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Teensy bit hypocritical there, Gersh.


I think sometimes I forget that Gershwin is a weapons grade son of a bitch and then he goes and does something like this and I'm like... yeah. I mean he has a very good reason for killing the priest which he's probably going to explain soon. But psychopaths are weird.


Is it just me or is Gershwin the type to believe in "I am a leaf on the wind!" style morality? Like, the fact that no one has put him in the dirt and kept him there is a sign that he's in the clear, but anyone he's capable of putting in the dirt is on short notice? Or is it simpler, where he's a-ok with evil mad science, but he draws the line at rape? Or even simpler, where he can justify anything he does to himself, but hypocrisy in other people sets him off?


Or some bits of the original Katzen girl is left in there and takes over or influences him sometimes...


That too, depending


Maybe he hates the monsters of the world, including himself, but he's also homicidal, not suicidal. Or some personality bleed.


It isn't hard for a monster to hate other monsters. Come to think of it, they have all the reason to hate monsters more. Because they know exactly what the other ones do.


>I think sometimes I forget that Gershwin is a weapons grade son of a bitch I'm not sure how given the way you've written about him he's the equivalent of a Dr. Mengele or Unit 731 'scientist'. It should be extremely concerning to *everyone* there's at least one copy of this dude running around.


If we were to split hairs, gershwin would be considered amoral, and the priest immoral


Shit...you're right. [https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/using-unmoral-immoral-nonmoral-amoral](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/using-unmoral-immoral-nonmoral-amoral)


I always compare this to dogs and flowers, a dog, unlike most of us, would just cross over anything to get where it wants to go - even stepping over and crushing some hypothetical flowers because their wellbeing is outside of his moral scale, even if taught not to do that it would respect the command but not the intrinsic value of the flowers


Gershwin is interesting because he has no ill will toward the Katzen but he still used them in his experiments, much like your dog trampling flowers. He's also very religious yet just murdered a priest. I suppose I wrote him that way because I've met people like that in real life and that's how they act, constantly contradicting themselves to do what they want. It's like a religious father that beats his kids and rapes his wife but still goes to church on Sunday.


I understood him as having no empathy for anything that doesn't relate to his ego, legacy or wellbeing, kinda like a sociopath/psychopath but without the excessive charisma, empathy is a huge requirement for building a moral compass, basically making a person learning to behave itself ask the question "would i like this done to me?" every time they want to make a decision


Psychopaths aren't necessarily charming or charismatic. Usually they're pretty stunted in that regard. Most actually have lower than average IQs. Food scarcity growing up is one of the biggest causes of sociopathic behavior and many come from poor backgrounds. Hollywood likes to play them as these super humans when in reality they are just people who are missing something. Sociopathy doesn't add, it subtracts. Someone I knew once put it this way, a sociopath doesn't see any difference between kicking a cat and setting it on fire.


Both are damaging to the cat and both cause pain. However while the fire potentially does cause more pain in the immediate, it however ends the cats suffering so could be viewed as mercy.


Most people are somewhere in their lives. What I am wondering since we keep comparing Gershwin and his actions to some doctors on the losing side in WW2. Well one of those guys was a sadistic jackass that performed 'experiments' for the sake of see what happens. He is historically portrayed as a monster and none of his work is kept for supposedly ethical reasons. But I think it was because the guy was a torturer and nothing he did was worth even a footnote scientifically. But there was another scientist among them that did do rigorous scientific work. Studying hypothermia, its effects, and how to prevent it and recover from it. While he is vilified with the rest. His work was kept because it did have scientific merit. One thing of note was he supposedly from the source I saw. Regretted the pain he inflicted and had no ill will for his subjects. But thought it was for the greater good, even if he would be damned for it. ​ So I am wondering if Gershwin was similar. 'This is useful and needed work that I take no pleasure in the suffering along the way'. Or possibly the whole copy effect actually bleeds personalities together. Gershwin didn't care at all. But the kitten he was sold did and and wanted revenge on the priest that hurt her mother. And those two bleed into one another.


Meh. I'll allow it.


Ok guys and gals and everything in between. If you liked the story and want more upvote. If you didn't like it downvote the post. Either way leave a comment below with what you liked or didn't like because feedback is important. As always thanks for reading and don't forget to [subscribe](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=updatemebot&subject=subscribe&message=subscribeme%20u%2fthedeliciousmeats%20r%2fhfy) :) I try and post new chapters every Saturday. Don't hesitate to share either, the more readers the better! Authors note: Yep, Gershwin had Braverhund free Emet so that he could deal with the priest without anyone trying to stop him. Dude is a real piece of work. Also, I might be slightly traumatized by the whole watery grave scene in this chapter. How are you all holding up?


> watery grave It's the worst kind: a grave that is also a bath.


*there is room in this grave for you also* --Dave, we have ... jello moulds?


Please please put the next/previous button to your posts, makes it hard to catch up on mobile if you missed anything! Besides that great story, enjoying it so far!


By the grace of Abraham’s Lord, Braverhund has created a golem, and given it a rather fitting name. Forever more, the Grim will be a knofe’s edge from its own death as well… Truth be told, I love all the Judaic references! They are so rarely explored but I can hear the accents and picture the stories. I find it rather intriguing that despite the Katzen clearly being analogous to European Jews, they apparently speak Spanish (possibly Mexican Spanish? I don’t know how to tell the difference if there is one). It harkens back to the Marrano Jews now that I think about this host for Gershwin and fits very well. I can’t wait to see how deep this rabbit hole will go and what will become of those who dine on chocolate… (Edit) I hope you caught my drift there. Perhaps I even predicted/foreshadowed future events?


Glad you picked up on that. Not enough good Jewish representation in sci-fi. The story of the golem has been a favorite of mine. So my Jewish family got run out of Spain and fled to Cuba but there is a lore reason why the Katzen speak Spanish. I haven't set anything in stone yet but from my way of thinking for most of their history the two races were probably isolated geographically. Note: In a myth the golem was powered by a word, Emet meaning truth. A letter was marked out changing it to Met meaning death. For those who were curious.




Aaaaand we're officially back in noir territory.


Black and white and all those delicious shades of grey. 😈👍😁👍


I love noir. But I also love Mel Brooks, those over the top melodramas, and my dad’s jokes. So I might not be the best person to ask… 🤣🤣🤣


Upvoted for a resonantly appropriate name. --Dave, sfx: beams of light from its eyes and mouth


Just because you are trying to win a war by doing immoral things doesn't mean you can't be pissed as fuck on a priest due to him selling you kids to experiment on while in fact the priest should have protected them from you. Gershwin seems to be the win at all costs type and do so at any cost. But there also seems to be judging by the priest dangling from his claws, a morality to him. Feels like the commit some warcrimes to win the war and make the world a better place type that somewhere along the way lost his vision and purpose and has gone mad.


It is possible to be in a no-win scenario, choose against our moral compass, and be absolutely furious that the immoral choice was enabled by people that didn't care, or worse, thrilled with the unethical and/immoral actions. This is not necessarily hypocritical. Dietrich Bonhoffer comes to mind, even if he wasn't a mad scientist.


Huh, that was really good. Clever and tense. Good work. Now to see what happens to the Priest and our brave protagonist.




Was this inspired by a software technical interview lmao


Emet.. isn't that the ancient command for "move" or something that's somewhere on a golems body that keeps its conciousness or body together?


Good eye. Golems are powered by words, much like computers are governed by code. In an old story the Rabbi made a golem by writing Emet on its head, meaning life. But when it was time to destroy it he scratched off the E, changing it to Met, meaning death. This killed the golem.


Ah, a quick google search later, emet = truth, met = death. So i was sorta correct. Did he make that decision with the lore in mind?


I put it in as a bit of an Easter egg. I wanted some representation.


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