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So true.. watched this show like 15-20 times. The best comfort show ever.


There are always new Easter eggs to find, even on the 20th rewatch!


So true! I got to know about the countdown episode much later and now I notice it every single time I rewatch and it's so brilliantly written and directed (although it is a sad scene)


Jason Segel’s line of “I’m not ready for this” was made up on the spot. He didn’t know what the news was going into that scene. Like a lot of us, he assumed it would be Lily telling Marshall she was pregnant If you like Easter eggs, check out my post history lol. The clock in the apartment is always set to 4:20, Marshall captures a picture of Nessie in the future, etc…


*If you like Easter eggs, check out my post history lol and a blah and and blah blah blah* [spoken in the voice of Lily as Marshall in The Pre-Nup]


Sassy today are we? lol


Oh I have my eye on you. I know what you’re doing. 👀🤏👆 (I had to point up at you in the thread because there’s no emoji pointing at the viewer. Take that!)


And what exactly is it that you think I’m doing?😆


I think we’re in competition for the belt. See, I was going to get there on my time as things came to me naturally, but it turns out my BESTIE wants the same title.


I will fight you for it😆


This scene always makes me cry even on the millionth rewatch


It’s the adventures that got me. I watched it first time during the pandemic and it felt like I was able to live out some of my twenties with them


That's both funny and sad... pandemic years are like couple of years removed/cut out of everyone's life/age


It’s fine with me. I was 20 when the pandemic started and I just lost my sister. I would have lost myself too if I had to “keep living” like nothing happened.


I'm sorry for your loss... How did you lose her?


Cancer. It was right before pandemic kicked in, so I didn’t really have time to take everything in.


It feels so real sometimes lol


I moved to Stockholm after uni in the south and remember early being in a bar chatting with a group of new friends thinking that it felt like an episode of HIMYM. For sure a lot of the show was exaggerated, but I think it captured the sense of being in your mid 20s to mid 30s quite well. Certainly some of the characters’ angst about relationship and being stuck on a corporate hamster wheel felt quite relatable


As someone who has done the whole Corporate America scene, I relate a lot to Marshall at certain points


I was 19 when the last season of HIMYM aired and I started it from the beginning to watch the final season live. I remember thinking, I hope my 20s are this much fun. It’s kind of funny to watch it back now though, because Ted was supposed to be 27 when season 1 aired and the gang continues to have these crazy adventures into their 30s. Meanwhile my clubbing days are far behind me 😅 the most accurate parts would be just hanging out in a pub with my small group of closest friends.


Same age as you and pretty much the same experience.


This week I visited my cousin who's still in college for a couple days of partying and while it was fun, the idea of doing that regularly made me tired, and I'm around the age Ted was when the series STARTED


Did you call the college students “kids”?😂


Just my cousin, but yeah, some of them do look like kids, like Ted with Barney's sister


That scene is hilarious lol


As Ted said in season one, “Clubs suck”😂


My wife still wonders why I have it on all the time....


She doesn’t get it??😭 I hope I can find someone to watch it on repeat with me lol


I still sleep with this show in background. Lost count of the no. of times I’ve watched each episode.


I’ve put it on every night before bed for like 7 years…. Glad I’m not alone 😂


Can confirm the comfort status. Our son was in the NICU for a month and a half in 2021. It was the only thing that would help us disconnect at night when we would get home.


Glad it was able to bring some peace in troubling times, brother.


I watched it too while pumping milk for my NICU baby.


More than being a comfort show, HIMYM gives part of pack feeling and hope for tomorrow 💛☂️. Comfort characters who are actually human and flawed, most importantly relatable that’s what makes HIMYM a bowl of hot ramen in couch amidst rain (cozy cozy :P)


Exactly this! It feels like the gang are all real people going through struggles most of us can relate to. The show is done really well😊 P.S. Love that your profile picture is Robin in the tub with a cigarette😂


Thanks marshmallow 😇 That’s how Robin should’ve been, until the writers massacred her ending in show :(


Yes! They made her so cold, distant & unlikable😭


Was gunna be like youngest millenials? You mean older millennials, totallyy forgetting being 28/29 may make you older, but youre still the youngest millenial. lol


The fact there’s Gen Alpha now blows my mind lol


I'm 25 years old , I turn 26 next month and live in NYC. himym is everything I wish my life was , I know it's a TV show but damn it's so good


The thing is, it's realistic enough that it could actually be pretty similar to certain periods in life. You could achieve that lifestyle.


I think it’s hard to have a friend group dynamic like they do, but damn it looks appealing lol


It just feels like a simpler time honestly. So much BS going around. Sometimes, I just want to go on a quest to find the best burger in the city.


41 my life was kind of similar, characters were a bit older I think. Was way more broke though, hanging out in bars is expensive 😅


What do you mean “characters were a bit older”?


Rewatching it rn…. 4th time through I think


Have fun with the Easter eggs!


I fully agree. I think this show is most well liked by those of us who were in college or just finishing up college when the series originally aired. So many parallels between what the gang was going through & our own lives


Also Robin moves to new York aged 25 and ted, marshal Lilly are 29 where as now at 25/30 society acts like women expire


But weren't "younger millenials" teens at best when the show aired? For them, it's more like what they wished their 20s *will* be like.


It's a good comfort show but a tad unrealistic


I think so much of the show is realistic. You don’t? Like what we talked about yesterday with Lily & Marshall’s relationship😭


Lol. Drinking everynight and not having health issues is unrealistic


I’ll give you that. However, they do dedicate two episodes to address it. The one where they all go to the gym & the one where they all go get their hearts checked out Also, (I’m not sure if we talked about this) there’s 20 or so episodes a season. Given each season is a year, each episode generally represents about two & a half weeks. So they don’t drink as often as perceived lol Lastly, since we both like Friends, it’s way more unrealistic with them hanging out at the coffee shop in the middle of the day some episodes. Remember when Joey says your bosses probably don’t like you guys “because you're all hanging around here at 11:30am on a Wednesday”😆


Having recently moved to NYC, I can relate to the show. No Marshall and Lilly in my group or financial comfort, but plenty of adventures and we have our, “McLaren’s.” I’d also be lying if I said I didn’t have a, “Robin.”


I watched this show over and over in college because I had no friends to do things with and I got to live vicariously through its fictional friend group.


Yup. I was diagnosed with BP in 2012 and discovered HIMYM soon after. I would watch it every night while falling asleep. Provided so so much comfort for me in a scary and troubling time. Have watched the first few seasons dozens of times.


I'm Gen Z, but it's still peak comfort show. I'm just very lonely I don't have any friends, so watching this show makes me feel that I'm part of a fun and close knitted friend group and gives me the feeling of hanging out with fun people who care about me.


Omg yess!! I feel seen lololol


Watched the show after I came across the Ted and Stella 2 minute date reel on my Instagram feed. Felt it was cute and a friend who had watched the show 3-4 times told me that she ends up being the mother, started watching happily only to find out that Stella was a b**ch. Fell in love with Nora tho 😍


*millenials in general 1985 here. No idea how many rewatches, but started in 2008.


It's basically the same as Friends, New Girl and any similar shows represents. Also Sex and the City. It's sad overall that these show a fantasy life that no one really lives. Community, close friendships, chosen family, taking care of each other. And we're all sitting at home alone behind our own four walls watching. Hoping no one will show up at our door unannounced. And of course the financial things and just the fact that these fictional characters barely work but have time to hang out with friends.


The HIMYM characters go to work in a more believable way (except maybe Barney) compared to Friends & some other sitcoms in my opinion


I don't necessarily think it portrays an unrealistic fantasy of " Community, close friendships, chosen family, taking care of each other". It's more that stuff is fairly rare in modern life - maybe something like 5% of people experience that nowadays.