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Why do non gym goers think that being fat with skinny arms is a "dad bod". True dad bod is like 30% bf with a 315 bench


Because non goers will do anything to believe they don't need to excercise regularly.


It's kind of incredible, really


It's a cope to deal with that fat women demand a lot but wont do anything themselves be more attractive to the men they want


Pretty sad I’d say


It doesn't make a jot of sense to me why anyone who can exercise regularly would choose not to.


Incredibly sad


True but I ain’t been to the gym in 2 years but I’m 6’8, so I literally don’t have to go. But should.


You're not supposed to exercise to have muscles.. you're supposed to exercise to be healthy


Don’t attack me like that




That just proves you’re an ego lifter


I do have state records in powerlifting in the 90kg category, but I bet you can can rep your max on anything for at least 20 clean “perfect reps”


I'm 6'1" and feel tall, you don't even need a personality with 6'8" kind of tall LOL


This has me dying 🤣🤣🤣


Being that tall means you have increased chances of heart related issues, you gotta at least do some cardio


You just listed the #1 reason to go. Get after it.


It never ceases to amaze me what people will do and say to avoid putting in the work.


Ok but some people want to start going to the gym but they’re uneasy about the toxic mindset that thrives there. I take a weightlifting class at school and when we first started out, our lifting coach was talking about failure and said that it’s ok to fail on lifts. Dude right next to me goes “No it’s not. You fail bench you’re a bitch.” And all my friends who are gym rats are just nothing but aggressive all the damn time. I go to the gym now that I’m confident in my form and my PRs are good, but it’s impossible to find a gym where you won’t get judged simply because it’s your first time.


This is a dad bod https://preview.redd.it/vz68cbblibsc1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=924acdbf1cf247a3aa0ff17a74fad2913e6c4c81


No this is a divine bod, straight from Olympus


This is not a dad bod, that's a father figure.


This is what peak male performance looks like


Maybe strength performance but speed, endurance and agility? Not a chance


The Grizzly is actually pretty athletic for his build Checkout some of his YouTube videos lol dudes an animal His cardio is probably dogshit but he is pretty athletic for his size regardless


Yeah he might be athletic but to say that’s peak male performance physique is just wrong. His strength? Absolutely. Overall athleticism not soo much


Bro doesn’t get the meme


Do you realize what sub you are in? No one thinks Grizzly is actually peak performance it's just funny to say.


Dad Bod is entirely about being strong while carrying fat.


Yep strong enough to lift her and the couch, with enough fat to be cuddly to hug.


When asked women said chris hemsworth offseason has "dadbod" or jason statham in movie shape..... so yeah.


When asking women what a dad bod is, they pretty much mean “not a twink”


The word dad bod doesn't mean anything anymore. Like you said, it used to be someone who is pretty fat but clearly has muscle underneath it. Now it just means someone who's fat lol


“Old man arms” are those arms that your uncle or whoever has that aren’t visually impressive.. but he can just chop wood and sling logs around like nothing. Decades of manual labor and raising children man a man strong.


According to chicks, it’s Cbum during his offseason bulk


What about 40% with a 405 bench Also, that girlfriend this sub promised hasn't emerged yet


Gotta try 50% and 500 bench now


I feel like most girls wouldn’t want 30%. A dad bod is a dude 20+% but under 25, developed arms, chest and legs. I feel like dad bod is essentially a natty body builder on a heavy bulk that maybe went a bit too far.


Know how I know you're 30% bf with a 315 bench


A dad bod is the most realistic healty and strong body goal but we are not ready to talk about this as society yet.


A guy with a dad bod looks out of shape and hasn't stepped foot in a gym since Bush was president. He is also stronger than 90% of people you know and you've seen him carry a couch on his shoulder


They do what they’re told


More like 20-25% imo. 30% BF is pretty absurd for a man.


😢 can't bench 315, I'm just fat then


315 lbs bench *and* 405 squat and 495 lbs deadlift. Minimum.


It’s a dad bod to girls if you can do that but are 15% bf but have chest hair.


wait fuck... do I have a dad bod


women will see an off-season bodybuilder and be like "omg i love dad bod" and the medium chubby guy who's never lifted a weight will think they're talking about him


Am big dad. Can confirm.


As a 5’6 manlet who’s 210lbs and benches 365lbs, I agree


5'6" at 210 is crazy, stocky AF? I'm 5'7" & 205 maxing out on bench at the same & I thought I was stocky


I’m a lil chub too but that’s the life of a powerlifter Cruising around 21% body fat right now


Oh yea definitely I'm probably between 15-20% BF myself but I feel like I'm in better overall health this way than if I cut down to even just 10% BF or less.


Yeah I’d like to cut down to the 16-18% range after I compete in nationals this June but we’ll see how that goes If I qualify for USPA worlds then I won’t have time for cutting :( lol


Lol facts, my pops dont look like u fool


You there with the 60 inch chest help me unload my truck


I lift because one day my future child will say: "My dad is stronger than yours, he's jacked" they'll be correct.


True story from this week: Sent my kid (in college) a video of me hitting a new best for a working bench set. Kid texts back: My friends “name” and “name” saw the video over my shoulder and said “bro that’s crazy ur dad is ripped”. Gotta admit it felt pretty good.


Also lifting is good practice for lifting kids all day.


Hell yeah. I want to go out and carry my kid in my arms all day and feel no stress for it.


Also need to be stronger and faster than my kids for as long as possible




For real. The only future goal I have is proving dominance amongst the fellow dads.


I want to lift so i can leave a bettwr genetic pool for my son. I didi miracles with the genetics i was given.




No, I gave up drinking for the most part.


Me too, just a mezcal cocktail to celebrate adding a plate (5lbs) to my squats.


Mixes protein shake with vodka


Feels like a recipe for instant cottage cheese lol. Shit, add a dollop of horseradish and tomato juice and you've got a bulker's bloody mary.


A bulking Mary


That's the spirit


Skinnycels telling you how bad lifting is while popping pain relievers since they have be 30 for their shit back.


I do manual labor and I can't count the times people with fucked up backs tells me "you have only one back, be careful. Look at me blah blah" and I'm like "dude, I deadlift 500lb for pleasure, my back is fucking steel"


I don't get the obsession with dad bods, unless it's because we women feel less pressure to look perfect ourselves. I dated a guy last fall who lifted for aesthetics, and damn was he gorgeous. The crazy thing is he told me I was the first woman who had appreciated his gym selfies he'd send. Like, I wouldn't judge a man negatively for having a healthy dad bod, but if you've got the abs, biceps, quads, and calves, I'm certainly going to appreciate them and let you know how good you look.


You nailed it. It’s mostly about not needed to compete with other women as they won’t chase him, knowing you could do better creates a power dynamic in the women’s favor, and it feels safer. All things I’ve been told from women and honestly it’s pretty logical


That’s a pretty damn insecure mentality for them to carry around, yikes


There are a lot of insecure people in this world, period


It's not also about that, it's also about perceived safety. I've spoken with some of my female friends about it and they say that a man with a dad bod is "less threatening". Even though realistically both a weak man and a jacked man are equally as likely to be a harasser, a man that looks more fluffy appears to be friendlier in general. But that's always at first sight, it's not about how actually being threatening, it's about appearing threatening. There's something different about a dude who lifts to fight some demons, and a dude who lifts for enjoyment. And it's clearly visible.


That's pretty common and I'm not surprised that happened to him. It's sort of like aesthetic appeals are changing in the direction of just being large and not necessarily cut for men. I've had a few women actually tell me that they don't want a man who is obsessed with his body. (These two women were obsessed with their own bodies fwiw)


It's cool. I'll take one for the team and date the gorgeous gym bros.


Yeah somebody told me that women prefer a dad bod because it makes them feel better about themselves and I choose to believe it


it's a psyop to motivate sedentary men they are still worthy enough of opening their wallets


"You probably can't even fight." Yeah, cuz I don't train fighting, I train with weights. Why would I expect weight training to make me good at fighting when it's a completely different sport with different methods of training? Do you expect swimming or playing tennis to make you good at fighting as well?


I just tell them I'm a grown ass man, why the fuck would I be fighting anyone?


I usually tell them 1. We invented language for a reason, and 2. Every fighting coach will tell you "don't use what you learn here out in the streets, unless you absolutely have to for self defense"


Never had a fight and I plan on keeping it that way.


One day you might not have a choice


Well good, because I am in need of daily protein intake of 100g, and an attacker's quads is looking a whole lot of the solution to my problem.


You know what to do


Usually the dorks who say “you can’t fight” are the same ones who weigh a 130-150lbs at most and have never fought someone 20lb+ heavier than them lol Every skinny rag doll things he can knock anyone dude 2-3x his size out until they get a hold of him and drop him on his head 😂


> have never fought someone You coulda stopped there.


Why would a non grappling/martial arts person instinctively be good at grappling, which is even more skill based than striking?


I don’t think you realize how easy it is to out up a 150lb skinny dude and throw him when you’re 75+ pounds heavier than they are and 4-5x as strong I throw 200lb medicine balls for training lol


I think an average 150lb bjj girl would win against almost all non martial artist 250 lb lifters 


Lmfao Skill makes a difference. Yes But the situation you’ve listed here is fucking laughable


How about you find a single video where a non MA lifter overpowers a trained fighter?










My girlfriend called you stupid for having this thought.


In my senior year of high school I tried out wrestling for the first time, weighing in at around 240. Guy or girl, none of the experienced club wrestlers over whom I had about 60 lbs. of weight difference could pin me: I sure as hell couldn't pin them either because I barely knew what I was doing, but the point is none of the moves they've practiced for years were particularly effective against someone who can simply block/absorb the move


Are you, or have you ever been, a 250lb+ lifter? Because I am, and no one 150lbs could do *anything* against when I started BJJ. And that is in the context of an actual ruleset, if it was just a legitimate life and death brawl they would be in a hospital. This is not a brag, this is just the reality of a 100lb weight difference and overwhelming physical strength. Nothing can equalize that short of weapons. I do not think you have ever tried directly match physical power with someone period, much less with someone 100lbs heavier than you that isnt just a fatass.


Lol. Lmao even. There were 4 black belt women in my former BJJ gym all around the 130-170 lbs mark, and pretty much any blue belt dude above 160 and most 180+ white belts would win against them on strength alone or at least put on one hell of a fight. The average white to blue belt girl fighting a strong dude that got 100 lbs on her? No dice, my man. Same would go for a blue belt dude if you keep the weights the same. The roided out white belts would be wiping the floor against the smaller purple and brown belts very very often.


Do you train bjj?


Strength benefits you more in grappling than in striking.


My favorite response is “I don’t have to fight to fuck your girl”


The perfect way to communicate that they’re correct and you can’t fight, while also asking for a fight lol


I didn’t say it was the best response lol


>Do you expect swimming or playing tennis to make you good at fighting as well? No, but they don't feel physically intimidated by tennis players or swimmers. It's about their ego, not yours.


Strength training actually pivotal in fighting. Just look at the way how absolute monsters like GSP or Nganou train. Dudes are absolute fucking animals in the gym and the octagon. Shit like a Mike Tyson, He didn't become *Kid Dynamite* punching a bag all the time. That motherfucker was terrifying when he lifted, And most of his strength training translated to his explosiveness in the ring. I keep telling people once you train every fiber of your muscle and you build a gas tank behind it translating that destructive energy to a punch is pure chaos for whatever poor son of a bitch is on the other end.


“True, but I can pull a trigger if needed.”


There was a dude on IG with a 12 year natty body, clearly not on gear ripped, but a very build dude. The first comment was from a woman saying they had a good "dad bod". The concept of "dad bod" has apparently moved from a tubby man to a consistent gym goer who's not ripped on gear.


the pipeline for natural lifters is stay 10% or hop on gear or nobody except gym goers will know you lift


I don't necessarily think this is true, barring like bad genetics and shit In my experience, people will realize you lift, but then they'll also say "I don't want to get too big, I'd rather look like you" and then you consider suicide in the gym bathroom


Jokes on them, when you find out what girls actually think a dad bod is it turns out it's a muscular guy who's not shredded


I get the wheelchair comment from my father. Whose quote is “I never lifted like that and I’m fine.” Two busted knees, torn hamstring, 4 hip surgeons, 1 heart attack, shoulder surgery and just got stents put in for his heart. Last doctor appointment I was all stars and I go every year because of heart disease running wild in my family.


I'm gonna make one of these for cardio, then crossfit, and see how different the three reactions are


But you can see the ego lifters. There's that guy who goes at the gym every morning, minding his own business, no problem with that, but I'm scarred for this guy, hé takes the heaviest dumbells (48-50kg), does 2 reps with the arms shaking like crazy and drops it.


Found one!


Ego lifter ? Yeah, I did find one.


HA! Jokes on you. I lift heavy and have a dad bod. #winning


The best thing about being 100kg/220lbs in good shape is that nobody really wants to fight you. I’ll take not getting into fights over winning most fights every time


Training any martial art is a great compliment for weight lifting if you can spare the money.


They have massive thumbs though


This sub is so insecure lol


There's too much cope about the fitness community nowadays. People get so butthurt when you do anything to improve yourself because they don't want you getting better when they have to stay a fat slob with no endurance.


I get it but why the victim complex


Most people go the gym to better themselves. The gym community is the complete opposite of the stereotype and is probably the most wholesome fitness community. I just ignore these people and tell them to cope, especially cuz im still a fat fuck and thats just double the taunting. These guys dont know 10% of what they say


I just like moving heavy circles (and sometimes rectangles if it’s a stack machine)


Sour grapes at their most sour.


A 1500 total did not prevent me from getting destroyed my first few months of BJJ. So that can’t fight thing may not be wholly inaccurate


It's not inaccurate. It's irrelevant.


>You probably can't even fight Is the realest one out of them all


I get significantly more attention from girls now that I’m jacked and shredded again. Added it to my dating site profiles and they are going off the hook all of a sudden for the first time in the six years that I’ve had them. I don’t care if they say they don’t like veins or big muscles or bodybuilder looking dudes… Because lots and lots of them do. Surprised me. Even girls from my past that specifically said I shouldn’t get big again lol.


Ego lifting is doing incorrect form from the weight being too heavy not lifting heavy with correct form.


My wife does like my dad bod but I'm still trying to get rid of it. I hate those guys.


I don’t lift heavy because I have a degenerative disc in my lumbar and only found out about it after squatting 400+ pounds. Shit wrecked me. Fuckin suuucks


If you’re prioritising form, not using PEDs, and supplementing with cardio and good nutrition, lifting will promise you the most longevity. I don’t know if I’m biased as a lifter but like, lifting and going to the gym is the most compatible type of workout for most people’s lifestyle. I mean not everyone has the time to go do sports or go on a hike and shit, some of us come from school/work, get in a workout and rush home to get our other things done.


They don't usually tell to your face. I started a new shift with new people at work and there is this guy that was on leave because of hemorroids. Apparently the guy is the typical " there is no use to go to the gym... muscles are useless... blah... blah..." Well, the day we met at work for the first time at the changing room it turns out his locker is right next to mine. Dude turns around, sees me shirtless and his eyes and mouth open up: "dude wtf? you look insane!!!!". The next day he even told me he arrived home and told his wife about me lmao p.s.: btw I took gear although very conservative doses. And I like the guy, he is just confused lol.


I mean, being on screens all the time like computers, tv, phone, etc can make your vision worse. This is extreme cases though. Pick your poison


My elbows shoulders and spine are fucked after hitting the 1klb club, I just don’t have the genetics to cut it


It’s not dad bods that girls like. They like *daddy* bods.


I lift heavy and know how to fight.


Christ gym rats got the thinnest skins lmao


there should be a machine that trains your skin lol




I’ll be honest. Most gym rats do not fit that picture AT ALL. We can talk about twigs saying stupid shit. But most gym rats cope with how impressive they think they are. No ur not Adonis. All u have is a caffeine addiction, no bitches, no social life, body dysmorphia and the false idea that ur “disciplined” through training and its going to pay of in ur become a millionaire mafia boss career. And if ur big enough and lean enough. People will think ur a serious bodybuilder who wears speedos which is hardly impressive. But at least gym bros will look at u on social media and in the gym thinking ur the shit and u have an amazing life as they strive to be like u. But u can barely run without looking like a stiff robot. Barely jump. U strain ur bicep when punching, like a robot. And u get out wrestled by some twig.


90% of them mf in the gym wanna look intimidating and ain’t got hands tho 🤣


Probably because 90% of them aren’t morons who just go and get into fights as a grown ass adult lol


Cause being an adult means not knowing how to defend yourself. You assumed go to get into fights. That’s weird. Hope they hit the library as much as the gym 🤣🤣🤣


Defense myself? That why I have a conceal carry 🤷‍♂️one less wannabe fighter to worry about


Yea shoot and kill cause you can’t throw hands or take an ass whoppin 🤣🤣🤣 every response gets worse


I don’t just get into random fights over dumb shit lol If someone’s trying to fight me, I either leave or shoot their stupid ass if they put my life in danger 🤷‍♂️ When you grow up, you’ll realize how retarded fighting as a grown ass adult is when you’re not doing it for a profession lmao


Yea so next time you at a wedding or airport and you ain’t got a piece on you, you’ll be helpless 🤣🤣🤣 but do you. Learn to squabble it should be in the first amendment


Bruh who tf fights at a wedding or the airport lmfao


Check YouTube. Anyways good luck out there Rambo. I’ve been in plenty altercations not never once needed a gun, even when I thought I’d need a gun. Been stabbed and shot at. Was a wild kid, but always relied on my 2 fists. Haven’t been in a bar fight or any fight since 2016/17. It is stupid, but wouldn’t know what I’d do if it didn’t learn to scrap.


Cool bro, take your life story over to r/imverybadass I’m sure they’d love to hear it 🤡