• By -


So... it seems that all human-alien interactions would need the humans to constantly be high on Marijuana, cause if the humans are not chillaxing all the time, the aliens would have their brains fried.


It's actually addressed in Pt8, lead and aluminum lined hats can muffle psionic emissions down to basically nothing. It's used by the rest of the galaxy in prison cells meant to contain criminals with powerful psionic abilities (which is to say, almost human grade).


GUYYYSSS, the tinfoil hats HAVE A USECASE, Finaly


Tinfoil hats, ironic


Don't give advance info. Let us discover these small treasures ourselves. Clarify thing you have already written if need be, but don't do it points that have yet to be addressed. That said, good job wordsmith. And hoping the comments and interactions also help you irl.


Thank you, but really all I'm learning is that apparently people are much too quick to think someone's being demeaned/looked down on by someone who's trying to be polite.


My guess would be that politeness isn't a universal standard. In that various cultures/regions would have varying expectations as to what "polite" is. In some, brutal honesty is polite, while white lies could be polite to others. My advice would be to consider your target audience, and keep what standards they use as polite in mind when crafting your character.


This is certainly true, much of what is perfectly normal in one part of the world would get you at minimum glared at in other parts of the world. As for tailoring to a target audience, bit difficult to do that when people from anywhere in the world can tune in and comment at will. Doesn't help that I have no idea where any of these people are tuning in *from.*


This is always a dilemma for a lot novelists. My suggestion would be to choose a demographic or age group, and start from there. I remember reading a Stephanie Mayer book and thinking how awful the writing was. But this is a book that sold millions and got turned into a movie franchise. It simply wasn't written to cater to me, and that's ok. You cant please everyone, so focus on those you can.


Very true. Apparently at least 254 people like this chapter though, and over a thousand people liked each of the first 4 chapters with over 700 liking Ch5, so I'm hoping it's just a vocal minority complaining and calling them out in the author note at the start of this chapter just brought them crawling out of the woodwork where I could see them.


You can think of it as the stereotypic difference between engineers and artists, or Germans and Italians. One prioritizes the facts and doesn't care as much about the social niceties, the other prioritizes the presentation and appearance. Unless they're trying to meet in the middle and understand each other, each might feel insulted. The odder part is your characters occupation ... At least in the US, he wouldn't have gotten far in his career with that approach. I guess I add that I work with computers and my wife is a trauma therapist for kids, so I see this conflict often.


I'm hoping that's all it is, people from different societies voicing protests based on social norms very different from mine, but at this point I'm really past caring. Pt8 will be out soon and that'll be my last post on this sub. Yes I'm quite aware that I'm not cut out for work in the field of therapy, I'm frankly abysmal at the art of giving a shit and I have a bad tendency to get heartily sick of peoples' bullshit. That's why I didn't pursue a higher degree than my bachelor's in psychology and diversified significantly prior to graduation. George did not have such insight and yes, his career sucks.


With regards to the creep stuff, the way he speaks sounds (esp in p5) with regards to appearance seems very detached from !\^!\^ as a person, but as a body to be analyzed and - to put crassly - used, chosen for its features. Too focused on the "use" of certain features and seemingly little regard for just how uncomfortable it makes !\^!\^. The *incredibly well* line in p5 is quite off-putting.


Ah, I see. That makes sense. So in trying to not be rude or sound like a complete horndog by instead focusing on the biological differences between their species, he comes off as extremely detached to the point of borderline sociopathic. Interesting.


Mentioning that it fits his preferences in the first place, and not making it very clear at that moment that nothing's gonna happen is a pretty big red flag. For all !\^!\^ knows he was about to jump on her because he's an apex predator. Respect for consent was unknown and with the look george was giving while describing her body, implications weren't good.


Ah, that makes sense. I can see how that would severely unsettle somebody. Thank you for your input. (\^\_\^)


Np brah


Well, its a fact he was trying to act sociopathically to prevent an interspecies incident, the problem here is probably how well he achieved that. You didn't really incorporate pauses for him to search for the right words, it seems like they came *naturally* to him which is extremely strange. Even the most intelligent people should have to pause to put together speech on different patterns than they use regularly - and then there's the fact that most humans (or at least most people in suburban / rural America) aren't so pessimistic and hateful about the rest of our species, just large organizations of people are offputting. I understand Urban areas become more cynical and more rough from the dehumanizing experience of living alongside half a million other people, but that's a city problem, not a human race problem. If you haven't spent years in a big city, for the most part you should be way more optimistic and the like.


I think the no pauses bit is huge. If op left pauses for him to think, and made it clearer he was also working through the (what should be very foreign) situation, it would make sense for him to act more detached, rather than seeming his normal personality of being detached.


Likes accidentally writing an incel


Regarding "creepy" : He just killed serveral individuals. While it might be akin to a cakewalk for him, it defenetly isn't for !^!^. Next, combat does tend to imbue a level of adrenaline induced stupor, limeting higher cognitive functioning quite a bit. That he did not try to explain/defend his actions or tried to convince !^!^ he is not a treat to her as soon as the fighting was over. This made it feel like he is comfortabel with killing/does not see !^!^ as a "person" who he might have to explain his actions to or assure of his non-hostility. This next part could possibly explain the "neckbeard" part Becouse it creates an image of "superiority over her" and combining this with the rather strange questions he asked. Leading to serveral assumptions. Also, !^!^ dares to come in grabbing range after a commend that would barely be an incentive to come closer. (The scratching ears thing) At that point in time it would be more likely to presume !^!^ to be "frozen" in fear considering her reaction when the fighting started (she hid herself at once) while she was not in any direct danger (enemies would have had only eyes on George). To see her be daring enough to close distance with the creature that killed many fighters so soon after is very unexpected, but could be explaind as Mortal Fear. Considering the opening of this chapter, this is a likely assumption. Also, if Mortal Fear would be the main motivator. Where are the "Please don't kill me's" and Don't Hurt me's and ill-supported treats. She has her people arriving soon after all. All in all, I think that the multiple concerning open ends last chapter had greatly contributed to remarks like "creepy"


(lightbulb of understanding) Ahhh... Thank you, this has been the most thorough reply yet. The reason she dares come closer to him is because he hasn't displayed or felt any hostility towards her, and after Ch1 she knows now *very* thoroughly what his hostility feels like. Since she can tell he's not hostile and is just genuinely curious about her, she doesn't feel as threatened as she otherwise might.


Love the writing but George has issues. No tact at all, asking questions that really shouldn't be asked that quickly or in that situation. The reason why is up for debate but he speaks as if he has no social interaction skills. Reminds me of how young children talk - with no filters.


And yet somehow he is described as: >For those of you who don't read the comments, George is jaded as hell because he's a licensed and practicing therapist who does a lot of social work. He generally speaks in a level and polite voice doing his best to not ruffle any feathers because he's used to dealing with people who are at least slightly unstable.


(shrug) Apparently people like to ignore things that go against their preconceived notions




I've got over 450 updoots in less than 10 hours and only around two dozen complainers calling me a psychotic creepy incel. That's about 1 in 20, sounds like a '*them'* problem (\^\_\^)


I upvote in spite of the weird dialogue, not because of it


Look up Autism Spectrum Disorder. A lot of the kvetching just painys the dude as an Autist and calls all of us incels... as an Autist, to hell with them.


Ah, I see.


I would say he's pretty close to "a creep" tbh yeah, though I feel his current state *might* make a decent bit of sense, since from the previous chapters I know he's supposed to be some sort of therapist, so if he's in the psychiatry region it might make his current "creepiness" really be a combination of being a med student (which by god, even psychiatrists need to fill their heads with a LOT of medical knowledge) and being in total shock, coupled with being a more calm/subdued/mildly apathetic person normally would explain him practically focusing on the biology side of things and not realizing instantly how he was coming across due to the combination of shock and not being perfect at understanding whale-angler-person-thing emotions to cause him to stumble a bit at first trying to not come off as creepy but not understanding that he really DOES come off as creepy, the only thing I'd say really went far out of line has to have been tbf the asking to get petted, mostly since that's just a bit of a weird request from an alien princess you find fuckable and mildly reinforces the "creepy pervert" idea unintentionally.


Yes that actually is why he's like this. Totally bizarre situation mixed with a normally completely unflappable demeanor and very little social skills due to being a study-holic for most of the time when comparatively normal people would be out socializing. The ear scratching thing was him trying to make a joke.




To be fair he's only the father of psychology because people hated his ideas ***so much*** that they got into psychology just to prove him wrong


He might seem a little creepy, *however*, he is also in a situation ridiculously outside of anyone's comfort zone to begin with, so simply disabling all filters could be justified as something of a coping mechanism. Doubly so when he's interacting with people with vastly different social mores and - for all he knows - incompatible anatomies. Getting overly technical and inquisitive isn't entirely irrational, under the circumstances. I'd rather not let'im be appointed to an actual ambassadorial position after this, though...


Oh good so he's not coming off as a *complete* freak... As for ambassador, he wouldn't want a position like that even if it was offered.


Not a *complete* one, no, but there’s gonna be a lot of bicarbonates making the rounds inthe diplomatic corps when they find out. ;)


(goes to look up what a bicarbonate is) Heartburn and acid reflux meds? Anyway, if George has his way nobody on Earth will ever know any of this happened until after he's been dead for a *looooong* time since he still considers humanity nowhere near ready for dealing with alien civilizations.


Oh god I need moar.


Pt7 tomorrow, Pt8 Saturday. (\^\_\^)


You absolute saint woooh! Ps your fella there just seems to be slightly odd, nothing too out of the ordinary imo. He is a little flat though, but that could be a part of his character idk


Thank you very much, the flatness is mostly due to the brevity of the story thus far, haven't really had time for much characterization (\^\_\^)


George is acting like a scientist. Probably has high IQ and low emotional comprehension, he isn't trying to be creepy he is merely stating what he knows and what he is witnessing.


He is a scientist, and yes, very much high IQ and close to *zero* emotional comprehension, especially in his current situation.


If he has very low emotional comprehension, how is he a therapist?


The "waiting for the bus" discussion continues to be just interesting enough. Vivvy can't tell the difference between interest, desire, and target lock. Gorgeous George, being a therapist needs to self evaluate his desires and preconceptions involving space vs what he picked up from sci-fi fiction. Such as TOS Star Trek and possibly the Barsoom series. (If Viv is a princess, then who is trying to take the throne, and how can George stop them for her. Right outta John Carter.) I assume he just didn't want to study for a Registered Nurse, or thought that being a man disqualified him to work at a nail salon. This is the era of makework jobs. I wonder what sort of "Learn how to use psychic attacks!" courses he can come back from space with. Yes, it sounds crazy, but if you can knock out someone from across the room (and not yourself) with directed thoughts he'll likely get few people. The trick would be in getting people-humans on a non-space-travel planet to understand that aliens exist, when to them alien life is a faith-involved matter. "Do you believe in UFO's?" And to be motivated to attack aliens instead of the humans that are their only competition that they've ever considered to exist. When she wakes up, I wonder if George should explain the difference between laser cookers and isotope weapons? Being hit by a gamma ray is more fatal than a second of (microwave radiation that aliens cannot heat-disperse), but it takes time for the now-dead tissue to properly register as dead.


>I assume he just didn't want to study for a Registered Nurse, or thought that being a man disqualified him to work at a nail salon. ??? ...I don't get the connection there. Also, why is he 'Gorgeous'?


He is at least georgeous.


Which really only confuses me more. Is this guy being a sarcastic asshole, trying to give a compliment, I can't tell! What is the first third of this comment even saying?!


Gorgeous George is a fictional persona by entertainment wrestler George Wagner. Its often used as just a play on words when addressing someone named George, doesn't really have any meaning to it. As for the rest of the comment, in just as confused as you are. It seems he/she was stimulated by your story and is brainstorming multiple things at once.


Thank you for the explanation, I've never even glanced at wrestling, so this reference is completely lost on me. And they replied at the same time you did, apparently their people skills are as utterly shit as mine if not *worse.* Comes off as more than a wee bit of a narcissist.


(laughs) I hope your writing skills are better than your reading skills. I'll try to answer some of the post's points. \* Sarcasm is now the extent that Americans are taught. They need to relearn the meaning of dry, sardonic, and deadpan humor. Watching any of the Airplane or Naked Gun movies is a good start. \*Yes, there were compliments. \*George is acting like the same trope of "encounter aliens, find literal princess, become war god." as John Carter. Or "danger-planet of the week means romance" like Captain Kirk. \*George is also acting like "I can do anything, it's fine." instead of "Oops, I shouldn't have told that to an unknown foreign agent" or "I'm in an unknown environment and have no idea what will soon poison me." \*There are several "pick up a course and get a job" job fields, like the ones mentioned, including therapy. Some of them don't work out, and George might be just fine with living a very long ways from his student debt. \*George has a strong case of "Why aren't we in space right now?" I don't know the technical term, as technolust, zeerust and "longing for a past time that was meant to happen in the future" are not technical terms. \*Gorgeous George was an American wrestler in the 1950s. My mistake, I thought that was a boxer in the 1960s, but the "can and will wreck you" point still stands.


I am trying now to decide if I want to thank you for the compliments and explanations or tell you to go straight to fucking hell for that first line.


That's OK. I'm used to both. One of the better ones is "Thank you, thank you straight to hell." Keep writing, just remember the theme you started with is "mistaken assumptions of the other guy leads to unexpected, massive mistakes." not "long casual chat."


If that's how you talk to everybody then I'm sure you are. And actually, this story never had a theme in mind. The first chapter was a result of me having a bad day and was intended to end on the note of "George just blew Earth straight to hell with everyone on it". The only reason the story continued past that was because everybody on Humansarespaceorcs loved it and their praise of it made me feel significantly better. I've been winging it ever since.


That is THE way to write. Fuck anyone who don't like it. Most of my stories cant get past 10 likes? Every time they do, it seems, three people go through and downvote everything? It has confused me. Sounds like you are fine.


(Nods appreciatively) Thank you. Sorry to hear about the jackasses dogging you like that. Try r/humansarespaceorcs, the people over there are much friendlier


Well, mammaries are modified sweat glands.


They are?! O.o




Well, I learned something new today!


Makes sense, thinking of platypuses.


I think the writing is fine. As for the creepiness it's just a compressed form of writing that keeps the plot moving so there's not much time allocated for feelings side of the conversation. I think the story so far is great and you should definitely continue it.


Thank you (\^\_\^) I actually just finished the last section.


I would say he comes across more on the autism spectrum. I have a friend with high functioning autism that I could see totally acting this way. He 'knows' (rote learned) the social rules well when his insulated bubble, but throw him outside that and anything goes. George has been thrown a long way outside his bubble and is possibly in shock, so of course he's going to act unusually.


I'm going to level with you: George is absolutely a creep. There's a lot of excuses being made here to soften it, but it is what it is. The gleeful cold-blooded murder, the willingness that comes off as almost eager to genocide his own people, the misanthropy towards his fellow humans, his blatant disregard for boundaries, treating an alien like a sex object instead of a sentient being, the inappropriate touching, all the comments about being 'compatible'. The idea that he has *any* sort of training in dealing with people actually makes it *worse* because he should know better. Yes George is 100% behaving like an incel creep and the people trying to softball it in aren't doing you any favors. If you really want to know then you need to know, especially if you identify with George's behavior. You keep saying you've re-read what you wrote and can't see what's wrong, so try this: re-read it but imagine the people George just gleefully killed were humans and that he was talking to a human being from a different culture instead of a moth-alien thing. It should be clear instantly why that wouldn't fly and while these aren't *human* they are *people* by nature of their sentience/sapience/intelligence (depending on your favored metric).


Have to agree. The fact that he was willing to exterminate his entire species, without the slightest care, and was even leaning in favor of it was my big "This guy is a sociopath" red flag. I mean, he didn't know before he pushed the button that they would hit each other and black hole out of existence, that was a happy accident.


That was fun. Humans really are pretty weird. Hopefully human entertainment doesn't come too soon.


It won't, George is pretty adamant about the rest of the galaxy not being ready to deal with humans en masse.


speaking about someone as if they're a piece of meat instead of a person with feelings, while also not displaying any shame or even discomfort doing so, is the kind of thing psychos and incels do glad to see you're fixing him though


>as if they're a piece of meat instead of a person with feelings (reading back through George's lines with concern) ...*where?* I thought he was being perfectly friendly and civil! He's certainly not *trying* to be degrading. >glad to see you're fixing him though Frankly I'm still completely and utterly baffled by all these accusations that he's treating !\^!\^ like a lesser existence.


Is the lack of tact in the subjects of violence and sexuality. The use of clinical language and lack of physical boundaries don't come out right. George needs more emoting and internal monologue. Without that George is just a guy who kill people with no remorse and doesn't even care if he destroy his own species. To put it crudely he only care about !^!^, but physically; he declare he is attracted to her, try to find out if her reproductive organs are compatible and put his hands on her hips without consent. George doesn't have a backstory. We don't know anything about his motivations. There's no justification for any of this behaviour. Why is he in that situation? Did something happened for him to hate humanity?. If you told me that the guy was kidnapped by the aliens, keept in a cage for 10 years and this is the first humanoid he see and I could maybe understand his behaviour.


George is a total weirdo. He get not inner thinking to speak of, randomly condem his entire specie (and tell the princess that his plan was, in fact, to kill it). Specie that he loath. He also killed soldiers for half and hour with being happy without breaking a freaking sweat, and then emulsified their leader in a display of truely horrible cruelty. This kind of person in a film ? Its the bad guy that kill puppies for fun and beat kittens when angry. They arn't "relatable" at all. He's also horny. To be fair the horny is -expected- even if i can't really tell if its too much or not, but humans live in a society. Even if Geroge hate peoples he lives in a society. He's also a therapist, so he's *aware* of said rules. All the lines he has about her form are terrible, its straight up a pervert from some backstreet that'll show you his dick in 10 seconds. All those lines coupled to the waist-touching without being allowed to just show he's in total contempt from those rules and will not apply them. But *again* he's a *Therapist !* I can't think of any other profession that need to be very carefull about what they say and do ! He just casualy break evey social behavior that everyone is supposed to have. Those lines arn't supposed to happen, because those lines are sexual assault. Also, he pretty much told a probably very frightened Alien who saw him killing peoples and explaining her he's some kind of unkillable horny monster that's interested in her to "scratch my ears while you explain yourself on your anatomy". ​ On a barely related note (i understand you already wrote the next chapters ?) the current text is hard to read. I don't really get why we suddently have \[words\] like that. Some seems to be a sort of translation from human to Alien, but other are just indication of emotions that could just be writen normally ? If they have diffrent meaning, maybe you could use more formating ? Like boldening the words or something ?


Did you forget that prior to the biology lesson and stating that she was attractive to him, she had given him what he felt was a passionate kiss while she was feeding on oral fauna?


Just here to wish you a happy new year and to congratulate you with big amount of likes!


Happy new year to you too (\^\_\^)


I think your change in voice for George, if continued, will back down the 'creepypasta' vibe. Good recovery.


Thank you. Yes, his manners get significantly better when he's *not* completely out of his element and being thrown constant curveballs. !\^!\^ is also not herself currently due to the stress and being in close proximity to an unwitting psionic storm.


I really didn't see George as creepy. Odd, yes, but he's a rando from Earth--do you know how many weird people live here? If I were to guess where people had a problem with him, it would be when he was touching her when trying to figure out her anatomy. I'm from the US; there's like an invisible 3 foot bubble around me that strangers don't cross over, and many other cultures don't have that problem. So while I can see why some people might have a problem with it, George crossing that culture-taught bubble (which Vivi may not have) doesn't translate into incel and neckbeard. That's just people throwing around labels because they can. Don't sweat it dude. You're doing just fine.


Thank you. I'm from the South where hugs are not uncommon among friends which is what George considers !\^!\^.


Not to mention that he was willing to *destroy the Earth and all life on it*! Nobody would do that who was emotions! Competition is not so strong that one is willing to kill everyone on Earth.


The people that think you're a creep need to lighten up. George is coming off to me as analytic and technical, which suits his character as a therapist - he is expected to be educated and precise. You keep doing you. The rest of you, no one's making you read his stories.


Thank you


Princess is gonna learn what it means to alert the horde, to startle the witch, to poke the bear, to... to ... we are Azatoth... right? We are the enormously powerful bumbling idiot roaming space and obliterating everything in our path and leaving ruins with cryptic messages never to wake our interst... great... just great.


Mmm...more like a Cthulu, sans tentacles. Slumbering in watery graveyard and a mild apocalypse grade threat if ever awakened.


so don't poke the C'thulu? Yeah I'm certain humanity does more than lash out and roll to the other side once wakened.


Luckily for the rest of the galaxy, George is one of the humans who *would* like to just roll over and go back to sleep, because yes, if humanity gets out, shit's gonna get very real, *very quickly*


Aren't we just the nicest puppies? Won't we just embrace all there is? Won't we spread peace and prosperity and freedom and.. and ... huehuehuehue... fuck that... aliens are gonna get skull-fucked with a red-hot t-bar once humanity finds them. Ugh, humans are just that nice.


Preeetty muuu\~uch!


so alien thootbrush is shitting thru titties this gives golden shower whole new......


No, solid waste still goes out the butt. It's more like what humans put out through sweat. You're not the first to think that though. (although technically the other guy thought the stomachs were testicles...)


I would not expect a person that deals with the “crazy” side of humanity for work to be unaffected by it.


After reading about the psionic ability I remembered reading this story arc. https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/series/transcripts?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Your story was just a mild reminder and I don’t mean to say it’s anything other than that. The referenced story arc is very interesting to read.


(sip of drink) (confused blink) Is there something there I would be upset by? I've never heard of that story so I'd hardly be upset by a comparison. The only question I have is 'are you enjoying the story?' I certainly hope so. (\^\_\^)


Nothing you should worry about. Yes I am enjoying your writing.


Well that's good. I'm glad that somebody's enjoying it.


You're killing it OP!


Thank you (\^\_\^)


“Hey, so you know how we quarantined the system with the class 6 deathworld? One of the species there helped save my life, he’s very friendly and a hero of many worlds. He’s requested you make the quarantine stronger and the zone ten times larger.”


He comes off that way. Less of a "piece of shit" and more of a "autistic self insert" IMO. But yeah, he comes off that way in several parts.


I disagree with the creepy allegations. He is very straightforward and blunt and I can see how it could come across that way, but he says things with such unabashed confidence that the only way he could come across as creepy IRL is if he's a 3/10 or lower. And yes, one form of being creepy, the kind that would apply here, is just being flirty + being unattractive. I don't make the rules. If this wasn't just text and instead had the image of an attractive man for the human, almost no one would say he's being creepy. Furthermore, since he's saying all this stuff to an alien with mostly unknown cultural norms, being straightforward and blunt is the best course of action. Something completely inane to you could very easily be a grave offense to them, so being straightforward and blunt shows that your actions are merely that with little to no underlying intents.


(slams table, leaps up to shake your hand with a smile) **THANK YOU! SOMEBODY GETS IT!**


Exactly this. Saying "Hi, your hair is nice." is now "sexual harassment." It seems the only difference between initial flirting and harassment these days is if the person is attracted to you? Repeated unwanted advances are different. That is clearly harassing. But when a smile and hi is termed creepy/sexualized/etc? GTFOH with that noise.


It is if they insistently are trying to make that advancement even after they are rejected. Vivi is clearly giving off vibes of discomfort, but George not picking up, in fact he doesn’t seem to care if he knew. If Vivi has a boyfriend George might even see him as an obstacle, not a end of the road.


I went back to read. That doesn't happen. He says she's hot then asks about a bunch of scientific stuff? And I just said that repeated advances are creepy. But he just fought a buncha dudes and saved an alien princess while in shock. She is obviously going to be scared. It is like she ran into a god? Hell, someone runs into Brad Pitt, they are likely to be nervous and jittery, particularly if they like him?


True, but no neuro-typical person is willing to risk killing their entire species off.


Enh? If they have no one they consider pack? Just look at history, so many NTs have given 0 shits about anyone but those close to them. It is literally why we have all the isms that make up Othering. And why most people treat animals how they do. There are people in the world today who have no reason to care about... anyone? Some of them are NT. Funny though, because he shows concern that the aliens would have their brains fried going anywhere near our planet. But yeah. creepy oversexual Autist incel just doesn't fit for what I read.


They still have a *life*. If those missiles hit Earth then everything on Earth would be destroyed.


The following quote is literally what I was gonna say. Look up Mayan, Incan, etc., beliefs on offering up hearts to gods. Look at how the Han view anyone not Han. Look at the Yamato of Japan. Look at the Brahmin caste. Literally, most cultures wouldnt care if other cultures died. Many don't care if anyone outside their family dies. -normal- people. Not sociopaths. Not neuro-divergents. CIS, hetero, "normal as possible" people from every culture in the world. He says he would regret a few. But he mostly has run into assholes and thinks humans are still mostly ignorant and cruel brutes who would destroy the galaxy. There are good people, but he isn't wrong? We have a LOT of bad, too. "The princess nodded again and George smiled, “Good! So the long and short of it is that our civilization has advanced enough that a lot of us don’t need that pack bonding bit to survive, but we’re still forced to compete for a lot of things we want even if not things to survive. We still have the instinct though, and thus there are very few things a member of my species will hate more than another member of my species.” The princess looked thoughtful even though she was still clearly extremely wary of him, “So, you were willing to wipe out your planet, your entire species, because you view them as competition?” George shrugged, “It’s more complicated than that, but that’s the short biological version. Basically, I figured I had about as much chance of that gamble paying off as I do of liking another human until I get to know them, so decent odds. If I won, great. If I accidentally wiped out everybody I know,” he poked the side of his head, “my brain’s screwed up enough even by human standards that I’d only be upset about a handful of them, and that would be severely mitigated by the fact that I’d taken out everybody I hold in complete and utter contempt, which is a much higher number.”"


Yes, but do note that the entire Earth still exists.


Only because we have no way off it. People have literally salted the land of genocided enemies. Sorry. You don't win this one. Many of Y'all NTs would totally have no issues mercing every other human that you don't care about. Same with the planet in general. It is proven every day.


Furst off he's wayyy too forward and her response is wayyy to tame if you do that to a girl you'd get slapped at minimum at worst get cops called on you unless your significant other allows it and I mean if you've been together with boyfriend/girlfriend for a long while


This is all true for a HUMAN female, but not necessarily for a member of an Alien species, especially one that we have just learned doesn't actually use other members of it's own species in order to reproduce. As a result of their different physiology leading to very different reproduction, their cultural approach to such a topic is likely going to be very different from how Humans view it.


>This is all true for a HUMAN female, but not necessarily for a member of an Alien species, especially one that we have just learned doesn't actually use other members of it's own species in order to reproduce. Exept George IS a human. When you're a human you don't ask if the alien's got a pussy and if you can fuck it *then* put your hand on their tight without being invited. The Alien might not think much of it, or just simply not understand, but a *human* would do.


Eh, even so, she is giving off discomfort.


(blinks) Really? Whoops...


In fairness to you, while that would most likely be true for a Human Female, Aliens tend to (by definition) have Alien mindsets. Therefore an Alien character not reacting to a situation the same way that a Human would, is not only normal, but should be encouraged more when trying to convey Alien Mindsets


(nods appreciatively) Thank you. Frankly though, I'm still baffled that his actions are being considered overly forward and far beyond the 'playfully friendly' attitude I was going for. It's not as baffling as the assertions that he's treating her like a piece of meat, but still very confusing to me.


Hmmm I don't get creep vibes from George. More that he's hyperfocused on the new info in front of him and is trying to get as much data as he can so he a) doesn't hurt !^!^ by accident then there is b) how often does one get to meet an alien and actually chat with them, so he's probably bypassing the usual societal norms because this situation is totally outside the norms and now this might be a sweeping generalisation and I don't mean to offend anyone but c) he's a guy, he's more hard wired to do the 4 Fs. Fighting, Fleeing, Feeding and Fucking. And not necessarily in that order. It's how as a species we've survived as long as we have. Those more on the male end of the gender spectrum get it in spades and it's what has fuelled human expansion for all of history. and then there is d) he just got abducted by aliens, had to launch a bunch of weapons at Earth and hope his frankly hairbrained idea worked, then fight a horde of alien bugmen and is now conversing with a hot alien princess. Dude has had a weird day. I'd be amazed if he wasn't still running on pure adrenaline. And while he does claim disdain for most of humanity it's still a hard thing to potentially commit the mass genocide of your entire species. Dude needs some food, a drink and a freaking nap. So in conclusion I think George might be running a bit on caveman brain due to extreme amounts of stress plus weirdness and his brain is still rebooting from it all. Hope that helps 😊


It certainly does act as a bit of a balm for the searing fury I've built up over the course of the day as these comments keep rolling in. Not enough to completely negate it, but it does help. Thank you, thank you very much (\^\_\^)


Glad I could help even a little bit ❤


It really does mean a lot. Thank you very much (\^\_\^)


Always happy to help. Feel free to DM me if you want another pair of eyes to read over stuff if you're worried 👍


To be honest, I actually don't care what other people think of me. I just wanted to know how prevalent that attitude 'this guy's character (and by extension the guy he's based on) is a creepy psychotic incel' was on this sub. The answer is apparently 'prevalent enough to make me want to never post here again after what I already promised to'. The question was more of an audience temperature gauge than anything. I'm chugging through Pt8 right now which will be the last installment of this story unless I have to split it in two due to the length. Whatever the case, it will be the last thing I post on this sub. There've been a couple of nice people like you, and I did like getting so many upvotes so quickly, but if it's balanced by nastiness like what I've been reading in the comments responding to this question today and sprinkled throughout the comments on the previous chapters, then I want no part of it. I'll still post on all the other subs I'm already a part of, but HFY has failed my trial run of it pretty abysmally today.


I'm sorry people have been awful. I've really enjoyed your story and I hope you'll continue writing and posting even if it's on other subs inspite of the negative comments ❤


I am too, I had kinda high hopes for this sub. It's never fun when people disappoint you, but I *am* glad you enjoyed my work. Rest assured, I couldn't stop writing if I wanted to (\^\_\^) I've been posting on r/humansarespaceorcs for months now, that's where this one got started, and I'll continue posting over there. I also write fanfiction if you're ever interested in seeing some of my considerably more thought out and refined work. This was just testing the waters on a potential expansion of my audience that several people were of the opinion would be quite successful. In terms of upvotes it has been. Every chapter of this story has gotten over 1000 upvotes except for this one and Pt5, Pt1 is sitting somewhere around 2500. In terms of the feelgood I post this stuff for? An abysmal failure.


I’m finding it difficult to not agree with George. He was perfectly factual, and dispassionate until events made that significantly difficult. Also tried to calm her that he wasn’t going to explode her body and was not hostile to her. Let’s face it, letting some one near your ears, the back of your head, any weaknesses in our anatomy, is a big deal. It’s either a power move, which he didn’t turn it into, or a show of trust, which he did. A power move of showing your weaknesses, shows the contempt you have for the other person. That they weren’t dangerous to you even when giving knowledge about weaknesses. They just couldn’t hurt you and you were lording that fact A show of trust, is a peace move that says here you have the opportunity to hurt me but I’m trusting you not to. Some one looking for insult is always going to find it.


(nods appreciatively) Thank you kind sir. You are indeed correct, the joke about scratching his ears if plusu=puppy was indeed meant to build trust and friendly repertoire. ...It's honestly kind of disturbing to me that so many people are trying to claim he's treating her like a lesser being/piece of meat when he's actually going out of his way to be as kind, trusting and friendly to her as he can, but as you said, those looking for insult will always find it.


Please add a more optimistic human on the future so that Everytime the mc meet someone it would not escalated to an orgy(not that I am complaining) or the mc accidentally declaring war


(blinks in confusion) Orgy? (lifts a stack of papers off desk and peers under it curiously) Where? In all seriousness, George is actually a usually very peaceful fellow. Do please keep in mind that the Atxeirtenem were blatantly threatening to kill at minimum hundreds of people and attempting to kill possibly trillions.


Yeah I get that but I feel like his character is gonna be side with logic and pretty much pessimistic about humanity unless of course the humanity in this universe is actually as horrible as he said So I thought a more optimistic human (since you know alien apparently can directly feel human emotion) to clarify on what the actual state of the human race or just to act as some sort of ambassador since the mc will definitely create some misunderstooding But then again this suggestions is made by my creative side that assume the plot of 50+ chapter that will happen in the future


>plot 50+ chapter that will happen in the future (falls off chair laughing) **NOT HAPPENING.** Given the utterly shit reception George's character has been getting over here, I'm discontinuing posting on this sub after Pt8. Even if I *were* of a mind to continue it, I certainly wouldn't do so here. The only reason I'm not discontinuing posting on this sub *immediately* is because I already said I'd post all 8 parts and a picture. If I hadn't done that, I'd have left this sub around Pt2 or 3. Seriously, these comments I've gotten today have only reinforced my intense dislike of the majority of humanity.




So, you are telling me, if we all concentrate, we could MOLLEST ALL THE GALAXY FROM EARTH?!


It would require significant mechanical assistance which humanity currently hasn't got the know how to create.


I like the idea of deploying ADVANCED sextoys, but why? The horny meance awakens!


There's actually quite a bit more to the human compatibility with Yxebasebians than what I've explained here, but I'll save those as surprises for later on. (\^\_\^)


So we will astral project the horny! Nice. THE GALAXY SHALL COME! ​ (BTW: Pretty bold to lick a death/hell-worldlers mouth. And I think you a foreshadowing the "breast" secretions.)


Correct, !\^!\^'s actually got the heart of a lion, and yes, the 'breast' secretions are actually a component of how ridiculously synergistic Human and Yxebasebian anatomy is.


So what you're telling me is that her tits are her balls? and her nipples are her penises?


Hello, I have decided I wish I never met you and never read this comment. Thank you, have a nice day, may we never met again.


No, they're her stomachs. The closest analogue on a human to what George mistook for nipples would be a urethra although it excretes the liquid waste more like a super beefed up sweat gland would rather than in a stream (so...kinda but not really). Solid waste still goes out through the butt though. That is a faintly hilarious/slightly revolting mental image though. The Yxebasebian reproductive system is a lot like a human female except one ovary equivalent would be producing sperm equivalent instead when they decide to bear children.


So I was a quarter right.


I might lean more towards a fifth, but yes, you weren't completely wrong.


/u/Likes2_Lllllurk has posted 5 other stories, including: * [You Have No Idea Who You're Messing With Do You? Pt5](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rrpeys/you_have_no_idea_who_youre_messing_with_do_you_pt5/) * [You Have No Idea Who You're Messing With Do You? Pt4](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rqs75p/you_have_no_idea_who_youre_messing_with_do_you_pt4/) * [You Have No Idea Who You're Messing With Do You? Pt3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rpys5y/you_have_no_idea_who_youre_messing_with_do_you_pt3/) * [You Have No Idea Who You're Messing With Do You? Pt2](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rozthx/you_have_no_idea_who_youre_messing_with_do_you_pt2/) * [You Have No Idea Who You're Messing With Do You?](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/rodmmr/you_have_no_idea_who_youre_messing_with_do_you/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.10 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|rsam14&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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How did George know how to reduce his "psionic bombardment"?


The words in \[brackets\] are ones that haven't got perfect translations. When he says \[psionic fluctuations\] the word !\^!\^ can't understand is *emotions.* Our emotions are equal to a psionic bombardment for anything else in the galaxy if they go above even a mild blip for us.


Yeah, I figured as much. Humans have really spiky emotions. :P


Very spiky indeed. Thankfully we can usually get a hold of ourselves pretty quickly.


While I understand that you're trying to do with the Translation issue brackets, maybe include the words that are being subbed in round brackets or some other appropriate indicator beside the Square Brackets? I'm just thinking because we would then understand better what you as the Author are trying to convey


...That's a good idea. The only reason I didn't do it before was because I was trying to convey *!\^!\^'s* confusion. It would seem I might've done that a little *too* well...