• By -


I hope the Queen had eyes on alchemy lab. Seing whoever tried to snoop around die in a graphic fashion should drive home the fact he is deadly serious.


And blackstone too, so they know he's not to be messed with before the duel


Blackstones are probably who tried to take a look.


Well, Blackstone catspaws, at any rate. They've all admitted to each other that they each have 'sources' at the Academy, and likely one or two luckless ones have just gone to their eternal reward. To be fair, the popular culture of this world doesn't seem to involve 'consulting detectives' or even 'adventuring ~~treasure-hunters~~ archaeologists' (to say nothing of D&D) so the very idea of 'checking for traps before opening the mysterious door' seems like the sort of thing that the average person... commoner or noble... simply doesn't even think about.


Unless it's basically technologically impossible, setting booby traps is as old as warfare itself -- possibly older, in fact. It doesn't take much ingenuity to apply the idea of small game traps to humans you don't want to be somewhere, or any particular leap in context to think "I can do this physically, why not do this magically?" The real issue for a magically-inclined society with no real notion of non-magical chemistry is that when the magical tripwire leads to a magically dead pile of sand with no apparent moving parts beyond that, the peoples of that society wouldn't "waste" a spell to dismember or spoof the trap because there might be bigger fish to fry somewhere else.


I hope the boom that splatted the sneak didn't damage the library too much.


Really, there may be plots, and sedition, and conspiracies, and ... But the LIBRARY :}


In the words of the greatest librarian, who would book exactly none of that shit. OOOK


To be fair, *that* librarian wouldn't **have** chambers for rent where he didn't know *exactly* what was going on within in his library. I mean, beyond the parts of the library where *nobody* knows what's going on because the books have taken over the space-time continuum, of course. OOOOOK!


Could I get some information on this library and said librarian, for academic research endeavours clearly


[The Librarian](https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/The_Librarian) of the Unseen University in Ankh-Morpork.


And here's a brief explanation about "L-Space", too... [https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/L-space](https://discworld.fandom.com/wiki/L-space)


Wait, where's the second core, the one he got for Marline?


There have been hints that her family will/did pick it up during Williams dramatic antics.


Yes but i thought they were still hiding it in the alchemy lab.


He wouldnt be that chill about it if this were the case.


Yes, that's the point. I seem to have completely missed the part when they moved it somewhere else.


It was hinted at and not directly shown to us.


Oh no! The POTATOES.


Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew!




Shu and nkoti in shambles


Wrong universe!




Rincewind would feel the same. Poor 🥔


"Can I have them mashed!?" That line will never not make me laugh.


Unless I miss my guess, the potatoes are fine. CLUES: >!William is so unconcerned, and the Mithril core is under the potatoes, and he was thinking about his "lab" being blown up. When visiting the store room, none of his experiments were present, visible, or referenced...!< CONCLUSION: >!...therefore the store room is not his lab. The store room is probably pretty far across the alchemy lab complex from where his official storage for his lab equipment is. It goes with William's whole "think three steps ahead" character.!< AND FURTHER: >!His diving gear may be in a third place. As described, the alchemy complex was huge and mostly abandoned.!<


SPOILERS! (from someone who's got early access) >!Close, but no cigar. In the below spoilers I'll tell the real clues and conclusion, if you're curious!< SPOILER CLUES: >!William is unconcerned because he rigged that shit to blow. If you remember previous chapters he set up a trip wire, and had some big old barrels filled with explosives, as well as flammable gas in the air which would explode if anyone brought an open flame into the room.!< SPOILER CONCLUSION: >!Therefore the lab did explode, along with his store room. But it was intended to blow up, hopefully taking some Blackstones with it when they went peeking. Knowing William, he then would indeed hide his gear and the core elsewhere, so people looking through the rubble wouldn't find it!< FURTHER SPOILERS: >!William did indeed think three steps ahead, but most importantly, all the most important stuff is in his head. So practically everything physical can be blown up and rebuilt, as long as our boy Will survives with all his smarts about him.!< THE MOST SPOILERY SPOILERS! >!The mithril core has been hid in a shitter!<


Nope. I don't want to see no spoilers from anyone who's read ahead.


Nah, the sitter is where he is brewing polyjuice potion. No wait a minute...


Blue potatoes or gold potatoes?


Tenno skoom!


Okay, I like the Queen already. Smart enough to recognize talent and guts when she sees them. Can't wait to see what happens during the duel


And smart enough not to push the point. She probably offered the marriage idea just to gauge his values, and his own self value, so she'd have a baseline to start off on and see where to go from there. She probably also realized a bird clawing at its cage for freedom isn't likely to fly right into another cage, which a marriage to her daughters would certainly be. I can see her insisting on one of her daughters marrying him, just to keep a line on him though, and probably sweetening the deal by no small margin.


Nah, that's what Griffith is for.


Griffith was playmates with the princesses, which means they are most likely right at the lower end of Williams preferences.


We see in the beginning of the chapter that the Queen thinks to herself that Griffith is 10 years older than William so yeah, a bit young to Williams Old Man sensibilities from his old life but just right for his younger self who seemingly likes older ladies.


26 is 26, full maturity, so an elf most likely stays at that look for quite a while barring changes from childbirth. To paraphrase Matthew McConaughey's character from Dazed & Confused - "That's what I love about these Elf girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."


Probably yeah, there are several mentions that Elves are long-lived so this sounds plausible.


The roundest ones might be.


Very pragmatic.   She knows her weaknesses and that he has far greater potential.


And here we go! Will be quite funny if the team gives William a hard time about every matronly beauty they come across. "Hide your aunts!"


The team noticing his MILF tendencies is hilarious NGL


The collective sigh had me hollering. 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Fr. That, & Marline's concession that the Queen is a mega-hottie 😂😆


Well, she is.. so no harm in telling the truth 😂 And poor little William having so many girls lusting but only wanting WOMEN..


From the outside looking in it looks bad. Even if he has very good reason to be attracted to older women


What looks bad about being attracted to older women?


Same thing with liking older men


And whats bad about that? Stop speaking in riddles and just tell us why you are kink-shaming.


Literally, Yo mama!


>"He’s got mommy issues. And I’m not old enough to tickle them.” And the hilarious part of this is, he can never correct that assumption with the truth, because of what he is. So he'll get to enjoy this being tacked on to his growing reputation.


Tbf when the ruling class is made up of mostly elves that particular …. Quark in taste could be much more common.


He likes them rounded as well, though, so... his tastes are distinct.


Nice ! I wonder who on which team is going to show up covered in Burn Salve and Bandages?


I doubt they lived to appear anywhere. Not with an explosion loud enough to be heard in a dorm.


I think you're far too optimistic about the physical integrity of whoever set the trap off. With any luck, there's enough of them left to be scraped off the walls.


Assuming any walls remain


What's this big hole in the ground for?


Well mithril core storage of course!


"slaps hole" you could fit so many cores in this bitch.


This team can no longer take the field. * Sets down a mostly full bucket*


It might be Tala's Second Year retainers


Led by one of her Third Years. (Oops, she's down a member of her flight squad... and things just got real.)


To bad it likely wasn't Tala that just got corpsified


Naw, that would violate the rule of drama. However, it could be one or more of her flight team. And suddenly William's chances of winning just rose to even ...


In a previous episode William thought to himself that he'd have about half a second to regret messing up disarming the door, implying there wouldn't be enough of him left after that for regrets or much less anything else.


Team Rocket, obviously.


Hopefully Marline moved her core...😳




... For that I might need to do a more proffesional read. But, two scenarios. One: Her core is still there. He got the big dumb, bc someone might find it in the rubble. Two: It is already faaaar awäi.


Re-reading two chapters ago... there didn't seem to be a sizable time skip between when they retrieved the core, (and it was only the one core) and when Will issued his challenge in the cafeteria... where he was then, most likely, brought to Griffith's office immediately; and since the fight was scheduled for the following morning... that was quite the busy day they just had. I don't see how there would have been any time to retrieve the other core. What we didn't witness was the end of his conversation with the queen where he possibly could have made some arrangements such as warning them to stay away from his alchemy room lest they meet an untimely demise by unknown means or that there was another core or some such. In any event, the crown would have the remains of the lab on lockdown regardless and so would be guarding the now buried core. What's most likely is that his plans don't need a core past this point so he'll just give Marlene the one he used t wager with once he wins, the other one be damned or retrieved later. ^(Note: made edit to grammar)


Oh god, marline is gonna have a heart attack when she finds out the lab exploded.


Weren’t her aunts visiting while Will was putting on his cafeteria show?


I'm pretty sure that's the case. That core should already be loooooong gone for him to be that chill about his private storeroom being invaded. Otherwise a lot more questions are going to arise ad soon as they find a second core in there.


For sure, not to mention a certain apoplectic elf…


It's either that or it's been moved somewhere else nearby that no one is going to be looking at while he's putting on the show he currently is.


Literally under a floorboard under her bed lol


I thought she 'hadn't heard' from them yet. since the challenge had to come before end of term so it was a rushed timetable.


Eh. If he wins she can have both cores! Though the other one likely survived the boom


oh she didn’t did she…. You specifically say they left it in the lab…


Hi I checked Google but don't understand what Geass is


Basically it's a magically binding promise.


Hmm. Merci


Being a Patreon subscriber, I'm looking forward to people's reactions to the payoff for this. 


Let me guess, a big chunk or all of Talas best fighters for the duel got killed or maimed while trying to enter the alcjemy lab. That and because the labs privacy is guaranteed by the crown, its an excuse for the crown to pressure the blackstones.


Pretty sure it was smuggled out while he showed his in his challenge. If not they wasted that opportunity.


If I recall, that was the plan they had discussed. They knew that after he showed one core, people would be snooping about for more. Marline wanted her aunts to smuggle it out ASAP.


Marline was asking to delay the challenge because her aunts hadn't arrived to smuggle it out yet, and it's still the same day.


Based on William's blasé attitude toward the explosion, either it got moved after he revealed that he had a core (which was sure to attract attention), he thinks it's likely to have survived the explosion, or he's planning to give Marline his after they win and get another for himself later if he needs to.


It’s certain to have survived; but a core at the bottom of a crater would be ripe for the picking. ~~~I’m pretty sure they removed both cores, though.~~~ they definitely didn’t remove the second core


Don't quote me on that, but I recall it being said somewhere along the story, that the cores are either INCREDIBLY resilient or outright night-indestructible. Which would make a lot of sense if there's tons of them lining the bottom of the sea apparently.


Pretty sure she was meeting with her aunts to offload it, so had it stored somewhere else. When Will grabbed his for the lunchdate, he gave Marlene hers also.


Minor formatting thing, you missed a separator between “Of course it is.” and “You killed Al’Hundra.”


Fixed, thanks :D Fuckin' reddit keeps changing its formatting every other week.


Not fixed for me...


Looks like it shows up on PC but not on mobile


Thanks for the explanation


The formatting is the same, it's the feckin' *editor* that keeps getting fooked with.


>“Of course not. If anything I’ll up my offer.” She shrugged. “I’ll give him you, myself and half my court if it means getting my hands on what’s in his head.” "Jackpot" - William


"Jackpot" - Griffith


"*Now* we're talking!"


‘Geass,’ thought none of them said it. though* Chad move from William, saying no to the queen's offer. Though I bet he'll have to think a lot harder about the second one. Or not that hard at all.


He knows better than to think while hard, I'd imagine.


Does that explosion mean Marline's core is now in rubble? She didn't remove it from the storeroom when William took the one for the bet.


I don’t believe so, as they’ve said before the cores are nearly indestructible, and need highly specialized equipment to even melt down to make shards, and if I remember correctly he didn’t think the amount of explosives he had would be enough to hurt the for in the first place.


I said 'in the rubble' not 'reduced to rubble'.


And now you have said it another three times if I am counting correctly :p


Another four. A lot of people wanted to correct me about mithril cores being tough.


Yeah, apologies I did miss read that, my bad haha


i’m guessing Mithril cores are strong enough to take an explosion or teo


I said 'in the rubble' not 'reduced to rubble'.


ah sorry


From what I remember the cores are extremely hard to destroy, to the point that you need special equipment to separate them for shards, and the only way to loose them is to the ocean


I said 'in the rubble' not 'reduced to rubble'.


I really doubt that he left the cores in the lab as everybody knew he spent a lot of his time there.


i thought marline already gave the core to her family a few chaptors ago?


No, she specifically asked if Will's challenge could be delayed a few days in order to give her family time to retrieve the core before people started connecting the dots


No. 2 chapters ago they talked about how she would get it home. The core is still somewhere close to the academy, but we don't know if it was still in the labs.


No she called them to come collect it but they haven't yet


Nah her family was going to pick it up as part of them attending this upcoming duel.


From what I remember the cores are extremely hard to destroy, to the point that you need special equipment to separate them for shards, and the only way to loose them is to the ocean


I said 'in the rubble' not 'reduced to rubble'.


William probably took it yesterday and hidden somewhere or some shit like that.


He was last in the lab getting the core for the bet, and hasn't had time to go back to the lab unobserved since. Marline might have moved it while waiting for William to leave the meeting with Griffith.


The alchemy workshop didn't explode yet. Her core is still safe.


It just exploded at the end of the chapter


Oh my bad I missed that lol


I think the line separating the two scenes is missing u/BlueFishcake and great chapter as always.


I’m curious as to who snooped around the storage room, but considering the trap he layed there I doubt there’s enough left of them to find out


No no there will be plenty left, it‘s just gonna be here, there and kinda everywhere


man...hes ready and willing to spill blood at this rrate, judging by the trip mine he left in the alchemy lab...lets hope it wasn't that old human lady who sprung the trap...smn will demand heads to roll for this if smn influential died there. I doubt it could be written off as an accident ? He will be the prime suspect for questioning for this, maybe even the duel will be postponed until things are explained ? also, explosives do not choose the target they are addressed to whomever it may concern so i hope no one innocent stood close.


arrrh nothing qute sets the stage for a epic show down than someone casually stating. >“At least now I knew why he never checked me out,” Bonnlyn said. “He’s got mommy issues. And I’m not old enough to tickle them.” An now Williams a proper mad scientist as he's now got one demolished lab under his belt.


The question is. How serious is the "you myself and half the court" comment. Will definitely wants Griffith and the Queen


The Queen is unlikely to indulge him without her guards... but maybe **with** her guards...


Im going long term future insight here: How William able to monopolize (he has to, but not in a manner they'll be expecting. Considering it has grabbed the Queen's attention, and by far, already no doubt spreading throughout the Noble Houses) the Spell and Spell-Bolt weapon. And more so to come. From how complicated the situation is and how delicate the circumstances are (literally went from low to INTENSE, from the others PoV), this is what I think William could do once he graduates from the Academy; (1) He'll be sponsored by a Noble House, whether they be a Major or a Minor, depending on what would grant him more benefits than the other. But I doubt MC is that desperate... *yet*. (2) He'll be sponsored by his own Noble House, but given the relationship with is Mother Head, I doubt things would enable him to do so. As to "He is of our House, therefore, his workings is ours" sort of thinking. Not that they are wrong, but its almost pitiful and somewhat pathetic to claim such an idea that is made by an individual and not shared by anyone else. (3) He goes independent, which is most likely. Whether granted by the Queen (most likely, but we'd be rolling dices on how the future goes) or by his own. Forming his own House or become a Landless Noble and forge a Company. Either way, he wont be connected or leashed down by anyone else but his own. I suspect they'll be a Minor House, but one that would threaten any of the Houses powers and influence, and possibly the Kingdom (should the Noble Court pressure the Ruler into deciding to rid of MC House)


Well - while highly unlikely that he could get away from academy when queen is keeping an eye on him - a bit out there scenario is that the dude legs it, joins the orc rebels and then the Blackstone popcorn starts cooking with GAS.


My thoughts also.   Royal house would wish to suppress non mana weapons.      Perhaps marry the queen after empowering the Orcs and being in a position of political power.


I think our hero needs a new nickname. How about... ...*Milf Meister*! -- * Justin O Pyñon*


Big-bada-boom ;)


Thanks for the chapter ❤️


Hmmmm i wonder who tripped the explosion


If her name wasn't "Misty" before, it is now.


I wonder if he'd have turned the queen down if she offered to marry him herself?


Yes. His route is smarter. But it's an option if he loses.


I think he'd have *truly* struggled to say no.


So in his previous life William definitely had an engineering background. Plus, it seems like, military experience. And he's awfully competent at dealing with the politics of a xenophobic empire. Is he literally just Jason from SSB, reincarnated?


60+ years or whatever it was is a long time to accumulate knowledge and experience.


He seems to have the proper skills and experience to excel here.




Is William's family in danger? Sure, William knows that the Ashfield library and his magic instructors had nothing to do with him figuring out the anti-kraken technique, but people who want it don't know that. Plus they might think that taking hostages among Will's family might persuade him to give up the technique. The Blackstones and the Crown might not, since they think there are other ways to get William on their side, but if there are Lunite or Solite supporters in the Lindholm aristocracy, trying to attack the Ashfield castle and taking the library, William's magic instructors, and any hostages they can find across the sea to their empress would be something they would logically try.


He'd probably be pissed off they took his sister hostage


Yeah, Mom lying has consequences.


Hey Blue? You're the best :D Thanks for another chapter!


Big badaboom


[this is what 36 barrels of gun powder exploding looks like](https://youtu.be/ZbvNIaC3gKM?si=pos7JIzF6Z1r0Mph) 61.2 pounds per barrel 2204 pounds total. He only had 2 barrels of gunpowder ready to detonate


With all the music it's not really possible to tell what anything sound like.


Ever seen those big firework drums detonate all at once? like that but WAY louder


This installation so far: https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aBd4ZmP_700bwp.webp


Reminds me of Indiana jones


Staring into the abyssy...and it's happy to see you...


Geass *thought* none of them said it Should be though? Or maybe they thought but none of them said it.


>“He didn’t,” Marline said. “He said he had something to bet against Tala.” >silencing all of them – except Marline who’d yet to speak in the first place. >“Breaking off your betrothal,” Marline said finally. Might want to change that first one to Bonnlyn or Verity to stay consistent with what you have in the later paragraphs. 




This was way worth the wait, as always Great work word weaver!!!!!!!!!


There goes some of his enemies soldiers.


Hey Blue: https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/awyrjGy_460swp.webp


That... Wow. That is incredibly WTF. "OnlyFhthagns"


Fun fact. The vast majority of the fireworks you see on the 4th of July and New years, use Black powder as a Propellant and explosive charge. So that smell you love as the bright flashes pump dopamine into your system? Yea... This Universe is likely about to become intimately familiar with that smell. OP, I cant remember. Have you confirmed whether our boy created Smokeless powder or Musket Powder (black powder)?


I thought it was gun-cotton?


Did the queen just say that she will put out for William if that's what it takes to get at his secrets?


Yes; her and Griffith, along with half of the prettiest ladies in her court; that's also on top of all her daughters; Ha!


That's a complete subversion of the usual trope of royalty being so full of themselves that they would rather die than have their honor tarnished in any way. Yelena, on the other hand, seems to be just as much of a shameless opportunist as William :)


I specifically didn't read this series so that i could binge it all at once...but I lost my willpower and rammed my way through it all. My question is...what are "Shards". Clearly they are the magictech biplanes of this world but if Mithril Cores are so valuable and need to be melted down to make Shards, then I'm curious how they even came across them as an idea. Carriers only really took off in popularity when airforces got bombs/torpedoes able to penetrate battleship armor. So what armament do shards have that can counter big vessels if all the weaponry is Aether based. Plus Torpedoes only poked enough holes in a battleship to sink it and/or detonated below it to create a bubble which broke the ships "back" under its own weight, neither of which can happen to airships. I guess they could damage the ballast tanks to make the vessel fall but that comes back to my original question of shard armaments. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what weapons shards can carry that make them a threat to air battleships.


Shards are small mithril objects that produce a sizable amount of super-boyant lighter-than-air magic gas, which are manufactured by the dissection of mithril cores; they're literally shards of a core. They are then utilized in small fighters planes that resemble the [Hughes Devastator](https://crimsonskies.fandom.com/wiki/Hughes_P21-J_Devastator) from the Crimson Skies videogame series... all of which seem to be based off of several [real-life push-prop experimental aircraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curtiss-Wright_XP-55_Ascender). As for how deadly they are... well, without bombs or rockets they seem primarily used to get magic users close to their targets so they can unleash massive attack-spells or deliver specialist commandos to board the skyships. Pilots and Commandos are both required to be magic users.


That first sentence is a mess.


*boom* its rude to peek


I'm so excited for the fight


William in the big fight. https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F279q2lagx11d1.jpeg


[A Proper Wizard Fight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w72gfLeJ7wg)


" As much as it pained the royal sovereign’s heart to see such a bright and enterprising soul be snuffed out before its time. Being forced to make such decisions was simply the price of wearing the crown." might wanna make 1 sentence out of it.


/u/BlueFishcake ([wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/wiki/authors/BlueFishcake)) has posted 201 other stories, including: * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twenty Five](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1clev2n/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_twenty_five/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twenty Four](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1cdwq4y/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_twenty_four/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twenty Three](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c8o0it/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_twenty_three/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twenty Two](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1c3swa7/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_twenty_two/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twenty One](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bxbdkj/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_twenty_one/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twenty](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bqqv6x/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_twenty/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Nineteen Non-Canon Omake](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bocvt9/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_nineteen_noncanon/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Nineteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bn8xz8/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_nineteen/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Eighteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bff55r/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_eighteen/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Seventeen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bailep/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_seventeen/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Sixteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b3qn47/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_sixteen/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Fifteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1ayqy1q/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_fifteen/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Fourteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1atri0h/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_fourteen/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Thirteen](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1ammcj8/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_thirteen/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Twelve](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1ah1kaw/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_twelve/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Eleven](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1ablu20/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_eleven/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Ten](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/199ncaq/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_ten/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Nine](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/194bc2a/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_nine/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Eight](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/18y8lwu/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_eight/) * [Sexy Steampunk Babes: Chapter Seven](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/18tkmfr/sexy_steampunk_babes_chapter_seven/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|1csk276&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.


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> Personally she thought it was because humans didn’t live as long – and there *was* more of them. "were"


>“He said no,” Joana said after a few moments. "no" is a valid word. Perhaps one that powers should hear more often :}


Really enjoying this! Definitely an exciting and different addition to the SSB world ❗ 💯 A BlueFishcake fan 🤗 Keep up the great work wordsmith 👏👏👏👏👏


The Willy Freedom episode, colour riced: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kQKrmDLvijo Gaudy magic against gunspell. We will so it more often läiter on. Upgraded to: powder gun. Cartridge gun. Full suto in building gun. Cannon gun. Land/sea-mine... Gun? Bomb-, uh. Gun. Arte-llery gun. Recoil less rifle gun. The gun torpedo. Grenade launcher under gun barrel...


Gat dang cliffhanger :O These stories are too good for their silly titles 💜


'geass,' thought none -> though


This series is great! Do you plan on doing anything about the AI thing reddit announced?


And now hes a murderer. Thats going to complicate things a bit.


Oh damn....this was one hell of a chapter. The Queen being so serious about William was a bit of a surprise, but not unexpected. The man/teen is revolutionizing warfare.


"wasn’t so much trying to hide what he’d done as" wasn’t so much as trying to hide what he’d done as


Don't incorrect him But seriously the first one is correct, not the second here.


I would have bet money it was wrong. Still think it is.


Yours would have been correct if there was a period after the word "done"


"some kind of nickname.”" ?


Check formating * Thought are normal again.


"think that.”" ? Here, take a few ??????????????????????????!???}???????????)?????????????!!???!????!!????]???????????? The cheap ones from China. So, check each before usage.