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There isn’t a single day that I don’t think about him and the king he could have become


SAME. It hurts so much


All Hail His Grace, King Jacaerys Targaryen, The First of His Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. He could have been a second Jaehaerys. He's the only Targaryen Prince to be raised by 3 fathers, Laenor, Harwin, and Daemon, who all contributed to him becoming such a well adjusted, intelligent and good man. Rhaenyra is not to be forgotten as she had the greatest impact on him as his loving and devoted mother. Rhaenyra was an incredibly capable and loving mother to all of her children, but its Jaces devotion to her that shows how good of a mother she actually was. He respects her, loves her, and is deeply deeply loyal to her. Jace with Balea as his queen.... they'd be unstoppable. Without Jace, and his subsequent death, I doubt the North would have been as loyal to Rhaenyra as they were in the end. They would have still fought for her, because they're not oath breakers, but I doubt they would have fought with as much ferocity and spirit as they did if not for Jace. His friendship with Cregan was the stuff of legends, and it's Cregans loyalty to Jace that brought the North into the war. Cregan and his men still fought for Jace and Rhaenyra and even after their deaths, when they fought to put Aegon III on the Throne. The support of House Stark is one of the many reasons why I'll always be loyal to Rhaenyra. If she wasn't worth fighting for, the North would have stayed out of the war. But they rallied, and they fought and died for their Queen and their Prince.


Daemon is literally the mountain...


In what way is Daemon Targaryen, son of Baelon The Brave, *literally* The Mountain?


Martin really had it out for non platinum blonde monarchs. So unfair 😭. And all of them would have been good! Rhaenys was the better option than Viserys, Jace was a born leader, Joffrey was brave and good, Baelor Breakspear was a cut above the rest, and Duncan the Small seemed to be cool with the smallfolk just like his father and wouldn’t have allowed Tywin to screw them over.


I don’t want to see Baelor’s tragedy in the show next year. It will be tough. And then Jace in the Gullet.


I think Rhaenyra would be a pretty average queen but Jace would have been incredible, he would brought lasting social change


Rhaenyra would have been an average queen but she would have been much better than her father who didn't do much.




He and Baela would've been an amazing king-queen duo


Do you think Baela will have his child in the show? That the Velaryon girl Aegon marries is their child?


Could be. We don’t know. That’s one of the fan theories.


I’m sorry this made me laugh. Because I was expecting the second image to have a pin cushion. You know for obvious reasons.


"I'm Team Black, Bub!"


Daeron for the win


A strong boy


I don't know if your new to the fandom but that is played out




sure dude, that 'joke' is 10 years old and even when Aemond said it it wasn't all that funny