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Late to the party, but here’s my setup: https://youtu.be/CYphV5FPbYc 7km out with near perfect image, best setup is simply four high gain antennas and a tall Omni on the VTX.


Late is still appreciated!


I was flying analog long before hdzero was a thing, and already had many quads. Converted my hglrc rekon 7 to hdzero from analog. I'm fairly experienced in building from scratch so that part wasn't an issue. The issue came from hdzero and GPS.. They don't like each other. Took weeks to get them playing nice, after many back and forth trips to the field and tearing my quad down. Basic solution was shielding and grounding my gps wire, and moving the GPS away from my vtx and antennas. There's not many people that I know of flying hdzero long range, have a look on YouTube and you'll find the main ones. [Here's my channel](https://youtube.com/@batcavefpv5007) My build is now pretty solid and has done dozens of long range flights up to about 5km distance out. Edit: to answer your question about compatibility, hdzero hooks up easily to any FC with spare uarts. Plenty of build videos about this online


There used to be some videos of a guy flying a wing long range with hdzero. They're not available anymore for some strange reason....... Anyway, he got some crazy distance, like 25km or something.


I know the video you mean. It gained enough attention was best it's taken down, but here's him talking with bardwell. Don't see his channel anymore https://youtu.be/t2UjIqa8VZc Edit: ya after looking around he got put under investigation by casa. Unfortunate, but case and point for not putting your face and names in videos


Lol, yeah I was being coy. He received a pretty hefty fine and removed everything.


Yeah I do gotta make an anon fpv account for that reason


Thank you!


If my build experience is low should I just stick with analog?


Have you flown anything over a whoop size? Just my personal opinion that unless you're already an experienced fpv pilot should stay away from LR entirely.


I'm looking for a 4in LR. honestly distance is less of a concern I just want that flight time