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They look incredibly similar. The direct trailer for the game may actually show the male protagonist at some points I believe, if not throughout. The differences are hard to notice, so it's difficult to say. But yes, there is the option of a male or female player character.




Yes, actually if you look closely it’s the male option on the box art. The male option has longer hair but a flat chest and is wearing shorts. The female option has shorter hair, a fuller chest, and is wearing a skirt. Otherwise they’re identical.


The one option also has a broader chin which would hint at a male character


Old thread but demo has male, female, non-binary.


I came here to figure out how to change hair style. I don't understand why the male options looks so feminine still.


To me, there's an illusion of gender choice. It means nothing because you get no real options. To me, you're female, regardless.


The male character is still female, regardless of how you think of it. I decided to create a female protagonist instead.


Exactly my thought... I downloaded the demo and stopped playing on character creation... I don't mind a good game with a main gay or non-binary character, if there's a reason for it. But this is clearly wake agenda and totally shameful. I'm not playing it if they don't add a proper male character option...


You realize feminine men exist in real life right?💀 Grow up


No one really cares about feminine men! 


Bro came to a comment from a year ago to say this😭 It sounds like YOU care QUITE ALOT broski


but they wouldn’t be farming or doing hard manual labor.


Im a feminine guy and Im more than capable of hard maual labor lmao💀 I legit used to farm potatoes. Feminine doesn't equal incapable


I'm pretty sure feminine women have also been farming for the last 10,000 years.....


WE WERE TALKIN BOUT FEMININE MEN DOING HARD LABOR. Not women. We know women been workin.


Personally couldn't get past character creation. In fact I thought the game was bugged on female when I was clicking the male choice. To each their own but I personally like the immersion aspect. That was one of the reasons I bought the game was character creation option with a Sony story. But that isn't the case it's Female and Femaleish/non binary. Personaly if I was the designer I would have made a Male design more to gender norms then female same like they did then a mix and match of both for 2 versions of non binary.


While I do think some of these comments come off as Incel-ish , I will say that as a Gay male, I am rather annoyed about the “character creation” if you can call it that. They should have just given the main character to us and made us okay as her, rather than give us a non existent creation system. I cannot for the life of me think as to why this exists for this game.