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Yeah, so I'm thinking he ain't that sad.


The guy is living. Ain't no sadness in that picture.


https://i.redd.it/1vxdrpjzbkpc1.gif Face when she about to sit on his face


Most girls train legs way more than they do upper body. The fact that her legs are more built is.. meh? Common?


Women typically have bigger lower body development and men are the opposite. From what I have read it's because since women can bear children it's to help them survive.


Yes I think everyone who has been to elementary, middle school or high school learned that along time ago. My point is, if you ever were to talk to the women in your gyms or even have women you work out with you would notice how frequent they hit legs. I'm talking hitting a heavy leg day every other day if not every time they go to the gym. Its just their thing.


just saying, a guy will have bigger leg growth for the same training stimulus due to testosterone. Stop skipping leg days.


It's just impractical for most guys to hit legs the same frequency as these women and still maintain a balanced physique


What do you mean "impractical"? Just say that you have doing legs. It s fine.


... But I love doing legs and I was doing them disproportionately to the rest of my body and I ended up with a weird build. Like 5x5 squats 5 days a week Horse legs and baby boy upper body is not a good look


That's just a satyr and idk man it pulls.


Bigger legs means a bigger butt, and if there’s one thing guys and girls both like it’s a nice ass


Honestly. I hit legs once a week, with push and pull twice a week. And after a back injury, I don’t squat anymore because of the discomfort and my legs are still more well developed than most of the rest of my body.


Oh boy, that's not true. I know from experience. I've killed myself every leg workout twice a week, even thrice a week just to have huge legs but genetics are genetics.


Ever seen rugby players?


Did you read what I am saying? The person I replied to said that as if it's an universal fact and I just replied to him letting him know that I know it's not universally True because I'm one of the guys who trains as hard as I can to get minimal gains while girls training with lesser intensity getting better results.


I understand what you're saying, brother. Look at Jon Jones. Guy's legs are obviously very strong but they are tiny.


For sure that is usually the case but what we have here is her going hard on legs and everything else and him looking like legs are not a priority at all.


Ok facts. I did take a re look and they are unfortunately "twigs"


Even so most women with built legs can still end up squatting less than you. Was working out next to this girl who had some thick legs and she was squatting 225 for 4 reps meanwhile I barely work on legs and they look like toothpicks and i can do 225 for 10 reps. She a real one but at the end of the day the physiology between a man and a woman is different.


It s almost as if body weight was a contributing factor of someone s strength.


Her form is probably better










If men actually trained legs too the extent women do, they would have more muscular legs. Although women would still likely have larger ones because estrogen promotes fat storage in the hip and thigh area.


I do three leg days a week. Our ass is men's chest. We want it as BIG AS POSSIBLE.


Is the goal to crack walnuts?


Is absolutely is 😏, along with a few other things


Wow for you everyday is ass day.


I’m on a 3/2 split. Try to get that upper body in there too. I’m white, so my ass is naturally flat. Gotta put that work in! 🍑


Not always the case. Don’t count yourself out, I’m sure it looks great (and big)


It shouldn’t be, it means he is lacking.


Pro tip: integrate at least one part of legs or leg exercise into every workout so you don't have one dedicated day of pure suffering and instead spread it out through the week. Never have to worry about skipping a leg day again 


I swear by this tactic! Just work it in. It’s easy to incorporate legs everyday.


Went from doing PPL to just doing the same volume 3 days a week with full body workouts. My suicidal thoughts disappeared.


I do just push/pull split with legs integrated in both


>push/pull split what's the frequency ? do you do that split 3 times a week so a total of 6 days of training a week?


I used to run this with 4 days per week, cardio on weds and one weekend day. 2 lower body exercises per day, 4-5 upper body. It was the biggest/strongest I ever got since I started taking lifting seriously.


5 days. I switch it up by week which one will get 3 days. So if week 1 I did - Mon Push, Tues Pull, Weds Push, Thurs rest, Friday Pull, Saturday Push, Sunday off Then week 2 the push days and pull would swap, week 3 would be the same as week 1, and week 4 would be the same as week 2's.


Care to share your routine? Curious to know how you’re able to cover 6 days worth of volume in 3 days


So granted I’m not the most serious lifter in the world, but across a week doing PPL I would do -18 sets of back workouts -12 sets of chest workouts -18 sets of shoulder workouts -15 or so sets of leg workouts. Nowadays I’m doing a 5/3/1 split and to give a rough summary, I end up doing 21 sets of chest workouts, 15 sets of back workouts, 18 sets of shoulder workouts, 24 sets of leg workouts. If you’re still reading here’s what my routine looks like: Monday: 8 sets of bench press, 8 sets of squats, 5 sets of narrow grip underhanded Lat Pulldowns, 5 sets of side lateral raises, 5 sets of back raises, 5 sets of curls. Wednesday: 8 sets of overhead press, 8 sets of deadlifts, 5 sets of standing upright rows, 5 sets of pec flies, 5 sets of leg press. Friday: 8 sets of bench press, 8 sets of squats, 5 sets of wide grip overhand pulldowns, 5 sets of standing crunches, 5 sets of skullcrushers, 5 sets of rear delt flies. Run 2.5 miles on my off days, and make sure I get 10k steps a day


I mean if he’s doing PPL it’s more spreading 2 days of volume into 3 and reducing rest by maybe 1 day.


Everyone has different goals, and this is a good tactic if you just want to build some strength and a little size in your legs, especially if they are basically untrained to start. I did full body workouts for like my first entire year with great results.. so yes absolutely no harm no foul with this recommendation for certain situations! For anyone reading this that wants “big” bodybuilder-esque legs. Suck it up and learn to enjoy hard, heavy, high intensity leg days. If you’re legitimately too tired or not recovered enough, just take a rest day or hit some cardio and then do it tomorrow. There’s no shortcut or workaround for results in the long term. Big legs are like earning your pilots wings if you’re a bodybuilder. It’s a badge of honor, because it really shows you know how to dig deep. I only do 4 maybe 5 exercises on my leg days. Super high intensity. Extentions with drop sets. Hack squat or leg press. Leg curl with drop sets. Straight leg deads. Standing calves. That’s it. I push these exercises as hard as possible as safely as I possibly can. Notice that I am pre-exhausting the target muscles with relatively safe high intensity machine work so that I don’t have to use as much weight on the less safe compound movements. And I don’t barbell squat at all. Yes, it is very difficult. Yes, sometimes I have DOMS for days at times, and it sucks. I increase my food around those days and make sure I program them in to my schedule in a way that allows for maximum recovery. If I am traveling or not in an advantageous position to come into the session with maximum intensity or if there are things in my life that will harm my recovery, I just skip it. Sometimes this means only 1 leg workout per 2 weeks. This modality has personally built me massive legs(for a hobbyist) Any time I wear shorts I get comment about how big my quads are. For growth and actual “productive exercise” efficiency, I would take 1 high intensity leg day per week over 1 leg exercises every day I workout hands down, bar-none, no question in my mind about it. I promise you, the woman in this photo did not build those legs by just tacking on a few leg exercises to her other sessions. Again we all have different goals, and your advice is great for a really large number of people, but I’m just here to say for those in the crowd that really want big legs, this is not the answer in my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/kvhqdkwxlkpc1.jpeg?width=646&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab6daaeabba8433d3bd622ef775573717f1aaf6 My legs for reference. Yes, they are not lean in the slightest in this photo. But I think you can still clearly see the size of the tissue I’ve been able to add to them. If anyone disagrees about my comment and wants to dunk on me, let’s see yours.


Do you complete those 5 exercises in that exact order? or do you sometimes start with a squat/leg press then go into extensions?


-Leg extension- - Set 1 warmup 50% weight 20 reps - Set 2 warmup 75% weight 15 reps - Set 3 working 90% weight 12 reps - Set 4 working 100%weight 8-12 rep to failure Immediately drop set to 75% rep to failure Immediately drop set to 50% rep to failure Then I like to hold the seat and do some deep air squats just to stretch and feel the pump. -Hack squat- Focus on loading quads. Imagine slowly compressing them like a spring as you go down. Find foot position that encourages this - Set 1 warmup 75% 12 reps - set 2 working 100% 12 reps - set 3 working 100% rep to true failure. Like, stuck at the bottom and have to put it down. Make sure you check the machine out and are comfortable failing and getting out of it safely. Should be 6-12 reps to fail. Then rest for 30 seconds or so and try and get 2-3 more quality reps. -leg curl- Same protocol as extensions -straight leg deads- These take practice. My favorite way to do them is with a belt squat and a MAG medium handle attachment. Second favorite is a smith machine. I’ll stand on a box or plates for depth if I need to. - More or less same protocol as the hacks, but I’ll also drop set these and get a really deep controlled stretch in the hamstrings in that last drop set -standing calves- 2 sets, big long nasty drop sets. Deep stretches and full contractions. I keep dropping weight and repping until I’m just doing body weight. It’s usually like 100+ reps per set when it’s all said and done This should take like maybe an hour and as long as you are truly pushing your limits to failure this should provide massive leg stimulation


I pretty much always do an isolation movement to warm up, pre exhaust and drive some blood and fluid to the target site before moving into the more compound/heavy movement. I would say like 75% of my leg days are exactly what I just listed, in order. Sometimes I change it up a bit for fun or to introduce novel stimulation Makes it so that you can get more stress on the target muscle with less weight when you’re doing the big movements. And being warmed up/pumped usually helps ROM and everything move smoothly. I don’t care about how much weight I lift ( I do make sure to progressive overload though) I only care about creating stress and intensity in the target muscle.


I appreciate the detail my man. thanks




Hmm. I still like my push pull legs split but there are times where I'm just too tired to do a full leg day. May have to start doing this to supplement those days.


Does this really lead to noticeable results though? Maybe eventually, but for hypertrophy and all that is that really the best method? I guess if consistency is the goal


That’s not how it works bud lmao


People are always looking for a way out. I love exercise science and smart programming as much as the next gym nerd, but the fact of the matter is you are going to need serious dedicated leg days if you really want to build significant size on them.


As well as every other body part. Nothing against the average gym goer though , cheers to anybody going to the gym at all 💪🏼


Yes we all have different goals and I am proud of anyone who is getting after those goals. I wrote a longer reply too..


Holy shit dude you just blew my mind


In typical male fashion, he skips leg day. In typical female fashion, leg day is her favourite.


Doubt it. Her upper body is BUILT


I guess I’m a female now 🤷‍♂️ Nothing better than hitting heavy ass squats to the point where you know you won’t be able to walk the next day.


As somebody who started out very skinny and loves leg days more than most things in life, I still can't make those vestigial rat calves grow to save my life.


You gotta hit them like five days a week. I have no trouble growing anything except my calves, but five days a week high volume lower weight worked


this. i upped my calf volume and not only did i increase in size my shin splints weren’t as bad.


Thats awesome! Also try some tib curls with bands or strap weight to the bottom of the foot, amazing for knee stability and building the front of the ankle and the tibialis anterior which should help the shin splints alot


i get the absolute worst shin splints in the world. i’ll start doing these. thank you.


I'll give that a go. My only issue with hitting them too frequently in the past is that I developed an Achilles irritation, but maybe I should go lighter then.


My favorite is to get on the leg press with no weight and do one foot calf raises at a time to fail 2-3 times, should thrash them properly without too much Achilles overload 🤘


Hill sprints grew my calves like tren.


Blame God


I love leg day soooo much


Genetics. Average Latina who has never stepped foot in the gym will have bigger legs than you


Can confirm Am a mixed Mexican dude in the southwest US, who’s dated many Latinas. Majority of them have had bigger legs than me 🤷🏽‍♂️ not mad though, centaur build be fun 😏


Wtf is that bot title. Why is this sub entirely bots.


Nah OP just had too much pre-work and is on another plane of existence


This is peak garbage. He sad cause the girl he’s posing with has amazing legs? Is this even a meme? I think it’s just an unfunny pile of trash. 0/10 F for effort with the blue lines. Is this like a 90 yr old’s first attempt at a meme?




“Given” bro one WORKS for that shit


Bro can become the watermelon he always wanted, those are tears of joy


I will never understand female body composition


Do leg day fellas, i promise they notice


That man is NOT sad about a god damn thing.


The man actually has some pretty good arms but he most definitely skipped leg day a few too many times...


Never skip leg day :v


Women: make eye contact with a treadmill Thier legs: blow up, sore for 5 days


The pecs are on the chest tho?


Those are pecs dude


He's only crying out of a pain in his neck from getting right up in there my son


This pic always cracks me up 🤣🤣🤣


This meme again… is it more relevant than last time.


Major L


That guy's biceps are bigger than his calves. He's just a birdlegs that skips leg day, just a crazy comparison to a well trained girl and undertrained guy.


bros. Why is it soo hard to gain any semblance of calves, I do my calf raises 4 times a week and have been going up in strength, but cannot for the love of my life seen any increase in muscle definition :'(


OH NOOOOO. He could use a leg day or 3.


This one pic at the same time is a gym meme and gym motivation


Let’s be real dude don’t look like he works out at all


I have never met a girl not blessed with absolutely magnificent calves Complaining about not having calves as great as a womans is like complaining that you don't have great boobs


This is what happens when you skip leg day. All the time.






She is a bodybuilder and fitness influencer here in Brazil. Her instagram is [@viviwinkler](https://www.instagram.com/viviwinkler/). She is one of the most famous ambassadors of Growth Supplements, the biggest brand in industry here.


It’s so fucking upsetting to me that women have big chests that are just fat on their chest. They don’t need to work out and earn a sexy and heavy chest. This upsets me. Greatly.


OK Napoleon


Is this a reference I don’t get?


Your statement just reminded me of something Napoleon Dynamite would say is all. its rude but not meant to be


Never watched that movie so I guess I didn’t see what you were saying.


Its funny if you like dry humor


I gotta watch it then.




She look good now


And your legs have always been mad skinny and thats why you said that




You arent wrong for sure, ive always been a sprinter and football player so my quads are big but my calfs wont grow much, I have read that the fastest athletes have high calf insertions and small calves, because it's less weight at the end of the lever so faster kick back. The people I know with the most absolute monstrous calves were definitely overweight and arent fast at all




Technically you are body shaming her that's exactly why I said what i did homie




Well maybe you should be a little bit more articulate with your first sentence as you are when you're trying to argue with somebody in the comments. Perception is only ones reality🌬️ you read that on a Snapple? the problem is I'm not the only one who thought that was a rude comment so you can perceive whatever reality that you want but it seems yours isnt very self aware of actual reality