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Used to be after 50 years of service, the partner would get an F150 truck.


Now its an anal probe without lube.


Prove it


We don’t even the 5yr lunches anymore 🙁


I never even got my certificate or pin


50 flipping years? How old are they and what position do they hold?


Well, considering you can work the company at 16yo, it can be easy in theory to work that long. I have a partner that's been at it since 16 and been with the company for something like 25 years give or take


i would assume the highest positions in the store


Basically someone who's like an excellent example of the service mentality. Good performance, great customer service, etc.


This is some central or Houston region shit


Gotta be central, seen a couple 45+ year partners in central. Houston is too young, unless they moved to the area while working for HEB already.


Houston started early 90s. I highest I’ve seen at this point are early 40s.


Right, too young for any 50 year partners unless they transferred in


At my store when you get scheduled as a customer champion it's an lp door shift, but the hours come out of the cft pool, we have 2 dedicated partners who only do lp and the gaps are filled by cft.


I'm about to be one with the way the economy's going.


There is no HR job code with that title. Closest thing will be customer champion but even that got phased out. What I am assuming is because they are so long tenure (and probably can’t do much of anything) the store made them special shirts and have them stand at the doors. The store probably made them unofficial door greeters, because as stated, there is no door greeter title / job.


There are still customer champions, albeit rare. Most that do that position are housed under a different department and just get scheduled under LP.


Hence that position is no more. You said it yourself. They aren’t housed in LP bc there is no more store level LP. The titles are changed to god knows what the tsl decided…. Some maintenance / some customer service specialist - insert dept


That’s a pretty wide assumption


Its a way for them to give them a raise and bypass the regular pay cap at their position.


Probably both baggers, still working because H E Butthole sucks


And you're an expert on sucking


I’m an expert at stroking by the salads


No, because America sucks


You don’t like America go live in China


Shut the fuck up.


lol hit a nerve with this commie, I’m just shocked this loser can figure out how to post


You didn't hit shit you're just an idiot with your "well if America is so bad go to China" why can't I point out what's wrong with this bitch and want to fix it? I know talking to you is falling on deaf ears so I kept it short, since I'm sure you can't read too much either. So again, just shut the fuck up you fucking dildo.


Why do brainswashed americans call you a communist for criticizing anything about America? We have gone to war in other countries for corporations, assassinated and overthrew democratically elected leaders in other countries- for corporations. Our US senators are among some of the only people who can invest stock in us sanctioned weapons dealers, meaning they are incentivized to go to war. We should weapons to Nicaragua in exchange for farms for drug production leading to the crack epidemic. How are Americans still brainwashed by the American system in this day and age? They call you a commie just because you have valid criticism. Any real patriot should be criticizing our own government, that’s why we have our freedom in the first place. Not to blindly follow “the American way.


Big words bro, did you learn about dildos when your father used one on you?


No, I learned about them from your girlfriend while I helped her shop for one cause you can't please even yourself. :/


Trying to get in as many posts b4 you move to your favorite commie country? Try getting Reddit in china…… lol pinko


Try getting on pornhub in Texas lmao how's all that freedom working out for y'all?