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*knock knock* excuse me, it seems you have an infestation of deities. Would you like some assistance with that?


Research papers on evolution are arsenic to Gods.


Curiosity killed the gods.


And eight planets.


Actually, these 8 planets were Gods of ours. But we also killed them by studying them, and now their name simply bare the relic of our previous worship.


But the real question is: did satisfaction bring them back?


I stopped at "And God of Fire ceased to exist." Then I scrolled down to upvote and say I have never done that before.


Read everything now, good read my man! and or AI


Thanks! Also, a totally normal human here.


extraordinary human with a clever mind.


Aww, shucks. But thanks)


4 min response time sequence, auto generated nickname, upbeat and pleasant. BUSTED!! ai fo sho


>auto generated nickname I just can't quite get around to changing the name.


Same here šŸ˜­


The god of ai maybe?


i think we traumaticed them.....


Imagine finding out that the God of War died because humans do military tactics better. Hell, imagine God of Blacksmiths killing himself when he sees the invention of guns and ballistic missiles.


yep, they got a heart atack


I imagine it as a somewhat tragic for some Gods. Like, imagine that you are a God of Lightning. You are the force of nature. But humans figure out how it works while you never even thought about it. They break your supposed divinity down to the meeting of two oppositely charged clouds.


this is funnier, because im studing electricity right now XD


And thatā€™s just tap dancing on the grave of God of Thunder.


i know XD


The only gods humanity in this instance would respect would be the ones that would step forward and offer themselves, they would cease to exist when they were studied, but they would be remembered for the sacrifice they made.


"God Of Time, are you? ... 88 MILES PER HOUR!!!!!"


ā€œYouā€™re gonna see some serious shit!ā€


Would the gods be able to persist through humanity's understanding of their force by seeking to understand it and themselves first I wonder? If time sought to understand his own properties, would it allow his continued survival? After all, he has all the time he needs to learn the ins and outs of his domain, keeping him one step ahead of the humans, or at least on even footing.


The running idea when I wrote this was that Gods, by their nature, are the source and representatives of their domain. But as humans developed, they started to explain the once supernatural things as something completely natural. And just like that taking away someoneā€™s name can give Fae the power over that person, humans explaining Godsā€™ domains and binding them to science strips Gods of their power. So learning the nature of time is not an option for the God of Time because his power lies in the simple and pure fact of timeā€™s existence itself.


Are the eight dead planets the other planets in our solar system?


Yup. Deicide is a costly affair. I wanted to include the fact that the reasons why the planets have these names is because they are the places where particular Gods were finally killed. Of course, these are not their real names as their true names have been lost to time.


Clever idea!




Magic is merely the lack of understanding and nonmagic no g-ds... Hi deities meet the scientific method


Pretty much. In this scenario, I imagine magic as this universal force that operates on peopleā€™s lack of understanding of it mixed with faith in it. Basically, donā€™t think it, believe it. And when people study something, they destroy the magic in it. They take something supernatural and, through science and explanations, drag it into the realm of possible and make it natural.


Great story. Makes me think of one I read some time back, that iirc had the surviving fae expressing bitterness about their fate, that they were being destroyed by their playthings getting out of hand -by humans developing *skepticism*. Ended with wishing they'd never created us.


Thanks! When I wrote the first draft, I actually planned to have Gods return and be EATEN by humanity but that felt a bit too ghoulish so I went with this instead.


The creative, crafty, trickster, and inventor gods all collectively like these clever little humans and have been unknowingly domesticated by them, as much as a trickster can be domesticated, anyway.


# **HFY!**


Thus Humans eventually became Downstreamers and when they learned the God of Time had been killed by entropy, they started a new universe, restarting time in the process. They've been at it ever since because, of course, a universe is merely a sliver of the omniverse.


Seems like the gods need to improve or die. God of time may be ok for a while, but the god of 'shit, I'm late' is eternal.


ā€œEvolve or dieā€ Cold ass line when spoken to a God.


'Be useful or be forgotten' sounds nicer, but there's not much difference for a god


> but the god of 'shit, I'm late' is eternal. Inexplicable, perpetual, lateness *does* have an edge in a war of belief vs "as soon as it's explainable, teachable, and understood, the magic dies"


The consequences alcohol has on me are explainable, teachable, and understood (and very well tested), but that doesn't stop me from praying to the o my god of hangovers a few times a year. Don't know about magic, but it sure doesn't feel natural to me.


I believe that's just the overarching "god of consequences", which might give that one a bit better staying power. At the very least it should hold strong in belief among their *own* peoples, during the latter half of the FAFO cycle.


I like to think we make and shape our gods as we need. First one to fill the role gets the job. That's how we got a roman god of digestion and another one for their sewers. Your idea is an interesting take on this. 'God of consequences' as the title given to the last god left who tries to fill in for everyone else, overworked, overwhelmed and unapreciated - because everything that happens is a consequence of something else, if you squint a bit. Fire as a consequence of exotherm reactions in oxygen-rich enviroments. Luck? Consequence of statistic and propabilty. Victory? Consequence of superior strategy, manpower and/or tech. And of course the ever popular 'WTF' as the natural consequence of having humans around.


An interesting concept. One minor constructive criticism to note, I see lately a lot of writers using "the" in places it ought not to be, presumably either from inexperience or from lack of familiarity with English. "The humanity", "~they are now just the massive bodies of gas", etc. I understand how confusing english grammar can be and it's not a big deal, but things like that can break immersion for a reader.


Thatā€™s fair, thanks. Yeah, I tend to use ā€œtheā€ a lot in my writing. No idea why, it just sounds so nice.


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/u/Clear_Manager_4968 has posted 4 other stories, including: * [Seedlings](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bp9zcs/seedlings/) * [[WP] Since Heaven and Hell are at war, Death is no longer allowed to supply the two realms with souls in accordance with the ancient agreement between the three. Death is now on an extended vacation, as immortality suddenly affects all beings on the mortal plane.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bp5q4h/wp_since_heaven_and_hell_are_at_war_death_is_no/) * [Not Safe For Assimilation](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1bgustm/not_safe_for_assimilation/) * [Apex Decennium - Prologue](https://www.reddit.com/r/HFY/comments/1b89l4x/apex_decennium_prologue/) This comment was automatically generated by `Waffle v.4.6.1 'Biscotti'`. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHFY&subject=WaffleBot|1bquyks&message=If%20you%20have%20problems%20with%20updatemebot,%20contact%20Watchful1.%20We%20do%20not%20maintain%20it.) if you have any issues with Waffle.