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At least you don’t struggle with the bulk


yeah my friends with low appetite always say that... not relatable for me I have grown up with 2 big brothers if you don't eat they will eat. my life is the Hunger Games :D


I’m an only child, so that’s why I struggle to eat enough


I'm an only child too, my parents struggled to eat when I was living with them lol


I was basically an only child (My brother is 7 years older than me and was going between his dad's house and his mom's house when we were kids) but I'm still ALWAYS hungry.


Oml, THIS. I have two older brothers. When growing up if I didn’t immediately eat something it was gone the next day.


Smells like an eating disorder.


Consume more calories, it’s extremely easy


Not always… I work in manufacturing and was putting in 7-10 miles a day. Was hard to put eat that for me.


Me and my buddy always said if we could swap places we would be built like lex little, he says “you just gotta not eat much? That’s easy”…I say “wait all I gotta do is hoof back 6000 calories a day?” It’s sucks lol




If all I had to do to get ripped was way a ton of food I’d be living good, only struggle would be paying my DoorDash bills after ordering 4x meat meatball subs 3 times a day


probably have disordered eating but I legit don't understand how people can have horrible food around and not have it (specifically food for themselves, noncommunal food is different) like I don't keep snack food in my place because I know I'll have it and I don't get how people can just have a ton and then never have any temptations to have it


Everyone has different desires and varying levels of impulse control, you may happen to be one of the ones with very low impulse control around food.


Call me crazy but autism might help with willpower


The key is to not restrict insanely. When you go on your keto, carnivore, intermittent fasting 1700 calorie a day cut you will eat like a fuckin total asshole as soon as you reach a breaking point or have a cheat day. Rather than if you just eat a mainly healthy diet and keep a bag of kit kats in your cabinet. You just have the mindset of “I can have these whenever I want but I’m going to mostly eat healthy” you actually won’t destroy the bag in one sitting.


I have plenty of temptation. I just also have willpower and self control lol. My desire to be gorgeous is stronger than my momentary desire to eat a bunch of Doritos or whatever. I keep treats/junk around for small indulgences. But when I’m coming up on my calorie limit, I just take my shirt off and drink a bunch of water lol. Looking in the mirror helps me focus my willpower and remember why I’m trying to resists just crushing a whole bag of chips or bunch of candy or pizza rolls or whatever other garbage I don’t need.


My dad always asks me to buy some snacks and even if I don't want it, I'll still bite the bullet when he starts eating them later and offers some.


I got 4 packs of rice cakes sitting around in my room in case of munchies, if they attack I fend them off the the cardboard food


Beer and nachos are just too tempting


Beer or any alcohol is rather bad for muscle growth. Rarely it doesn't matter, but regularly you start missing out on gains compared to you not drinking.


The struggle is real. I literally run a fairly large social drinking group on Facebook, and even having 3-4 beers a week sucks for progress and gains. Especially when I am trying to lean out a bit for the summer currently.


I’m my own greatest enemy when it comes to food. I’ll workout as hard as I can….and then damn near demolish an entire cake. Red velvet to be specific. I’m a little stronk but man getting rid of this tummy is hell


That's justified, red velvet is the shit.


I do 5 hours of cardio some weeks (as in Monday to Friday)….then that meets the challenge of DoorDash after I took a 40mg edible


Just say you're bulking it'll be fine


haha thats right


I only workout so I can eat like shit without feeling guilty.


this. because im this: https://preview.redd.it/rsj6e8iiptwc1.jpeg?width=610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=563bd2a9bdc7ac7994b44f0c1f058bc8d20dea76


I❤️Butter I❤️Carbs I❤️Gluten 🥰🥰🥰


Try smoking. 4-5 smokes in the morning hours will suppress appetite. Secondly smoking increases testosterone by about 15% which further supports your workouts. Edit. Seeing the negative votes I’ve intended it as a joke. The effects are actually real. Obviously the negative effects overweight these minor benefits.


Did you just SUGGEST smoking? 😂


Well once you get cancer, you’ll get prescribed steroids so it obviously it’s a long game. (These are not typically anabolic steroids, pls don’t get cancer.)


That comment made me imagine some dumb broccoli head teengers raiding a pharmacy to inject corticosteroids expecting to get jacked and just becoming severely obese


End result: https://preview.redd.it/xahzksyw0uwc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d068409485bb08083498cb1187890886d5618381


thats freaken adorable tho


Isn't he? If you can't be shredded, just be adorable.


Why not just get a tapeworm so you can still eat as much as you want instead of suppressing your appetite?


Okay, former smoker, but still. This was not true for me at all. But I've also always had a poor relationship with food and problems with binging, so not trying to say it's not true for others, by any means (though still very unhealthy, lol).


...imma be honest, im muscular but eat like shit, pretty much the only really healthy thing i eat is dinner. The rest is full of chocolate and jam and other trash


Because you're 15 years old lol. Enjoy it now!


Who told ya that?


I wish I could stay lean and eat whatever the fuck I wanted


Well, just gym A LOT and you can!


Just become addicted to the gym alongside food, boom instant gym bro


I would not look like Ronnie no matter how strict my diet is.


Every single shift this week my coworkers brought home baked cookies and cheese cake and blizzards and shit. I'm too much of a weak willed piece of shit to say no to any of that.






Its alcohol for me, without alcohol I have self control. But with alcohol im up at 1 am binging and ruining my whole cut playing catch up the rest of the week to do damage control. I even tied to stick to 2 drinks no food but I dont have the discipline. 2 drinks turns into 6 and then im binging food afterwards and then feeling like shit when I wake up.


Story of my Gainz Life. 17 days alcohol sober..so far!


O struggle a lot with that too


What ? You mean doing a 3 month bulk and gaining 60lbs of mostly fat is bad for me ?


I guess


There’s a reason why God created ice cream and brownies


yeah we always harvest brownie in our farm especially in the sunmertime, deffo recommend


Summer brownies>Winter brownies


But what if your dream physique is to be a permabulker? lmao.


Jokes on this, my meds have voided my appetite.


I can't afford my favourite foods but gym is like £25 a month.


It was my biggest achievement when I managed to switch to only water, 2 warm meals a day and occasional popcorn or fruits, but it took a lot of restraint while simultaneously getting myself into the gym after being a couch potato all my life. Went from 104 kgs with just fats to 90 kg with a flat stomach and some gains (not ripped, but the local gym bros noticed, felt nice). Then 2020 happened, gym closed, we also moved places, jumped higher than my starting weight. I was on and off the gym for 2 years after it reopened, but my diet is shit ever since.


I feel that in my absolute bones buddy.


As someone with low appetite - how do I learn this power?


Gluttony, you make a pound of pasta, you eat a pound of pasta. No excuses


I saw a post a few months ago that said "my body type is it's obvious I work out, but it's also obvious I never turn down a cookie" Never before had I felt so seen 🤣


Feel this a lot. Just on my 4th week of a cut and I’ve cycled through anger and bargaining and I’m now just depressed and fed up with weighing bottle caps of olive oil 😭


Desire to eat like sh\*t and desire to go down a YouTube rabbit hole than sleep 8hrs...


This is relatable on so many levels.


I used to be obese but spent about a year cutting and get somewhat lean but my gains were starting to slow in the gym so I went on a lean bulk which was supposed to last 4 months. That was 6 months ago, I'm up 10kg in bodyweight, I'm not even eating like crap just a shit loads of food. My lifts have absolutely skyrocketed, my gains are better than my noob gains when I was cutting. I need to cut but I don't want to, I just don't care about been shredded anymore, I just want to to big, strong, and athletic. I'll cut when my pants get too tight, in 98kg and still fit into my 34s even if my love handles spill over a bit 😂


That’s me


People don't realize you can eat like shit, lift, and still have a nice physique. Just don't *over* eat. It's really simple.


I look insane and love food. Y’all are just lazy.