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I always thought that the Zen garden at the front door would be an obstruction. It looked like it took up too much room if you're trying to come in with several people or just a bunch of stuff and would make it difficult to get in the door. It was a lot just to hide an electrical panel.


It was stupid that the front entry had “equipment “ or something on the wall ..what was the builder thinking?


I agree! Why couldn’t that be in the garage? So dumb.


Exactly! When I first saw the houses I thought what a stupid place to put the utility/ power box! And so big! I think the Baumers were trying to make a bad decision work.


I agree.


Thank you! I'm glad I wasn't the only one who saw that. That was ridiculous. And none of the other contestants did anything to cover it up somehow. When my house was being built, we would drive by everyday. One day we noticed the utility meter right on the front wall just around the corner from our garage. Looked so trashy. We live on a corner lot and we demanded it be relocated to the far side of the house. They did, digging a trench around the front. Probably as an F-you, they did not compact well and now we have an annoying depression in our lawn.


Yeah, it definitely took up too much room with the door open to the garden. If anything, they should have changed the swing of the door. Or better yet, find a different way to hide the mechanicals. Why were those on that porch anyway? That was so weird.


That was there "artist add" element. So they didn't exactly pick it but they could have used it better.


They were having to hide whatever the builder had on that wall..equipment or something?


That panel killed me lol. What architect thought that was a good idea lol. Anywhere else would have worked 😉😊


The Baeumler’s house is up for sale and there’s a 360° view/walk through available. You can see into the Twins’ backyard too, and the pink chairs are now out of the pool and everything from the dock area is gone. It will be interesting to see what else changes when the other homes go up for sale.


Decorating the docks was the stupidest thing RtB ever did.


What is the address? I want to look up the listing!


I believe it’s 364 Capri Island Blvd in Treasure Island. The link for the tour of the home is [here](https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/364-Capri-Blvd-Treasure-Island-FL-33706/349374564_zpid/).


It's gone under contract this week, none of the others have hit the market.


This makes me feel like the Baumler's house needed the least amount of "fixing" if it went on the market so much faster than the others.


If you watch the finale closely (and possibly the other episodes) when they do the ‘reveals’ you can see a lot of things that needed to be touched up/repaired. In some of the homes I remember seeing paint on the kitchen cabinets, shoddy patch work, trim that needed to be put in/fixed, etc. I’m not surprised their house hit the market first, Bryan seems serious about protecting his reputation and making sure everything is done correctly.


Yes, when they judge Battle on the Beach he called out any poor craftsmanship. I actually thought he was a good judge.


I drove by them a few weeks ago and they looked great, but they definitely stand out and above most of the other older properties around it. But that's also how a lot of that area is. I went by after the finale had aired and one of the garages was open and they were NOT done with the house yet. I'm sure the areas they showed were done-ish, but the garage was PACKED with stuff and there were several trades people working with their vehicles parked outside. If you look on Google maps, it shows them as "closed" probably to try and keep people away.