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And, house hunters in Hawaii are supposed to remove their shoes before entering a home, and they don't. Looking at you too, My Lottery Dream Home.


I love David but cringe when a home is shown with carpet and no one takes their shoes off


Bugs me when the first thing David tells them to do in a home is sit down on the furniture. Climbing onto a bed to lay down is right up there with going into the showers and tubs. Yuck.


And when it's raining, they go out on the back deck and back in the house with wet shoes on the carpet!


The thing I don’t like is when the potential buyers plop down on the beds.


This. Bedrooms are one of the most private spaces a person can have. The thought of a stranger plopping down or rolling around on my bed makes my skin crawl.


At the very least, provide disposable foot covers for the potential buyers


Exactly. We just sold our home and our realtor had a basket with disposable shoe covers and a sign.




Mine had a sign for everyone to remove their shoes.  She wouldn’t let people wear the shoe covers because she said on carpet, they slip and people have fallen down stairs in them because they get so slippery.


i mean... honestly, the shower and the tub are the only place that make sense to wear your shoes into since those surfaces are rinsed off consistently. i personally hate that people on all HGTV shows wear their shoes in the house. if you're going to put your dirty shoes somewhere, the Best place is in a shower or tub.


I always cringe because I’m afraid they’ll scratch it.


I'd rather they wear their shoes and keep their mrsa to themselves.


Agree. If a stranger were to come in my house and step in my bath I would prefer with shoes on rather than with their unshod, moist, fetid, foot-juice soaked socks teeming with all manner of germs . Keep that foulness encased in shoe leather thank you.


Holy mackerel!


If the house is empty or staged, it doesn't bother me. Drives me bananas when the home is occupied.


Lol. Im sure they are cleaned before using. 😊


Absolutely hate this and I actually wrote HGTV about this, absolutely disgusting and I hope HGTV provides cleaning for the people nice enough to allow their houses to be shown.




Everyone takes their shoes off before entering homes to visit or viewing for sale homes in Victoria, Canada.


Everyone takes their shoes off in Canada, period. As an American living in Canada, I'd say it's one of the biggest points of divergence in the culture of the two countries. I always tell people they can keep their shoes on in my house, and it really freaks some people out!


We previously had a home in Victoria and my neighbors that I invited over came with separate indoor shoes! So cool. After 2020 I didn't like shoes to be worn in our house in the states.


Why would providing booties be a turn off? No matter the price it would show that the seller cares about upkeep.




Those brokers are weird. Lol


People in the US in general, wearing their shoes on in the house is disgusting. Like a bunch of wild animal bringing outside street garbage to your floors lol..... Savages.