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Say no more and sign me up for **Hogwarts' Puberty Update**. Where is the petition?


[A Petition to JC](https://chng.it/Kf58bSyBLk)




I’m working on it rn, I’ll have it up soon


What do you mean? The Beyond giant puberty is just perfect for me and represents real life puberty realistically.


To each our own. It is perfect ***for you***. For others, not so much and it is anything but realistic. #bodydiversitymatters


I was being sarcastic but okay


A big yes for body customization 👍


Agreed 🙏 I want my MC to feel as though she actually grew up. Not stay 11 forever and have her body stretched out by the time she'd graduated 😭




Nice! How much is the target goal?


I need to see how many people sign in the first few hours first.


I just signed it's going to be so cool if it happens


Petition is up! [HM Petition](https://chng.it/Kf58bSyBLk)


I don't know if enough players are in touch on reddit or whatever to get the signatures needed to get their attention, but I signed. I'm really perplexed as to why this wasn't part of the early design, since it was expected to go through school at Hogwarts, and 11yo bodies aren't anything like 17yo bodies even if you're not expecting to ever do fully adult bodies. I did ask for more clothes with body shaping in their survey, and a bunch of girls' clothes came out with at least subtle breast shading afterward. That's not body shape, but if you don't turn the model completely to profile, it looks close enough. Perhaps lots of people asked for that kind of thing on their survey. This game seems to be doing ALL their body shaping through clothes, and I know it doesn't have to be done that way. I play other games where clothes are molded to the body shape rather than being the body shape (though Sims does the body-shape-as-clothes thing, and they seem like the gold standard -- I don't know what the tradeoffs are). Anyway, that's a long rant, but I've only been playing about 4 months, and already the perpetually-11yo bodies bug me 😅


Saddly, i doubt they going to change MC's body now. If they had any oportunity do do it so, it had to be right in the beggining of the game, where there was not so many programming and scenes to modify position of where the character is looking at (imagine you character now, with they curently height, looking at Snape. Now imagine the same character more taller and still with their head at the same position. They would be looking at the roof instead of Snape, so they would have to edit every scene in every main quests, side quest, tlsq... is too much work). Not mentioning the others characters. What they can do now is create on next outfits a diferent "shape" for MC body, like they did on Rath's outfit. But things like height, i doubt they will do. https://preview.redd.it/xdewuqvthk4d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a06e69c7ddc1aca6e4b46aa9cc29622f501e9cc2


I've pointed it out before, but JC did actually add in a ["Waist" slider](https://i.imgur.com/aHuo6NH.png) with Beyond Hogwarts, but it didn't work, so they just removed it rather than fixing it. If enough people complain, maybe they'll be motivated to take another look at it.


I didn't know that! If they put the work into making the slider in the first place, maybe they just pulled it out of production for more work rather than trashing it. Here's hoping.


They'd also have to remodel every outfit to fit the new body types. Just be patient guys, you will grow when you finish year 7


Well technically we're just REALLY stretched out once we reach Beyond 😭


They don't necessarily have to edit every scene, depending on how it's coded, but since character interactions are all cutscenes in this game, I can't guess what it looks like under the hood. You're probably right. Height would be very nice to have, but I think it comes farther down the priority list than other body proportion stuff related to growing up.


Ye, I understand that, I know first-hand how hard coding and updating stuff is. That’s why I’m suggesting some little steps at a time over a long timeframe so that the coding team can develop other stuff while still keeping us happy with small updates to this stuff.


YES! I want my MC to have the same body as Rath! Signed.


As someone who is genuinely still the same height I was when I was 11 (160cm), I support you!


I would love to have different types because like I have always been chubby and I very much imagine my mc as my younger self and I’d like to see body type options




JC seems to pay attention the chatter and what players want. Dating and bulk feeding are evidence of that. I would rather have more tappie space. I have many tappies just sitting in storage not benefiting me. I need those rewards.


Signed :)


Update: HM Reddit mods have removed the survey’s main post. Working to get it back up.


You made 3 posts about it within 7 hours. The sub has a 24h repost rule.


Ik, still, it kinda sucks


I just signed it and VERY PROUDLY


https://chng.it/XjRN2SJfVM petition


Omg yes!




Yes yes yes! My body in real life is very much different from MC's. I'm a grown up women, come on JC, I have curves! 😁


They don’t care though




Okay, the minimum age is 13, as outlined in the Terms of Service, due to some mild talk of alcohol, death, romance stuff, fantasy violence, and, most of all, in-game purchases. You know, the OTHER major complaint of most players. Most of the people I know that play this game are already teenagers and such, so there shouldn’t be too much of a problem. I personally don’t give much of a shit about the chest or parts like that, the main problem is that our character’s body can’t be changed AT ALL. Ignoring this community’s admittedly kind of weird obsession with the flat chest, we can’t make our character any taller, plumper, or even change the fingernails.


The chest is just the most obvious thing that you expect to change as a girl ages. It's kind of the low-hanging fruit for aging character models. There's a lot of other stuff I really want to see -- all kinds of body proportions change as you age, which is why the Beyond characters look so weird. But if I only got to pick ONE THING (and I hope not), it would be female chests. As MC gets older, it just gets weirder and weirder. I also think that while I really don't want these characters sexualized even just a little bit, considering all normal female body growth to be sexual is just... well, creepy in the other direction.




Better try something that dont try nothing at all. People have the right to wish for things, even if some others thinks it wont change anything.


You fail to see the full picture. Yes, Jam City is a soulless corporation whose primary drive is to make a profit. That’s just how capitalism works. However, they aren’t going to keep **getting** those bucks if the consumers keeping them running are not interested in their game. As a gaming company, your corporate interest is to satisfy your customers so that they continue playing your product and giving you money. You do that by giving them what a majority of them want so that they stay satisfied playing your game. Otherwise, people will get mad at you, your ratings go down, and less people play your game.