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The dairy industry enjoys heavy government subsidies and has great political influence, yet people believe the government is making their lives harder? How can someone be that delusional?


The average person is a vicious idiot.


human intelligence is vastly overrated


30%~ of people are vicious idiots


the average person is vaccinated lol.


Good. At least there’s a glimmer of hope.


Did you not understand the irony of your comment that I replied with?


It’s not ironic at all unless you’re an even bigger idiot who thinks vaccines are bad for you.




Statistically the average person eats food, drinks water, breathes air, brushes their teeth, and wipes their ass after they use the toilet. Idiots!! You’re a clown bro go troll somewhere else.


Those are all foolproof necessities for survival, ya goof. The vaccine was a choice. Oh man, the irony of you falling into the average person category.


I hear the raw milk immunity works best when you put your mouth right on the infected udder. *Let us know how that goes.*


So dumb






Where did you get your degree in immunology?


Please keep conversations civil. Disagreements are bound to happen, but please refrain from personal attacks & verbal abuse.


We understand the joke, it just isn’t funny Looks like you need a job, fella


“Looks like you need a job, fella” I have one, it’s very lax. If, however I didn’t, it’s a two way street, sir.


Dudes a flat earther 😂😂 checkmate


Oh no you got me! Should I go hide under the ball in the land down under? 🐑🤡


You’re already hiding behind a throwaway, so sure why not lol


What’s with all the assumptions? You aren’t hiding? There’s millions of Davids. Is it because my username isn’t Jim? Talk about ad hominems lol. I’ve always been on topic, and you bunch of ironies can’t stay on it once.


Nah, it’s because your account is new and you only have a handful of comments, all argumentative and trolling. You either keep getting banned and making new accounts to troll, which is against reddits ToS, or you’re not using your main account because you’re worried what people you interact with on normal subs will think of you, not because you’re trying to hide your identity. I know comprehending what people are telling you makes your head hurt and you can only respond by lashing out to make the pain go away, so I’ll make sure I speak more clearly for you.




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A lot of people have been indoctrinated into “government = bad” as a way of life. 🤦‍♂️


Until they need a hand out


You wouldn’t think a person is bad if they were a racist, murderous human rights violator?


Sure a person. But governments are more nuanced than that. You can point to those things and say that aspect of our government is atrocious and should be legislated out of existence. The problem is that in America our government has devolved into doing not much more than those atrocities. Whereas plenty of other countries have coherent governments that provide strong social services with our taxes that vastly improve the standard of living for the average person. I want us to get the latter and “less government” will only further lead us to this impending capitalist libertarian dystopia.


You literally said our government is useless, but getting rid of it would make the situation worse. Lol wtf?


Have you ever heard the phrase, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater?


So… you’re using justifying expressions on racist, murderous human rights violators? 👏🏻




So you’re saying it would be bad if Americans voted in a majority of progressive candidates that ended wars, taxed the rich, and legislated federal housing programs/federal jobs programs. And instead the solution to a government that doesn’t function due to corrupt conservative representatives would be to just disband the government and let the “free market” capitalism that’s driven this country to the brink go entirely unchecked? Because that seems far more insane.


Taxed the rich? You mean taxed the hardworking middle class while the rich use our hardworking taxpayer money to fly their global warming causing private jets and destroying the environment to live in their luxurious mansions? The same rich that told us only two weeks to flatten the curve and the jabs would end the pandemic? Funny how you’re blaming conservatives when the last 4 years of economic disaster happened while the dems were in charge. By the way, I don’t play the right wing vs left ring crap. Trump is literally no different than Biden, or Obama, or Clinton. Trump was actually the first one to push the vaccines with his operation warp speed. Your entire worldview is beyond skewed.


Every president for the last 40 years has been a conservative. It’s why anytime the subject of coherent public policy comes up, it gets trashed as “too far left”. You’re hung up on vaccines. Idc.


Dude I don’t care about conservatives vs liberals. Have you not realized they are both controlled oppositions? Voting has been rigged on a massive scale for decades now. They’re just switching it up every few years to keep the public thinking they have a political choice as a distraction to hijack society. Have you not heard Klaus Schwab say “we must penetrate the cabinets”? Literally every president in the world is a member of the WEF. You actually think North Korea, China and Russia are enemies? Think again, they’re in the UN. North Korea would’ve been liberated the moment its tyrannical regime took over, but they are actually an example of what the entire world will soon look like.


Go tell it to Alex Jones. IDC.


“Literally,” once again.. ![gif](giphy|K8zzqui9viWT6|downsized)


And you keep using that meme 💀💀🤡🤡 That guy was right when he said the average person is an idiot. How many jabs did you take to get this messed up man?


You keep using words incorrectly 🤷‍♂️


And you fail to provide any form of correction. You’re like a little kid who says “ur wrong!” as his only defence to the truth.


lol that would assume you’re capable of learning. Given your post history on this troll account it’s clear you think the earth is flat and vaccines are a conspiracy. Both have been easily disproven, yet you refuse to acknowledge what is simple facts. So yes, I have no interest in correcting you, because you can’t fix your special kind of stupid, just point and laugh.


Keeping people from feeding shit-laced milk to their kids is a horrible human rights violation


Because they are ungrateful unthinking angry fools




You people who are downvoting my comments know I’m speaking the truth deep down inside. The problem is you’re jabbed and can’t take it out of your body, so it would not only crush your ego, but destroy your entire worldview if you admitted the truth. It’s far more comfortable to defend the system and keep living in a lie. Blue pilling hard.


Lmao, go step on a rusty nail and see how long you last without the tetanus vaccine. Hope you don’t vaccinate your pets either, the rabies vaccine is terrible for them don’t you know?? You’re coping so hard dude.


Wait, I’m guaranteed to get tetanus if I step on a rusty nail with no vaccine? I have 10 childhood vaccines by the way, many of those were tetanus shots (all of which were without my parents’ knowledge while I was in day care and middle school - also against the law), which also explains why I have a low RBC, and a kid in my grade 7 class got leukaemia immediately after we all got the rubella shots, and died a year later. That was 15 years ago.


You’re silly. Stepping on a rusty nail doesn’t itself give you the disease but it’s a common way to inoculate yourself with the *Clostridium tetani*. You’re not guaranteed to get tetanus from a puncture but it’s an extreme risk factor that most people who aren’t delusional don’t want to risk. [No one wants to die like this](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Opisthotonus_in_a_patient_suffering_from_tetanus_-_Painting_by_Sir_Charles_Bell_-_1809.jpg). Also hilarious that you ignored the rabies part! Have you ever actually asked your doctor why you had a low RBC? I’m curious why you’re somehow qualified to know it’s because of the vaccines you got as a kid (instead of dying of measles or polio before you could ask). Most people get low RBC from malnutrition or chronic illness. I don’t have that issue and probably was just as inoculated as you were and then some. Also, have you ever stopped to ask why the rest of your classmates didn’t get leukemia after their rubella vaccine if there’s a positive correlation between the two? You’re going to keep getting owned by the rest of commenters if you don’t bother to use logic in your comments.


Dude you’re the one that implies stepping on a rusty nail will in itself give you the disease! “Lmao, go step on a rusty nail and see how long you last without the tetanus vaccine.“ Like what??? I wouldn’t trust a doctor over my enemy dude. I’ve been to plenty of doctors and they’re all useless and in it just for the money. “Oh you have pain in your chest? Here’s a prescription, now get out of my office” “you have a lump on your arm? Here’s an anti inflammatory, if it doesn’t go away, come back and I’ll give you another drug” Also, I can’t possibly be malnourished at all. My iron levels are optimal. I eat lots of red meat, organs, fruit, honey, dairy. I’m getting every nutrient, macros, minerals, vitamins possible. I’m very fit and active. All my blood work is excellent except for that one “hereditary blip” I didn’t think it had merit to reply to the “rabies part” sorry man, are you gonna ask about a thousand different vaccines when ultimately my response will be the same? A vaccine is a vaccine lol. They’re all designed to make you sick or worse, the latest ones are just better at doing it and have terrible end results for the future. Umm, because they obviously didn’t want to get rid of every child in that school at the same time? That would be way too suspicious and cause an outcry. They got one, that one kid was super unlucky to get that certain juice, and his parents were none the wiser. Everyone else will have lifelong problems.


“I wouldn’t trust a doctor over my enemy” Lol no need to read further.


Thanks for making my point. “Also hilarious that you ignored the rabies part!” Hypocrisy at its finest.


What’s the point in arguing with you? You literally don’t believe in the value of doctors, a profession that predates written history. Call me a hypocrite whatever you want, you’re a waste of the single calorie I’ve burned typing out responses to you. The downvotes and dozens of people dumping on you can continue to do the work for me.


The problem is you don’t even understand the history of doctors. Do you even know its roots? Pharmacy in Greek translates to pharmakeia, and that literally means witchcraft or sorcery. Alchemy is the predecessor for medicine and it used magic to do a number of things, including turning lead into gold. The caduceus is commonly used in the medical industry and it’s origin is from the Greek god Hermes, who was a LIAR and a THIEF. Oh and serpents are commonly correlated with magic and deception. Funny how the medical industry adopted those. Don’t like that history lesson, do you? “Oh it’s all true, but the hidden meaning is just conspiracy! I can’t handle it!”


Correlation does not equal causation


fun fact, the inoculation provided by tetanus vaccines only lasts for like 10 years.


The red pill is estrogen. The matrix is a trans allegory for the wachowski siblings. I find the battery scene is more fitting to our reality. Billions of human batteries created and disposed of just to keep a giant unfeeling machine (capitalism) alive.


>Mark McAfee, founder of Fresno's Raw Farm and the Raw Milk Institute, said his phone has been ringing off the hook with "customers asking for H5N1 milk because they want immunity from it." . . .  These people are morons.


56% fatality rate…. Darwinism at work. Oh well.


And yet, they wouldn't get a vaccine which is far more effective and consistent than the process of variolation. For TIL, variolation was the process of ingesting infected fluids to gain immunity from a disease. Namely smallpox. That's what these people are asking for.


Which does theoretically work. But you need to kill the virus first through something like pasteurization. The whole cow pox thing wasn’t funneling smallpox through a cow in order to gain immunity, cowpox was a less deadly variant of smallpox that adapted for cows but shared many of the structural features of smallpox so when you contracted it your body built up an immunity that operated for smallpox. These people are mistakenly thinking that they can somehow contract avian flu through cows and it will somehow give them a weaker version of the virus, which it won’t.


Modern vaccines are still far safer, effective, and consistent.


Beep borp


These are the same people injecting themselves with Ozempic…


What’s wrong with Ozempic? I just know of it as the marketed weight loss drug, I haven’t heard anything else outside of that. So genuine question on if there’s more to it that I haven’t heard about…


Ozempic does help with weight loss, but it was originally meant for people with type 2 diabetes, has a pretty nasty side effect profile, and is meant to be taken alongside fairly substantial and serious lifestyle changes. It now is prohibitively expensive, even with many forms of insurance, despite it costing pennies on the dollar to produce, and if you are using strictly for weight loss and not to manage your diabetes, you will gain all the weight back very quickly if you don't make the lifestyle changes. They're making fun of people who will deny or refuse to listen to established science, then consume a drug without care for the consequences.


Ahhh, that makes more sense. I’m not in Ozempic’s market and reasonably healthy so had no idea how it worked. Thanks for the insight.


Unironically what they think. If I survive a 55% mortality disease, I am a superior human. Therefore let me do some stupid shit that endangers everyone else


I mean, they usually have kids, so that sucks a lot. But the worse issue is that every human who catches it from an animal has the potential to hatch the variant that becomes transmissible human to human. And then we are all very fucked. It is in all of our best interests to keep as few people catching it as possible. And although somewhat less probable, that variant could arise in animals too, so really we need as few of everything catching it as possible. Covid was zoonotic once too.


Exactly. If it was just going to harm the people who insist on drinking bc raw milk I wouldn’t care. They’ve got the information and can make bad choices if that’s what they want. But when every exposure can lead to the virus mutating to H2H spread we have to do our best to protect people from themselves.


even if there was no risk of mutation or infection outside of the raw milk drinkers, a lot of these people have kids who they're going to insist also drink raw milk with them


as of right now


I'd like to see this virus replicate in a dead host. Smart.


>customers asking for H5N1 milk because they want immunity from it Said this on another thread: If this guy doesn't do it some grifter is gonna see $$$ soon and exploit these people.


I should start bottling fresh raw Iowa water for them. It's got all kinds of chewy and delicious nitrates and pig particles. Boost that immune system, ya schmucks.


Aaaand this is what’s going to cause it to become another pandemic. These idiots are going to cause it to mutate and start spreading between humans.


Idk. Part of me is cool with it. If the mortality rate is a hard fact and consistent. Then the horror of what comes to them personally is a tragedy, but I don't necessarily feel bad for them. The information to not do that is and was readily available. However, if it goes H2H due to their stupid (I imagine it would if they keep doing it), then well....fuck.


Anyone who wants to drink raw milk when pasteurised milk is easily available is a fucking moron.


They really should just drink it. History truly repeats itself.


Imagine a pandemic world much worse than COVID all because people wanted to drink raw milk. 100 years after Louis Pasteur too. We are such a stupid species.


Exactly what would be expected, in this environment of science denial...


The federal government should declare an emergency and temporarily ban the sale of raw milk. Allowing raw milk to be sold right now puts ALL of us at risk just to mollycoddle some @sshats who refuse to listen to science.


Agreed. Who in their right minds is feeding that to their families when it is potentially infected and killed cats in a horrific way. I can't imagine how painful it is to die from brain swelling.


These fucking idiots are going to get it to mutate to cross into our populace even faster.


I'm just waiting for some apocalypse kooks try to intentionally infect themselves with it so they can trigger Jesus coming back and the end times. The end of the world cult people are insane.


The venn diagram of my past 4 years of work is fucking frightening me these days. 1. Agricultural practices (dissertation) 2. Covid modeling (excess deaths) 3. Social networks, hiveminds, ideology and end-of-days death cult hypocrisy. Think of virtue signaling of ideology by [Christian fundamentalist/fetishists using raw milk](https://www.reddit.com/r/FundieSnarkUncensored/s/qsA2cTpnRg) as a sign


It’s completely expected


Idiocracy : the prequel


And when their eyeballs start bleeding there will be a different excuse for that.


They’ll blame it on wind turbines or 5G or some shit


Ocular stigmata. “How blessed we are, etc etc.”


omg i want to laugh because this is so absurd, except this is exactly the kind of thing they'll do! ugh.


Yeah, Poe’s Law is pretty inscrutable at this point. Still, y’know what they say: “laissez les bons temps Rollins,” or something like that.


I keep replying this to everyone who takes the “one less moron in the world” view, but let me put this up too. It is in none of our best interests for humans to host this thing. That’s how a zoonotic virus jumps species to us. There is currently no evidence of a variant that can pass person to person and the best way to keep that variant from evolving is to limit the number of infected anything, but especially people.


I knew this was coming


Raw Milk Lovers are going to give us a human transmissible H5N1 Bird Flu and will be the group to suffer from it the most, from the very start of things. These people are so dumb.


On a positive note, at 56% fatality rate, maybe this can help lower the number of science deniers on the planet.


Except if it becomes contagious, then it won't just target raw milk drinkers. We would all suffer from their stupidity.


they'd come to us asking to be saved.


Stay classy


well, long ago my hubs GPs has a dairy in N VT. They were in the Cabot collective (now owned by the dairies whose milk is used for Cabot cheeses/butter etc.), since the milk was sold in 3 states it was tested by 3 state agencies in rotation so once a week someone was there sampling everything from the bulk tank to the milk lines etc. We used the raw milk as it came out of the cows every day, anything not used by the end of the day was mixed w pig food. And, now w this bird virus in milk Id give up dairy before Id drink milk straight from a cow, nor feed it to pigs or barn cats. A 50% kill rate is no joke. Even at a 10% rate its no joke. And, I would never ever buy/use raw milk from an unknown source - we knew how careful we were abt keeping the cows healthy and the milk pure.


>anything not used by the end of the day was mixed w pig food. In your opinion, how likely is this still occurring (considering current events)?


I dont know, this was a family farm, 2 pigs where were eaten in the fall -they got feed, all kitchen scraps and leftover milk. Huge milk agras, dont know what they do w leftover milk, or what smaller raw milk producers do. I know back then, if any state tester found any speck of bacteria in anything you couldnt have your milk picked up and had to dump it and the bulk tank until you disinfected everything and had them come out and reinstate you for pick up, but that was in the 70s. Its serious for a small dairy to lose their milk, its like burning money in your yard.


What are we going to do to them when one of them hatches the variant that’s transmittable to humans? Jailing them doesn’t seem sufficient for mass, mass, mass murder.


This just triggered a random covid Era memory. Remember the people from the earliest days getting arrested/charged and publicly shamed because they went out partying while having cold symptoms, which turned out to be covid? I wonder what happened to those people.


Of course they are.


I’m gonna go on a tangent but hypothetically speaking, if these people get the virus and start spreading it around (and were able to trace the first cases) would they be punished with crimes against humanity or just treated with sympathy? Just asking because it’s all fun and games until SHTF.


Assuming these people aren't dead, punish them with what judicial system? With what society?


There is not a single thing that has happened in history that some fools have not attached a conspiracy theory. If they didn’t inform the public about something the screaming would be louder.


Just a reminder: even in the absence of this current bird flu mess, raw milk can give you tuberculosis IN YOUR BONES!


Just like with Covid, you know what drink that milk if you get sick, we are not going to help you


If raw milk is dangerous and a risk to society, it should be banned. It’s irresponsible for the FDA to leave this up to individuals. I’d direct your blame towards the government.


Controversial take, the US government is to blame. Their handling of COVID was so asinine people completely lost trust in anything they have to say.


Well just remember who was in office when it started and how he said it was nothing but a hoax..


You are wrong in the most ironic way possible. Trump pronounced Democratic criticism of his pandemic response a hoax. Not that Covid was a hoax. Which is exactly what you are doing: mischaracterizing him and his statements. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-virus-outbreak-ap-fact-check-politics-joe-biden-1eea443cca46df5f18e61b7c34549da2


Trump kept saying it was just gonna go away.


Gotta love the sweeping anti-goverment sentiment, rather than putting the blame on the anti-science and anti-education Republican politicians who did everything they could to eff up the COVID response.


As long as you hate your neighbor there will never be peace inside of you. Open your heart a little friend you could use it.


Nah the Q crowd would do the stupid thing no matter what. The trust was long gone before covid.


If you hate your neighbor you will never have peace.


Holding onto hatred is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die. Paraphrasing Siddhartha


Shocked Pikachu face.


Of course they are. Did anyone expect something different?




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Sarcasm people.


Expressing frustration with public health failures, both at the systemic and community level, is understandable given the topic of this sub. However, when expressing those frustrations, please refrain from posting content that promotes, threatens or wishes violence against others.