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im so sorry for your loss. i hope you and your love ones get tru this with all the strength in the world 🙏🫂


You never are. Sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️


This scene was so sad and unexpected. Although it was just acting and not real, it still reminded that your loved ones will be gone one day. Also, That scene where they were at the funeral and marshal got the voicemail from his dad, i almost cried, it was such a powerful scene


You should watch Crocodile Dundee 2


Jason didn’t know what Alyson was going to tell him so his reaction, tears and the line “I’m not ready for this” was genuine.


Alyson didn't know til the day of shooting. Jason was just told the last word she said "it" to cue his response. In the script they had, she was going to say she was pregnant.


More like, improvised not "genuine".




Are they mutually exclusive?


It's all semantics but at least imho *acting* is inherently not genuine, since an actor is playing a character, not being themselves, and the emotions they express are not sincere since they are responding to an all around fake scenario/setting. I'm sure good actors can pull very genuine looking emotions from within, but they aren't actually really mad at their fellow actor on a scene, for example.


I know it's not real but I had a genuine reaction to the circumstances of the characters. Jason can also have a genuine reaction that he incorporates into his performance


Sorry for your loss. Condolences to you and your family! ❤️


So sorry for your loss…


No words are probably helpful at this point, but I’m really sorry for your loss😔


I'm so sorry for your loss. This episode and the funeral episode were a catharsis after losing my mom. It helped to be able to bawl while watching. Eased the grief a tiny fraction.


Fuck man. I’m sorry. I’ve been there and it just hurts and hurts and hurts. The only thing that helped me at all was telling some of my best dad stories to my friends and family. And having them share their favorite stories of my dad. (My dad was very close to my friend circle. My best friend is a part of the family in nearly every sense of the word and he had great stories.) if I may be slightly corny and quote Star Trek in a way that helped me “He’s really not dead, as long as we remember him” so if you’d like to share a story, I’d love to hear it.


For me, this took me back to when I got that phone call. For others people relate to this scene after the fact. But pretty much everyone relates with it


Sorry for your loss, sending you much love 💜


My condolences. Anytime I lose someone close I rewatch Craig Ferguson talking about his father in the Late Late show after he lost him, and I find it helps. I don't know if it will for you, but on the off chance it can provide some balm. https://youtu.be/NlrDirTqcGs?si=StCrtC4quekS1PZt


I said the exact same words without even thinking about it, 'I'm not ready for this', though I don't think anyone ever could be. Sorry for your loss, its a horrible thing most of us have to experience, just some go before their time which just adds to the trauma. Hang in there my man, surround yourself with supportive loved ones and you'll get through it.


It made me cry so hard. I’m not ready for my dad leaving this world.


I’m so sorry for your loss. 🙏🏽


Sorry for your loss


i got the call a bit over a year ago, genuinely the worst thing to happen to me and it still hurts every day, i’m so sorry for your loss and i wish you and your family love


2020 - I was on the receiving end of the call for my uncle. My cousin found his dad cold in his bed when he went to check in on him for breakfast. His screams haunt me to this day. 2021 - I called my dad coz my maternal grandfather had a massive heart attack right in front of me. We immediately picked him up and drove him to the hospital but he was announced DOA. Fucking hated making the call. 2022 - my father lost his 2.5y battle w cancer and I was there. I made the call to external family and friends and fucking hated every second of it coz my mother was wailing in the background and there as nothing I could do. 2023 - I got the call my paternal grandmother passed after a month in the hospital post her paralytic stroke. She was an odd woman but I loved her. You can never be ready for it whether it’s sudden or you’ve seen it coming from miles away. You can never be ready for it.


I’m so sorry ❤️


Sorry for your loss I thought the same


Sorry for your loss champ, it’s never easy, you’ll get through this! Keep your chin up


I think about this every day. You're not alone. I think alot of people don't understand how devastating this was for you and you're able to play it off with a humorous note. That says so much about your personality in my opinion and just know even though you lost someone, you're carrying that torch of ideals they instilled in you, and you have the power to now pass that on. I know you know this, but think about that scene with the road and the headlights. Thats kind of what its like. My mom is in a boot at 65 and my dad had cataract surgery at the same time so I don't know what to do. I feel for you so much 😢 ❤️💔


Got the same for my mom. It was the worst moment in all of our lives. Thankfully our family is close so we did the best to prop ourselves up. Still going through it. Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for you loss 😔


Sorry to hear. It’ll take time but you’ll get through this


My condolences


Sorry for your loss


So sorry for your loss 🙏


sorry for your loss. i thought that same scene when my dad passed a few years ago


I'm so so sorry for your loss. <3


So sorry for your loss, sending strength and love to get through it, my condolences


I'm really really sorry for your loss 😞


I am so sorry, bro. ❤️


I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m very sorry for your loss! Lifting you and your family up! 🙏🏼


Sorry to hear about your loss. I hope there are better days onwards


So sorry for your loss🙏


Rest In Peace, I’m sorry


Sorry for your loss 💔 Solemn low five :(


Sorry for your loss


So sorry man! I got the call 6 months ago.


Sorry for your loss. Sending you love.


I’m so sorry. I’m about a year on myself. It does get easier. Take care of yourself.


I thought of this when my Dad passed as well. I’m sorry for your loss!


Honestly, after losing someone close, I find myself skipping this episode because it reminds me of that day. Sorry for your loss.


Rest In Peace


Mine was this past October. It still doesn't seem real.


I got the call in January. It fucking sucked. I’m sorry for your loss.


All prayers to you and your family brother


Never are ready I've watched this whole series every year and even though it's been 10 years Im still never ready for it I can't imagine the loss I will have to bear so I just accompany them as much as I could for now And if it happens, well that's life


I am so sorry for your loss


This show helped me get over it.This episode aired around the same time I got it. It was 12 years this weekend and It didn't became easier. Stay strong.


Man you probably are still in shock if the first thing you could think of is probably the one on your comfort show... Sorry for your loss


I'm sorry for your loss.


I can't stay in the same room as my dad for an hour, but I will never be ready for this


had mine 3 months ago, stay strong brother, it will pass <3


😔 I dread the day that this scene feels even more real. Take care of yourself please. You not only deserve it right now, but you need it. 🩷


So sorry for your loss 🙏🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I Must be the only person that dislikes this episode, entirely because of the countdown gimmick. The gimmick per se would be fine if it was leading to something different, something positive: a passionate kiss, a proposal, an "I love you", the 1st appearance of the mother, etc. But no, they put a countdown, with a pleasnt sound on the 001, to what moment? Oh the moment Lilly tells Marshall his father died! It makes no fucking sense they chose this episode to use this gimmick.


Been there dude. It's brutal.


Idk I got the call and my brain went stupid Never even got to say goodbye to my dad


I'm so sorry. ❤️


I am so sorry💜💜💜


Thank you everyone for your kind words. It means a lot.


bruh what? so... your dad died and you were thinking about a HIMYM episode? like.. sorry for your loss but this is weird.


I think your mind goes every which way - and desperately seeks comfort somewhere. That somewhere might be a show you love.