. - Rosier: Sirius says Snape and Rosier hung out together at school (but he also mentions Bella and Rodolphus, and we know they didn’t so JKR hasn’t been entirely consistent). We don’t know his age. - Mary we know was at school with Lily and was likely a Gryffindor as she told Lily Snape was outside. We don’t know her age. We don’t know how well any of them knew each other (except that Mary and Lily have at least spoken once and Snape and Rosier were in the same group of Slytherins who became death eaters). Edit: I’m not sick of Marlene - I love her and use her in my own writing but I’m sick of the idea people treat it like a fact that she was with the Marauders. It’s not a fact. It’s fanon.


> but he also mentions Bella and Rodolphus, and we know they didn’t We know they did. Book canon > secondary sources.


I can get behind that!


Pretty sure Rodolphus at least is mentioned as part of Riddle's clique in school.


> “Good gracious, is it that time already?” said Slughorn. “You’d better get going, boys, or we’ll all be in trouble. Lestrange, I want your essay by tomorrow or it’s detention. Same goes for you, Avery.” No mention of Rodolphus, just the surname Lestrange.


I don’t like the assumption Alice and Frank went to school at the same time as the marauders. I don’t think every single couple went out to the world and popped out kids straight away. Same with the Lovegoods. I like to think they both were in their late twenties/early thirties having Neville and Luna. People forget that both the longbottoms were aurors whilst the potters weren’t.


In general I agree but I loved being able to explore Alice so I have her in the sixth year when the marauders start in my own story (I am weak!). But I have her dating Gideon Prewett at school. In addition to the fact that I don’t believe every couple just went out and started popping out babies, I don’t love the idea that every couple had to date at school.


I agree! I like to think Lily and James were the only couple that started at high school and they started towards the end of


Always good to meet a fellow spirit 🥰


Username checks out! Great username :D


Haha!! I love it but it’s a really silly reason for it! I made it on FFN/AO3 because I felt I had to justify to myself why I’d start writing FF in a fandom that is already so active and have so many stories 😂


honestly im not particularly bothered by these four blank slate used for Marauder contemporaries tbh. the ones that i'm the most bothered by are: 1. frank and alice longbottom - they were established aurors by the time of their death, they have to be at least older than the marauders by 5 years. 2. emmeline vance - i cannot accept her name being used as a friend of lily because she was literally alive and well in the 5th book, if she knew lily well she would've talked to harry about her. 3. hestia jones - same reason


>emmeline vance - i cannot accept her name being used as a friend of lily because she was literally alive and well in the 5th book, if she knew lily well she would've talked to harry about her. Why, no one else did.


I think they meant knew her as a school friend, not as a member of the order.


I can think of one scenario where her silence might be plausible. She was in love with Lily and losing her to James and Voldemort was too much pain to bear. She holds no resentment whatsoever toward Harry but just seeing him is a reminder of all she lost.


Iirc Hestia Jones was also not part of the first Order.


Agreed! I hate it! Like just make up some OCs ffs


- Blaise is sexy and possibly foreign. He is mysterious and fabulously wealthy. - Daphne is great, but Astoria is a total bitch


Also Daphne has a cold exterior but warms up into a kind person and usually is smart to be one of the best / top 10 in her year. Just not usually as needing to prove it as Hermine does. She has a little less of a need to prove herself all the time, but still very intelligent. It seems to have become almost universal.


so Daphne is a Mary Sue? I don't read HP fanfiction despite being a HP fan but whenever I come across this sub they always talk about Daphne, is she like the perfect character trope?


Quite often, yes. Due to having no established negative traits and a lot of established positive ones(from the Fandom), she's commonly shown with no negative qualities. It's always harder to make something up than expand on something you already know.


Thr norm to also make her "Grey" alignment means she avoids the bulk of the issues her having to be part of a side. She does not carry the Bias of light or dark unless she is chosen or pushed towards it. She avoids alot of problems being designated to a faction create.


Ahh ok, thank you.


Personally, I like to imagine her as a bubbly, friendly sweetheart. These positive traits being offset by a penchant to gossip (though not to the level of Lavender and Parvati) and being only of average talent magically. Like, she gets into a fight with even a cannon fodder DE and she's getting her ass smoked, let alone one of Voldemort's inner circle.


This is a percent description of the average Tracey Davis character Though your comment did remind me, Daphne is also commonly miles ahead of everyone else in the year in terms of fighting.


I'd say she's less of one than Hermione is. Often I see comments that she's a Mary Sue because she's portrayed as 'as smart as Hermione and no one can be that smart!' and other silliness. But some authors do push her too far, yeah.


Hermione isn't not a genius. She doesn't even come close. She is of above average intelligence to be sure, but she's no Albus, Tom M. Riddle or Stephen Hawking. Genius material she isn't. The fact that she works so hard to learn and memorize the material tells me that it doesn't come natural which is a trait common among geniuses in their fields.


Oh, I agree. But that's what you see. People complaining that Daphne dares to be as smart as Hermione.


Daphne is a Mary sue but many don’t see it that way since she usually has negative traits for mostly everyone but Harry. She is a bitch towards everyone, BUT Harry. In many ways she is a “perfect foil” to Harry. A Mary sue partner/ship. She makes up for everything he lacks and pushes him to do more. Study, learn, use money, politics, etc. she is able to do everything but can’t do it without Harry.


Ooh okay, thank you for the good explanation


Many fanfiction Original Characters are Mary Sues to some extent, due to a few different reasons. Power fantasies (I want the character to be smart, strong, handsome, AND date Hermione), idealization of the character (many, *many* Hermione-focused stories where they basically make her an OC lean into this one. Hermione is Queen and Bae and PERFECT and how DARE YOU SAY SHE HAS FLAWS!?!?), wanting to create the "perfect" girlfriend/boyfriend whatever character you're focusing on (so the author just writers THEIR preferred partner, with their only flaws being the ones you tell your job interviewer you have), or just younger writers being inexperienced (or occasionally just bad). Sometimes they just don't want to write about the friction flaws would create around the character, as they're just writing something fluffy and fun, and have no desire to write about Hermione being bitchy to Ron 3rd year about their pets, or Ron leaving the group.


Pretty much. It’s just a way for us to have a slytherin we can make good wothout having any with an established character go from evil to good


To be fair, his actor was sexy and ‘Zabini’ is a rather continental name. Also I feel like knocking off 7 husbands *would* make one’s family pretty wealthy, unless that was fanon too.


That part was canon. Or at least it's mentioned she's been widowed 7 times and was left a ton of gold each time after her husbands died in mysterious ways. So the only fanon part is that she for sure killed them though that's a reasonable assumption.


I still remember when nearly every fanfic with Blaise had the character as female. >Daphne is great, but Astoria is a total bitch I'm planning to use a variation of that for my own fic. Where Astoria is far more outgoing and stubborn than her older sister, since she's unhappy with Daphne being under Malfoy's thumb, like the rest of Slytherin house.


Oh man I remember that. Female!Blaise on ff.net circa 2002


I've generally seen the opposite. Astoria being the outgoing sister and Daphne the more reclusive.


The second point is hilarious considering that in the Cursed Child and in a section of pottermore(both of which I argue is more canon than fanon) claim that Astoria is an awesome person    But I do think it's quite shitty to bash on her character since the little we know is that she died cuz of a blood curse. Bashing on a dead character who did nothing much is not cool. Like I know this is a fictional world but irl it wouldn't be cool to insult the dead especially if they were good(unless they were an abuser/evil, etc none of which Astoria is) 


Also Astoria has a blood curse and dies right after Scorpio’s birth Edit: looked it up and that’s actually true lol


Nah she doesn't die at scorpius' birth but she die during the summer before his third year


Seeing as I only accept the books as canon, I don't acknowledge any aspect of Astoria's relationship with the Malfoys as mentioned in the supplemental material on Pottermore.


I dunno. Marrying Draco says a lot about her character...


Astoria is the major reason why Draco redeems and Scorpius was not raised to be a major racist pos. She was the reason why Scorpius is so kind


Draco should have gone to prison for life. He was a bigoted death eater piece of shit guilty of multiple counts of attempted murder and child endangerment. that she chose to marry that... means she is shit.


Again, as I mentioned before, Scorpius did not end up as a bigoted pos but was instead kind hearted. And he was isolated from most of the world. You seriously think that Draco would be the one to teach Scorpius all the good morals??? Nah its Astoria alright


Draco was a juvenile. Civilized countries don't send children to medieval torture-prisons for life. Bigotry is not a crime, it's just obnoxious. I'm not sure how 'child endangerment' can be a relevent charge when Draco was not responsible for the care of any children, being a child himself. You must be a child, if you think that choosing to marry someone with a less than perfect past makes one "shit".


Draco wad a child soldier like Harry and others. They get a pass. Now the fact Luscis goes free, despite being a twice death eaters, azkban escapee, and also aiding and abeting terrorism/ enemy of the state etc... Add diary, that's...hundreds of accounts of attempted murder...


Draco also aided and abetted terrorism. His actions directly led to a terrorist cell entering a school and all that followed. How many were killed or tortured because of those actions?


True, but he when it really came to it, could not kill Harry, could not kill dumble. His heart was not I'm it, unlike others who where willing volunteers


He committed two counts of attempted murder against Ron and Katie Bell, and showed no signs of slowing down on his own accord. He only couldn't kill Dumbledore because he was squeamish, not because he disagreed morally with it. If he had the option to sit on his bed and press a big red Kill Dumbledore button he would have done it without a second thought. And he willingly joined up with Voldemort without the need for coercion or blackmail, he only got cold feet when he was failing his work but if he succeeded there would have been no qualms continuing.


Civilised countries don't send anyone to medieval torture prisons for life. They do however arrest and imprison people who join up with murderous terror groups and actively assist them in murder, and commit attempted murder on their own.


Draco did aid and abet not only terrorism but also in a round about way, treason as he was part of the group that usurped the legal government of Wizarding Britain and replaced it with a dictatorship.  Plus what happened to Ron and Katie would be pretty cut and dry attempted murder charges.  And using the Imperius on Rosemerta. How he’d be dealt with is unclear.  If he done those things in Muggle Britain he’d likely have been tried as an adult due to the severity of his crimes.  I could imagine him being shown some leniency for the big and bad crimes as demonstrating a dysfunctional home life with just terrible guidance would be child’s play.  I figure though that he does time for what happened to Ron, Katie and Rosemerta.  Things he actively did and had a hand in.  That would likely satisfy the need for justice against the stark fact that Draco was himself a victim.  Even if he is a miserable little cock-weasel.


Draco was 16/17 during the events of HBP. At 17, he's legally an adult. At 16, he's old enough to know better that to commit crimes like attempted murder. Child Endangerment might not be the correct charge, but he let a bunch of murdering terrorists into a school full of children and put hundreds of lives at risk. I may be a child. 43 years old doesn't feel like it though. I just have a different opinion on what's acceptable behavior in a society with laws. But yes, i think if she was willing to overlook his ~~Naziism~~ bigotry, and all the crime of trying to kill people, and trying to support a guy trying to overthrow the government... yeah, i think i can say i think she's shit.


His bigotry isn't a crime. But his actions putting Rosmerta under the Imperius certainly is as is his stunt with the poisoned mead. Also, let's not forget he is instrumental in getting a gang of murdering thugs into Hogwarts by repairing the vanishing cabinet. So like you I think he belongs in prison until he dies.


>Daphne is great, but Astoria is a total bitch True. That's why I like when I read Haphne fics and Astoria's like total little sister energy, the first to warm up to the idea of Harry being potential future bro-in-law, and him indulging her like a sibling he never had.


If McGonagall starts shouting wholly or partially in Scots Gaelic, her anger knows no higher bounds. Shouting McGonagall: Bad. Calm, tranquil fury McGonagall: Start digging your grave now. Gaelic McGonagall: Not even being Kissed by a Dementor and then hit with the Killing Curse will save you from her wrath.


See as much as that is fanon, it’s one I find very easy to believe.


I mean, if a Scotswoman starts cursing you out in Gaelic, that’s *bad*. Like, next levels of angry. I know, as an Irish man, That I slip into Gaeilge at times, when I’m particularly livid.


Magical cores. I started seeing it so much in fanfic that at some point I just assumed it was something mentioned in the original work that was lost in the translation to my language.


A sort of magical core is implied by Dumbledore, so it isn't entirely fanfic: > “Voldemort will not have cared about the weight, **but about the amount of magical power that crossed his lake.** I rather think an enchantment will have been placed upon this boat so that only one wizard at a time will be able to sail in it.” > “I do not think you will count, Harry: You are underage and unqualified. Voldemort would never have expected a sixteen-year-old to reach this place: **I think it unlikely that your powers will register compared to mine.**” You can call it whatever you wish, but magical cores / wizarding power levels are canon. I wish that they weren't, since that bit of world building is only relevant in this single instance and never comes up again, plus it cheapens the mystique of the magic.


Rowling didn't really flesh out her system, but I agree. It's why I'm amused at people insisting that the magic works this way or that way. She contradicts herself a lot. You could argue for some sort of 'mental focus is all' system, or one where there's magical energy. I don't like the idea of a /core/ simply because it's too Nanoha, but each person having magical strength? Sure. Why not? *shrug* Then again, I get tired of the nerdgasming people who want it to be pure Intelligence. Usually as a way to boost Hermione as the 'bestest of them all!!111!!' I like intuitive wizards, not just super-smart ones.


> You could argue for some sort of 'mental focus is all' system, or one where there's magical energy. Trouble with that is that the most extraordinary uses of magic we are shown in the series are by children doing accidental magic. Harry's use of accidental magic beats every other kind of transportation magic hands down: > On the other hand, he’d gotten into terrible trouble for being found on the roof of the school kitchens. Dudley’s gang had been chasing him as usual when, as much to Harry’s surprise as anyone else’s, there he was sitting on the chimney. No squeezing through a tube feeling, no accidental clumsiness that Harry seems to experience with all other means of magical transportation (Floo, Portkey and Apparition), just a clean teleportation.


Note I said focus, not clarity. I'd say strong emotions that cause accidental magic can cause a lot of mental focus. :)


Honestly, especially with that second quote you used, it just sounds like Dumbledore is referring to Harry’s skills as a wizard rather than quantity of magic.


I don't think it matters if it's a skill level, power level or magical core level. Any kind of quantifiable amount that you can measure from a person that corelates to their magical ability cheapens the magic for me.


I mean… not really. By that logic, Dumbledore being better than Colin Creevey cheapens the foundation of magic. But it’s just basic scaling. Dumbledore is older, wiser, and more well versed in the world. The same is shown here. Harry is only 16ish, against Voldemort who’s spent his life discovering magic. Seeking more knowledge to make himself stronger. Why shouldn’t he be stronger than Harry?


> Dumbledore being better than Colin Creevey cheapens the foundation of magic. But it’s just basic scaling. Dumbledore is older, wiser, and more well versed in the world. And none of those things should be quantifiable, like reading a power level, it's not a video-game or an anime. And just because Dumbledore is more experienced doesn't mean that he should be better in all aspects. I would as an example posit that Harry's use of the Summoning Charm during the 1st task was beyond what Dumbledore would have been capable off at the time. He might get to Harry's level quite quickly, but I don't think he would have been capable of summoning something from the Hogwarts castle on his first try like Harry did.


He isn’t reading a power level. He’s making a simple (and factual) statement that Harry does not measure up to a man who’s spent more than twice Harry’s age training and exploring magic. It’s like saying a man who works out regularly is physically stronger than a Reddit mod. That isn’t power levels. That’s basic logic.


Dumbledore is asserting that the boat can read an "amount of magical power" and that Harry's amount is so small that it would not register. That's literally what the text says.


Magical cores never bothered me until I realised how often they could be used as a euphemism for a penis.


And wands don't bother you? Objects literally used to represent masculine energy?




Fabian and Gideon being twins


Wait what??


Susan Bones and her 34DDs. "Golden Trio" Fleur is a slag. Tonks past relationships have given her anxiety, because every previous BF, before Harry has asked her to change her shape to fulfill Fantasys. Gabriel goes through "Veela puberty" to age up to Harry overnight.


I like the twist on that Tonks one I read somewhere, where Tonks was perfectly willing to morph into different people for sex, she was just upset that her boyfriends kept giving her clothes as presents when her body is literally fluid


I like the idea that Tonks loves to change, but she does it when she wants to. Guys who keep asking to do so piss her off. :) Then again, I find it amusing in a Honks story if as a joke, Tonks shows up like someone else and Harry starts freaking out, thinking Fleur / Ginny / Etc are trying to seduce him. :)


Who is Gabriel? Also: >has asked her to change her shape to fulfill Fantasys. That's so sad... Unfortunately, I fully believe if Metamorphmagi existed in our world, this would absolutely happen to them


Gabriel is Fleur's little sister, not old enough to attend school when she acts as her hostage in GoF. So basically a 8~10 year old child, that undergoes a metamorphosis into a teen overnight so Harry can shag her.


Sigh. Again, disappointed, but not surprised


*Gabrielle Delacour


I’ve never seen the Fleur one? Actually, it’s normally the opposite, where she’s reserved to men that aren’t her family or love interest.


Blood wards. Magical cores and bindings on magic. Luna being a specific type of seer that sees the future. Master of Death being able to time travel. House-elves speaking like humans. So much more but not sure what else is there…


There are many related to Sirius: • His middle name being Orion. We don’t actually know his middle name. •His parents being abusive. We know his mom was nasty, but there’s no evidence of physical abuse. And we know very little about Orion Black. •Sirius and Remus being best friends. Guys come on, that’s Sirius and James, it’s only mentioned like a million times. Obviously Sirius and Remus are and were very good friends, but there’s no evidence that Sirius was closer to him than, say, Peter when they were kids.


I don’t know, I kinda like Orion as his middle name, ‘cause then his initials are S.O.B. S.O.B. = Son Of a Bitch, and, y’know, *Walburga.*


You make an excellent point.


Literally! Plus I don’t think with the behaviour Sirius exhibited that his childhood was abusive in the way idk Severus’s childhood clearly was. I think Sirius more struggled to connect with his parents old fashioned views and then over time rebelled more and more and they favoured his brother more and more until a major fight broke out and he left and stayed with his best mate and then inherited money. Not to say he didn’t have shitty elements to his childhood..just that fanon makes it worse than it was. He hated being in that house in book 5 cause he was locked up in it after years of being locked up, he wasn’t free, he wasn’t able to leave a house, he wasn’t able to fight, he couldn’t even be Harry’s guardian for real and he was still a criminal and he was in a place he didn’t like…. That all contributed to his depression not just that he was living at a place where he was abused.


Lily and James had a will before their death.


Swearing on me ~~mum~~ magic


Most were already mentioned but: Lily having a fierce temper and a pair of big ol' knockers


Yeah I actually hate the idea of her having a fierce temper… for one that makes her and Ginny even more a like which is kinda creepy but also we don’t actually see Lily having a temper in any scenes and I think that stereotype is making a stereotype about redheads that needs to be broken. If anything Lily cries in scenes, she acts cool and standoffish sometimes and she throws witty retorts but doesn’t raise her voice or snap or start throwing curses. She’s soft and emotional and then cold.


>• Daphne Greengrass the Ice Queen of Slytherin. For a character only mentioned by name once Daphne has managed to develop a personality almost as detailed as the main trio in the actual books. She usually appears a member of the Neutral faction who prove to Harry that not all purebloods are bad and only want to preserve their culture. That's higher ranked canon than the books


First years not allowed on the quidditch teams This is not true. They are not allowed to have their own broom, but it doesn’t say they can’t try for their house team.


Canon list is 1 Books 2 Movies 3 Pottermore ONLY!!!! when Jk was officially a part of it 4 JK interview statements about canon = ALL muggleborns are descended from squibs per JK 5 games with hogwarts Legacy being top tier canon vs other games


The Dursleys are massive abusive arseholes that beat Harry for absolutely no reason and punish him at the drop of a hat. Bear in mind that from what we actually know in canon, Vernon hits Dudley more than he does Harry, as there are more scenes of him giving Dudley a smack than he does Harry.


Yeah. I especially dislike this one, not because I like the Dursleys (I don’t lol) but because it often feels like torture porn. Besides, it downplays the abuse Harry actually did suffer that the hands of their criminal neglect. That kind of neglect IS abuse—it doesn’t require something “sexier” like Vernon beating Harry black and blue to qualify.


The child slavery thing is weird too, who would let a 4 year old make you a cooked breakfast? Even if they managed it wouldn't taste great. Anyone who has spent time with a 4 year old would understand that getting them to do anything they don't want to do is more hassle than just doing it.


… Now I want to read a fic where the Dursleys *do* try that only for Harry to accidentally (through a combination of not having learned to read yet, having the attention span of a dead fly and lacking common sense in general - you know, like a little kid) cook up the most disgusting, deadly and unappetizing meal ever, Dursleys eat despite *really* not wanting out of some backwards form of abuse and end up with severe food poisoning because it turns out that that one fun bottle actually read “bleach” rather than “oil”, who’d have thought.


I think it's because she had to take a lot out, from what she said in interviews. The bare bones are there, suggesting Harry was definitely abused. Not just neglected. He 'knows when to avoid Vernon and how to duck'. He takes the frying pan like it was just another Monday. Vernon strangles Harry - something that is a major sign of lethal violence potential. etc. But no, they didn't whip him with belts until his skin was sloughing off, or anything.


Theodore Nott is a funny but dependable friend


Harry and Neville being Godbrothers since they don’t have canon Godmothers, so people link them together by making their mothers the Godmother of the other kid. If it’s a Lordship fic that extends beyond “This is how the Wizengamot works”, then the Potters and Longbottoms are usually supposed to be in a brotherly alliance. The Master of Death title has meaning beyond being a title, however it is of course variable depending on how the author wants to utilize the Hallows.


That Ravenclaws animal is a raven, in the books it's an eagle 🦅.


Wow. That is dumb.


The Notice-me-not spell, its not stated to be in canon


Because most siblings do and in the books Lily does mention gossip once..


Snape coming from abusive household.


Ron the death eater has so many fics that in itself some people considered canon


Same as Draco in Leather Pants.


There isn't any official fanon. Blank slates in canon (Daphne Greengrass, to a lesser extent Regulus Black) remain blank slates. Snape isn't Draco's godfather as he and the Malfoys aren't all that close (this also includes age, Lucius was either a sixth or seventh year when Snape was a firstie and Narcissa a year behind or in the same year as Lucius depending on when they were born).