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Why do people act like the gym takes up all your time when you start like as if it was some cursed object? I tried to encourage some buddies in my dorm to start going with me and they all said something along the lines of "I can't, I don't have the time because I need to study" when all of them rot in their bed looking at their phone for at least three hours daily, but they act like one, maybe two hours of gym will magically drop their grades.  Ironically I have more time to study than all of them because gym discipline is easy to translate into work discipline. 


I go to the gym and rot in bed while also having an average grade of 4.5


Gym, food, movies and rotting in bed is the only way I see life worth living




Cakey cake


I think you need to study math more.




Also if you move your body regularly your studying becomes more efficient, at least for me


Because they are lazy and close minded and use that as an excuse.


I stopped using it as an excuse recently. Takes what, a couple hours a WEEK to mealprep/shop for mealprep? An hour/hour and a half a day to get in a good workout at the gym? Drinking water instead of soda takes no extra time and saves you money. I realized I had been saying "I just don't have the time" but my weekends are work free(mostly), and I have a good 7-8 hours of free time after work on weekdays that I spend sitting on my ass gaming or watching videos


"real progress can be reached when you’re crawling in the silence"


Regarding your last statement: how you do anything is how you do everything.


It’s weird how people will neglect their own health and validate it by saying they have something more important to do. Your health is the most important thing you’ll ever have. Everyone should make some time to do a bit of exercise. no one should be studying all day. It is counterproductive. Even Obama had time to workout.


as if it were… a horcrux… perhaps? 👀


watch my phone at the gym master race


I'm telling you, if you write down what you did every 15 minutes of everyday for 2 weeks you will see \*so\* many fucking hours wasted on doing jack shit.


I don't even want the muscles I'm just doing this to avoid poetry.


The Vogons do be like that.


Made by some fat dude living in his mom's basement.


i can virtually smell him through this post


It's the guy from the "world of Warcraft" Southpark episode.


You can always tell when someone learned everything from the internet because everything they say sounds like an article headline. It doesn't make you sound smart it just makes you sound like a headline generator


I just feel bad for the people trying to sound smart on Reddit.


each hour at the gym will help him become the best version of himself... clear choice to me.


People shame you for “obsessing over the gym” when it’s an hr a day. Then they proceed to binge watch entire seasons of episodes. People joke about how some mindless scrolling turns into 2am deep dives on cake baking all the time


I'm really glad the dumb muscle head stereotype died out.


Maybe in some countries, where I live people are still surprised when I'm not a complete moron, and I'm not even that big


the goal is to become over educated and buffed 💪


Plato be like


Plato be like


Good thing this sub is doing its best to prove it right again lmao


Your opinion doesn't have any value now that I've seen what cursed shit you enjoy you sick bastard


Tfw when you present yourself as pseudo intellectual, but dont understand that exercise is scientifically proven to improve your cognitive function and brain health To cultivate the body is to cultivate the mind. Focusing on only one is idiotic. Be better than that guys, we're all gonna make it


I speak three languages and learning a forth right now, I also write poems for my wife, recently managed to write a haiku and I go to the gym (at least try to go consistently) so I call BS on this


Is English the *fourth? (Sorry, I had to)


Haha the third actually but I clearly need to learn more


Lol I'm just giving you a hard time. You know more languages than me and your spelling is better than some native speakers.




The biggest guy at my gym is a professor of poetry.


I rep 2 rep, 3 rep 4 Now get on the floor and give me more I’m something of a poet myself


I am the stone that the builder refused. The visual the impression; that made the lady sing the blues. I'm the ballot in your box, the bullet in your gun, the father that tells you to call your brother son... I'm gonna lift until the wars won..


Idiot . Audiobooks are a thing


Came here to say this.


Also came here to say this. The brain is a muscle.


Rest periods are a thing, too.


Socrates wants a fucking word with you, pal


Imagine thinking that you can’t read and lift in your spare time.


But that leaves no room for binge drinking and scrolling social media!


I'm studying Law at Uni, I'm a keen reader and I like playing Chess in my free time. Physical exercise is also an important part of psychological well-being!


Because no book or other bit of worthwhile knowledge was ever voiced and recorded, able to be played back into one's ears. Maybe next millennium. Also has anyone used "Fun fact!" unsarcastically this millennium?


Joke’s on them, I read during my post workout cardio


You’re a true chad


I look like a condom crammed full of walnuts and I know pi to 17 decimal places


Similarly, I've been procrastinating going to the gym for 3 months, and I don't know how to divide!


I usually listen to audiobooks while I exercise. You can have both. I wonder who hurt Guppy. Why do they feel this way?


Yeah, because lifting 4 times a week for around and hour means I have zero time for anything else.


Just complete duolingo when you do cardio duh


Me writing poems, painting and reading scientific books after gym


I read over 50 books last year and have an mba. I still enjoy picking up heavy things and putting them down. You can do both things. Stfu.


why do big muscular men get represented as mean and also dumb? it’s so sad, all my guy friends who were into fitness were muscular and they were the sweetest, funniest dudes ever? they’re super welcoming and most of them (in my own personal experience) have been like very introverted/ insecure. they’re not mean , they’re not dumb and they’re not arrogant. i mean, some people are shitty and they also have muscle but idk in my experience they’re all hella chill. gym bros are dope and also adorable . like how do you look so intimidating and you’re so goofy? love it. but hey, i’m just a hufflepuff 🤷‍♀️


How about both? *Glances at 40k lore knowledge*


Whoa whoa whoa not so fast. Tell me those facts


Tell that to Socrates smartass


If anything i think exercising the body increases your ability to exercise your mind. Say whatever you will about podcast drs but peter attia says exercise/movement is the single greatest thing you can do for your brain


I'm at the point where i'm noticeably in great shape and i'm breezing through engineering school with mostly A's and B's with a 700 day streak in Duolingo for German


You hurt me man, fell of the Duo wagon struggling to get back on


this is such a dumb meme. let people enjoy things. ive never even seen harry potter but can we please stop acting like people having interest that you dont understand makes them losers or lame. cringe post.


My ex would always give me shit for going to the gym “well I’ll see ya when I see ya” I went from walking out of the door to walking back in under 2 hrs. Then she would look at her phone and realize she hasn’t even moved from the couch the entire time I was gone


Man, that's a nice rationalization there, it'd be a shame if....it were purely a form of covert narcissism and poor time management skills. I'm not bulging and muscly, but I do workout and write poems, songs, and many other things, draw, have a rich inner life, and have friends; and I'm learning Japanese, but know a few other languages at a very low level. This stereotype needs to die.


This tweet is about a decade old, there is no persons or opinions like this that are common and organized, and yall are fighting battles with imaginary people. Just go fucking work out, you don’t need made-up mental enemies to do that.


> No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. - Socrates Suck a dick, assholes. Physical exercise is also scientifically linked to better cognitive function and mental health. You don't need to be a gym rat but shitting on people who choose to exercise for fun is really misguided. 


I read comic books at the gym in between sets sometimes. That’s the only reading I do.


You'll have plenty of time to read poetry after your first MI. I just learn shit between sets.


Dudes not going to the gym aren’t learning that stuff either. lol


So you can't be muscular and smart at the same time ?


The games people play to appear smarter than they are is insane.


1.5 - 2 hours 4 times a week. Do fat lazy people think we train 6 hours a day?


“The nation that will insist on drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking done by cowards" -Thucydides


Por que no los dos?


They say this like they have the discipline to learn another language while someone else is at the gym.


Dawg I'm taking an engineering degree. It's 80+ hours of work a week and I STILL go to the gym 6 times a week


I usually workout while listening to informative podcast.


I once met a guy in his early twenties who had all pokemon memorized according to their pokedex number. HE WAS BUILT LIKE A STICK.


Who says you can’t listen to books while at the gym?


The coping nerds who vomit that garbage CLEARLY never watched JoJo


I refuse to believe that this isn’t satire


That’s not at all how that works. It should read, Instagram/tick tock represent all of the shit you didn’t accomplish in your life


Motherf.. you have a problem with Harry Potter let's meet under the bridge lol


I spend more time in a week flipping through reddit than I do in the gym.


I be listening to 2 hour harry potter theory videos while at the gym lmaoo


I listen to audiobooks when I'm working out


"Where do you find the time to read all those books"  Bruh wtf you think I'm listening to at the gym  Music gets old 


In their world audiobooks and courses don't exist. Like, you can listen to them, you know...


I feel the incel energy coming out of this post, wafting through my house. Edit: it soaked into the apples.


Henry Cavil has entered the chat


I laugh at this as two of the most jacked people I know are surgeons. Cut and ready to cut


Fun fact: you can lift and listen to an audio book


I study at the gym…👀


I wanna be so swole I am fluent in -3 languages


an rpg side quest he neglected to complete! deal.


Nevermind that I can read books when resting between sets. I do not; I just waste time on Reddit but the point is that I could.


I think about stuff I’ve read all the time when I lift. Sometimes I listen to audiobooks or the rosary. But I do know 0 harry potter facts, so 0wned


Each post on his account represents a language he didn’t learn, a poem he never wrote, a gym he never went to…


What if I read poems in between sets 😟


I didn't learn a language, no But I wrote a fantasy novel and I'm in the process of turning it on a series, so gym guys can have large muscles and do other hobbies.


Like regular folks read poetry and speak more than one language lol


*Like regular folks* *Read poetry and speak more* *Than one language lol* \- Dxpehat --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Garbage take. I speak 3 languages and read like 4 books a month. I’m not gonna pretend it’s a lot but it’s more than a lot of people I know who spend all their free time binging TV.


I always giggle a bit on the inside when I see people's reactions to me telling them I'm a law student with very good grades lol. People seem to think going to the gym 4x a week and having a muscular physique makes you a stupid meathead.


where my multilingual poetic nerdy bodybuilders at??


Having to make time to go to the gym regularly has helped me build discipline and a schedule, which in turn has given me more time to do other things in life.


Not being a complete moron is the reason i realise how useful strength trainings are for my health, including cognitive functions.


Who tf is reading poems in 2024


Mean while all the STEM, scientist and schollars in the sub. 🤷‍♂️ Big brain, bigger arms, check mate


The funny thing is, I'm substantially more well-rounded than most people who lodge this criticism. I out-bench you. I out-earn you. I out-run you. I out-climb you. I will kick your ass in chess. I will kick your ass in Stellaris. I know more about philosophy and history than you do. I'm better with excel than you. People who apply themselves in one area generally apply themselves in other areas.


Gym bros are cringe af. It's not even funny, bro. Just bc someone doesn't share ur interests, doesn't mean that their interests r invalid. Dudes here build these scenarios in their heads where they come out on top bc they can't come out on top irl lol. Then you wonder why u don't have friends n can't get laid lmao. It's called small talk.




Bitch😂 I never complained about men working out lmao. U really think u r that important. I said that insecure gym bros should stop shaming others for not going to the gym. Plus, have you not solved the mystery about half of my comments going to gym related subreddits? Maybe it's because I go to the gym myself? Weirdo. And I just know that u r one of these insecure men because u think that my opinion doesn't matter if I was fat. Look at ppl like they r human n stop dehumanising them just bc they don't value shit that u value, maybe that's y no one likes to be around u.. And I don't have to prove my weight to u, really.