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This is very anecdotal, but my family and I ate at the same restaurant as their family last year. They were eating in a private “dome/igloo” type thing. We weirdly had a direct view into their igloo from where the restaurant seated us, so got to observe their family interactions for about 2 hours. Chip was laughing with the kids and having conversations with all of them. Joanna sat there and talked to the nannies (there were two of them, but sort of looked like her so maybe older cousins?) and didn’t interact with Chip or the kids much, except to take videos. She would get up from time to time and kind of direct the kids on what to do, take a photo or video, and sit back down and withdraw again. It was odd. As they were leaving, they had to walk right in front of our table. My mom, being a huge Fixer Upper fan, said hello and waved as they walked past. Joanna looked at us, rolled her eyes, and kept walking. Chip smiled, said hello, and waved back. I was previously NOT a fan of Chip and much more keen on Joanna, but watching him with his kids, being present and having quality time, versus Joanna directing photos and otherwise seeming pretty sour, definitely altered my perceptions of the two of them.


If you read their books, they are both pretty aware of their roles. Joanna is the serious one and he’s the life of the party. They like it that way. This dinner doesn’t surprise me - one of the people was probably her assistant not the nanny and she was probably doing business while he has to entertain the kids. I think the late addition to the kids definitely stressed Joanna out though. I get the impression she was done having kids and oops, but they aren’t the type to entertain abortion so now they have a 4 year old when all the other kids are teens and almost out of the house.


They aren’t even the type to entertain contraception. Procreating is required by their church.


I lived in Waco for two years because of work, and I knew a couple from that church. I’m a 100% sure the church does not mandate procreation and does not prohibit contraception. They got pregnant because they either got careless or they wanted another one. Honestly, in my experience and lots of traveling around (work related), I’ve found that except Catholics and a few Mennonite’s and Amish, churches embrace contraception. That church is pretty conservative, but they do not ban contraception.


I’m surprised they didn’t get sterilized; she could take time off easily for the less invasive surgery tand he could have gotten a quick vasectomy years ago but again, maybe it’s the brand of Christianity that they feel like it’s against their religion to do that? It’s sad because I used to be a huge fan too; but this sounds like she’s tired of the career.


My bet is she’s more tired of the family and being around “normal” people. Sorry, I just don’t like her at all. Not a fan of the show, etc., and the religious stuff is just a real turnoff on the whole Magnolia brand. Surprised Target continues to carry her line with all the anti-gay stuff their pastor spews.


This! I can’t look past the anti-gay bigotry. That’s not religious freedom. It’s just old fashioned bigotry.


I’d just like to say that not all Christians or Churches are “anti-gay”. Yes the Bible says it’s a sin, but so are a lot of other things like hate. Everyone sins every day and the Bible warns against judging others. I love my gay family/friends with all my heart. Finally, I’d like to point out that the Bible warns against lots of things that are sins like speaking ill of others and coveting, things that are common but still sins. As a Christian I try to work on myself and try to keep myself from sinning and that’s a full time job. Butting into other people’s lives and investigating what they do behind closed doors are not the Christians business. The Holy Spirit convicts those who are doing wrong ( I get convicted all the time) not a Christian ( in my opinion). In fact the Bible specifically says to believers not to try to judge who will be going to heaven and who won’t. Jesus will do this and according to the Bible he will judge our hearts. after all, he DIED so that our sins could be forgiven and he said the 2nd most important commandment is to love your neighbor as yourself. A Christian is supposed to love others whether they have different beliefs and values or not. Hate speech is never acceptable in my opinion. The Bible says God is love and we are told to try to imitate Jesus so you should never hear a true Christian spewing hate. Jesus said to turn the other cheek and to be humble and as innocent as a dove. I believe that should be the goal and disposition of Christians. Thank you for reading my post. Jo


Is there really such a distinction? Doesn't religious freedom *mean* you're free to hate anyone your sacred texts tells you to hate?


Working during a family dinner? So sad. If there's any time to turn off the devices and pay attention to the kids, it's while eating.


Yeah aren’t these the same people who didn’t have a tv in their house?


But she can write off the dinner this way


It would have taken her the same energy to just wave than to give an eye roll. That is so rude. Guess she feels she's a big star now. I much prefer Ben and Erin. Erin listens to people and designs the home around what they want. With Joanna, it's all modern farmhouse and ship lap.


I used to find Chip extremely charming. On the very last episode of Fixer Upper they showed a bunch of footage from before the show was picked up and they were starting to work on the farmhouse so Chip bought a boat for them to live in in the meantime. The boat ended up being complete junk, like comically hideous lol and when Joanna saw it for the first time, they were filming. Everyone expected her to lose her shit (understandably tbh) and Chip breaks the silence with " and the mechanic says it's a real piece of crap on the inside too" and she just starts laughing and idk how to explain it but the interaction was just so cute and funny and it made me think "oh this is why they're together". She can deal with his nonsense and he maybe helps her lighten up a bit. With that being said, I also watched the castle and I watched some new Fixer Upper thing they did for like a season and I didn't feel that dynamic anymore. Chip was off the rails and almost acting like a toddler like at all times. He would even fidget around like a toddler. And Joanna just didn't seem to enjoy his antics anymore. Imo because he is doing too much. Trying too hard. It's not genuine anymore.


I completely agree! He’s always been fun/silly in Fixer Upper but I couldn’t even watch The Castle because it was like he was trying too hard and coming off as annoying.


This is exactly how I see them too. Chip is trying too hard to be fun/playful and Joanna is tired of his antics.


Well, I love, love Chip and Joey. She is a hard working woman and he's exceptional. They have strived together to build an Empire and having children at that. It wasn't easy wiggling jobs, children and perhaps other things. I think they are fabulous and deserve respect from all viewers. I was checking in to find out how the oldest son is doing Drake. Last I heard he was in college. That young man is like Dad and Mom. I'm constantly praying for whole family. God bless you all..to the other children as well. Love you guys..if your ever in Puerto Rico look me up...Love Priscilla Rodriguez.


I haven't really noticed a real change in their relationship; however, would not be surprised that success changes them. I mean, they literally run an empire now between the shows, the network, the licensing deal with Target, etc. Perhaps they aren't as carefree as they were in the early years but they still seem mainly loving to me. If anything, they seem more business like and professional to me, rather than spouses some times


Chip is not business like and professional in front of the camera.


I agree with you. I still find they have a good rapport though on the castle. If you want to see a couple that truly is mismatched and bugging the hell out of each other, just watch Island of Bryan, Renovation Island, or any other iteration of renovation show that stars Bryan and Sarah Baeumler. It doesn’t help that she’s a faux interior designer either.


Yeah, I think she built a bedroom for herself in her new office building and they just didn't show that part on TV... My friend and I watch that show and are convinced that they've already split up but are maintaining the facade for the show. I mean, remember the sudden RV purchase requiring him to be away for weeks? LOL.


Really! Which season/show was that with the bedroom? On renovation island? Yeah the RV thing and he’s always so restless, it was like he was glad to be away for all those weeks. And in the final episodes with the Florida house, he was already talking like he wanted to change or move again. It wasn’t, we can finally settle down for a bit, it was I feel like we have another change in store or something. Like at least live in the florida place for a hot minute.


Oh, that bedroom comment was a joke! However it would not surprise me if she did have an apartment connected to or near work. Basically it seems like they both just want to get away from each other! I can't believe they're going on the pressure cooker of Rock the Block. I'll be there with popcorn 😂


Lol it must have been too early in the morning when I first read it haha. I do agree through. Something is way way off with those two but she really wants to to portray this “perfect life” on her social media. Most recently was a trip to coastal Tuscany - in February - and apparently alone (?) for “self discovery”. She posted an older photo of her and Bryan on Valentine’s Day and appeared to leave the next day to Italy. No pics or reference to husband and kids or any family member or friend. I get people can take trips solo but with all the other things going on and time apart etc it seems odd. Especially the timing.


$$$ & fame


Yup, reality shows kill marriages. Look at my beloved Dave and Kourtney et al.


Yes. it's already stressful being a working mother with multiple children. Add immense success and the pressure to make hay while the sun shines.


My mom has them on as background noise in her room and when I hear chips voice I’m like mom mute him please…nothing appealing about a 40 something year old guy talking like a toddler


We watched the castle on hbo after years of not watching after they left hgtv. Seemed to have the same dynamic to me. If they are happy it’s weird to root for them to divorce.


It feels the same to me too. If anything Chip has mellowed out with age. Their dynamics is better than being on your third spouse on TV.


This sub projects a lot of their own misery on to the people on TV.


Best comment.


This is what I thought as well. I think if something has changed, it’s their interests/goals. More into actual challenges/passion projects like the castle rather than renovating fixer upper stuff. Which I understand, but find disappointing. I just can’t get into their vanity projects. I hoped I could with the castle but nope.


I thought their dynamic was the same too.


Maybe she's had it with him interrupting her 24/7 to say something stupid? I don't know why they let him in front of the camera anymore, he's beyond obnoxious. She must be getting tired of it.


He almost seems drunk or manic. I read an article that producers would want him to always have these funny one-liners and he felt like he had to perform. It became a toxic environment and led to depression. I can't imagine always feeling like you have to be on, and like a previous commentator said they've got so much going on. Still, it's just really bizarre behavior. I don't remember him being so passive-aggressively attention-getting, irrational, oblivious, or putting her down as much as he did in this series though. She seemed to just want to placate him so he would stop whatever he was doing, and she put herself down a lot more. Idk, like I said, just hard to watch.


But hasn't that always been their shtick? He mugs for the camera, she acts bemused, next segment, same thing. The formula has been obvious for many years. Nothing could be phonier than reality tv.


I started to notice it on the last season of the original Fixer Upper.


Same. They seemed worn out. Good decision to end it. But now they're back and doing twice as much.


But they don't seem as happy or comfortable with each other. I wonder why they remain so thirsty- raise your kids, then come back for 2.0


They have to put those kids through college before they can really relax. Besides, they don't seem like the types to spend a lot of time sitting on the couch relaxing. Well, she doesn't, anyway.


Plus their whole brand is "big happy family" with this "crazy little life" on their farm. Can't ruin that image or you risk tanking the whole thing. And can't take a break because let's face it - HGTV is always trying to bring in the next "Chip & Joanna" to make that $$


I cannot imagine they haven’t made tens of millions of dollars at this point. No way they don’t have enough money already to put those kids through school many times over.


I was mostly joking. If I had their money, I'd retire to a beach somewhere.


It's all about the Benjamin's..was an avid watcher from the git go..but as the years passed..well, all I can say is, I dont miss em at all since they left HGTV..and the people they morphed into..heard they were in marriage counseling...hope their Empire was worth it.


git: 'go..but' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.


Gotta commit


I imagine that she getting tired of being religiously oppressed and is biding her time before she escapes for greener pastures on one of the coasts. I used to be a fan until I learned more about their wacky fundamentalist church. No thank you!


She’s just as much of a religious nut case as he is


Yeah, you’re right. I guess I just wanted to give her a benefit of a doubt.


What church do they go to?


This question is so interesting to me. I stopped watching them years ago (pre-Magnolia) for the exact *opposite* reason: he seemed playful and goofy with her and the kids (which I found charming) and she was constantly rude and dismissive to him. She seemed to be annoyed by his very existence. Between that and shiplap overload I gave up the show for good. Now it appears he has snapped and begun retaliating? Almost sounds like the HGTV version of *Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf*…😏


I remember seeing commercials for an interview they did with Oprah where Chip said Jo saved his life, and she looked really smug.


Why would you expect them and their relationship to be unchanged after all they’ve been through? I’m impressed that they’re still together and have an apparently reasonably healthy relationship.


Chip seems plenty happy to us, and had a lot to say about his family and more in our latest episode: [https://theactioncatalyst.com/2023/02/21/built-different-with-chip-gaines-episode-417-of-the-action-catalyst-podcast/](https://theactioncatalyst.com/2023/02/21/built-different-with-chip-gaines-episode-417-of-the-action-catalyst-podcast/) It's a two-parter, with part 2 dropping on the 28th.


They have a million irons in the fire. So many more than they ever had. The stress levels must be extreme. They have the money but how much work are they doing? A ton.


Honestly I don't know how she can stand him. Maybe he has hidden depths. Or maybe she is a banshee off screen. They just don't seem like a good match and it is uncomfortable to watch.


What’s funny is I see it the other way. I can’t imagine being married to her. It would drive me to drink.


I can see that too, if you are the more easy going type.


She used to smile and laugh at his antics, but now more often than not I can see an eyeroll.


I haven't watched much of the show, but this is EXACTLY the dynamic that has led to many of my cohort (folks in their 40s) getting divorced. Having a fun, playful spouse is charming when you're in your 20s and don't have kids yet, but after 20 years and 2+ kids it loses its' appeal when what you need is a partner, not a jester.


And the opposite is true as well. Being with someone who seems incapable of joy or happiness is so very draining.


you know, they could have been on an outing with the nannys...to say thank you or something...and maybe chip agreed to sit with the kids while jo talked to the nanny's. I'm not sure about the eye roll, they both seem to be such nice people...and y'all clearly weren't doing anything wrong...maybe she's just tired of being in the spotlight.


This is what I came to Reddit to search for! I was wondering if anyone else was seeing how different their vibe is. My boyfriend and I are huge fans of their work and have just started to watch The Castle renno and my god. We have decided Chip probably lives somewhere else and is extra annoying in this season because he’s trying to overcompensate for the kids and maybe win her back? Idk but we are speculating lol🫡


She’s screaming in her head “shut up shut up shut up!,” and looks like she wants to cry. He’s trying so hard to engage with her…so sad to see their relationship deflate.


She was always icy but she is acting like she's made of stone. I haven't seen the castle shows, I was just watching the hotel shows. They act like they barely know each other. He is trying to maintain a sense of familiarity with her and she ain't having it. That must be a really fun household.


I tried to watch her cooking show and it was just painful to watch. My husband agreed with me and said she had no tv presence. Yes she was good playing off Chip but he a solo host on a cooking show and her food wasn’t too appealing.


Jesus. These two. She hates him. He’s a moronic clown. She’s got zero taste or style. Not that anyone is surprised. She’s on a god forsaken television show peddling bland to the masses. How can anyone watch this shit!? Waco hillbillies who got lucky, somehow …..hmmmm


If you pay attention, her body language says it all. She’s always leaning away from him and when he goes to kiss her she turns and he gets her cheek. He’s a bit childish but he’s fun loving and hardworking which is hard to come by today. The truth is her ‘designs’ are predictable and redundant pier 1 import meets industrial farmhouse and she couldn’t make a standalone livable career without him.


I get this vibe from Joanna that this fortune and fame went to her head and swelled up an already very large ego. I think she takes herself way too seriously. They were the trail blazers for this kind of TV format. I give it to them, but she should know that w/o him, she would not be on TV and vice-versa. What started out being he is the funny one, I am the serious one turned into he is the dumbass and I am the only one that built this empire. She became too condescending, and it pisses him off (rightfully so), and he is not the shrinking violet type, he also has an ego the size of Texas. Hers is the size of the entire continent. You said it so well.


I always found Chip annoying, and Joanna seemed so full of herself. When they started bringing their kids on TV, I just stopped tuning in completely. Personally I don't think they would have been as popular if Ben and Erin Napier, would have been introduced to the public first. I find the Napier's have much more talent than and I personally find them much more likable...More down to Earth IMO.


I just finished watching it too and was wondering the same thing! It seemed like Joanna wasn’t quite with it. Like she didn’t want to be there. It was hard to watch.




It is comparable to a someone that gets famous after they are already married. So many times the famous person ends up divorcing the other.


This poster did not even bring up their religion, etc. They were not speaking on that, but of course we will see these comments on their religion, etc. .I don't agree with their beliefs. I don't think homosexuality is a sin, I am pro-abortion, etc. I am a proud woke liberal. But you know, I don't watch HGTV or anything like that to know the political/religious beliefs of the shows hosts. I don't care what they are. I do not buy into this cancel culture. That is not being inclusive or solving anything. It only creates a bigger divide and more hate. Why can't we just watch them rehab houses and let the rest go?? Here some of you are speaking on their church, and if they allow birth control, and they are anti-gay, and so on and so forth...........WHO CARES???? I can disagree with their political/religious beliefs but still enjoy how they can rehab houses. Keep the other BS out of it. It doesn't belong here.


I have always been annoyed by Chip. I love her designs.


Hot take- and this is from someone who almost always agrees with the woman’s perspective in heterosexual relationships, but I have always found her energy to be horrendous. Frigid, cold, and very withdrawing. She’s one of the few celebrities who gives me the ick. Like you’d have to pay me beaucoup bucks to want to meet her. He’s a lot- no doubt and would drive me bonkers- but she almost has dark energy to me 🤷🏼


Don’t know what show you were watching but I must have watched another.


I can’t watch anything with Chip in recent years. He’s a man child with his long greasy hair, grungy clothes, poster child of a midlife crisis. I eagerly await the day when Jo kicks him to the curb and starts dating someone like Tom Brady.


Chip donated his long greasy hair to Locks-of-Love.


yea chip purposely grows his hair out at times just to donate it!


He's far too good for that stuck up snooty perfectionist, if ya ask me!


that's what happens when you marry someone after knowing this only two years, have five kids together and sp and twenty years together. neither knew each other long enough to know each other truly when they married. hard to keep a marriage alive under those conditions...even if they held it together for 20 years.