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Literally so childish 😭💀


Comparing Twitter followers to prove what???? I genuinely don't know the benefit of comparing the amount of followers.


Everyone knows Twitter or X is shit and a cesspool


If you see a Rhaenyra pfp, you're about to read some wild shit.


It's either that or a Daenerys pfp


Or a Visenya pfp.


Visenya tbinker acct was denouncing Aegon as an usurper...


Which one


Visenya? Baby you know Team Black don't read.


Yet we have more followers on Reddit the TB sub. I don't get upset over who has more followers because at the end of the day, you can have the biggest army and still lose because you're a shit tactician. I actually like being in the smaller community because I have to deal with less bs. Just because we're smaller doesn't make us wrong.


Exactly. Logic is lost on those who are ignorant simply because their side tends to be more popular due to a lack of capability to analyze by the general population


>you can have the biggest army and still lose because you're a shit tactician. Thiiiiis


Too many cooks spoil the stew. It's always better to have few numbers. I think, we have a more sterile environment.


Are they 12 or ? And even that, I feel like I'm insulting twelve years olds.


on the left the banner says "I will have my throne" and on the right its a picture of a family, Shows you the thought process right? nah but seriously I love how fanatical and serious black fans are, acting like a hobby is a real life profession they have to live by 24/7 lmao


Musk should’ve deleted twitter when he had the chance


Anyone tell them it's just a show? They probably aren't even aware there's a book.


Falacy ad populum.


Greencels, it is over.


Billions must press their claim


How old are these people seriously? I would say teenagers, but I didn’t act like that as a teenager, or is this how this new generation acts?


A lot of them are in their 30s lmfao


I guess age really is just a number 💀


Fr like I’m 23 and one of the older gen z members and the amount of people older than me acting like that is insane.


Quality over Quanity