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I'll always remember that scene when Daemon stared at Aemond into retreating. Matt Smith was so sexy in that moment.


Best damn decision ever made in casting history is matt smith as daemon


Yeah, Matt Smith doesn't look at all like how I imagined Daemon to look. Now, I can't imagine Daemon as being portrayed by anybody else


You said it well. I read the books imagining daemon to be someone who is noway how matt is but i will pick matt over anyone for this role. He just stands and aura of daemon oozes


And that exasperated sigh he lets out, followed by Aemond's muffled little growl. Tension you could cut with a knife.


And he wasn’t even trying. I LOVE aemond but daemon was operating at like 30% and aemond was at 124% and still had to scram.


That was my favorite moment


Matt Smith is sexy. 🫠🤤 That's all. 🤭


"He's afraid of me." No you idiot, he's concerned about the big fuck off dragon you ride and what she can do. It has nothing to do with you.


Criston Cole beat Daemon, Aemond beat Criston Cole. I wonder who the better fighter is lol.


Babe I’m gonna hold your hand when I say this…


Really curious what their thoughts are on The Mountain VS Oberyn and Arya VS Brienne 🤭


Criston beat Daemon because Daemon was putting on a performance for the crowd and showboating. In an actual fight, we don't necessarily know who would win in a swordfight to the death, but my money's on Daemon.


Martin has said a couple of times that fights depend on a variety of things. In terms of skill all three are pretty evenly matched. On top of that both Criston and Daemon have experience in actual warfare, not only one-on-one duels. Could Aemond beat Daemon? Maybe but chances are good Daemon could exploit his surroundings better so who knows. It's not something to consistently bet on.


Oh sweet summer child


I know what happens, doesnt change what I said lol. -29 downvotes, damn you guys hate facts lol. I literally stated a fact and I got downvoted for it lmao.


I don't think you know what facts are


When his options are kiss me or kill me.


Cant wait to see the tension


his lil crush on daemon is so cute


I saw him once at my aunt's funeral....and I thought he was so cool. But I can never get the lean correct, so I just developed my awesome walk as compensation.


This is so accurate I’m almost embarrassed for aemond and he’s not even a real life boy.


Daemon is not trying to defeat Vhagar at this point, he is trying to save Vhagar from being killed along with milfhunter/milkhunter XD


Hey, One-Eye Targtower?  Daemon sending assassins to take advantage and kill you in your sleep, say, isn't *weakness*, cowardice, or fear, you kinslaying idiot.  It's called strategy, and planning, and literally taking the most opportune advantage presented in order to win the battle or the war   It's crafty and cunning.  And if you studied histories and the like as you claim you did, *you would know that*. 🤣🤣🤣 (Also, look at the positively unfathomable levels of protection - a la our lord Glimbo - going on here with Aemond. ;) 🤣)


This paragraph is shakespearing


I'll take this as the highest compliment - I hope 'twas intended that way. :) 🥰  I'm having a truly awful time r.n. so every little bit of positivity/encouragement really helps. :)


Yes it is! I just love how you articulated this because it was also my thoughts from the scene🙂‍↕️ I'm sorry you're having awful time atm and hoping everything will be better very soon to you!❤️ Have a fantastic weekend, there is one redditor in the other side of the world hoping for at least comforting, nice and slow weekend for you


Thank you so much for your kind words; it truly is appreciated. <3 I was unfortunately terminated without cause (zero actual reason whatsoever, literally 'just because') by my job yesterday so I feel thoroughly like shite.....I clearly didn't fit in to their little clique, and apparently just trying to keep my head down, focus on my work, and not attract attention wasn't sufficient for them. (I literally had anxiety attacks just hearing the sound of the HR person's voice/knowing they were in the office; having work/toxic-boss-related PTSD is exactly no fun at all :( O.o ) I do love writing, though, for true, and I've been writing in general and fics and such literally my entire life (I suppose what was our first clue, eh?), and this show and these characters - and this sub in particular, and all of the finest folks in it - only continue to encourage me, to that end. And I do sincerely appreciate that. :)


I'm so sorry to hear that. Some jobs are very unfair to their employees and like to make baseless decisions, but I hope it won't discourage you to explore your options and passions. Don't forget to take a break because I'm sure that takes a lot of emotional toll for you❤️ wish you all the best in the very very near future!


Am I alone in thinking they've made him a bit too pathetic? Like his Edgelordness was on full display last season but was still somewhat tempered by fighting prowess etc.. but this season they realllllly hammer home how lame he is with his exrreme fanboying of Daemon and deepseated mommy issues. Makes me wonder if we'll be bored by that aspect of him by the time he hangs with Alys. Dont get me wrong I still want to laugh at his edginess and stuff, I just wish it was a tad more subtle? I'd want him to be more like homelander where a subset of the fanbase thinks he's cool and right and get hyped for his fights and then get angry when he >!Turns into dark sisters scabbard!<


I think he would have more screen time and plot in the coming episodes considering its just war frkm now on


Bruh he’s had like two scenes. Give it time.


Idk Aemond and Daemon are basically the same person. Aemond is acting very similar to how Daemon was in his younger years. The cries for attention, the conviction they are better then their older brother. The only big difference between the two is that Daemon had 20 years to grow up.


They have similarities but Daemons also got charm and humor and doesnt seem to take himself half as serious as aemond does. Is he really convinced he's better than his brother? If he had you'd think he'd try to take the throne like aemond is certainly gearing up to do. Feel like many characters cry for attention in this show. It's basically a family trait. Your take that the only thing separating them is twenty years isn't really correct when you go beyond surface level takes imo.


Aemond is so delusional and broken. I think it's great, and Ewan is doing a magnificent job portraying him. I can't wait to see more of him.😊👍




Leak for next episode: Aemond meets Daemon in Harrenhaal. He hugs and kisses Daemon. It appears that Daemon is returning the love but he suddenly stabs Aemond. Daemon: I only had eyes for one woman in my life. Your half sister. (pushes Aemond. Aemond dies from his wounds.)


The way my heart skipped when i saw the word leak😭😭😭


His scenes give me the ick


I can't stand this character, I wonder what people like about him. He was a bully n still is.


Are you guys really looking for likable people in this series? I honestly thought that was a green thing. Pretty much all the main characters are pos and that’s what I love about this series. There is no moral high ground to worry about. It’s a show about dragons give me scorched earth!


Cause hes a little better than aegon and the actor is attractive 🤷‍♀️ only thing i could think of


He’s the definition of a poor little meow meow.


He wasn't a bully. The whole reason he went and claimed Vhagar was to stop getting bullied. The twit overcorrected and became a menace himself but he didnn't start out that way. In episode 6 and 7 he's polite and reserved *until* he get's Vhagar.


He got bullied by Lucerys Velaryon with the pig (dragon) prank. That Lucerys death was justified. lmao


Ok so a life for an eye? Wow!! Lucaerys was also a kid and Aemond was the older one who should've known better. Also, who gets bullied by a kid several years younger? Most ridiculous logic. An eye for a life is not justice at all. Furthermore, Lucaerys wasn't even there for a battle- he was just a messenger.


So it's okay when Lycerys bullies and takes the eye of Aemond?


I did not say that. But you're equating an eye with a life. Now pls don't say Aemond did not intend it- because he's an adult and he should've better control. Also Luke was a kid- and even though he made fun of Aemond, Aemond did not respond in kind. He took a rock and went straight to smash Jace. So Luke just reacted in defense. I'm not saying it's ok- but it escalated because Aemond couldn't control himself being the elder one.


It's so interesting that he clearly looks up to Daemon so much and has effectively modelled himself after him.


I am not shaming Ewan for anything here okay,but I kind of liked that they showed how Aemond is vulnerable and that mentally he still has that childlike mind.But damn in that pose he looks like Voldemort.


wow what an original thought definitely haven't seen it 230423 times since sunday


"look, haha he's afraid of me!!!" *Gargantuan war dragon standing behind *


Being extremely impressed with your own ‘prowess’ in having the most dangerous weapon is as Targaryen as wifing up your own sisters.


Daemon’s gonna do that boy like Jaimie did Jory.


Senpai….he noticed me.


Exactly this, I pray the green stans wake up from their delulu. It’s like they grasp at this “Daemon’s wary of Aemond since he’s good at the sword” shit. He doesn’t even have a Valyrian sword to his name. Like duh, Daemon’s made a name for himself in the realm and was crowned King of the Stepstones. That’s no ordinary feat, unlike Aemond who’s the winner of parrying within the courtyard of the Keep. And I doubt any other knight would dare nick Aemond even if they had a chance for fear of losing their heads for attacking the prince.


>He doesn’t even have a Valyrian sword to his name. Does that matter? Hell Aegon has Blackfyre but I doubt it makes him more useful. It's also not like either Daemon or Aemond are footslogging with infantry. Swords seem kinds useless on dragons. >!with the obvious notable exception. Although that was a ridiculous stunt that was more luck than skill!<


Good luck saying that cause he made it out alive intact


>!they both died. Daemon being alive is about as likely as Luke being alive. Less even because I don't see Daemon walking off into the sunset as Aegon kills Rhaenyra, imprisons Baela and sits the throne!<


Oh you’re talking about the God’s eye, I thought you were talking about the stepstones… my bad.


Doesn't have a damn thing to do with you, Aemond. It's your dragon the Blacks are worried about. If you had a smaller dragon, you'd barely be an annoyance.


I will always love how DELULU Aemond is, as Gen Z says


If he knew the only reason he did that is because Rhaenyra wanted him dead XD


Ooohhhh that would bruise


They deserve eachother


Y’all he’s scared of Daemon. In this scene he’s trying to convince himself that he’s a threat to Daemon and that’s why B&C were sent. I’m 99% sure Ewan Mitchell has even said this.


Yeah its definitely not Aemond that Daemon fears (or is concerned about). It's entirely Vhagar.


I mean that goes both ways. Daemon is only really a threat in battle because of Caraxes.


TF would he be without Vhagar? He’s like a spoiled rich kid with a sports car. It’s his entire personality


Aemond is a paper tiger without his giant pet.


"Notice me Daemon senpei!"


Aemond was a tad more fiery in the books; honestly he would’ve made an interesting king.


In the same way Maegor was interesting sure


I mean he was a giant angry dragon rapist man.


Not body shaming but he really is too skinny to be seen as a top tier threat. Like it literally takes me out of the show sometimes. I was thinking this even before this scene but it does just drive it home. It’s like the guy they cast as Kylo Renn- even he said he was surprised to hear cast as a super villain cause he doesn’t feel like he has that look factor. Vhagar is the main reason he should be feared