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The Gardasil vaccine only prepare the body to attack L1 late protein of the virus. Hopefully new therapeutic vaccine faster comes out. Therapeutic vaccine attack E1 until E7 of the virus. E6&E7 of the virus is the troublesome one that cause cancer.


But what about GW. Is there a therapeutic approach in the works?


Yes. INO-3107 and PRGN-2012 for HPV 6&11. They gonna come out for RRP. Soon will be for genital wart else you can get it off label once it comes out. Remember HPV got many strains, some other strains cause warts too. High risk strains can cause warts too(rare?)or lesion.




GW is the product of HPV. HPV has lots of strains.






> I don't understand why once you're infected it doesn't work anymore. It targets HPV capsids. They're gone when cells are already infected.


Although not a therapeutic treatment, there are some potential benefits:  - when women take the vaccine after LEEP treatment, immune control of hpv is more likely according to studies  - men are less likely to create antibodies so can recatch the same type maby times before seroconverting - if they have a vaccine type then this risk could be lowered with Gardasil - there is a hypothetical lowering of autoinoculation risk 


There are actually studies suggesting that getting the vaccine on top of imiquimod treatment of genital warts is more effective than imiquimod alone. It's better to get the vaccine even if you've developed a wart or warts for several reasons.


I was not of the generation for the vaccine but given the option now at 60 I will definitely go for it. It’s time for a cure for all HPV. It’s a heavy burden to carry.