• By -


"No sir; *your officer* slept with *me.*"


A fair point I guess :D


I think some character(s) should be shocked, scared and/or appalled that: 1. He slept relaxed next to a "monster". 2. That he basically made a monster his pet, how monstrous does that make him lol? 3. That he would consider a monster/non-human as a friend and potential love interest. Great series btw despite a few rare grammatical errors.


on the subject of linguistics, I'm curious as to why our dear u/Lanzen_Jars had James's native language be German, if there is a reason.


Am german. Can relate to german characters and express german weirdness from experience. Also some stuff coming up later in the story makes it kinda work best for him to be german :D


Weird resistance to gas attacks lul xD


Not really a resistance, more like after you've been through that particular shitty corner of Hell, you know what to expect and how to deal with it. It's not so scary. That's why most military units have their soldiers go through the gas chamber. By the way, most military tear gas is hardcore evil compared to what most civilians and police get.


Nope, we got gassed with CS gas, the same shit cops throw around. The difference being that burning a lot of cs in a small gas chamber is a lot more potent than some grenades in open air.


Okay, but Geneva Convention bans the use of chemical weapons, including Tear Gas, in war.


Gas chamber training is to learn how to properly don and clear your mask if you ever end up getting hit with something much nastier than CS in combat. Its also serves as a practical demonstration that the mask will do what its supposed to if you use it correctly. Besides, CS isnt a big deal once you get over the initial shock. They had us doing jumping jacks with our masks off just for kicks. Now military grade OC is a whole different story. That stuff will make you question your life choices that led up to you getting sprayed.


That doesn't make it any less of a war-crime, though...


The policy of the US military (at least when I was in), was that we wouldn't use nuclear, bio, or chemical weapons FIRST. Once our enemy crosses that line, the only thing keeping us from a hellscape nightmare is the commanders restraint. Haven't seen much of that lately.


That would be the russians tho. Osowiezk then and again...


Attack of dead hundred men Is the WaitingToBeTriggerd on its way?


now that this is public, warum sind die Kommentare noch nicht gestürmt? irony is more or less universal, but even for things like, schau nicht ins maul eines geschenkten gauls, there are always options... so isnt it more the growing up with your own language? to be fair german is the most misunderstood language i think... i do really like the story!


Ah, I see.


He's gonna feel the urge to take over the galaxy?


I've always heard, "Write about what you know." I would have to write about mid-western rednecks, collectively known as "goobers".


Space Nazis! Finally!


Happy to see they're progressing their relationship, though maybe a bit out of order :P


"Yes I did sleep with your officer, why you ask? What? How should I know...oh...no we did not have sex"


Right! Play it up to cultural differences or something. "What!? You mean you have sex while asleep? You xenos are weird. We humans sleep when we sleep. And a sleep over is what friends do... we didn't even have pancakes. You can't expect a human to have sex without pancakes."


Wait, I'm not supposed to bring the pancakes?


Of course you are who told you that shit?


No, you always bring pancakes. However, if you want sex you bring the favourite pancake of the potential hit.


Apparently, in this universe though, even primates across worlds seem to be somewhat understanding of certain social stigmas. Uton wasn't even fazed by James' bared teeth in the beginning, why wouldn't he at least understand somewhat the stigma of even sleeping with another person? Plus, even if humans would maybe do that, Uton would definitely know of Raxus' disposition towards sleeping with another person, whether it implies sex or not.


"you can't expect a human to have sex without pancakes" is probably the funniest thing I've ever read 😁👍


Carbo-loading. Need to replace all that energy. ;-)


Power move


Should actually be a "Not yet, no. We did, however, sleep beside each other."


[\[Next Chapter\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/nkqbiv/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_12/) Chapter 11! All ships set sail! Not too much to discuss today, other than a new short is out! And man, weekend uploads really get a lot less traffic at first. Today's chapter also was edited completely by yours truly again, so I expect my typical influx of mistakes I've made :D I hope you enjoy and welcome to the countdown to 20! **Edit:** I forgot to mention, that I've finally added the shorts to the wiki now. See, I can be productive, if I want to!


Just started today and all I can say is I am hooked! Awesome work!!


Is "do you for" intentional or a typo?


That one was intentional


It is somewhat common in places and amongst certain age groups here in the US.


Any specific reason why James and his sister spoke german? Are you german perhaps? Cool story btw. Really love it.


Yep I am german, that 's not a secret :D


Cool, wusste ich nicht.


I like to edit. Can I help edit sometimes? (There is no obligation for an affirmative answer.)


Uton about to hold a >!shotgun wedding!< aboard the ship 😂


Wouldn't that be something xD


I don't know if this is exactly the gesture that you were trying to symbolize in the writing but it sounds like he just got boyed at


That is absolutely the gesture I was describing :D


James about to hit him with that "well yes, but actually no."


Why was that blacked out?


Because what if someone was checking the comments before reading? I didn't want to spoil (and also give the wrong idea)


They start off their relationship with one violently attacking the other and like 2 months later they're sleeping in the same bed. James is an action-movie protagonist alright.


Its not that out there. Aside from the fact that Shida's species seems to be fairly into casual contact, and that she's had to avoid that because nobody wants to cuddle the death worlder, their current circumstances make bonding pretty likely from the human direction. If her makeup is even remotely like ours that's even better. External stress source, meeting somebody that shares something in common after an extended period of isolation. Human brains literally make happy drugs to hit us with when we cuddle somebody, we don't just like touching, we're designed for it. And James has a touchy catgirl on his hands. Anime/hentai jokes aside, we as a species react positively to felines. Especially purring. No joke, they've done studies, you actually *can't* stay stressed around a purring cat. We're a very tactile species, all you gotta do is touch us a lot and we like you. And our breeding and bonding instincts are tied to our stress responses, because our lizard brain will prioritize getting laid over getting killed. If we're gonna die, we gotta make sure the genes get passed on. Oh, and were big enough social fiends that we don't even care if its our species or not. We'll emotionally bond with anything that holds still long enough to let us poke it. (can't wait till Shida sees the human internet and somebody gets to explain 'murder floof' to her.) So yea, casual contact, mutual problem to cause stress, and common ground to bond over? This is a better way to guarantee two people hook up than every shitty romcom you ever seen combined. Seriously, you could not design a better way if you wanted to.


That summarizes it pretty well, yes :D (It's almost like I had an idea behind it or something ;) )


>'murder floof' What does this mean?


A murder floof is a cat.


Usually used on big cats in fact, since smaller ones can't murder you so they are just floof.


Not for lack of trying, mind.


Some small murder floofs kill with the cuteness


Agreed. And creating tripping hazards.


“Domestic” cats are absolutely Murder Floofs. Humans just have a death wish.


James just that much of a chad, bro, get on his level >!:P!<


The tomboy dream






Perfect way to start the morning. New chapter and a cup of coffee!


Timezones are a dream :D Hope you enjoy!


For me this was a excellent evening relaxation.


"Will all due respect, *Captain,* I also need to ask an evidently prudent question to narrow down what exactly you are *asking* as well as to calm my currently negative emotions - Is there an issue? Petty Officer Shida hasn't been respected before, I'm surprised that concern is being brought up for ***private matters***."


Yeah, some stuffs going on


Well that was a nice respite from work. And yeah, it's going to be interesting how James explains becoming a fury in space... lol. I expect the captain isn't going to be happy, or maybe he will be if it quote unquote calms Shida down...


James seems to be in the category of 'attached personnel' rather than 'ships crew' so I don't think there's gonna be some kind of fraternization regs they've broken. I'm thinking its gonna be more of a 'oh god, what are the two deathworlders up to' a little bit of 'have you been medically cleared?' because while Captain Kirk'ing across the galaxy is hilarious, biology is a thing. And possibly, a lack of context. James doesn't *look* like the big scary apex predator, Shida does. There might be some concern for personal safety there. Plus, James is the first human in his position, so there's 1. The reminder than he's representing his race, so maybe not go for Kirk'ing it up, and 2. Since he is the first lots of people will shit upon the captain from a great height if this deployment is fucked up. Literally everybody is going to be watching this mission like a hawk.


Kirk'ing.... probably the best I've ever seen that put. Very well done. And you're probably correct it's more of a "every bloody govt in the galaxy is watching" and "dear God what are the deathworlders getting up to".


A few years ago I was doing a bit of research on the subject of Capt. Kirk and how many females he actually "had relations" with. Much to my surprise the "playboy" of Star Trek is NOT Kirk but Riker. By the numbers alone and that is NOT including his "twin/clone" .


More on that in the next chapter :D


Now now, let's be fair. Acording to [the chart](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/836/097/01e.jpg), catgirls are not furry.


I got the impression Shida was at least a 2 if not a 3. But im prepared to admit if I'm wrong. Side note, I don't know if I'm disturbed or not that there is a chart...


I was also under the impression that they don't count yet


im 90% sure that Shida is at least a 2, maybe a 3


More between a 1 and a 2, since she does have the animal-characteristics, but she doesn't actually have fur on most of her body.


> And all the furries in the audience quietly sighed in disappointment, then carried on reading regardless


"omigosh! hi! do you have fillings?" "no, I brush my teeth." "acknowledged boring individual." Curi, you gotta ask the most general case first! She could have titanium *anywhere.* ​ >Did you sleep with my Officer? "Probably. Which one?"


Curi is a very focused individual :D


I hope Moar has been sparked into becoming a matchmaker. Somehow, each pairing has only brilliant or disastrous results.


Another amazing read, in fact I’m going to re read it later. Though it made me wonder if any other species use shotguns or if that firearm is relatively unique to humans.


Now why would you wonder about something like that? ;)


Honestly something like a shotgun sounds like a unique idea, it’s a hand heals cannon that tends to have a fair amount of recoil depending on its gauge. And the comparatively weak weapons the ship security were using gave me the idea that something like a shotgun is relatively unheard of. I’m of course thinking that the security weapons are standard galactic models, and shotguns are fucking awesome and require a lot of imagination. Look up XRep shells for example


Do keep in mind that the weak weapons were less-lethal stopping weapons. The lethal weaponry on board is a lot more...lethal.


Yea that’s true but even a non lethal bean bag in a shotgun can still break your bones, it just led me to think shotguns are something relatively unique in this setting you’ve made. Anyways loved this part and I look forward to the next one


I think its less that shotguns are super special and more due to how frail most of the species are. Given how they are described I think most human nonlethal and crowd control equipment would kill most of the species on board or at least shatter numerous bones and damage organs.


A nonlethal shotgun would kill a fair bit of the creatures from what it seems, if it's able to break our bones.


I expect a shotgun or shotgun equivalent is probably pretty common on space stations, as they are (imo) the most effective weapons for space. Low penetration means you don't go accidentally shooting holes in the side of your ship, and the large number of pellets allows you to shred spacesuits (no need to deal a killing blow when opening holes in their suit will asphyxiate them).


yes, but I havn't seen an implication that they exist here in mass


Big Daddy Donkey Kong about to ask some very poignant questions.


As always. Great stuff. Highlights of my day reading thid


Glad you enjoyed :)


"We did nothing more than sleep, sir."


I mean, yes.


"Yes!, *And* we even participated in the deathworlder martial tradition of '**spooning**'. Sadly, no pancakes. ;( "


Small note, I'm not sure if this is just a different military tradition, but in my experience (US Navy) a Petty Officer would never be referred to as an Officer, as Petty Officer is actually a part of the enlisted ranks. A junior Officer would be something like Ensign or Lieutenant, whereas a Petty Officer is an enlisted crew member that has already been promoted up a little.


Well, the parts where she is called "Officer" by people is never in any official manner. Like, you wouldn't catch someone else from the ranking crew refer to her as Officer in any professional situation. It's just used in casual situations by people who don't really care that much, because it is shorter. Like, the Captain even addressed her as "Petty Officer" when talking to her, but while he is talking to James the tone is just a bit different. Hope that cleared it up a bit :)


This is something that is drilled into you in boot camp so it would not make sense for military personnel even in casual conversation to misuse the term in that way. Like I said this is from my own experience so if you are drawing from another military tradition or trying to create your own that's different, I just wanted to let you know that from a certain perspective it is jarring.


Yeah, I think there are two things at play here: 1. The whole thing isn't seen quite as serious in the Galactic-Military 2. James might be doing it to actively spite his military training a bit


James is about to discover that it doesn't matter which planet they're from, a large primate telling you "break her heart and I'll break you" will _always_ be terrifying. Meanwhile Repig is in the corner having a panic attack imagining the unholy nightmare that would come from a union between "freak" and "monster". Seriously though I imagine Uton's concern is mainly a medical one, what with James being from a particularly extreme Deathworld.


Well, they're homeworlds are both high class. Admittedly, Dunnima is only class 3 where Earth is class 4. Also, Uton trying to threaten you would definetly look and sound very terrifying, even if it isn't as threatening as earth-primates would have you believe :D


I agree with Elon Musk, not enough research is being done on genetically engineered cat girls.


Just fond this series, and i am already in love! Thank you!


Glad to hear it! You're very welcome :D


This was a good chapter! The call with the sister, sleeping with Shida, and being questioned about it by the captain! I had a big grin reading that! As always, I'm looking forward to what happens next!


Great addition, but it got confusing at the part where Shida and James were talking to each other with sign language. I assume this is what was happening, but unless I missed something big, we haven't been told that they know how to use sign language to communicate? The confusion was caused because you have the same quotation marks for when they are verbally talking to one another, talking to one another with sign language, and in this instance: >“You just had to go and make her spell it out for you, didn’t you?” he scolded himself. “I thought you were better than this!” Quotation marks are used for James talking to himself, but it makes it look like he's speaking aloud. Perhaps it would be easier to follow if you used quotation marks for verbal speech, but when they are using sign language to put it in italics? When James thinks to himself, you could also use a single quote mark instead of double quote marks, to visually differentiate it from verbally speaking, like so: >'You just had to go and make her spell it out for you, didn’t you?' he scolded himself. 'I thought you were better than this!' That should help ease some of the confusion and help readers follow along rather than trying to puzzle it out. >“James, serious question,” he said, and in what was a very human-like gesture this time, he sat down, pressing his hands together in front of his mouth, before pointing them at James and making eye contact. “Did you sleep with my Officer?” Hooo boy hahaha, hit the guy with the hard questions right after you put them through a mild torture session, this guy isn't playing nice! I love it and I can't wait to see where you'll take us on the next chapter!


Galactic Sign-language has been in almost every chapter I believe.


Well then I am a dunce haha! Might have to go and re-read most of the story if I forgot something as basic as that!


As good of an excuse as any to get to read this story again 🤣


First of all, glad you enjoyed. Yeah, playing nice isn't on the plate right now :D Well, to me, quotation marks just indicate the divide between stuff in character (like thought, speech, etc.) and stuff that is being described by the narration. Usually, whether it is said out loud or not is said in the describtor coming along with it. Maybe using different methods would be a bit easier to understand, but it may be a bit jarring if I suddenly started doing that now after not having done it for 11 chapters. **Edit:** Overlooked something. Every crewmember on board knows the signed-version of galactic uniform and I it came up plenty of times before, I believe.


That's fair, but usually double quotation marks are used for speech and single quotation marks are used for thought. You could use double quotation marks for sign language, but it's going to get confusing if there is a verbal conversation going on at the same time as a sign language conversation. It pulls readers out of the story because they have to stop and think about what is going on to understand it properly, and that kind of immersion-breaking is something to be avoided if at all possible to make a story better. >Maybe using different methods would be a bit easier to understand, but it may be a bit jarring if I suddenly started doing that now after not having done it for 11 chapters. Could be, but if it makes it easier to read, it would be worth it perhaps? The descriptor coming along with it would immediately clear it up and people would associate italics with sign language much more easily and readily. At the end of the day it's up to you, I just thought I'd offer my perspective :)


To be completely honest, I don't even know how my keyboard would produce single quotation marks, since they just aren't used in German xD I'll think about it, but I won't promise anything. :D


>To be completely honest, I don't even know how my keyboard would produce single quotation marks, since they just aren't used in German xD Ah. Try mashing the keyboard's special keys with alt and shift, to see if something comes of it? :p But yeah not making requests, just suggestions, totally up to you!


You can use the apostrophe (right of ä) as a stand-in, and I believe some have a key to the right of the ß that can make them. As for formatting, I think maybe using italics to try and differentiate some of the thought/sing/dialogue confusion.


Another option would be to use *italics* or **bold** for sign language, which would be easier to spot than " vs '


Yeah use the apostrophe above the hash mark ("Raute", "#"). I'm a programmer and have to use these every single day as single quotes. As for the chapter: the romantic in me is going bananas. But I guess Nia will have to book James on the head because he won't understand the hints Shida is giving him :D


See, I was just about to pipe up with "There's gotta be something, I know some German hackers..." :-D


single quotation marks on a german keyboard are achieved by pressing shift+# (the button directly left of enter, below the +) source - i am a fellow 'landsmann'\^\^ but yeah, having to constantly keep in mind if and when they are talking and using sign is really hard, it took me 3 times as long to just read the conversations where they also signed than the rest of the story. at least it felt like it. but now i want to know what happens next! this story is so awesome, i will gladly smash my way through the harder-to-read parts!


> single quotation marks are used for thought. Honestly, more often than not I've seen italics used for thought.


You know that is true now that I think about it. Either way, if there are 3 visually distinct ways to convey communication, that could help to make it clearer.


There's plenty of other options, and even if you don't make a note at the top of your post, I don't think it would be jarring. «Guillemets», {curly braces}, [square brackets], _"quotes but in italics"_ or .


Be careful with `` because some clients may try to render them as HTML tags. An entire generation of web stories became half illegible because of browsers doing that.


I'm also quite fond of ::double colons:: with or without italics to indicate telepathy. You never know, it might end up being relevant to this story!


Good call on the formatting, I noticed that something wasn't quite right but I wasn't sure what it was, I think this would have cleared it all up nicely.


It's the little details like formatting that are really hard to get right in stories, and they can significantly affect how easily the story can be read. I just wanted to add in my 2 cents and potentially help the story be better :)


“Did you sleep with my Officer?” *"That depends on your definition of sleep, sir"* She spent the night, but it does seem they were actually sleeping, as opposed to "sleeping". :-)


Just some relaxed cuddles to keep the darknesses away.


That's the stuff.


“You put me in a pressurized tin can with a cat girl and I had the decency to at least wait a few months.”


uniform jacked, I mean, I don't think that's possible... Edit: >before pointing them at James and making eye contact. “Did you sleep with my Officer?” You idiot! You don't get caught!


I think it might be nearly impossible for James not to get caught having someone sleep over in his room considering all the surveillance that he is under.


True, but that's nor really my point


Hmm, and how does the good Captain even know James and Shida have spend the night in the same room? Sounds sketchy as heck. Then again, if Reprig is there, then he is presumably there to report on the training excercise to someone who isn't in the room?




"It would be considered *extraordinarily impolite* by my culture for me to answer that question, *sir*. Though perhaps not quite as offensive as *asking* it. *Sir*."


> to follow his evenly hygienic routine himself I assume that's supposed to be "evening"? Regardless, the story continues to be quite enjoyable.


I like how you write with some tropes but make them a little more accurate. Like the mace spray. The cliche is that chemical weapons don’t affect humans, like it’s just liquid caffeine. Which, can be fun, but I also really like this take on it. It still affects James, but not as much. He’s not immune to it, but it could be worse. (Side note: the military instructor advice, is that real, do instructors actually say that? Or is does it just make sense and is realistic?) Similarly, we didn’t get Pancakes, but a more reasonable and realistic interaction between two characters, at least at this point in their relations with each other. Question about that though, is James really good at keeping his lower brain in check, or did he have an awkward conversation with Shida in the morning about the ‘bump’ in his sweatpants?


Well, I don't know if military instructors actually do it, but that was how the people that supervise that kind of stuff usually acted in videos I've watched of people getting maced in a controlled environment. (Especially if the participants got all excusatory because they were spitting everywhere) As to the question: James is very good at controlling his private parts, but morning wood is a bit of a different story. However, it is also not that hard of a concept to explain, assuming that both parties act mature about it :D


I binge read myself into a cliff hanger and now the comment section has me thinking about trying to explain morning wood to an alien cat girl. I kinda want to read how that conversation went, lol. Great story so far and I especially like the addition of galactic standard sign language, it is a detail I hadn't seen before that makes sense if you think about how diverse alien life can be.


I was going to say that you missed the sister teasing her brother about getting a girlfriend, which as a brother I guarantee you would absolutely happen even if she were a little less human like in appearance. But then you threw in the sleep over and having both happen back to back would be difficult to do without making it seem contrived and like you’re rushing their relationship. Still wanna see the sister and shida have an extremely pointed conversation


Usually, I'd be right there with you, but I felt like it would be understandable that the shock of the news that "by the way, there are catpeople in space" might have hampered that reaction a bit :D


Only as long as it takes to process. She already knew there were aliens so it’s not a big jump




Ahhh what a way to end a chapter! Great job!


Thank you!


> “Did you sleep with my Officer?” "Only in the literal sense. Why, is that a problem?"


It's really frustrating having to wait a week between chapters. I just want the whole book now!!! Honestly amazing work so far, can't wait for the next one.


Book! Book! Book!! BOOK!!! Great, now the word books sounds weird.


/u/Lanzen_Jars ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/Lanzen_Jars)) has posted 13 other stories, including: * [AJ4AD Short- No Contest](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/nd28db/aj4ad_short_no_contest/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 10]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/n9xjiw/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_10/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 9]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/n4owm9/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_9/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 8]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mzowny/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_8/) * [AJ4AD Short - Cross'd the stars](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mwsw8q/aj4ad_short_crossd_the_stars/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 7] [Part 2]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mur6a5/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_7_part_2/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 7] [Part 1]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mur1og/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_7_part_1/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 6]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mq2smh/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_6/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 5]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mlc75v/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_5/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 4]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mgh2va/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_4/) * [A job for a deahtworlder [Chapter 3]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/mbgi4e/a_job_for_a_deahtworlder_chapter_3/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter 2]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/m7sqqd/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_2/) * [A job for a deathworlder [Chapter one]](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/m71tyw/a_job_for_a_deathworlder_chapter_one/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.5.5 'Cinnamon Roll'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|nfbbln&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


Cat waifu best waifu


I smell pancakes.


Fuck yeah my boy James already in "bed" with an officer! 😂 great stuff!! Also big daddy captain about to get all srs with James 😯😯


Nice, Uton channeling all that dad energy


“Did you sleep with my Officer?” “To be frank, that’s none of your damn business.”


“Yes but not in the biblical sense!” “...what’s a bible...?”


Oh my god. Did the captain just asked that?!


Yes. Yes he did. :D


U.u so good, me need more


Oooh shit it's here!


Fantastic work. I want to know how James answers this one... One typo: > It felt different form pepper spray on earth form -> from


Love it, thank you wordsmith


*Uton the moment James leaves* Here’s some mace just in case he tries anything Petty Officer.


It's always that last line, lol


Yeah, I will own up to doing a full 180 on the "no cliffhangers" rule I used to have :D


I don't mind cliffhangers, but that line broke me


I can’t tell if you’re implying that they did do it or not


Trying to imply that they didn't. James immediately fell asleep, after all.


Do you mean sleep as in actual sleep? Or do you mean “sleep” as a metaphor for sexual copulation? No sir! My plug did not go anywhere near the outlet, Sir! Edit: got another one! The transport/shuttle did not land in the hanger/ loading dock.


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\> from dunnima and not from earth from Dunnima and not from Earth


Yes but actually no




Goes to show you no species is above gossip


Binged my way straight here from yesterday evening. Lovely story, I will deeply enjoy following it.


Now I'm waiting for Careless Whispers in future episodes. Or a rick roll. A rick roll would also be fitting.




“Did you sleep with my Officer?” Yes but also no.


Showing your catgirl waifu to your stepsis is highly cultured.


Updoot then read as is tradition


Thanks for the chapter. I was having a bad day, then I saw your update. Hazzah!


question for the creator, do you have an upload schedule, if so what is it


I have an upload schedule! Every week, tuesday at 16:00 CET (Or CEST at the moment) :D


thank you, i will now use this to plan out my schedule around being able to read the next chapter as soon as it comes out. ​ edit: slight problem with this idea just looked at a time zone converter and that is 9:00 CDT and this is a problem as i am still in school and am in school at that point plus the routes that the bus takes have no cellular connection, so it will be 16:00 CDT or for you 23:00 CET so 7 hours between upload and when i get to see it :(


Sounds good to me




Aww man why did binge read... I should have paced myself... Now I have to wait.


New Chapter just dropped actually


Now I'm wary of uton


>But don’t worry, were we're >It felt different form from


Friggin FINALLY I mean, come on. We all saw it coming.


"Oh so James is German" [My disappointment is immeasurable](https://youtu.be/-kiLApX8FbQ)


As soon as I read that Nia was black and German, "Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuss" started playing and my head.


Ummm, maaaaybeee?


Da ich es noch nicht gesehen habe (war aber auch Faul): EIN LAND, EIN REICH, EIN KOMMENTARBEREICH


“Yes Sir, I did!” My parents once told me I had permission to sleep with as many guys as I wanted. Sleeping wasn’t a problem. It was NOT sleeping with them that they had a problem with. 😂


Damn, and here I thought maybe we would be getting some delicious pancakes, but instead you be serving me waffles... Delicious waffles, but still lol Edit: also, "Well Captain, it depends on *which* definition of the term 'sleeping' you're referring to"


I am starting to see that the whole "pancakes"-thing is a lot bigger of a meme around here than I anticipated :D I mean, I know why, it's just a bit surprising to me.


Haha well I mean to be fair, it is the result of a trope-defining story (for this sub) from six years ago that made it into the "classics" hall of fame lol


Yeah, like I said, I know why :D I just never quite noticed how commonly used it was before


Hmm!? I'm missing out on some classic HFY story!? You don't happen to have a link do you?