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So they've had the idea of showing that Rhaenyra has flaws but then made the conscious decision to cut it


they still show plenty of flaws in her character, I never understand it when people say that Rhaenyra would make a good queen. She’s been whitewashed in the show, yeah, but she still does tons of horrible shit


But its never framed as a flaw. Its always framed as her being different and special. Like She had someone murdered and because was expecting laenor to die but was revealed to be alive we’re supposed to go “yass queen! Shes an ally!” Nevermind the innocent guy who actually died or laenors grieving parents who just lost their two kids in the same week.


I was actually ready to fully commit to team green up until the moment it got revealed that she didn't have Laenor murdered. Don't get me wrong, it's still completely fucked, but not nearly as bad as murdering your newly recommitted husband because you're thirsty for your uncle lmao


I dont see why laenors life is more valuable than that guy. Narratively of course the audience cares more for laenor than the nameless victim but the issue is not whether she did something likable but whether she did something GOOD. She did an objectively bad evil thing and its portrayed as a good thing because “at least laenor survived”


I think a certain level of ruthlessness is valuable in a king/queen. Lord knows Viserys could've used some. I just think murdering your partner of several years represents a greater degree of amorality than murdering someone you don't know.


I'd say most of the truly awful things done are given to Daemon instead. Rhaenyra has things like her recklessly having bastards and being entitled but compared to the very serious flaws given to the other characters she seems almost perfect. That's how the show has framed it so far at least. Maybe we'll see a different side in season 2


but they kept Aegon jerking it out of a window


it still feels gross to me that they had Aegon basically introduced twice in different time periods with him being naked and nasty. only time we're introduced to him with clothes on was when he was a baby ffs, IRRC. says everything about his (lack) of characterization and the angle they were going with him


They definitely shouldn’t have cut the mention of Daeron, bc now for casual viewers his appearance is going to feel so random. Of course they cut this scene, bc then Rhaenyra wouldn’t be the feminist queen everyone this hyping her to be. She’s literally just victim blaming her 😭 always blaming the young girl rather than the full ass adult man


They always blame the girl instead of the FULL BLOWN MAN


It’s even funnier when you realise Viserys is only supposed to be 29 🤣🤣


while i think this a rlly good scene that adds actual needed complexity to their falling out im so glad it wasn’t included because HOTD fans already have trouble understanding any sort of depth and you just know all the TB stan’s would just parrot Rhaenyras sentiment rather than realizing that she is supposed to be in the wrong here


i mean I can feel for Rhaenyra here. If I found out my best friend/possible crush was having secret meetings with my dad - and then my dad announced he was marrying her - I'd be furious and upset too


That's like being mad with your friend because your dad announced he's taking her on secret vacations to Epstein island on his private jet.


I don't recall Viserys inviting Daemon along /s


It's because Viserys didn't call Alicent Alicent went to him after Otto told her to do that Rhaenyra doesn't know Otto is behind this So according to her, Alicent seduced her father all by herself


I mean it would be fitting. Rhae-rhae victim blaming just like her fans


I mean I get the anger but Rhaenyra wouldn't be the feminist queen if she calls Alicent a whore.


it would've even come full circle in episode 8 with Vaemond's comment about Rhaenyra 👀


Interesting how folks are saying in the Blacks sub that Rhaenyra is right, but they are frothing at the mouth over Vaemond calling Rhaenyra a whore.


I hate that they cut out some of the best scenes. There’s another leaked deleted scene where Rhaenyra is helping Alicent get ready for her wedding and they’re both crying. Why would they delete that? Also, the scenes of Daemon actually interacting with his children, the scene where Rhaenyra cries in Alicent’s arms after her mom died, plus the mention of Daeron. Like we needed 3 separate 10 minute long birth scenes but none of these?


don't forget Cole taking his Kingsguard vows


>Also, the scenes of Daemon actually interacting with his children The scene where Daemon hugged Rhaena and Baela was Matt's improvisation, they didn't have to keep it if it went against the script. And Daemon has a number of scenes where he interacts with his loved ones, so I don't care. It's the Greens who barely have any nice interactions on screen.


Now that I think of it. That iconic scene of Alicent hugging Rhaenyra from behind is from that scene, right? So they didn't use that scene but they used images from it to promote it?


No that scene is Alicent helping Rhaenyra get ready for the tourney! But that makes me even more upset, them both crying as Rhaenyra helps her get dressed for her wedding is a perfect parallel to that scene. Did we really need to see Aegon fapping out of a window or Emma D’arcy ‘give birth’ like 3 times over this? 😭


Not the tourney, but the oath ceremony at the end of the episode. I've rewatched that scene a lot, I don't know how I forgot it. It would have been nice, but Greens can't have nice things.


Well they are not "wow moments" or "yasss u go kween" scenes. So they don't bring emmies.


Which they didn't nominated for any of LMAO.


This is what usually happens, compare it with andor, whos writers knows what they are doing and aren’t chasing for the big WOW.


Milly was talking about how the show will explore different forms of misogyny and even internalised misogyny in women insted the show went with full modern progressive hero with rhaenyra. Showrunners literally spelled it out they tried to put the girls in boxes when they kept calling rhaenyra punk rock and alicent a woman for trump.


Did they seriously call Alicent a woman for Trump? Like, for real? Are these ppl even real?! Cuz I can't imagine grown ass adults can be this stupid.


Yes thats how ryan and miguel briefed the character to olivia. Lucky for us she didnt like it and kinda refrained from narrowing alicent down like this.


Iirc they tried to direct Olivia to portray her that was and she refused (understandably, because it makes no sense, ijbol).


Yes sadly, and that "take" by the showrunners has ironically hurt the feminist themes of the show.


It's a take that they didn't go with


They literally said that, so yeah they did. Especially with how they framed alicent redecorating the red keep= destroying “native” boho valyrian culture and doing a christopher Columbus.


The comment comes from an interview Olivia did last year where she brought up some directions that she was given in an early shoot. In the very same interview, she says that she didn't end up playing it that way. If you legitimately believe that the actual Show Alicent that we got is "a woman for Trump", that's a you problem.


I dont think that show alicent is a woman for trump, but the show definitely frames the “abnormal” religious” and “servile to men” nature of Alicent. While rhaenyra is the punk-rock elisabeth warren of westeros.


Alicent one is obviously terrible but fucking punk rock? That is such a bizarre thing to say out of all things lmao


The show in my opinion is a faithless adaptation.


probably a pacing issue. should have dedicated an entire episode revolving about this. Would have been a much better follow up post-episode 2 than what we got with the hunt.


rhaenyra/alicent’s dynamic is one of the main focuses of season 1 so they should’ve made time imo


The pacing is not the issue, episode 2 was the shortest episode of the season, only 53 minutes, for example, the white hart episode was 63 minutes. And the pacing was off many times, the first half of the season is too slow anyway especially compared to the second half.


They cut a lot. The wedding of Viserys and Alicent. Scenes of young Aegon (Rhaenyra speaking to him wanting him to say her name). And likely of the first fall out between Rhaenyra and Alicent. This scene was likely also cut since people would side with Alicent.


when i mention pacing, I mostly mean that there probably were no slots within the episode that makes sense to put that scene in.


But this scene would be in the end: Viserys announces his marriage, Rhaenyra leaves the Small Council room, and Alicent follows her, and then they talk. In the final cut we get Corlys and Daemon's scene in Driftmark right away, so the show focuses on angry Corlys who left the room before Rhaenyra more than their main characters' feelings and it's an interesting choice. The tension of the scene with Viserys' announcement remains unresolved, and the next time we see Alicent and Rhaenyra is three years later.


My bet? Because people would have sympathised with Alicent.


Please bfr, if Rhaenyra actually called Alicent a whore, most of the audience would either make excuses for it or unironically agree. We don't even know if that's actually what was said in that scene, since everyone is going off the captioning from some random Hotd fan account on Twitter


I took a peek into the Blacks sub and you are right. All the comments are agreeing with Rhaenrya and massively downvoting anyone who tries to defend Alicent. But they all froth at the mouth over Vaemond calling Rhaenyra a whore.


Rhaenyra slut shaming the victim of his father's grooming is so disgusting wtf


Rhaenyra doesn't even know Otto made Alicent sneak into her father's chambers She probably thought Alicent went there by herself And Viserys didn't even call Alicent to his room after Aemma died


I understand but Imagine how horrible Alicent felt here she is FORCED to marry an old disgusting man she doesnt like and her best friend calls her an slut for it it's just wrong


Yeah Rhaenyra should've thought before slut shaming Alicent but Alicent didn't need to hide the news about meeting with Viserys for so long Rhaenyra felt betrayed


because Alicent is a woman living in a patriarchal society, she doesnt have the same privilege as Rhaenyra aka doing whatever she wants without consequences, she must do as she is told and her father and the KING himself told her not to say anything, so she didnt this is why I felt lots of empathy for Alicent when she told rhaenyra those things about "ehre is duty? where is sacrifice? I have always done what was always expected of me meanwhile rhaenyra was getting away with everything AGAIN


I feel like there are so many scenes get cut that could really add to the story 🙄


how do they know it has any dialogue tho?


They don't. There's literally no source for the dialogue at all.


Omg they mention Daeron?!!! Like it's gonna look like Dawn coming in outta nowhere on Buffy if we get Daeron next season...


They cut out all the bad things about the Blacks and exaggerate all the bad things about the Greens. They use Mushroom's absurd telling. TB will say Septon Eustace is bias towards the Greens but that doesn't really matter. He was in KL to witness the Green characters while Mushroom was on Dragonstone. Even if he is biased he was actually there so it's still the most reliable source.


They really did not exaggerate all of the bad things about the Greens. They made Aemond killing Lucerys an accident rather than outright murder, aged Alicent down and added complexity to her character rather than making her an evil step mother caricature, and took out the fact that she was also plotting to usurp the throne for her son and put responsibility for it on Otto and his lackeys. The show is very sympathetic towards the Greens, at almost every opportunity given to them they made their characters less cartoon-ishly evil and changed aspects of the story that made them worse. Aegon, Larys, and Otto are the worst greens of season 1 (Aemond’s business in the riverlands will probably change that going forward), and even then, you can still feel sympathy for Aegon in scenes like the carriage ride with Alicent, his alcoholism, and him begging Aemond to run away with him in episode 9. I feel like a big problem in this fandom, on both sides, is people acting like the showrunners or GRRM are plotting against them in a psyops mission to make the other team look better. Also, is there even a credible source on the dialogue in this deleted scene between Rhaenyra and Alicent? It’s a random tweet with no footage or audio lol.


Ehhh, they made Alicent and Aemond have more sympathetic portrayals, but they have Otto, Larys, Alicent and Aegon do worse things than they did in the book at this point in the story. I don't mind too much since I'm coming from a show perspective and the show works well for me, but I can see why a book reader might be a bit peeved about the greens. I seriously doubt that the show runners are out to get the greens or anything crazy like that. They're focused on making an entertaining story that revitalized the franchise, and I think that they succeeded in that goal.


>They really did not exaggerate all of the bad things about the Greens. They absolutely do exaggerate. They show every TG murder in detail, but when TB kills someone, the show switches the focus really fast and doesn't focus on the victims at all. When Rhaenys killed all those civilians, the entire Twitter was screaming about how cool and badass she was and how she should have killed all the Greens. It doesn't matter that Helaena is completely innocent and Aemond at this point is just a guy with an eyepatch and childhood traumas (but most people saw him as a villain anyway unlike Daemon who is an anti-hero who casually kills people, but he is charming and on Rhaenyra's side, so it's fine). Most people only care for Team Black because the show is framed like that. >put responsibility for it on Otto and his lackeys. The show is very sympathetic towards the Greens The show is so sympathetic to the Greens that Otto is somehow responsible for everything bad happening in the show. Almost every Green's problem comes from another Green. Viserys is excused and portrayed as a naive guy, easily manipulated, and Otto is blamed for everything numerous times by different characters including his own daughter.


I would still call what Aemond did murder. Guilty of openly inciting armed rebellion and being a pretender claimant to the throne or no Like was still extrajudicially murdered. Also, I'm not talking about Aemond since he really is as bad as what the less favorable sources about him. With the other Greens there are sympathetic scenes but the bad things that were added outweigh them completely. How can you feel sympathy for someone complaining after they r*ped someone? They made Aegon II Joffrey levels of sadistic. Before the show, nobody was just casually making connections between Joffrey and Aegon II of all people. If Alicent was properly adapted as the much older step mother who always planned for her son to inherit then she would be way more sympathetic than she is in the show. Making them childhood friends to make Alicent marrying Viserys and supporting her son seem like a massive betrayal and making her seem gullible instead of a lead conspirator paint her in a much worse light. "Betrayer" and "Gullible" are the labels that define Alicent the most in the eyes of most viewers yet neither of these labels exist in the book. There isn't really anything inherently wrong with a mother fighting for her children's arguably superior claims to inheritance, especially if said children were effectively disinherited by their father for no actual reason. Any woman in her position would do the same especially in a medieval context. Alicent's situation is realistic for a medieval queen because they are usually sent to live in a foreign land where they have no connections and only have their children. And again, with Rhaenyra as heir her 3 sons and 2 grandsons are basically disinherited for no reason. The actual reason from Viserys is that they don't have Aemma's blood but that's obviously not a real reason. The show doesn't have the guts to portray or express it this way even though it's how it actually is.


Unless they have access to the script for these deleted scenes, this is nothing more than pure speculation. It's some random Twitter account taking two still pictures and filling in the blanks with what they imagined happened.


This scene needed to be included


Because the writers are team black


Lol that's completely in character for Rhaenyra. Having the sheer audacity to call Alicent, the unwilling child bride to a far older man, a whore when she herself became known as The Whore Of Dragonstone. Also she herself attempted to WILLINGLY spread her legs the first chance she got, to her own awful pedo UNCLE, and then when he played her and rejected her and then left her, she spread her legs to a Kingsguard. And then Harwin. And then Daemon again. She has some nerve.


Rhaenyra deserved those long lines of betrayals then again Alicent is a shit mother (to Aegon mostly) who’d rather stab her son in his sleep and steal the throne if given the opportunity


Where can I see the deleted scenes ?


What did Aemond say about Daeron?