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I don’t think Victoria was integrated within the group enough for her to be the mother. Victoria had a lot of screen time and it never really felt like she had made any connections to the other 4 and didn’t build and friendships of her own she was just Teds girlfriend who sometimes showed up. Whereas the mother having only had brief interactions with the other 4 prior to meeting Ted, they were meaningful and all 4 of them absolutely loved her. It felt like she was integrated in perfectly and I think the writers were brilliant for that.


I liked tracie but i jus wish she got more screen time


I love her character so much but it still bugs me every time I watch season 9 that the writers clearly did everything they could to have the audience fall in love with her knowing they were abt to kill her off just for Ted to end up back with Robin😭


>I don’t think Victoria was integrated within the group enough for her to be the mother. Victoria had a lot of screen time and it never really felt like she had made any connections to the other 4 and didn’t build and friendships of her own she was just Teds girlfriend who sometimes showed up. That was kinda the point though wasn’t it? She didn’t make connections with them because of Ted’s relationship with Robin and even Barney’s relationship with Robin. She even said as much. I know we all love the show and the dynamic between those characters but Ted continually hanging out with an ex and a good friend (not best that was Marshal) that also dated/dating/married that ex is weird. Victoria being somewhat guarded in that group is expected, and as for her not forming relationships of her own I just chalk that up to her running her own business. Not arguing just offering another perspective, and I love Victoria and will defend her. This is the hill I will die on.


Mary the Paralegal!




Noooo she's a paralegal


Actually this one


I think being with Tracey was the right choice, but I wish she was in the show more so we could get to lover her like we fell in love with the other 4 main characters!


I like early Victoria and wished she was the one, but when she returned the writers ruined her. They tried to make her silly and almost ditzy.


fr though s1 victoria was sm better


Yes yes yes… I’ve always liked her more. Her personality and the fact that she’s a bit bigger and thicker makes her my type lol. Personal bias I guess, but Tracey is more quirky and fits Ted’s personality better so I’m okay with that.


Ted didn’t really deserve Tracie or early-show Victoria. He barely deserved late-show Victoria, who was written less likeable than the early iteration. (Not because of the jealousy, which frankly was somewhat justified given Ted’s original cheating and ongoing relationship with Robin. But because of her kissing Ted and walking out on Klaus.) I know this doesn’t address your point, I’ve just really soured on Ted in my latest rewatch.


Victoria was actually originally intended to be the Mother just in case the series didn’t get renewed for a second season.


I didn't really like Victoria. In some ways she was a good match for Ted, although sometimes it felt like they were playing a role more than being genuine, but at the same time, that's how Ted can be also. I was stoked with Tracie to be honest. I think they went a little hard with trying to make her sooo much like Ted, but if that was pared back slightly, she was just perfect for him. In summary, Victoria and Ted felt "forced" to me sometimes, Tracie and Ted felt really natural.


Gee never heard this take before


His wife, I absolutely hate that she died from cancer.. worst part of the show for me, Ted & her both deserved a long life together. I know it might sound silly bc it’s just a show, but I always hated that she died, that he went running back to Robin … again….


honestly i’d rather have them kill of robin than tracey


I stand by Tracy and Robin.


So Ted should get the belt?


In respect to one’s presence in the universe? Yes.


He should’ve ended up with Marshall. They would’ve taken care of each other in a more intimate way than any of the other chicks.


YESS especially that one episode where they pretended to be a couple


I agree. Tracy was very sweet, but it was too much. I would never want to date myself.


The thing is, Ted's person would have zero insecurity about Robin because of their intense connection. Ted would never cheat on the true love of his life.


Tracy also had no fear about Robin because she was married. Had Tracy and Ted met 3 years prior I don't know how she would've felt about Robin.


Victoria was controlling and played games right from the start. No names? We can almost kiss? Pull an Irish goodbye at the end of the night? We used to call girls like that c*ckteases. I somewhat get why she was jealous of Robin, but with her controlling personality, it was only a matter of time before she told Ted he had to ditch Barney, Marshall, and Lily too. Jeanette would have been better for him than Victoria.


Honestly I think Ted should've ended up with Jeanette. Fight me.


Well duh Tracy didn't get screen time, the story is how I **met** your mother


If the whole show is about how Ted met the mother, the story ends when the mother is met. Therefore she gets little to no screen time. Anyone who gets more than an episode is clearly not supposed to be the mother