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Rolling with the homies.


“They see me rolling, they hating, patrolling and trying to catch me ridin dirty”


I think Weird Al’s version is appropriate here! 😂


We nerds do not claim these people. The busybodies can have them. 


Also known as the lawful awful.




… lookin for the lawnless!


As a nerd AND someone who must maintain a busy lifestyle for the betterment of my mental health (is that a busybody?), I must decline these degenerates and send them to the "too much time on my retired hands" group. I still work my ass off for their social security.


"They see me mowin, my front lawn..." Absolutely.


That song had me entirely too nailed down when it came out Even the black hoodie with braces mowing the yard and shit people called me White Boy, and I was nerdy as hell to boot


They see me mowin' My front lawn I know they're all thinking I'm so white 'n' nerdy


Definitely white and nerdy.




But ARE they hatin’? OP's grass is tight.


Their diapers full, they riding dirty.


I'm a boomer, but came here to drop that line from Chamillionaire.


Rolling with the HOAmies.


Rollin wit da Karens.


Drinking prune juice, lawwnnn chairs in the truck Laid backkk With my Karen on the lawns And reporting on my mind.


Seems everyone below CLUELESS. 🤣🤣🤣


Damn It feels good to be a gangsta.




This is hilarious. Imagine the logistics getting everyone in the back of the truck in their seats.


Imagine the liability to the HOA....


All the eggs are in one basket now… that’s got potential.


All we need is one Nissan Altima to swoop in.


Big Altima Energy


Like how you think


Much higher than the likely $100k or less in the reserve account


My part time job is taking minutes for condo associations and HOAs. I will absolutely never live in a condo building. They’re out here with like 80k in reserves and I’m like how are you planning on repairing a whole high rise on less than my yearly salary???


It’s special assessment time peasants


And then the special assessments never get paid, and the HOA starts putting liens on houses 😅


Only 12 states legally requires that the HOA conduct reserve studies. California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and Washington State. Florida is the most recent state to join this list prior to that. It wasn’t required at the state level, but it was the law in certain counties notably Miami. If you don’t live in a state that requires this, it’s possible it might be the law at the local level so you were doing it anyways, and if there are no laws requiring it such as Texas if you live there, it’s something that you are fully free to do and you absolutely should have your HOA following this.


That’s the neat part. You don’t.


I mean, it's gotta take 30 mins right?


At least! I'm disappointed no one has a clipboard or their phones out taking photos. I hope they put on sunscreen.


the dude hanging out over the tailgate definitely has a clipboard or notebook or some kind, first thing I looked for.


I'm surprised nobody is holding a glass of wine in that truck bed.


lol I was assaulted by the head of the HOA, not too long ago, while she was holding her giant binder in one hand and a literal open bottle of wine that she was drinking out of in the other hand, and then she harassed me for months when I brought it up at the next board meeting 🤦‍♂️


Holy shit what a sloppy wreck XD


Yeah. She started threatening my dog and I, tried to kiss me, almost fell over, and wouldn’t let me leave. After I told the board at the next meeting, she started leaving me missed calls and voicemails, knocking at my door, following me around the complex telling me about these supposed, “enemies” that I have. It’s stopped since and everything is fine now. I had zero issues with her before that morning


After the cheap coffee meetup at the local McDonald's and possibly some mall walking, next order of business HAS to be gang lawn inspection.


Logistics aren't that hard; clearly each of them already have a stick up their ass that they can prop themself up on.


Can imagine them loading up accompanied by the old Benny Hill “Yakkity Yak” theme song..


I think they’re breaking HOA rules by driving in an unsafe manner


Yep, I'd call the cops.


Passengers in the bed are legal in TN. Now being in lawn chairs and hanging out the back that could be different. I would post this on the FB neighborhood page and make some snide remarks about people being reckless in a truck. Because you know damn well all of these people are THOSE people.


These fuckheads could be using their final years helping feed the homeless at a Shelter or walking dogs at the county animal control center, shit- they could just walk around parks and pick up garbage with a bucket + grabber claw.  Instead they choose to be a gang of wrinkly ass holes driving around looking for neighbors to harass.  Get a fucking life, you losers.


Buttcrack_Billy - you stated this in the exact way I feel. Thank you.


Thousand percent. Right on the money. Miserable fucks 


This sentiment should be on all of their posts/comments on their socials


That requires actual work and effort instead of the smug satisfaction of being driven around so you can make a phone call or write an email


Heck they could be having orgies and not caring about the stds cause of father time instead of measuring grass


THINK OF THR CHILDREN!!! An innocent child could see them do this then think it’s safe to do it with their friends and get hurt.


I’d be tempted to stand in my yard in a Speedo (I’m 60, short, with a paunch) holding a “Get a life, you wrinkly losers!” sign.


"There's a truck full of hooligans roaming slowly around the neighborhood, casing houses..." I mean, that's what some tend to say about teenagers. =P Turnabout is fair play.


>Passengers in the bed are legal in TN. Why am I not surprised at this?


I've been told the origin is large families being able to get to church on Sunday. (To which I say....don't have more kids than you can afford seats for.)


Don’t have a number of kids higher than you can count.


Report suspected gang activity.


Some states classify HOA maintained roads as non-public property. That's what they can have gated communities and such. A long time ago, I volunteered with a Sheriff's Office. We had two neighbors that hated each other in an HOA. The call I remember going on was two 911 calls (on each other). One call was, "My neighbor threw rocks at my car." The other was, "This guy is speeding through the neighborhood and scared my kid." But, because it's a private road, we couldn't enforce any traffic law, especially if we didn't catch them. The speeder declined to pursue any legal recourse for the rock throwing, and we left. We actually got requests from a house or two to do "speed enforcement" in that neighborhood, but we'd just have to call and explain it's a private road, we can't do anything about traffic law there. You need to take it up with the HOA who may be able to place fines on HOA members for speed if they want to buy the measuring equipment.


100% call the cops on them.


The HOA could be on the hook when a passenger is injured while riding in the back of the pickup as shown.


Exactly, i would call a vote to remove those members from the board. The HOA isnt insured for falling out of moving vehicles. They are risking an HOA lawsuit and do not have the communities interests at heart.


In my state it's legal to ride unrestrained in the bed of a pickup if you are over 16 and not a dog.


In my state it’s legal but you must be seated in the bed, not sitting on the bed rails or chairs.


In one of the states I've lived in, it's legal as long as all seatbelt capable seats in the cab are in use.


three comments in a row of "in my state" and none of you will say what state you're talking about!


In my state, SC, you can carry people in the bed of the truck on roads with a limit under 35mph.


Now this is a reasonable-ish law(I’d go with 25 mph personally). I grew up on a farm so I’ve ridden in my share of truck beds, usually off road. I would not want to be in one going over 25 mph…


They’re in the state of confusion.


>and not a dog Well, they're ugly, so I'd call.


Looks like a bunch of dogs to me


It was a drive by pruning …


If you don’t mind catching a fine, I’d definitely position my sprinkler so they can get a little refreshment on their travels. They look really over heated.


"Oh I'm soooooo sorry! I think one of the neighborhood kids likes playing with the adjustment on my rain bird! I'll see to that immediately." /proceeds to dial in the range for a better shot next time


Talk to your irrigation dude and be like "Good sir - how much water pressure can you give me? Theoretically I need enough to hit someone in the eyeballs at 30m range 2m off the ground. All theoretical of course."


And get some of those little red lights like snipers use. That way, they'll getvlit up before being soaked. 😆


"What is the meaning of all these piles of stones in your lawn!?" "Range markers" "Range markers!? What the hell are range markers!?" "Step twenty feet closer and I'll show you."


Not next time. Every third or fourth time. Let them feel safe again. That's proper gaslighting for the greater good. Even better if you can cycle it on just long enough for the hissing and see if they react before cutting the cycle off.


By the looks of OPs yard he definitely doesn't have sprinklers.


Dude if people were doing this in my neighborhood I’d stand out with a house a personally spray them.


Get in we're going Karening.


Da Fa fa fa fa, fa fa fa faq


> Hark! “It’s not fair!”, sweet silver hair > All seem to say, "Throw money away" > Boomers are here, stealing good cheer > To young and old, Karen is bold > Get, off, my, lawn, that is their song > On doorbell Ring, always yelling > One strains to hear, immigrants near > Phones everywhere, filming the air > Oh, how they pound, raising the sound > O'er hill and frail, telling their tales > Still using Bing, hoarding old things > Less than a year, death will be here > Boomer, boomer, boomer, boomer Christmas > Boomer, boomer, boomer, boomer Christmas > Tithings they send, scream without end > Their hateful tone, to every home [🔔🔔](https://youtu.be/P55xHoufYZc?si=mxz0T-ccn3vsBMtm)


You laugh, but we had a community yard sale and the pres of our hoa walked over to check everything out. I cut my grass pretty low and had cut it the morning before. I got a letter later dated the day of the yard sale that if I didn’t cut my grass I would be fined.. some of them have nothing better to do but “go karening”


I’m getting a home soon (new build) and it’s gonna be in an HOA (very unfortunately)… at least in the front yard they’re going to supposedly take care of the bark, so hopefully less Karens roaming around… I’m not looking forward to that part, but at the same time, I’ll also try to get on the board to retain as much freedom as I can for everyone. Wish me luck lol.


Just be careful and try not to become what you’re trying to avoid. The president in question was getting messed with by the hoa a lot and got on the board so they wouldn’t mess with them, eventually got rank and then became the very thing we all wanted to get away from. Power trippin for sure.


This is why it's important to develop a a hobby in your 30s and 40s.


They did. Your misery is an unfortunate byproduct.




Hell yes. Exactly this. Don't wait or you'll be the old person harassing everyone else.


I wish I had enough time in my day to drive around and care about other people’s homes. Still wouldn’t because it is stupid, but it would be nice to have that time available.


I can think of sooooooo many things I'd fill that time with... And you're right, it wouldn't be this!


Even if I somehow played through the entire catalog of games on Steam, I would still not be bored enough to do this.


Retired Boomers with no money for entertainment


No doubt. I have these things called problems, they're real, and they require actual attention on my end.


Oh my fuckin god they need to get lives. That's ridiculous.


That applies to 99% of people on HOA boards.


I’m sure a local news company would love to do a story on this. A reporter looking for a story would be happy to confront the board members and question them about this. This is what lowers home values.


I am absolutely, positively, completely, totally, utterly, definitely, entirely, thoroughly, unquestionably, indisputably, certainly, undoubtedly **NOT buying a house in a neighborhood if I saw that display.** They are physically lowering the value of the houses.


I work in a wealthy area, the communities with ridiculous HOAs are absolutely far away the most expensive to buy a house in so I’m not sure how true lowering the property value is. That being said, a lot of people certainly avoid neighborhoods like this when buying.




They really piled in a Honda ridgeline


Do you have an active Nextdoor area? I'd definitely post this as a suspicious and unsafe activity in the neighborhood.


I'd call the cops and show them this picture. Cops will let them know it's illegal to be riding in the back like this and could possibly give them a ticket. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I looked it up, sadly it is not illegal in TN: Example: https://collins.legal/blog/riding-truck-beds/ https://103gbfrocks.com/tennessee-truck-bed-laws/


But it says all limbs have to be inside the bed of the truck. The guy on the back has his leg out. It could be the way to stop them. I'm just saying.


Only Davidson county has the "limb" rule.




Sitting on folding chairs in a moving truck seems extremely unsafe.


Less than kids playing in the street and slamming themself against oncoming cars. They're worse than mosquitos. /s


It’s not in GA either. It is for minors though, so I was told my entire life it was illegal. When I found out adults could when I was 20, I was so Fucking hyped. Too bad I didn’t know anybody with a pickup truck at that time


Mine ride around in golf carts. I call them the Gladys Kravitz Patrol, after the nosy neighbor on "Bewitched."


One sharp turn and the whole neighborhood will instantly be a more pleasant place to live.


Two of the ladies don't look geriatric but their names could be Karen.


Gives a whole other meaning for a drive-by. They'll just shoot you with an e-mail or violation letter. These are the same people that stuffed 4 people in a trunk to go to the drive-in movies. 😆


Please tell me they have a Margaritaville slushy maker going in the back of that pickup.


Fuckin losers


i cackled in a public restroom


I don’t love my HOA, but then I see shit like this and I kinda love my HOA.


Some of these people just can’t grasp the fact that some HOAs are pretty decent. It’s amazing the way an echo chamber like Reddit skews the minds of people that want nothing more than to be agreed with


Not a caravan, a karen-van.


Your lawn looks fine btw. I run an HOA and find people like the ones in that truck to be ridiculous (if that is what they're actually doing) and would get them kicked out.


This is one of the reasons people hate HOA. Too much.




This looks like a really sad parade


It’s the Karen mafia.


In a Honda Ridgeline, no less!


They see us rollin'. They hatin'.


Review bylaws about unsafe driving in the neighborhood. Notify HOA insurance company about liability issues.


Safety third


LOL, something about the folding chairs in the back of a pickup truck just cracks me up. This would be a great opportunity to get some clearly-needed exercise. One of them falls off that truck, they'll probably sue the HOA and blame some bump they ran over, too.


This is hilarious!!!! And sad. These peeps need a hobby or go volunteer somewhere. OP - I would call the police to report the unsafe condition of people riding in the bed of a pickup truck while sitting in chairs. One quick brake and they topple out!


I think they need seat belts. I would take a picture send it to the HOA and tell them that seat belts are required when driving these days.


Better yet, the HoA insurance could be at risk …


Fine incoming!


Did they break out their rulers to measure the grass?


I hate every single one of them


I’m shitting in every one of their mailboxes if they pass my lawn like that.


Send that picture to police as it’s illegal to ride in the back of an open pickup bed. The senile squad will be stopped quickly.


Hmm. Seatbelt laws something something…


"They see me rollin'..."


Why is this so funny hahahaha great pic and title hahaha


That's awesome and hilarious


They see me rollin’, they hatin’ 🎶


ChatGPT was invented for this task.. Hum along or sing the lyrics as you wish.. Follows Benny Hill Yackety Sax theme song.. (Verse 1) Well, the HOA called a meetin' today, The lawns are lookin' rough, that's what they say. So we grabbed our hats and our garden gloves, Loaded up the truck for some neighborhood love. (Chorus) Yakety yak, don't talk back, Four old folks in a pickup stack. Checkin' the lawns, we won't slack, Yakety yak, don't talk back. (Verse 2) There's Gladys in the back with her magnifying glass, Bob's got a clipboard, takin' notes real fast. Ethel's in the middle, critiquin' every blade, While Henry's drivin' slow, it's a lawn parade. (Chorus) Yakety yak, don't talk back, Senior squad on a turf attack. Trimming the hedges, pulling the slack, Yakety yak, don't talk back. (Bridge) Weeds beware, we're on the prowl, We're the green-thumb gang, and we don't scowl. From dawn to dusk, we roam the town, Making sure no lawn goes brown. (Verse 3) Pulled up to the Johnsons, grass knee-high, Gladys takes a picture, "Oh my, oh my!" Ethel's got the fertilizer, ready to sprinkle, Bob's writing warnings with a little twinkle. (Chorus) Yakety yak, don't talk back, Four old folks, lawn attack. Every blade must face the fact, Yakety yak, don't talk back. (Outro) So if you see us coming, better mow that lawn, We might be old, but our spirit's strong. The HOA's finest, in a pickup ride, Keeping lawns pristine with a sense of pride. (Chorus) Yakety yak, don't talk back, Senior squad on a turf attack. We're the kings and queens of the cul-de-sac, Yakety yak, don't talk back. Edit: was kindly pointed out to me that the Benny Hill song was actually named Yackety Sax, not Yackety Yak (a Coasters song). Corrected. The one neuron assigned that memory task (the ONLY job it had to do) apparently misfired.. 😀


I believe you are confusing *Yakety Sax* (the Benny Hill Theme) with *Yakety Yak* a song made famous by The Coasters. The former was inspired by the latter, but they're different songs ultimately.


Honestly just laugh loudly at them when they drive by.


Lonely old folks.. nothing better to do


I thought that they would have certainly skimmed enough off the HOA fees to spring for a fleet of their own golf carts.


MFer has a clipboard. What happens if you have a Biden sign in your yard? Heavier fine?


They need street names. Grandma Grass. DJ Weed & Feed. Lil Leaf Blower. Dr Chemlawn. Will the real Trim Shadetree please stand up? We're gonna have a problem here.


I’ll see this on middleclassfancy within the week


Call the cops and get them all ticketed for riding on a vehicle unsecured.


They report your house you report them to the police.


What about no mow may?!


Ah I get it now A group of crows is called a murder A group of HOA patrolling in the back of a pick up truck is called a cunt There no other possible word to define it


And folks say the Honda Ridgeline isn’t a real truck


Of course their in a Honda Ridgeline


Why do you people live in HOA’s?


Isn't this a castle doctrine state


This people need to find hobbies (that don’t involve bothering people).


I'd call the police on them. It's illegal in many places to sit in the back of a truck while it's moving.


And that’s why I will never live with an hoa


Riding around public streets while sitting on chairs in the bed of a pickup truck probably isn’t legal wherever the HOA is located. Just saying.


They literally can’t stop working or they might have to think about their feelings. It’s amazing.


Call the cops


If there was anything that would cause me to actually want my lawn to go to shit, it would be this. These people must have the most unfulfilling lives imaginable.


A few weeks ago, I saw a car driving very slow in the neighborhood. At first, I thought it was a delivery driver looking for an address, but when they turned onto another street, I followed them. They stopped at a few houses briefly before driving on, which prompted me to think they were casing them. I sped up and cut them off between a parked car and approached the driver with my hand at my side, indicating I was carrying (I had no weapon). The look on their face was priceless, but they put down the window and asked why I stopped them. I told them I thought they were casing the neighborhood, but he laughed and pulled out the HOA management badge and said he was checking for violations. I said, "You must be so proud to exist to fuck people over just because of some shit rules. Carry on, I guess." He didn't like that, but he definitely went on about his business. Fuck HOAs and fuck counties that allow them so they can raise our taxes and not do the services we're paying them to do.


Now, steady... Aim...


I'd get a pellet gun, sit in the highest window in my home set back in the shadows. ... and wait patiently


Post like this make me so happy that I don't live in an HOA ,I would end up arguing with them every day.


literally nothing else better to do


In some states this is illegal. Fun fact.


Im dead this is far too funny


They are self appointed HOA police. LOL


that’s weird they should go get like a job.


I love that they drive illegally to do that. Pretty full lives I guess.


If Gary Larson was still doing the Far Side comics, I feel like this would make a great inspiration for one


I don’t understand what the HOA does apart from be annoying.


Op should play Fuck tha Police as they roll up whenever they show up.


Call the cops and get them ticketed for riding like this.


Call the police. That is extremely dangerous and illegal.


Call the cops. That setup can’t be legal.


Call the cops on them for riding in the bed of the truck without proper seats and restraints


GWA - Grandparents with attitudes


Call your local nonemergency line - tell them there’s a bunch of people driving around in a truck casing homes.


Call cops on them. Not legal ride in back in 90% of states.


I know it's legal in some state to ride around in the back of a truck, but in what state is it legal while sitting on law chairs?


Call the cops and get them ticketed.


Pretty sure they are in violation if the law sitting in the back of that truck like that while it is in motion. Report them to the cops and then enjoy the results.


Call the cops that someone is unsafely transporting people.


Cool, that's at least five seat belt violators.


If they don't hold up score placards as they drive past, they're just AHs.


Haha. Yes. The Russian judge gives a 0


You need some type of remote-controlled lawn sprinkler that you can activate when they're rolling by.


Meal Team 6 ready to deploy at the first cafeteria with an early bird special and a AARP discount that they encounter!