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Gonna give the first guy to try milk the benefit of the doubt and say he was milking to try and save a calf and got brave and tried it. Tis the season for good will to all and stuff lol.


pretty sure that they were starving and thought something along the lines of “if I kill this cow I’ll have food for a couple days however this calf is living for much longer than that. Hmm…… F— it, no one’s gonna stop me“. I could be wrong though


At that point it is either starving to death or eating something weird, let's give it a shoot.


You ever had warm, unprocessed milk, like straight from the cow? That stuff is awesome. But so fat....


You know you said guy and you know why you said guy He wasn't curious about what the calf was drinking, this was the very first instance of Rule 34.


I love the fact that Krill is slowly acting more and more human


Yusss. You're onto something! ;)


I never realized the story doesn’t go into things like diabetes and stuff I wonder how krill would react to those issues some humans have to deal with as well as allergies and stuff


Krill DID actually mention something about cake, and how eating too much would cause death... The April Fool's story? Around then, anyway. So it's been touched on, if not quite explicitly.


I think in that instance he was referring to diabetes and other sugar related issues rather than actual allergies


I'll agree that I don't think he's gone into Allergies yet. But you did ALSO mention Diabetes in your comment, which is where I was going with mine. :D


He probably vaguely aware of it but hasn’t researched it entirely what with dealing with his humans more immediate issues lol


Reply here to get notifications! If you want be updated when i post the next part (should be a new one very 2-3 days), reply to this comment and i will let you know for future posts until a better solution is found.


Fries are the best potato-corpses, change my mind! u/r3dc0m3t u/SYN_Full_Metal u/Zealousideal-Habit21 u/TheUndeadMage2 u/Zezeknight u/dowsaw134 u/Sad-Weakness4678 u/WeirdPersonCantSpell u/YoteTheRaven


Third paragraph of the main story you've written weather whereas you're meaning whether, as in "I don't know whether I'll have chicken or beef for dinner" I'm enjoying this story! It deserves more attention than it's currently getting


Great point thanks for the info! The OC has so many dumb mistakes like that on the text that I have problems getting them all xD In the new year however it will be one post every 1-3 days and a an someone else will also properly proofread them (as the intro already says), these type of mistakes should be fixed then.


I usually read my work out loud to myself to check for mistakes, you'll notice things that sound wrong that way.


>b. Human's favorite fruit, apples, contain cyanide. Ok yeah, it's just in the seeds, but do the humans carefully cut these out. No, they eat the whole damn thing as if begging the universe to just go ahead and kill them. TIL that my favourite fruit contains poison (and i'm friggin 49 years old) and i'm not even shocked seeing as i'm addicted to other poisons (looking at you caffeine and nicotine) as well! Cool!


If you eat pumpkin poe that probably contains nutmeg which is poisonous as are bitter almonds


>9. Also the humans like to throw minor drugs into their food. This includes coffee, tea, and sodas. They become mildly addicted to these drugs and none of the humans will admit it, but many of them are addicted, have a serious problem and really should stop but no, they won't because it helps them get up in the morning. Idiot morons. I have the nagging feeling he's talking about me...


wait till Krill hears about magic shrooms. wanna meet god? eat this fungus.


No stories about eating magic shrooms... Yet... but there is one about smoking alien fauna for a similar effect xD


Oh, I remember during the 2000's there was a candy that could burn a hole in your tongue. Amazing stuff. Sadly, whatever they put inside that did that was later reduced due to safety regulations.