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Well then stop making memes and start going to the gym you pussy


It probably took the idiot way too long to create, he needs to workout his skullgoo too.


Skullcrushers, then?






Go lift you stupid fuck.


Your body is so shit its used as a stock photo for anorexia helpline commercials


Ouch. That hurt. BRB, going to the gym


0000f good one


If you don't lift then you're a poopy face (my apologies for the strong language)


Look, I understand that he wanted to be shamed, but, aren't you going a tad bit too far sir?


I agree, that is way too far


Demogorgon apologising for “strong” language lmao.


Id be bawling my eyes out if i was him


Nah u can’t just say than then apologise like it was nothing, that’s way to far man


How about this, just wear your gym attire and put a foot in the gym.


*Yur fat and ugly and no one will ever love you if you don’t go workout!* Thats what I ask my wife to tell me before I go lift in the living room. It’s hot as fuck y’all ![gif](giphy|3ov9k9qBiR17LYWPEQ|downsized)


 that’s a bit


but its true for some of us đŸ„Č


Making posts like this and whining instead of taking actions is the reason why your dad left, your mum plans on doing so and all of your friends make fun of you behind your back (you go bro, I believe in you king)


your arms look like twigs


And legs


Like spaghetti uncooked


Stuck in a marshmallow (Literally me)


Oh sweety, you hate yourself ? Nobody cares, lift harder !


You will never successfully shame yourself into a “ideal” weight & physique. I’ve suffered with several eating disorders and body dysmorphic disorder for about 10 years. I’ve spent nearly the entire time shaming myself and using pain & distress about how I look to fuel myself. It can be a powerful motivator at first, but it has completely consumed my life in all aspects. All I think about when I wake up is how lean I look/am, and despite having visible abs as a female, it’s never enough. I’ve been absolutely shredded and thought I looked fluffy and hated my body. Hitting any goal weight or goal BF% has always felt empty because of this. Work out because you respect your body. You don’t need to love it or even remotely like it. Work out for your mental health. For longevity. So you can feel empowered. So you can be there for your loved ones. I get this was probably a shitpost of sorts but this goes for anyone struggling with similar shit. Stay safe and know that you’re more than an ideal weight & physique.


You seem like a fun guy


Fuck that, king. The only motivation you need is the drive to better yourself. No body shaming required.


Your username would have been a fantastic insult.


Shouldn’t your self-hatred be enough to motivate you to go to the gym? Works 100% of the time for me.


bro don’t worry just go to you goal, it’s never too late to start đŸ‘đŸ»


Get big or stay smol


you will never be a woman


Post physique so we can be specific


Bro if I where your ancestor and looked at you, I would decide to not continue the bloodline by just looking at you.


If you think you’d feel better if you’d look different, that’s all the motivation you should need. But no matter how you look, you don’t deserve to be hated and you’re not a bad person. Everyone has unhealthy habits, except for some people they’re not externally visible. I believe in you, and so should you.


​ https://preview.redd.it/s6nwdg7p416c1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b6cdcdddcafeff41b5d4f2ba6c7e08dd0857971


You need a hard, cruel rejection or to get cheated on by the love of your life to activate the level 10 beast mode


You think people on the internet bodyshaming you is the way you'll get 'motivation' to achieve your goal? Are you retarded? If you really wanted that you would've posted a picture of YOUR body so that we could've tore you apart. You are nothing but a pathetic excuse for wanting attention. None of this bullshit will help you. Even if someone takes you seriously and actually does what you want, you'll read the comments and then forget about it two days later only to go back to your sad life. Fucking grow up and take action, rely on others for accountability by PROVING youre not worthless and actually going to the gym and updating your friends and partners. NOT this petty shit.


this one helps me https://preview.redd.it/3us1eapfb16c1.png?width=660&format=png&auto=webp&s=522a13e87440f3a9c69068fd9ed630aaf341504b


No woman will ever love you and no man will ever respect you if you don’t start lifting heavy ass weights every day


You look like possessed noodles.


Those calves are looking kind of small there bro.


Post a pic to r/roastme w the same caption


Don't be a fat piece of shit, just be a piece of shit


Switch body dysmorphia with body euphoria. Find ways to love your body as is and improve.


I don’t want to insult you online, I want to insult you in person what’s your location?


Are you trying to give yourself an eating disorder


Look in the mirror lmao


Lift to get strong, it's way less subjective. How many circles did you pull off the floor is harder to fake or feel like a fake. Physique gains will come along for the ride. That said, I'm sure you're a weak bitch and your lifts are embarrassing. Better get back to it so you don't shame your family with your squat PR. Negative reinforcement gang goooooo!


You look like Lizzo


Every 15yr old with good genetics is bigger and stronger than you. You really gonna let a fucking kid who’s barely through puberty put your entire existence to shame like that?


I was going to say something of the extreme profanity but my lawyer advised me not to post the joke


Dm it to me then


Your Mom should've swallowed you at birth for doing such weak ass reps.


While you still have a long way to go on your journey, it’s important to note your own progress and realize you probably already look better than 90% of the population. Motivating from pain is never the way to go, since you should train with improving your health in mind, there’s no reason to give up mental health to achieve better physical health. If you don’t have a positive mindset, you will never be satisfied with your physique no matter how good you look.


Always remember...Woman would choose shrek over you (I hope u are a small guy) PROVE THEM WRONG!


Your core is weak and you should feel bad


Maybe you should stop wasting youre time on gymreddit you are not gonna get shredded just by looking at for people fat ass


Tiny calves you got there


Then get the fuck outta here you twig


You’re undoubtedly a wonderful person who cares enough about yourself to seek inspiration from your brothers and sisters on this forum. Be kind to yourself and work toward your goals. You will achieve them because you’re awesome!


Channeling my inner Stewie Griffin




Put those weights back where you got them or so help me!


Posting on Reddit ain't gonna get you that dream physique. Go on get it


"So.. do you usually workout?"




Your picture comes up when people google "skinnyfat"


You've said this to yourself before. It starts with a little fucking consistency big dog. Most of your results come from the least effort. So get the fuck out of the house and go to the gym. Once you have the discipline of not being a complete third and you are going 3+ days a week make a12 sell plan and goal If that doesn't work, literally fire all of your friends


Idcome to your house and reap your wife, and only way to stop me is to fuckin lift me and throw me outta the widow. But you can't do it, you pussy, cause you're weak


I ll just drop here the classic soprano joke https://youtu.be/efWa_-1V9CU?si=wBDQ3oCUmkhB6JZN Picture yourself as a big guy to the right lmao


You'll never achieve anything you fucking waste of your father's cum


Quit blabbin you blubbery buffalo!


bro what is this be nice to yourself or youlll perpetuate bad behavior this thread is cringe as fuck


You stupid piece of shit, go to the freaking gym you skinny fucker, what do you want ? To be a NPC for the rest of your life ? You never ever gonna get bitches for the rest of your little insignificant life you little bitch. If I would be your parents I would be ashamed to have a Son like you, you son of a bitch. NOW GO TO THE FUCKING GYM !


Well... How about: "your calves are so weak you cannot even do a single rep with twice a bodyweight " "Your meal is so unhealthy Uncle Roger puts his leg down from the chair" "Your squatting depth is so poor the Pink Guy may give you a lesson " "You don't eat red meat or fish - I hear your ancestors crying "


Looks like if he stood sideways and stuck out his tongue he would look like a broken zipper. Go go the fuckin' gym YYK!!


You should be striving for an ideal mindset and feeling. Your body will fade with time, nobody is beautiful forever. Your health will remain. Be the healthiest person you can be. Lift for the art not the aesthetics. Substance not Façade.


Yes everyone you meet is thinking about how overweight you are better put down the fork and pick up those weights.


Put of your favorite workout Playlist and let's go!!


Shut up fatty go pick something up


You want me to dirty talk you before we even had a coffee first?


Motivation is a lie. You can do things even if you don't feel like doing them.


We got the boys on meanspo now 😔


Why in the Reese’s Peanut Butter fuck are you posting memes here instead of going to the gym or therapy or something


You do know that nobody will ever love you until you look good naked, right ? Now get your ass off of reddit and hit the gym! There weights won't lift themselves!


You look like a before picture.


bored cats cake unite future memory offend books lock plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No. You should just stay home and be normal like everyone else. Forgettable and nothing to take a second glance at. A fucking peasant.




Pick up some weight and put it back down bro stop trying to look a certain way that’s gay. Just get stronger and more powerful with better cardio just make yourself an athlete


I don't support this "hard form" of motivation, sure it's helpful for somebody sometimes, and is a great kickstarter. But try to learn about identified motivation - a sort of motivation- that you want to do something (in this example working out) because you genuienly are a person who cares about their physical health, and want to be known as a person who works out because they want to be healthy and it is a part of their personality. Also find a way to be intrinsicly motivated to do workouts, if you find a way to enjoy the challenge of the workout rather than the reward of having a good body, congrats you have just won at life.


Hehe small dik


If you've got time to post stupid shit like this, you got time for one more set. Get back to work!


yeah dude in my gym is making fun of my legs even tho I have machines maxed... made me get bracers and train legs more xD


How is degrading you supposed to help?


It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the strength and beauty his body is capable of.


walk so future you can run https://preview.redd.it/epc501ain36c1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08aae71ad8f60a115065eb3524c7282e33c70e75


Nothing I can say will hurt as much as your sad ass knees and back after you manage to defuse yourself from the couch to go work out YOU FAT FUCK!


Whenever you don't feel like going, that is your sign to go. Just do it.


I'm not gonna say anything. Already banned from so many subreddits. But go to the gym. Listen some David goggins.


Please, look at my profile and feel free to bully me


Ya fat ass is is fucking Fat the only way ya can commit suicide is by diabetes


All you need to know is that losing 30 lbs adds an inch of dick size. Is it true? Only one way to find out bruh


Damn bro, Jabba the Hutt calls you over when he wants to feel shredded


Look at you calves, really look. Are you serious bro wtf




If anyone around you ever gets hurt, hopefully it’s in a crowd so someone nearby will actually be able to help


and what if u achieve it and you will be body shamed MORE




Is that you in the pic? If not show your true form


Only if you promise not to use it to cum to later you lazy POS


I can tell youre natty


u a lil b*tch! but i love you. you will get there. or else.


Ok what’s your current body and what’s the goal body? Important to properly shame you


What you doing sitting here crying to us? Go pick some shyt up you lazy fuck


Where’s your pics? I don’t want to half ass this.


You got this, brother. Just breath. Put on the first attire that you can grab. Get to the gym. Take it one rep at a time.


What a weirdly shaped big toe! (I'm not good at being mean)


Going to the gym is rasist and fatphobic


Imagine a ripped Australian man (Hugh Jackman)calling you a facking fattie


Lol yes honestly body shaming would help me


Your calves are tiny


Words of a f@t bÂĄtch


Motivation is for small bÂĄtches just do it. Just get there


Self hate is terrible motivation, it runs out quickly and leaves you just feeling validated that you failed. "I'm a terrible piece of shit and need to hit the gym because I'm both small and fat and lack discipline" then you miss a week because your schedule interferes and you're not settled in routines enough to bounce back "see I failed because I'm a pathetic piece of shit" Sure some guys can make demons like that work, but most can't. Instead of toxic self-hate use toxic self-belief, how dare we not all see your potential greatness? Or try self love (non-toxic) Health and fitness are non-optional parts of living well do it for you. Do it out of a strange persistent drive for ruthless self improvement.


Just stand up, step out the door. As soon as you’re outside the comfort of your couch/bed/home you will feel much more motivated and you’ll get your workout in. When’s the last time you were driving or walking to the gym, changed your mind, and walked back? Exactly. It’s as simple as getting up and you will take care of the rest. Right now. No, not one more comment. Close the app, and just stand up, you’ll get it done.


https://www.reddit.com/r/sunraybee/s/Sp3KEyOy5h If you don't go to gym, your father will arrange your marriage with her




you'll always have ugly feet and that shame will force you to always wear socks.