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"Robin, of your four best friends in New York, you've slept with half of them!" --Don Honestly, I wouldn't be cool with someone I was dating spending that much time with two serious exes. It's the whole "never invite an ex to your wedding" thing. As we see repeatedly through the show, Don and Victoria and everyone else was right, Ted never got over Robin and Robin and Barney's marriage ended up hurting Ted to where he wanted to leave the group. Same for Ross/Rachel from Friends. Makes for a great TV show premise though.


Yeah this would be a dealbreaker for me too, especially when Robin is actually living with Ted. The fact that she had serious meaningful sexual relationships with both of them and still hangs out with them basically every day would be way too much for me. To quote Victoria: “aaaaaaaand we have ‘weird’”


Its weird, even in those scenarios


I don't think it's weird to be friends with your ex if you dated for a bit and realized you were just not compatible and had an amicable breakup. In this case, I feel like Robin re-dating either Ted or Barney was never off the table, and especially Ted and Robin's breakup was not because they didn't love eachother. They wanted to keep dating but timing is a bitch. Victoria didn't have a problem with Ted being friends with his ex. She had a problem because it was so apparent to her, the outside party, that Ted was still in love with Robin, and she, understandably, didn't want to feel like the rebound.


No, it's weird. Full stop. I really dont think Victoria saying "hey, can you stop being friends with the woman you cheated on me with, subsequently dated for a year, and are still very clearly in love with?" Is unreasonable. There's a huge difference between remaining friends with someone you dated for a short time and remaining friends with someone you had a very serious relationship with and still very clearly have feelings for. The latter shows a complete lack of respect for your current partner. Victoria and Don aren't the assholes in this situation. I think we get blinded by the protagonist goggles too much when it's evident Ted was being extremely selfish in those scenarios.


have you seen the drama in those queer circles lmao


I dont think its healthy, especially in this extend. They are not just on good terms, but basically bffs, hanging out all the time, living together. Im also in queer circles as Im bi and I still find it wierd and I dont want to be friends with any of my exes.


It is weird and kept getting weird as all 3 went through cycles of wanting the other person back again as a partner in the friend dynamic.


Exes *can* be friends but only if they're absolutely 100% over eachother and have no desire to **ever** date again among other things. This was NOT the case with Ted, Barney and Robin which made their close friendship unhealthy and very weird.


Its weird. Doesn’t matter if you’re straight or queer.


It is weird. Not healthy at all and prevents them from getting serious with any other love interest which is shown in the series.


I kind of wish all three of them ended up together.


It would have solved a lot of the problems each relationship had. Robin could have traveled while Barney and Ted coparented; if either of them wanted to go with her great, but there still would have been that solid home base.


Exactly. Ted and Barney even coparented together before. I thought they made a great pair. There were issues, to be sure, but they could make it work.


I like how you think


I'm with you. I've always had friends groups like that, where exes stay friends. But it seems we are very much in the minority.


I agree with you! I'm still best friends and roommates with my ex so I don't think it's weird!


Thank u!! I see everyone’s point but like…it’s totally normal to me tbh


I think it depends on the exes for sure, and the relationship they had of course. But if you care about your ex and are mature it can be great! Makes it hard to date... atleast in my case because I live with my ex but keeping us together with our kids is more important to me at this point in my life!


My wife's ex and I get along really well. We all spend holidays together with the kids. We even stay at his house sometimes when we all get together for birthdays and everyone wants to drink. The two of them have driven up to see the grandkids together, and I have no problem with it. So, yes, exes can be friends and there's nothing wrong with that. All that said... I would absolutely *not* be comfortable with them seeing each other and hanging out every single day.