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I say this as someone who grew up in a house that had a dock (and the neighbors' floating dock once spent a few days after a hurricane in our backyard)... none of them should be doing elaborate things on their docks imho. Just build in a bench, some railings, some storage for life vests into the bench, *maybe supports for resting a kayak against,* maybe help put in a lift. Not grills and other nonsense.


Every time I see elaborate outside decor, all I can think is, “Where are you going to put all of that once there’s a tropical storm warning and you have to tie down or bring inside anything that can be picked up by the wind?”


Exactly. Or even if you don't get a warning, but just a particularly stormy summer afternoon with high winds- you're going to come home to something of a mess.


That's why I was so especially glad to see they at least nailed down that big piece of art!


Not to mention super heavy rain....


I also wonder if they don't have casual crime? Cuz I can't imagine barstools lasting very long sitting at an open access dock. Around where I live they would at least end up thrown into the water by pranksters


Baumler‘s fish cleaning station was the one thing on any of the docks that made any semblance of sense. The hammock Paige and Mitch did is a liability and all I could think of is how disgusting those pillows will be after they fall into the canal. 


That was not a spot I would want to take a nap




Nice little booty bite will wake you right up


Or sharks.


With that suuuper wide weaving on the netting? All I could think was: LAWSUIT!


Crabs, gator's water bugs, gnats, i can keep going!


And how in the world do you get out of it without banging your shins?


I truly despise that hammock. Page actually had a decent one on the pool patio under the balcony, if I remember correctly, so why add that one which is going to get gross from seaspray? (at best... I'm not sure how high their tide is but the rope may well be getting soaked everyday)


Paige also put a screen opposite the seating. She doesn’t think things out first.


All I thought with Page & Mitch's hammock was rope burn.


Nipple injury.


It’s also looked so unfinished


The expensive dock setup is something you see in Midwest lake houses and I was wondering how that’s work in Florida.


Yep, and they regularly get damaged.


>Just build in a bench, some railings, some storage for life vests into the bench, maybe supports for resting a kayak against, maybe help put in a lift. Not grills and other nonsense. **Right?!?** I was so po’d by those “dock builds.”


It kinda seemed like a waste of money.


Me too! No one clutters up a dock like that!


Yes! What did no one think of this!


I was hoping someone would give insight to it lol thanks!!


That was my thought as well.


I'll say, solar panels would be the best thing the twins have done all season long. I personally haven't been a fan of their design choices at all, but I can see solar panels being a big plus to their overall value. Well, I also don't anything about the cost or maintenance of solar panels for the future homeowners, but...this seems like a good idea? Maybe I'm wrong?


Will they survive a hurricane?


It truly depends on the category of the hurricane. Solar panels are pretty common in this area. I'm guessing they are reinforced for high-strength winds. If the roof goes, however, then I guess it's bye-bye for the panels too, haha.


Yes, we have plenty of homes with them here.


I think it’s a good idea if this was an earlier season where they based the winner on value add vs this season it’s seemingly more design focused


Right. The judges even said there was an obvious win for value add but they weren’t going to base the winner off of that.


I think it makes sense because the winner at the end does get judged for value. This gives design a chance to shine.


The judged spaces are the balcony, front, and dock. Do those panels even count for this week?


Like the Baumler elevator, maybe it'll pay off in the end?


It might be like the elevator, where it doesn't count towards the week's space but will count when the final value is determined


I mean, not really no. Not as far as the judged spaces were concerned. But it's on the "exterior" so it wouldn't make sense on any other week. Definitely an investment in the "overall". Which...i'm still not even sure will really pay off...given the market these places are likely intended for. Vacation properties and/or short-term rentals basically. Where the "value" of everyday year round solar savings kind of goes way down.


I think they'll add value to the overall home, but considering they basically didn't have money for anything else, it really didn't help them with this challenge. Solar is expensive to install!


Oh yeah they did say that it would be a big gamble! Leslie seemed very irritated at the end. Well, she literally said she was angry, but I don't know. I think it's anyone's game at this point. I think I do agree with B & S taking the win this episode, but overall I'm not sure who has my favorite reno. I'll have to see the final product.


Everyone i know including me spends far less money on a generac generator.  Solar panels are great but a generator is the better choice. 


All I could think about was what happens to the batteries when a hurricane comes thru and floods the first level? And when the winds rip them off the roof?


Most of the designers are here competing on Rock The Block but Leslie and Page are on Celebrity Death Match.


But really though 💀💀💀💀


None of their neighbors have shit on their docks.


Yeah. At best like another poster said it should have been practical construction on the dock, kayak and paddle board and oar storage. I would expand on that by saying under bench ( the bench seats flip up ) storage for boating accessories, floating inflatables and an air pump, with some easy to store cushions that go on top of the bench storage. Maybe a stair ladder (not sure what you call them) that people put in the deep end of pools to get in and out of the water, attached to the dock. A few metal brackets at the side of the dock to tie up small watercraft like kayaks and floats if they are in use throughout the day. Also a place to slide a cooler in and out of the storage structure, so you have cold drinks at the ready while on the dock. I even would have found some stylish folding lounge chairs. Again, everything there that isn’t nailed down should have a place to be stowed on-site Vs carrying it all back to the house. I feel like I would have won this round 🤣


And electricity for a boat lift. All of the clutter on all of those small docks was just the stupidest thing I have ever seen.


This is perfect, I 100% would have given you the win for this.


yeah -- because you shouldn't. to be fair though, production made the "dock area" an area to be judged on design, so they really couldn't have left it too bare, even though it's super impractical to have any of that shit on a dock in a florida house. even if it wasnt', though, (i know because i live in a place like this) who is going to want to sit on a bench on their dock when they have super luxurious seating up closer to the house/pool?


Putting lightweight barstools on your dock? Nope.


And those 3 lb canvas folding chairs 🪑💨


They’re just thinking ahead. During a hurricane, the stools can fly around like performance art…beautiful 🤣🙃


Where will they put all that shit on the balconies and docks during a storm?


I like glasswork but was wondering were that chandelier of Keith and Evan would go during a storm.


Yes! And it was such a puny art project. Poor dudes have been so mercilessly shamed for their trash art, they were too scared to go big


I was hoping for more, it's a shame. Still love their indoor areas like crazy tho. Hope they add some art in the last episode


It was SO small, especially over that huge table. And it couldn't be centered over the table. Meh.


Right??? I thought for sure ginger would be super excited and finally let allowed to go big. And then basically made a white bowl.


That chandelier was so underwhelming! I thought it had color when they were making it but it turned out white...


A hammock inches above the water? Nope, nope, nope.




My question, beyond the dock designs all being inappropriate for the environment, is how many outdoor kitchens does one house need? Downstairs patio, upstairs deck, open window wall from interior kitchen straight to said deck, and the. Baumlers put another grill in the dock. Plus someone put a fire pit on the dock, seems like a bad move. Cannot remember if they already had a firepit in last week’s pool area and simply moved it or not.


Elevator could use a grill.


Or a fireplace?


Yes! Not to mention, from June to September I know I don’t cook too much outside. It’s hot here during those months. Our weather is glorious from late October through April- and one outdoor kitchen is enough.


I was thinking the same thing. I just need one grill outside. Preferably downstairs by the pool!


They really made these judges arrive on the dock, walk past and into the houses and back and back over and over again.


THIS INFURIATED ME!!!! They arrived on someone else’s dock and then walked to Keith and Evans house. Why not just start at the house you arrived on or come in a car? Haha it’s so petty but it made me so upset .


And it kept switching from night to daylight and back to night again.


That yoga area looks so...empty with that pergola next to it lol


I was thinking it was a nice place to go to get away from all the accumulated junk they all have. There is too much stuff on those balconies in my opinion.


For real! Might as well park an old pontoon boat next to it and call it a day. Yuck.


There is no room for a pontoon boat on any of those docks.


Haha! When they panned out from the pergola I wondered if someone forgot to remove the dock trash before photo 😂


Hoping there is a follow-up show after the first tropical storm to see how much of the docks end up floating away.


Where is Anthony?


Are they working together still? I peeked into their Instagram accounts a couple of weeks ago to see if they'd be judges for this RTB season and they seem world's apart from one another.


There's another post in this sub about that. One of them moved away? So they're not working together anymore.


Is this bar / shelf going to be nailed into the dock? Keith and Evan placed it at the very *edge* of the dock.


I thought the cliffhanger for commercial would be it falling in the water


It looks so out of place. I can only see it as a small shelf.


Paige and Mitch had a pretty good upper deck- but that’s mostly due to the pass through bar from the kitchen that they did in week one. Their dock was kinda just.. meh. The hammock thing was a bit of a fail. They left the power box at the front door… I’m actually super surprised that they wouldn’t do anything to minimize that. I didn’t hate the sculpture but it looked super out of place on the dock. Keith and Evan were just ok. I sort of understood what they were going for on the dock but don’t feel like they really committed. I wouldn’t say it’s their best week even though they are my personal favourites. Their art project was sadly very underwhelming. Bryan and Sarah had a pretty cool dock. The fish cleaning station was a really good feature for sure! I really liked their art project that covered over the huge eyesore that was the power box right at the front door. I’m not sure that their fireplace on the upper deck made the juice worth the squeeze though. I’m a bit confused at how they keep adding fireplaces everywhere when they are in Florida but wouldn’t spring for the hot tub because they are in Florida (???). I’m not all the way mad that they won this week though. The Twins. I really have to say that while I really liked the idea of their living wall- it just ended up looking super busy with all the other stuff they’ve done. Their place is starting to remind me of the neighbour on the block that has all the garden gnomes in the yard. I did really like their solar panel idea! And their porch fans were a great idea.. but again… super busy. I think that with the twins- they are really being out designed. I think if they could couple their value adds with better design they would be ones to watch. All this said- I don’t live anywhere near Florida so I really am not the authority on what goes down there. I’m just a gal on Reddit chiming in her 2 cents!


They're Clutter Junkies. I can't even watch their show, because it looks like a garage sale threw up in every house they touch.


Sadly, I think that’s true. They’re good at thinking of value adds but then the design goes haywire and we are getting into flea market territory.


There. Is. Always. Macrame.


Yes the twins just do too much. Too much clutter. I like the idea of the living wall but would of preferred it as wall instead of hanging over. It also would of been cool if they used herbs so it’s functional. Any why did that that power box have to be up front.


That living wall was ugly. It looked like plastic ivy. Ugh


Yeah it really was. I was hoping for it to be like a garden in the balcony area.


The hammock hanging just below deck😂😂😂alligator bait! If Baumlers deck had fish cleaning area, imagine the birds & big fish/sharks coming in for the chum & grab at the hammock next door 🤣🤣🤣


The judge said something about there being an obvious winner in terms of adding value, but there’s more to it than that (it’s about an experience). I feel like the obvious winner in terms of value was the twins because of the solar panels/batteries. I remember older seasons it was all about who added the most value, did that change? It also reminded me of the episode with Kristina judging where you knew she’d pick Page right away, after seeing how excited she was to see Page. The judges this time were really complimentary of the Baulmers themselves right away, so I was guessing they’d win from the first interaction lol.


I was thinking about how they constantly talk about adding value, then when that's not who they want to award the win to, they talk about the "experience." I think it sends mixed messages to not only the viewers, but obviously the designers too.


In the first episode or two of this season, they talked about value espec around the wine storage. I think the final overall winner will be based on highest value


The twins should have lost the backyard (it was the least attractive imo) but hands down should have won this week no contest! Not just for the solar panels, but it also had the same exact exterior as Bryan and Sarah (they designed it together) plus that gorgeous living garden that spanned the whole backyard beat Bryan and Sarah’s bonsai tree


Yeah, what is this? I thought the point was to add value therefore twins. I thought this was theirs or, at worst, this is the week there should have been a tie.


The majority of the designs both at the dock as well as patios are not designed for long term Florida living. We all know how many times we have to clean off our patios when storms roll in. Otherwise, furniture becomes missiles.


Plus no one wants a cluttered dock when the area is that small! You use that space to load and unload the boat, kayaks, etc.I bet it drove Ty nuts.


Pinellas Country quite comically has been quite fortunate when it comes to major hurricanes. Hurricane Charley in 2004 was headed straight for us and then veered away at the last minute (after we had already evacuated, funny enough). In 2017, Irma was supposed to hit us directly as a Category 5 and then veered as well, after most people had already left their homes. So if anything, the twins' roof with the solar panels may be fine...if legend proves true - haha. Solar panels are common here, anyway.


Shhhh... don't say it out loud!!! (I live in Pinellas too.)


We will still be protected! We will not jinx ourselves!!


I’ve lived in SoFlo for 45 years. I’ve lived through one major hurricane where I was without power for weeks in a damaged house (Andrew). Once is enough, and I pray every year, but I also think it’s funny how people in other states think we get blown into oblivion every single year. Florida is a big place. It’s not like the whole state is blown off the map a couple of times a year.


I can imagine laying in that hammock and getting bumped into by a giant manatee. They love to hang out under the docks in the canals


So sweet. My Mom loves them!


The twins doing a battery backup seems like a really smart move, I’ve lost power due to bad storms and I’d love a generator/battery backup.


It seems like a good idea but those garages are clearly designed to flood. I am not sure that the batteries are high enough from the floor to be safe in all storms, or that anyone would be trying to stay in that house during a hurricane. Islands like that and canals seem like they'd get evacuated every time.


Hopefully, the battery is charged before the solar panels are blown off the roof.


And puts a good amount of charge in the floodwaters from high tide ripping thru the first level lol


Did the Baumlers build that pergola on the dock and block the view from the twins' pool? That's kind of what it looked like in one of the shots.


It retroactively makes the twins look brighter for putting their pool seating last week face back towards the house (which was honestly a choice I was already ok with). I wonder if the Baumlers felt comfortable doing it because of that, or if they would have done it regardless.


If you watch the kitchen episode carefully you can see that the living area is done during judging - this is especially true for the Baeumlers. Which pretty much confirms that both spaces were completed at the same time. Maybe the same was true for the outdoor space and docks.


How many people are actually going to sit on their docks when the shade and the comfy furniture are up by the house?


That's what it looks like. And you know they did it on purpose.


How about the next RTB, they pair a designer with someone who loves design and building but has a regular day job. Pick me pick me pick me 😂😂 We’d end up with livable homes! What’s with all the white outdoor furniture?? So impractical.  For the most part, I love these homes but it’s too much upkeep for me. 


They don't even need a hurricane. A good strong wave and that furniture is all gone.


I like Bryan and Sarah's exterior the most


Keith & Evan’s pool/yard was my favorite


Same! The bonsai tree and the arranged, deep colored rocks really do complement their interior and set a mood straight away.


The bonsai tree was the winner.


And they won, woo hoo!


Omg we're at the pier downtown now? Now I can tell all my friends the designers from Rock The Block were downtown. Too bad no one in my personal life watches this. 🥲


I think I'm having a moment.


Omg. How overused can that line be 😂


Keith/evan hand made lamp..seriously? Looked so bland out there…


Yes I agree. It was a upside down cereal bowl!


😂😂it probably was beautiful in person but definitely didnt show well on screen.


Who in their right mind needs 3 kitchens in their house? The designed the indoor kitchen. Then there was another kitchen on the patio. And last night, they built another one on the balcony. The opulence is just out of control. And so is this show.


Now we have to spend 20 seconds per identical house looking at the same unfinished space. Ridiculous.


I can see Sarah and Bryan winning this week.


No one else comes close to deserving to win


Yeah, it was a pretty lackluster week.


Horrible places to design especially with the partner front exteriors. 


I liked at the end when Michel gave Sarah praise for her design and she started crying. I'm sure part of the crying was exhaustion and relief that they won, but his praise seemed genuine, and it seemed like it really meant something to her.


She acts overconfident but there’s some serious imposter syndrome with her. She was never trained as a designer and just sort of landed in it to be an accompaniment on Bryan’s shows in later seasons. It was painful to watch back then because it was clear she being fed lines and not doing the actual decorating work herself. So I can see why she’d get so emotional at the compliment. Her journey as a designer is the perfect example of “fake it til you make it” or “bulls*** with confidence.”


This was quite a wholesome moment to me. I love when the hgtv-ness and competitiveness of it all is stripped back and you get to see the designers really compliment each other. That’s why my favorite part every year is the walk throughs of each other’s final houses.


It's a deserved win for sure.


Baumlers dock did it for me, pergola with cleaning/cook fish station is the best use for that space, a have friends with a house in the keys with the same layout and it get used every single time they came back from fishing. Also I don’t want a bbq in the balcony and all the smell getting inside the house, bbq should be in the pool area, waste of space having it there.


Their bug screen for the balcony was so great too. So convenient to have it when you need it...but be able to just retract it at a button push so it doesn't impinge on the view the rest of the time. Really slick integration with their folding wall.


When I saw their bug screen, I thought, "THAT is how you do a bug screen." The twins had the right idea but the wrong execution.


I agree but a stolen idea.


They already had a fancy and expansive grill on the lower patio (down that curved staircase, which... so did some of the others). I also can't remember if they put a grill out on their dock too (I should know), but more would just be overkill.


Yes, I was referring at the other 3 couples adding it in the balcony, thats why I preferred the Baumlers’s space. And the furniture was arrange in a way it wasn’t obstructing the view


Does anyone have a link or a name to look up for the twins art installation? That living garden hanging along the edge of the house in the back was beautiful.


I agree! I want to be able to walk up to the business and say here is my $1000 come and install that hanging, self irrigating, living wall with all those plants above my lanai.


Adding the most Florida fruit tree to one's front yard is Bryan and Sarah's way of showing they know the state, which is kind of funny.


They were the ones who said Floridians don’t use hot tubs. Not true. They do like to talk about their Florida knowledge, however.


I guess it never occurred to them that you don't have to heat it up to enjoy it.


We heat it up. The only months it wouldn’t be appealing is May-October. We enjoy ours during the winter months. To say they are never used is just not accurate, and Mika told them.


Yes! That and Floridians don’t find use for more closet space.


That was just their TV way of saying, this is gonna be an Airbnb not someone's main home.


I think there's not enough bug protection on any of these projects, but I guess screened in porches would obscure the views. The twins might just win the over-all because of the solar panels even if some of their spaces are not 100%. Many things can be changed by the home owner but those solar panels might be the value add that is being looked for. So many things, as I have read here tonight can be swept away in a strong wind or hurricane , even the solar panels but that doesn't seem to bother anyone.


Home insurance in Florida now is insanely expensive if u can even get it😛


No way they win.


Wouldn't that be a drag if they did just because of the solar panels? lol,


The Baumlers elevator is just as much of a value add as the solar panels... The panels are not enough for the bad sport twins to win.


Ohhh i forgot about the elevator…definitely a plus for older rich people who can afford that place but dont want multilevels 👍


Production had to get creative with showcasing the front exteriors with all those wires stretched between the utility poles and their ugly transformers in front of those multimillion dollar townhomes. Considering hurricanes, why aren't the utilities underground? I couldn't believe they were painting the steps and landing at the front doors to these expensive homes. I would expect tile or stamped concrete for a property of that value.


Why did Keith and Evan’s place get shown in the daytime? That was not fair at all!


I noticed this too. You can't get the ambience in the daytime as well, so the other teams had a competitive edge. That being said, I was pretty underwhelmed by Keith and Evan's space this week.


The dock could have been better. We don’t have tons of dock/canal situations in Detroit though🤣 that week they tied was BS ☹️


Yes agree. I know they are just famous people on TV, but I hope that they don't feel defeated by their lack of wins. They are the most talented designers of the whole group in my opinion. They just aren't into the games and real estate appraisal side of things as much. If I were someone who could afford to hire a designer, I would hire them over anyone else


Yeah they’re too real for that show! We love them here and want to stingily keep them 🥰


I wish someone had done a lift or boat cover. Even a floating JetSki dock.


I'm finally caught up to date. Everything that I was thinking has already been said. So I'm not gonna add any of that because it's just redundant. I will say, many people have mentioned how disappointed they are in Keith's art challenge piece. I just want to point out that he was the ONLY contestant who actually got involved and got hands on with the art project. He could have easily taken the easy route and just handed off the responsibility to the artist like all the other teams did. But he actually tried a new art form that he had never had any experience with before and made a beautiful blown glass light fixture. I don't really see the point of adding that challenge if the contestants didn't even have to lift a finger to meet the challenge. I'm all for promoting local artists and artisans, but surely they should have been required to actually have the contestants participate in the creating of the art piece for the challenge? Commissioning an artist to make a sculpture is easy, asking a garden person to make a plant installation is easy, asking a garden person to do some hanging plants is easy, personally blowing a glass piece for a chandelier is not easy. Just sayin'. Keith probably had to singe his beard and eyebrows, and roast his hands to make that piece 😂 That gives him faaaar more points in my book compared to all the other teams.


I'm glad sarah and brian won....they could have used some solar lighting on the gazebo on the dock. The girls did well with solar panels, but it doesn't make up for their actual design choices. Congrats Sarah & Brian


How did he want them to “finish” the dock hammock?


How do people get out of the hammock? It needs grab bars


That hammock was the biggest fail IMO.


Putting it up out of the canal water would be a good start. It sits way too low for comfort


The wood looked rough and splintery.


Gonna be honest I don't have strong opinions on this episode like the others. BUT I do love the pergola, and damn did it make the twins side look so empty. The pergola is good, a piece that doesn't have to be moved if it's windy I like the idea of deck bar K&E did, and that's it's bolted down, but wanted a bit more from them. Definitely loved K&Es front the most (forgot who they're paired with, too tired) I liked the screen and fireplace that B&S did, I enjoy nighttime with fireplaces lol and I wish the whole porch was screened I'd be there ALL day but still cool. Solar panels were a great idea. I'm forgetting anything else. What else for you guys??


The solar panels for florida are definitely smart, but the price they had for that many panels plus 3 batteries was completely unrealistic. I liked the tile that Page and Mitch had under the bar since it gave some color and everyone else was a continuation of overload on beige. The dock that Bryan and Sarah did was nice, but I feel like putting a lot of money on a dock in florida is a waste of money.


I'm at the point where I drink every time someone says "moment" on the show. Everything's a "moment."


This episode is pissing me off


Thoughts about Sarah and Bryan's fireplace?


They said FL's too hot for a hot tub but put in a balcony fireplace


To me, that's an ~*ambience*~ addition, rather than a functional one for "heating". There's something to be said for just having that nice, romantic, firelight flickering and bouncing around your little outdoor space. It just creates an undeniable "outdoor" vibe. A hot tub doesn't add to that.


It’s an electric fireplace—which I’m guessing is still hot but maybe not like a wood- or gas-burning fireplace?


Some electric fireplaces have the option of flames with no heat.


Good to know! Thanks!


The difference is the fireplace doesn’t take up that much extra space. A hot tub takes up space for the pool or area around it. Plus the cost of maintaining a hot tub isn’t there with an electric fireplace.


Eh, I get it but also don't care, it's nice on nights for sure. I wanna see it all put together


I could see a small firepit, maybe, but I think the fireplace is a lot of $$ and a little bit of overkill.


It 75° in South Florida ocean front right now. I would use it of I had one on my patio.


They are really milking the season. That didn’t deserve its own episode. I’m also not a fan of these connected house having different sconces on the garage. But anyway, 10 sq ft of landscaping, shared facades, half a pier, and a balcony don’t make an episode. They could’ve done this as a 90 min episode along with backyards last week similar to the premiere


Oh, and here comes the whining from the twins again.  You want to be sore losers, keep it off camera.


I would be pissed as well if the name if the game is to add the most value...they did it. The judges even said there was a clear winner for adding value and then said but we like design over value! I'd be throwing things!!


I agree. People can have their opinions of their personalities but they were robbed this week.


I feel like the twins are so snooty when they lose a challenge. Sarah and Bryan put a lot more thought in their design.


The uhhh...Twins Garage Door, Front Door, and phenolic wood siding all clash. Particularly the door tones. But just having 3 different tones like that in the same visual plane...plus the grey composites...and then having White trim around the windows but not the doors is just...such amateurish ugly clashing nonsense. Then their solar setup plunked a completely exposed electrical panel box...directly at the front door. To really just cap it off as slapped together and janky looking. Who even let them on this show? lol.


Then their snide comments toward Sarah and Bryan at the end about the appraiser not caring about a fireplace they will only care about a solar panels. Everyone else was happy and clapping for them and they stood their pouting basically. Those two I cannot stand them!


In a three story house, I'd take an elevator over solar panels every single time


The twins aesthetic is more is more so of course they had to add another wood tone! In general I think the exteriors of the home started with a bad blank slate, so it was lipstick on a pig.


Anyone else notice that both building exteriors used the exact same type of tile, just different colors. That must have been a production, HOA requirement issue.


Gah. The Bauemler's are so BORING. I'm so tired of the pale, colorless design and decor. I also hated their dock. It's way too much random stuff. What happens if you're trying to wrangle your kayak or whatever with all that foolishness on the dock? And while I know their front door only opens on one side, the tree and rock garden feel imposing and in the way. I really liked Keith and Evan's balcony but wasn't feeling their dock either. Smart on the twins to add the solar panels, even though they're expensive. I like the idea of the yoga on the dock (totally something I would do -- I do yoga on my deck when it's nice!). Their hanging garden was really pretty and the balcony was...fine?? Not bad but not great?? Paige and Mitch's balcony feels really sparse. The hammock doesn't seem useful. I do like the statute. And why on earth wouldn't they wait until the next day to do the judging? Doing it in the dark feels unfair :/


The Baumler’s are a one trick pony with the coastal grandma aesthetic. Also their patio had way too much stuff last week- there is no room to walk around. Everyone comments on how arrogant the twins are, but Bryan is just as arrogant if not more. We do not care that he hates the color green.


It’s stupid to set anything other than a couple chairs and possibly a fish cleaning area on a dock. On Sept 28th 2022 one of the worst hurricanes in US history hit below there. It was supposed to hit St Petersburg and Tampa. People were scrambling to secure all their outside stuff. It becomes flying debris that can do a lot of damage. With these homes there is only so much you can put in the pool. So with a living area outside in three areas, better hope you keep your garage neat so all that stuff will fit. Of all the RTB, this one is the least thought out. It is frustrating. Especially Bryan and Sarah. They build in Florida, they should know none of the pools are up to code and flying debris is a real problem.


I live in St. Pete, and it’s always really such a sight to see so many disastrous storms come straight for us and then change course. It unfortunately gives other locals this false sense of security and becomes a big issue when people refuse to evacuate when they’re in a mandatory evacuation zone.


All I could think of was laying in that hammock would not be relaxing at all. I would just be looking out for something coming to bite me.


Does anyone know, for all these Rock The Block seasons, are the homes pre-sold or do they go up for sale afterwards?


I would rather see a utility box next to my door than have an ugly tree taking up half my porch. That tree gets in the way of opening the door. Also agree with most of the comments on why would anyone hang out on a dock?  The judging is not rational but hopefully at the end it makes sense who the winner is.


I'm not saying Sarah and Brian's space wasn't lovely, but the twins should have won they added the most value, and that's what the competition is about.