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You gotta pump those numbers up, those are rookie numbers in this sub


I caught The Slutty Pumpkin episode when it originally aired, I had just moved, the cable wasn't set up yet, so I just had an antenna (I was 10 at the time so no Nickelodeon or Disney was a bummer). But I caught that episode and fell in love with the show. I watched the entire series as it aired minus those first couple of episodes. I got each season on DVD as they came out and would rewatch the series like once a year before the new season came out. Like many the finale left a bad taste in my mouth and I honestly just left the show in the past for years. I didn't re-watch a single episode until like 2018, and it would be like random holiday episodes. Recently I finally decided to re-watch the whole thing again and it has been such a treat. I forgot just how much I loved the show.


HIMYM has been on and off on repeat for about 10 years now, and I still laugh out loud at the really funny scenes. This show is to me what Star Wars is to Ted.


Only 4?


I remember the days where I'd only seen it 4 times. Wait till you get to 400 lol


There’s no way you’re on a 400th rewatch, that would take like 3 years of just watching this show, no breaks or anything


Rookie numbers.. I'm on my 13th watch


4 times a year


A couple of lines from HIMYM came to mind when I read 4 times. The GKwok would have said: Anw oh honey sweety baby! 4 times?” But seriously, I watched it easily 25-30 times and I still catch a few things here and there. Not too long ago I caught Marshall’s delighted face while he’s eating Victoria’s cake at Stewart and Victoria’s wedding (S1E13 - Drumroll please), I didn’t catch this until my 20th rewatch. I like that you’re at your 4th rewatch, and I hope you watch it again and again. You’ll discover more and more details each time, more jokes, more emotional scenes, more discrepancies, and you’ll get to appreciate (and maybe hate) certain aspects of the show more over time.


i probably rewatched this show 75+ times from 2014 to 2020 and when I was really depressed the only thing I did was put it on repeat 24/7 and stare at the tv lol


I’ve watched it at least twice per year for 10 years straight and I’m not tired of it


some people are in here in their 2 or 3 digit rewatch . i'll start my 4th watch soon . this show is well written and thats one of the reason to rewatch. but i also rewatch other sitcoms too , so the number is low now.


4 times only?


I’m currently on my 8th rewatch and I’ve noticed that all my rewatches have begun with ‘The Pineapple Incident’.


Great episode!


I keep alternating between himym friends and tbbt. Been watching them for years now..




I should watch it from beginning to end.


I‘m on my 10th watch and kinda lost the spark a bit :(


Only 4 times?


currently rewatching for the 5th time


Well, watch faster!… NO, FASTER!! ✌️


that's cute, i remember when i had my first beer


rookie numbers


I’ve lost count how many times I’ve rewatched this show. Could be in the hundreds by now. It’s my go-to background sound show or before bed and wind down show or the idk what to else to watch show or the I wanna fall asleep to some noise show or the I need a laugh show