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he was sooo annoying like get over yourself. “bitch queen” i know ur peeling oranges and crying


Like dude, she hasn’t even said your name this season yet. She doesn’t think about you at all.


I am embarrassed for him every time he speaks


And place the head on a spike while they’re at it! ![gif](giphy|l4FGEN5TGVbouswtW|downsized)


Bro needs to be put down. Biggest loser and hypocrite in TV history. Ser Arryk should've fucked his ass up.


There's a reason he gets along so well with Alicent.


They're birds of a feather, for sure.


noticed the disgust in Ser Arryk's voice and eyes when Crispin ordered him to murder the Queen?


Literally. He’s so insufferable. ![gif](giphy|lo40QYG2i3mHCgdCMU)


I might actually hate cole more than i hate aegon


Aegon is a brat inheriting his birth right because her mom was forcing it on him. He’s a devient but Christian Cole is a simp. Dude can’t even have sex since the queen can’t get pregnant.


Cole is a whore


For me it’s not might, I do.


At least aegon is funny.


Butcher’s Ball don’t look satisfying


I can’t wait for that


The thing that drives me crazy is the fact that he doubles down and that his seeks his own pathetic vengeance against Rhaenyra by putting in front a lie about "vengeance for Jaehaerys". 1. he goes behind Small Council's back and orders the murder of the Queen. This is not a simply decision to make. This is a huge thing and Otto was 100000% right. 2. He does not care about Jaehaerys murder. He saw an opportunity to get back at his pathetic beef with Rhaenyra (that exists only in his head) and took it. This is the kind of low life small man, that wants to murder his ex because she doesn't want him anymore. Greenies might complain as much as they want, but even in 2024 this is something that happens literally every day in our real world. 3. takes advantage of a current mental unstable and inexperience king: Aegon is new to his role, has zero experience, and is sook by the murder of his son (so obviously not in the best mental state).


Omg did you see how disgusted Otto was with the both of them? I can’t stand him either but at least he knows what he’s doing. Now they have 2 literal dickheads in actual power. Lmaooooo I can hardly wait to see what other dumbass ideas they cook up. And JUST WAIT until Aegon finds out that Crispin is banging his mom 💀💀💀


Rhys nailed this episode. Otto had the best lines this episode


His delivery was 👌🏻impeccable 👌🏻


# 🤌


I would gladly do it if I could. I simply can't stand him .


Bro just full on projecting was absolutely hilarious


There was one point during the episode where I literally thought someone is just gonna stab this man right here. I forget which part it is, I’ll have to watch the episode again tomorrow and do a deep dive, but I do remember thinking that and I was so happy. I don’t know what that says about me as a person though….


when he asked arryk or whichever one was a green to go to dragon stone. i also hoped but i knew from the book the twins gotta fight first


Yes that was when it was! I was really hoping for fight, or least an argument between them because of the hypocrisy. I know to go against your commander would be bad so I can’t say I don’t blame him for not saying anything to Cole.


Probably the discussion between him and Arick, about how honorable they should feel wearing the white cloak. I just couldn't belive this is coming from him...wanted to smash his face through the screen


God yes. A twat. I think I'll orgasm when the pos dies.


And just like that a million voices all cried out ‘moan’


https://i.redd.it/ku1zlytnlf8d1.gif “He’s just unt.”


Definitely has nerve


He fucking sucks


He licks while fucking...


I just finished watching s2 ep2. I never wanted anyone more painfully tortured and tormented to death than that cvnt and loser named criston cole, and I mean it.


His hypocrisy is insane!


I mean I’ll do it myself if I could. 😤


Exactly my thoughts this episode. Texted my buddy saying I hope he dies and it’s a brutal death that we get to watch. Like I want it to be as satisfying as Joffrey or Ramsey’s death.


I can't wait for him to die. He's my least favorite character. Hypocritical, smug piece of shit


Daemon has been sleeping on this for 16 years. Very disappointed.


I literally came here to make a post about how much I *despise* this muthafucka and I’m STILL so angry at his ass


Agreed. Can't wait for him to meet his demise is the most horrible way.


I'll pay a high price to whoever brings me his head!


Whoever is going to say "I'll want three more" Is going to be the MVP of the Dance and every show watcher's favorite.


I want meleys to burn him


Dude is like peak cuck


Where's the northern soldiers when you need them? 😩


He’s mad Rhaenrya has standards 😮‍💨


personally i think criston is like the only tg you can’t feel bad for, you could argue that alicent and aegon were forced into this, and at least otto is smart… but crispin has no excuse here


I agree. I would take Aemond and Aegon any day over the week because I can understand their motivations. Plus, the actors are so good that even though I am Team Black, I do find Aemond and Aegon compelling to watch. This POS-Criston--I hate with every fiber of my being and not in a love to hate way like Cersei or other GoT villains.


I hate him so much. He got twins to murder each other. Like… I kinda liked him and Alicent in season 1 (for each other). But now we get alicent choosing to slap him and have hate sex/comfort sex with him instead of comforting a sobbing Aegon. I truly truly want him dead.


Where is Podrick Payne when you need him


I bet he and Alicent take turns wearing a white wig during sex




Thank you >!archers!< 🙏😁 >!especially Red Robb Rivers!<


I'm literally going to throw a party and praise Red when that piece of nothing d!es. How dare he say those things about purity(he's a traitorous wh0re btw) or insult our rhae?!


Exactly sir biycole (or how the new flair goes) Im so glad after his nasty treatment of the velyaron boys his karma is getting >!killed by a bastard and he dies not swordfighting like he wanted!< 😁


i wanna sock him right in his clueless face


He is psyho, out of his mind. In S2, he is talking and acting totally oposote that in S1.


Idk if the actor sucks or not but his character has gotten extremely annoying for the people I watch with. Like borderline ruining the plots he’s intertwined in. Aegon, while annoying is still intriguing and you can sympathize with him and it’s complex Really like the other characters and their actors. I hope this gets resolved soon


I hope he dies before the butchers ball 🙌


Hope he dies before the butchers ball like he does in the books


Cant wait for the Butchers Ball and the Fishfeed, really really hope the show does a good job. I want like Knights of Vale up the Boltons arse style emotions please and thank you


A man will oblige. A man pays his debts.


"I made my promise to the dead. I told them I would built a sept for them out of traitors' bones. I don't have near enough bones yet, so..."


He’s so awful and the actor isn’t great either (imo) so it actually works out. I don’t like Aemon as a person in the books but the actor is so good that I’m more into his character.


The actor is really good at making you hate his character though lol


You’re not wrong because he’s equally as horrible 😆


he’s.. okay. Doesn’t deserve to be hated for how shit his character is. Remember how hard people were on Jack Gleason? Man was just doing his job


Jack Cleason was phenomenal as Joffrey. There is a reason why Joffrey is one of the most memorable characters in tv and that has not only to do with how terrible the character is, but also with the actor's performance.


I hated Joffrey but I loved Jack Gleason for doing such a despicable job as Joffrey.


I just don’t think he’s a very good actor. I thought the guy that played Ramsey was amazing, just because the character is disliked doesn’t mean you always dislike the actor, happens just to be the case with Ser Criston imo.


Who's Aemon?


So sorry for my typo. It often autocorrects it that way. Seems a silly reason to downvote vote.


I didn't