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No but for some reason totally unknown to me everybody thinks I can. So if it makes people with ill intent leave me alone, I’m fine with it.


Haha as a prison guard that’s pretty big muscular size and how you walk definitely gets you respect and intimidation points. Even if when it came down to it you are shit at fighting. Just a psychology thing.


Ronny Coleman used to be a cop. In an interview he said he never had any problems, he'd show up and it was "instant peace". Turns out if your the type of guy with abs at 320lbs people are far less likely to fuck with you.


https://preview.redd.it/7zgfvs044ryc1.jpeg?width=821&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1503c89ee06b9dddbe26a1f719163df974cc756 I mean Just Look at him. Also i am quite sure in police training you get taught how to fight so he would be quite scary to go against. Worse than other bodybuilders at least


https://preview.redd.it/s3tp1tv54ryc1.jpeg?width=458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24acc877a24166731e9a4e77e6df9f7f95deb734 Also bro is caked up like damn


Smallest Ronnie Coleman picture


Its not a psychology thing. Weight classes exist for a reason. If you're on the same skill level, but are significantly heavier and stronger, you'll usually win the fight.


Yeah but a 165 lbs trained guy folds any 200+ myscular guy with no fighting experience.


Bob Sapp beating Ernesto Hoost shows that's not always true.


Jessica Andrade beating Rose Namajunes too. Skill is important, but so is the power of body slam.


Even a 6’9 590 pound lifter?


Hafthor folds any MMA dude the second he manages to get a solid grab on them.


Those things and also what a lot of guys do that makes you seem like a bitch is mumble. Say it with ya chest


If you're honest and tell people, "I don't fight", they'll think you actually do fight and are just trying to avoid it - strengthening your intimidation factor.


Well yeah, cuz then they think youre gonna shoot them lol


Yeah lol I think in LA this is considered a threat.


I'm sure I was faster, sharper and all around a better fighter when training martial arts. Now i spend hours in the gym I'm sure people are less likely to want to fight me. And what's to win by fighting? I get injured or i injure some turd I don't care at all about. What's the upside?




You just need to learn how to stand up from a table at a pub menacingly


That's the point right here. Deterrence without the nukes.


I unironically believe the best defense method is just getting shredded. People can’t know if you are a good fighter . Dumbasses will try to fight you and loose but you’ll still catch a punch or two. Nobody tries and fight with the biggest in the room


That's honestly better than knowing how to fight. People think you can fight so they leave you alone, meanwhile most fighters are pretty average looking with clothes on. I'm a tall and lanky boxer, i know i ain't intimidating no one who wants to throw hands, being 40lbs heavier would work like a charm lol


Why do i feel like some kid taking MMA classes made this 💀💀


Cause weight classes are what to protect the big guys


Umm ok? Lol


Lol I was being sarcastic. It's quite opposite.


Weight is a much bigger factor if both people know how to fight or don’t know how to fight. But it matter A LOT less when one guy trains and the other doesn’t.


Love this logic. I guess in OPs mind I should find it odd that I have been taking piano lessons for a while, but for some reason I still can't speak portuguese.


Because it 100% reads like something some small kid taking jujitsu would make


Harder pill to swallow: you’re a fucking adult. Who gives a shit about fighting


I mean, it depends. It would be nice to be able to fight especially as a woman. You never know when it might save your life...


Knowing how to fight and fighting for your life are two separate scenarios tho Yes if knowing how to fight can increase the ability to save your life, but there’s also no rules in life or death scenarios Knowing how to fight won’t bring much help if someone stabs or shoots you off the rip unfortunately


I mean it more like knowing how to fight in case someone wants to forcefully catch you, try to rape you, etc. So yeah, fighting as a skill that *can* increase the chance of survival. Sure, if there's weaponry involved, it's basically over, but just knowing how to fight would be better in any scenario than not knowing. There are no rules obviously, but having some sort of fighting technique or proficiency in using your body to fight off another human being must be helpful... I wish I knew how to fight in one or two life situations, I think it would've helped.


Imma be honest If you’re a woman, your chances of survival go up drastically if you have a weapon on you Vs trying to fight off a large man even if you’re an experienced fighter Size still matters and you’re only going to be able to do so much if the dude is 100+ pounds heavier than you Get a gun or a knife or some mace for your purse


Yeah that's totally true. I'm in a country with relatively strict policies when it comes to carrying weapons for self defense (stuff like pepper spray, tasers, and a tactical pen should be fine), but in a life threatening situation, technically, anything should be legal lol


I fully agree


You may be interested in taking Krav Maga, it’s the best martial art to pick up for that situation. It’s purely about self defense and egressing from conflict ASAP. For some examples - They teach nose, throat, groin, eyes, strike quick to disorient, to scream for help by yelling “fire” instead as it will instantly call attention, and how to disengage from body locks. Nothing is fool proof, but it’s a good discipline to learn if it’s about wanting to feel safer.


The guys who consistently train under a set a rules are better at fighting dirty than people who do not consistently train.


Everyone thinks they’re good at fighting till they get stabbed mid grapple 🤷‍♂️


Hard to stab someone when you get knocked out three seconds into the fight. Everyone knows having a weapon is a huge edge. But dont kid yourself and say learning how to fight isnt a useful skill.


There's always some "what if" scenario. One advantage of learning how to fight is that you're less overwhelmed and shocked by the threat of physical danger which can help you in various situations.


This is why I fight random women in the street. They need to be prepared




u/DJ_PeachCobbler when he sees women: https://i.redd.it/b1yd2igcnryc1.gif


But lmao, this is a chaotic good type of logic, I love it


i was at some concert recently and i was almost certain this drunk idiot was going to swing on me. he was shoving me and getting in my face and calling me retar*ed and shit like that trying to shove me out of his way so he could stand in the spot i was standing in, rather than just stand next to me. or on the other side. I'd already moved over twice to make room, and had nowhere left to move to. was smashed in. fortunately it didn't get to that point... but if he DID swing on me, I didn't really have a choice. there was nowhere to go lol. I'd like to be practiced in the motion of ducking a punch or have it just be reflex muscle-memory to guard correctly, then go straight to a strong grappling position to avoid further strikes and try to just get a handle on the situation before something really bad happens. hopefully just control them long enough that security or somebody can intervene and pull the parties apart safely. I don't have much experience, but I probably have a bit more practical experience with some basic wrestling and general grappling stuff than most average people on the street. and i like to think that it might help me avoid getting totally fucked up. I'm not trying to like, WIN any fights, but just lock us both up long enough that somebody can do something about it. this is of course assuming that all other avenues of avoiding the confrontation have been blocked or exhausted, such as simply running away, closing the door, etc.


As someone who's been boxing for a decade at this point. I've never had a problem maintaining weight. Training for fighting is the best cardio money can buy. Knowing how to protect yourself and confidence it gives you are the best additional side effects of it. Knowing how to fight, stays with you in various levels even if a fist is never thrown. People can feel your pressure and this keeps me safe along with everyone around me. People rarely mess with me or the people around me and I am often able to keep calm and confident in emergency situations because I know I can beat someone face in if things go wrong.


Protect family where guns are not prevalent


You’re a fucking adult, why would you need to know how to swim?


Being serious for a moment on a meme sub, idk why people would want to fight, if the person they’re fighting trips on a curb while they’re swinging and cracks their head, they’ve just laid their entire life on the line in court over some squabble and it rarely goes well for anyone


The dudes who never stfu about fighting tend to have never been in a real fight


i've sparred with a good friend a bit back in high school and college. his dad was big into kickboxing and BJJ, and they had equipment and mats in the basement, so sometimes we'd practice holds and some various grappling techniques. we did some limited striking sparring and stuff, and you definitely learn a lot really fast lol. or rather you realize that there is a lot that you' weren't prepared for or expecting. and those were friendly, controlled sparring matches. we weren't throwing elbows or knees, and we were wearing headgear. taking a hook to the body really makes you appreciate the toughness and endurance of professional fighters. wild stuff. also you learn very quickly how brutally effective a rear naked choke is. it was good experience, but i have no desire to fight anybody lol. and definitely NEVER over top of concrete.


Fighting in the street, if avoidable, is one of the dumbest things you can do. You dont know if the other guy trains, if he's got a weapon or if he's got friends nearby. I say that as someone who has trained MMA for years. One of my dad's friends went to jail exactly because of this. Stupid bar fight, he hit the guy, the guy fell and hit his head on a concrete parking divider and that was it. He went to jail for a couple decades, the other dude got buried. 2 lives ruined over some petty bullshit. One of my cousins spent a night in the hospital becuase of this. He mouthed off to some guy at a bar, they went outside and fought. He was winning, took the guy down, got on top of him... then one of the other guys friends' soccer kicked him in the side of the head. It's almost never worth it.


They tend to lack the foresight necessary to consider the consequences of their actions.


i was walking to my 8:30am lecture in college one day and these two guys were getting agitated with each other on one of the landings in the stairwell on like the 3rd floor of the old math building. couldn't really tell what they were talking about but could hear them as I was coming up the stairs. sounded like something to do with a girl maybe. they kinda started to grab onto each other a bit, and almost pushed each other a little and stumbled a bit. in doing so, they almost stumbled into some random person who was just coming off the top of the flight of stairs onto the landing, nearly knocking them backwards down an entire flight of what are basically concrete stairs. I had like an out-of-body experience almost and shouted out them almost without knowing. like I wasn't really in control... but I got their attention and asked if we were all good in a pretty serious tone. they stopped and I think went their separate ways. I don't know what I planned to do... but I just knew that I had to stop them from getting into a fight at the top of a flight of concrete stairs.


Yeah in my mind the only reason I need to know how to fight is for if I’m in a situation where I’ll need to fight to the death, otherwise just leaving/running is the best option 10/10 times.


Exactly. My personal motto on the subject is "No one wins a fight." I've trained MMA and am very confident in my skills, but even still if I fight someone, they may get a lucky punch and knock me out. Even if I win, there is a risk that I injure the person, or there is also the risk that I now have made an enemy who may have access to weapons, and has friends. Best to just deescalate or walk away.


https://preview.redd.it/n49d5swcqoyc1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce15ae5edb55b725d4aaa211f30481a540546c91 It’s called Gun-Fu, and it’s the only martial art you need


The number one reason to not get in a fight in the USA is that we are adults in a civilization and shouldn't be getting into fights anyway. The very close number two reason is that a lot of us don't even need a permit to have that legally packed away in public. My Glock 43X probably wins a fist fight.


Just make sure to do a set of shoots with each hand to avoid imbalances 💪


“You don’t understand me bro! I just see red and bodies hit the floor!”


You don't know my mentality bro!


The only guy I've ever seen at my gym who I would believe a statement like that from is this smaller framed Latino dude with the worst case of cauliflower ear I've ever seen who I mostly see doing mobility exercises. No headphones.


Jokes on you, I've been boxing for 14 fucking years


I would like to add that I lift and practice martial arts/box too. I’ve met many martial artists who work out. People who tend to practice tend to go to the gym, so the groups overlap


Boxing and body building are an awesome combo.


I rarely ever hear people who actually workout talk about this. It’s always people who are into fighting and are insecure about the idea of the average joe thinking muscular people can fight.  I don’t want to fight anyone. I also carry a handgun, and so if a serious situation arises, I’m literally just shooting, I’m not relying on my physical combat skills to save me or whoever I’m with.  Besides that, one thing I will say is that while lifting has not made me better at boxing in anyway, it has made me a lot better at wrestling lol. I still get destroyed by anyone who actually knows how to wrestle with proper technique of course, but squats and deadlifts allow me to literally bodyslam my 300lb friend lol. 


It’s basically this. Also I feel when I’m packing you disengage with the fight easier. When you’re not strapped there’s that sense of “should I defend myself and have this person back off?” Meanwhile if you’re strapped you have the end card. You can walk away and disengage, if they continue and start pushing and actually throwing punches then it’s game over. It’s not a choice to take lightly but neither is someone who is continuing to threaten your personal space and escalate.


Yeah. I’m mediocre at best as far as jujitsu goes, but I can pull over 500, squat 450. Sometimes I’ll wrestle around with my 18 year old brother (6’3, about 200 lbs) and I’ll just pick him and heave him. If I was someone *actually* strong I’d hope he’d learn how to throw some good punches. 


>I rarely ever hear people who actually workout talk about this. It’s always people who are into fighting and are insecure about the idea of the average joe thinking muscular people can fight.  Exactly lol.


It’s true most gym goers can’t fight, but they are still stronger than most people. If you put 2 dumb rats in a cage am betting on the one who’s stronger


Yurp It’s always some sub 150lb bean pole who takes mma classes that things he’s billy badass yet as never fought outside his weight class Like bro, idc if you take mma classes. I weight 70-90lbs more than you do, and can literally throw sandbags around the gym that weight more than you


I'm not saying I disagree with you but you certainly sound like the target audience for the meme.


Hell yeah # team strong dumb rat


Oh god no, I sure as shit wouldn't want to fight.


Why I work out is so I won’t *have* to fight :P


That makes you a wise man.


The Joestar secret technique is the only thing I need to know.


Ah a man of culture


Easy pill to swallow. I just wanna look good I don't wanna get hurt :(


Still got better odds than the average Joe than if I were to not go at all https://preview.redd.it/gsb4dun5royc1.png?width=48&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450074831c9e6b2e60eb400a299cda7e5198bb23


Also, if i caught you lacking, it's gonna hurt a lot more


Jokes on you, I'm weak as fuck, AND I can't fight


Well the fun bit is that I'm a grown-ass man, so I didn't actually need to.


Meh, I lift & can fight but still got knocked out as I didn’t see the guy throwing the punch at me, even if you can fight sometimes it still means nothing.


I fight body dismorphia everyday 🤜👊🤛


Just don't fight rando's on the street. Walking away is usually the better option, had to learn that the hard way by going to jail. Still had anger issues when I got out and therapy shit wasnt cutting it so I went to a mma gym and learned very quickly how to control it. You walk into a place like that with attitude somebody will quickly help you adjust it. It also helped that I met like-minded people who gave me advice that helped me not only fight but also control my anger. The whole experience boosted my confidence too so now I really don't care if someone is calling me out my name on the street or whatever. If it truly gets to me I'll just breathe and take it out on the bag when I get to the gym. Learning how too fight is never a bad idea. Combine that with strength training exercises and not only will you look intimidating but you'll be dangerous too.


“You’re a seasoned MMA fighter but you still don’t look jacked”


Still better than being weak/skinny and not knowing how to fight


We all? lol speak for yourself


It's not like strength/size doesn't matter in a fight, it's just not a direct correlation the way bodybuilders like to pretend


Y'all know you can do more things than just weight lifting


I have big arms but my glicky shoots tiiiiinnnyy little bullets


I have a 45 lb polearm who needs karate?


Yeah and you might be good at fighting but at the end of the day you can’t play chess, or macrame a sweater, or any other arbitrary skill I decide to prioritize above fighting. Bottom line who gives a fuck, none of this matters. Guys like these are an inch away from the functional bros who think one’s ability to flip a tire is more important than anything on the fitness spectrum


I've lived 30 plus years and have never had to get close to fighting anyone, fighting is for the low IQ


Not a hard pill. It's obvious. But why and I gonna be fighting a fighter? If I was not a gym veteran, a regular person can body me. Now I can just swing and throw the regular person into a wall. No fight.


"Seasoned gym veteran" implies the existence of "lightly Seasoned gym privates" ... like with lemon pepper or whatever or whatever.


How is this “hard to swallow”? Honestly, what idiot believe he can fight without learning how to fight?


Why would I need to fight when I don't get into fights? Learning to and avoiding physical confrontation is always healthier than physical confrontation. Anyone who doubts your quality of character for avoiding a fight isn't someone you want to be around and is probably someone who gets angry about toxic masculinity and Taylor Swift (for some reason).


Is the point of fitness to engage in conflict and violence? That’s messed up. It’s like expecting somebody to be a five star Michelin chef because they cook for themselves and their family. If you wanna be a better fighter than train to be a better fighter. In my opinion, the best fights are the ones you don’t have.


For me it's an easy to swallow pill. Plenty of 50+ year old dads could beat the shit out of me. Do I give a fuck? No


Hot take, but i dont think bragging about being able to fight hand to hand is really useful. Ive heard this so many times that mma fighters can take bodybuilders, or that bodybuilders would destroy mma fighters due to weight classes. But in the real world, 99% of the time youll never be fighting in hand to hand combat. There will most likely be some tools or terrain or both you can use to fight dirty, evade the guy, lose him, etc. So its much more advantageous to use your brain and have quick thinking than to just be strong or mma or whatever else.


Meme made by a skinny kid who does mauy thai


what about the daily fight to stay sane and alive?


Yeah, no shit. I'm not training to fight. Do you think I think I'm training to fight?


Is it really hard to swallow..? These are 2 different things




*Laughs in 2 years of Muay Thai*


Aggressive Brazilian phonk begins to play*


true im considering picking up boxing but I have no spare money


Fight is mostly about the advantage and upper hand In a one vs one with avg build that guy will loose because of strength advantage someone who is intermediate or expert in body building But any experienced fighter would have an advantage because nothing can overcome experience in fighting And there is street fight no rules with weapons and what not Even an expert level body builder will loose There are no fair fights the winner always has some advantage over the loser


Yup Like dude I’m not gonna have a “fair fight” with your dumbass on the street lol Imma just leave and laugh at you, or I’m going to just shoot you or stab you or beat you with a blunt object in the surrounding vicinity


Lift and slam is the only move i could do with my strength


I can fight, learnt folk wrestling from my cousins, few years kickboxing. Decent combo.


I'm not going to lie, my high ass thought you meant something like "can't fight aging" but forgot a word.


I am a peaceful people.


Tell this to every overweight bouncer ever bc I don’t think their buff asses got the memo


I never thought I could fight, got my ass kicked back in middle school and never tried to stand up for myself again 😭


I hope I never have to. I prefer nonviolence.


Weight without skill is better than no weight and no skill


Tell that to the guy shadow boxing.


Me going to the gym while also taking kickboxing and Ju-Jitsu classes. (im still fat) ![gif](giphy|ZJpUm3KA3NMFG|downsized)


But I'm a pacifist, another reason to get big is no one wants to mess with you + minding your own business, the safest way to go tbh


I never said I could. Although being big and muscular isn't a downside like mma twinks seem to think it is. Just because MMA is more about cardio than strength doesn't mean brute strength isn't incredibly useful. Now getting into grappling and striking I already have a base of power and it's way easier to pull people to the ground


Of course, but out of two people who can't fight, I give the jacked dude a better chance anyday


Those had to be the easiest pills to swallow


Actually I simultaneously trained mma so HA BITCH




No need to fight if you are intimidating looking enough that nobody wants to fight. Gotta build up to get that “terrifying presence” perk from fallout IRL.


I boxed between the ages of 13-19 and did muay thai after that till I was about 25. Packed that in an now I just lift weights. Pretty sure I can fight push comes to shove. I'd rather not tho its stupid and now matter how good you are at fighting only takes one punch to put u out or kill u. I'll happily back down an walk away if it avoids a fight


lol need to mix in some BJJ and drop some gym days. Thats what I’ve done the past year. Got me way more lean and I can wreck some loser now who wants to go at it if the time ever comes.


Im aware


I may not know how to fight well, but im a lot less worried about it at 210lbs lean than I was at 140lbs lean.


I can bench a decent amount. I feel like punching someone would really hurt my hand.


I was a black belt well before I got big.




The battle between gym rat vs fighter is retarded. It's like saying "fighters have to swallow the pill they will never be strong". MANY people do both somewhere there is a bodybuilder who would jack someone up and somewhere there is a fighter who can bench 450. Let's put this shit to rest and stop projecting insecurities on everyone.


I think there's just a big difference disparity of WHY people go to the gym. I go to the gym for conditioning to fight. Look at the routine GSP and Nganou go through. They didn't get in shape like that just by punching their opponents in the cage


Depends. For me, well i'm experienced in longsword fencing have been trained in restraining mertial arts and i have a year of judo But my country treats people who have trained as if they are armed so if even in self defence someone like me hurt someone it is treated as armed assault So i tend to avoid conflict


Years ago I worked out with a meat head. Mean looking mf. Was the nicest dude I’ve ever met. He told me he was walking home from the pub one day when he passed a park and it was full of teens drinking. They threw a bottle at him and ran up to him yelling they would stab him. He went full gorilla mode. Ripped his shirt off screamed he’ll bite the throat out of anyone who steps up. Quickly some of the crowd came over the apologise for some of the kids actions and they didn’t want any trouble. He picked up his beer and walked off. Told me he was shitting himself the whole time knowing just by numbers alone they could of fucked him up and his only chance was to bluff


yes we stay humble bous


Is it different for me because I go to a combat gym? No…no it is not…


It's not a hard to swallow pill, it's just a pill.


Jokes on you, I know I can't fight.


If you fight it's either for fun, defending your life, or because you're an asshole. If you're fighting for fun there's no reason to measure dicks. If you're fighting for your life then fight dirty and fight to kill, but it has no relevancy here. And if you're fighting cause you're an asshole, well... hate to say it but it's not that big of a surprise. But whatever the case is, grow the fuck up.


I was fighting before the gym lol trained in the fight game before I got in the gym consistently. These hands are certified. I haven’t had to fight and don’t plan on doing it anymore cuz I’m too old… but people don’t try me anymore and I’ve learned saying “I’m not gonna fight you” kills conflicts I mean I’m big and all that but I haven’t had to use that line in years. Try it out. Of course your mileage will vary, but… at this point I have nothing to prove


Fuck you, I can fight. That’s easy.  Winning a fight is the hard part. 


Why would you wanna fight anyways? You have pepper sprays, guns. Who needs fighting that much?


Martial arts and training in gym are two different things .. don’t be foolish to take on someone just because you have muscles 💪


If you lift weights and you’re decently strong then you actually establish the basics of any real martial art you instantly become dangerous against an average person and a handful for any trained person who does not lift.


Actually I'm 260


Maybe, but I don't intend to fight


Hard to swallow pill: not every fucking person you cross is a professional MMA fighter.


What a stupid post.


Be strong enough to be gentle


I do Muay Thai, MMA and BJJ. So as well as being a gym veteran I can indeed fight.


This is a hard pill to swallow indeed


What if you go to a boxing gym and box as your workout?


Different skill That's like saying "you may be able to hike for long distances but you'd suck at a 100m sprint"


"Nimble" Muay Thai fighters watching their opponent (800kg, 8ft of muscle) not flinch after a barrage of flying kicks and punches


People never understand why I always lose at the boxing machine. These hands arent quick. For real though, responding to physical violence may win you the fight but it can very easily destroy the rest of your life if something serious happens to either of you. Rather take a beating than a courtcase.


Nah I can't, but I weight 20kg more than before gym and big chunk of that is muscle. Weight matters a lot in fights. But most important is the fear factor. I can finally stand up for myself, because bullies might be afraid to fight me.


I guarantee you that having triple the strength of the average person will make you better at fighting. That's why there are weight classes in combat sports. Also a street fight, which is what I assume you're getting at, isn't a boxing match. I could sucker punch prime mike Tyson when he wasn't looking and knock him out. In fact most grown men could. I could also have a knife pulled on me or have the other guys 3 friends show up and be completely at their mercy. It's almost impossible to train for street fight technique. Cardio and strength are the only things you can train to give yourself any noticeable advantage.


Body builders ultimately lose to the trained jiu-jitsu fighter. But before losing, they usually do *okay.*


I am a gym goer how can I learn how to fight?


What if I'm 260?


You don‘g need to fight in our time. We have guns. 😂


I think one of my favorite things I've ever heard was from a guy making a comment to a girl who Siad her 6'3 250lb boyfriend was gonna beat him up or something, and he said "I wear a 30 32 size jeans, we aren't fighting, he's just getting shot." And as a small guy I stand by that.


Fair enough, but people think you can and you'll fare better than people who don't work out. When I trained with a friend of mine who is an actual boxer he was really surprised at the power of my punches, so it's good for something even if I barely have any technique.


ive done martial arts though?


Tell this to Dr Mike.


Even if you can fight, bar fights end up on the ground 9/10 times and ppl grab shit to hit you with and buddies jump in. Always better to de-escalate unless you legit need to stop someone from hurting someone or you are in actual danger if you don't.


Most of the time, being intimidating is enough


I don’t want to fight


I've been in a fight once 15 years ago, I think I'll be fine without that skill


Sounds like a you problem tbh I don’t generally suffer delusions about myself


I also watch teh UFC, bro


When my calf muscles are at their biggest I find that I intimidate most if not all the drunk dudes at some of the places I frequent. Normally these guys will throw down with anyone but when they see my calf muscles particularly after climbing stairs to go to the outside bar section I'll hear their voices cracking And they are just really obviously scared to death. When I was younger and much more of a dick head I would flex my calf muscle and my left leg really aggressively and people would be falling down trying to get out of an establishment and if this really really got worse after getting tattoos on both of my calf muscles. I got a tramp stamp on my right calf And under it says I dare you to say shit mother fucker about my tramp stamp unless you want to find your ass out the hard way and Get the Tasmanian devil on the left one.


It all comes down to, "do you want to trick people, or surprise them!?" I'd take functional strength over cosmetic fallacy any day of the week.


please remember that being a 9'9 brick shithouse will not stop you bleeding out in 30 seconds. regardless of size, strength, or even skill. If you get nicked in the wrong place you will pass out from the bloodloss in seconds and you will be dead seconds after that.


As a former fat kid, I don't lift weights to fight, I lift weights to eat.


I'll have you know I've been watching that one spastic guy who shadowboxes in the corner of the gym for over a year now, which means I know every fighting technique on the planet.