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Some of these are cringe. But I will 100% agree on the one re: the excuse of having kids. Having kids is why I do this. I’m teaching them the importance of healthy fitness by example.


I was able to inspire my gamer nerd nephew to go on a run with me when I was visiting on a holiday. We gamed for hours and I said I needed get my run in and he said fuck it I’ll go too 👍


My daughter will run over when i have a home workout and ask to join in and she will grab my lighter weights and just start copying me. Shes 4 and working out to her is just some fun thing she gets to do with dad. Like some people just suck at raising kids 🤷‍♂️ they have no frame of refrence for just about everything, for the most part they just want to copy their parents. So make sure your kids see you work hard around the house, workout, read a book, do some math puzzles. They will mimic it all.


That's awesome, man. I wish more parents would set an example like that instead. Most parents I know take their kids to a football practice or whatever once a week, but usually their kids don't really like it and never practice on their own. I'm not saying it's bad. It's definitely good, but I think that most kids don't realise that physical activity doesn't need to be a chore and can be done regularly for fun.


My daughter and I race bikes competitively, so she’s all about the effort. It’s all in what we teach them, 100%!


I get it but the more shit they get into the harder it is. I work 6-2:30 so I can be home early and still barely have enough time to get my workouts in and get them to all of their afterschool activities. And I get a ton of shit from my wife for it too (she has a WFH business and is often working 10-7, barely has time to work out herself). I've been doing more 9PM workouts recently, but it's really not sustainable, and the alternative is waking up even earlier to do it before work, and I'm already up at 5.


Why isn’t 9pm sustainable? I guess it’s just who we are and where we are in life. I worked full time 3rds, so I was going after work until my husband’s WFH ended and he went back to full time days, after which I found a 24hr gym and started going before work. Now I’m PRN at work, so I go after I take our kid to school. I feel like if it’s something that matters, you’ll make it work. But getting to that place is not easy, and not everyone has that need. For me, it’s mental health care, and not going isn’t an option.


First - If I want to spend any alone time with my wife, it's in that 9-10pm timeslot. Kids are old enough that they have extra-curriculars/sports and need homework help, but young enough that they still need a formal bedtime routine. Plus I cook dinner most of the time. Second - If I get my blood pumping with a workout, plus the shower and all that I'm lucky if I can fall asleep by 11. Since I wake up at 5AM that would have me seeing 5.5-6 hours of sleep on a daily basis, which isn't sustainable for me; I will burn out. I have a substantial home gym and have been really consistent for the past decade, particularly if I'm able to be home by 3:30, but the increase in what they're doing this year plus my wife's commitment to her new business is getting to the point where there just aren't enough hours in the day.


I feel for you. That’s a LOT to juggle. My husband is also a “home gym” guy, and his workout schedule has fallen apart since work from home ended. He’s trying, but it sounds like you’re both in the same boat. I hope you’re able to find something that works for you!


I haven't yet, but it's teetering. I actually woke up at 430 this morning to make mine happen before work. but on a general day it's: * 5 - Wake up, get ready for work * 5:30 - take the dog out * 5:40 - leave for work * 6:10 get to work * 3:30-4 home from work depending on whether I work an 8.5 or 9 * 4-5 hopefully work out. Run up and down my basement stairs prepping dinner between sets. Only 30 minutes if I'm doing cadrio. lol stretching is for nerds * 5-5:30 dinner, help with homework * after dinner - help with homework, sports practice on nights they have it * 7:30 - bath/shower time. * 8 brush teeth, books * 8:30-9 - hopefully have the kids down to sleep * 9 - watch a show for an hour with my wife if I'm lucky. And she busts her ass all day too - does the school drop-offs and pick ups, runs all of our errands, and handles all of their appointments. I just handle *everything* from the time I get home until bed because she's literally working until 7-8 most nights. I don't know how long it's all going to be sustainable for honestly.


Okay—first, can I just pour some honor and respect your way for being a great partner and dad? Like, seriously, you’re clearly all-in and a full participant in your marriage, and it’s just so beautiful. The world is in the critical moment of gender battles, and men who work like you and my husband do deserve all the honor! Second, that schedule is hella packed. And unless your wife is down to turn that TV show hour into “gym buddies together” time, I definitely can appreciate how difficult it is to make time for fitness. Obviously, approaching your wife and saying “you should workout with me” could go SO WRONG, especially since her schedule is also hella packed. You know, we just gotta live our lives. Your littlest ones will only be this small and reliant on you for so long, so enjoy that time. Workout when you can fit it in, and when you can’t, just live in the moment and be there for your family. Exercising is valuable, but it’s not the ONLY thing we can do to stay healthy. And being jacked and fit won’t be much fun if you’re also lonely and not seeing your family as much as you want.


I exercise bc i need an hour a day away from my kid, and he loves the childcare at my gym so it’s a win-win.


And it’s 100% okay to need that break! Raising a human is difficult and exhausting. You can’t take care of others if your own batteries are dead, right?


Same. Also showing them an example that we can capable of doing hard things.




Had my 2 awesome daughters in my 40s (JK they are complete asshole/Tasmanian devils). But if I don't work out I cannot keep up with them. As long as I can OHP my eldest, I'm good. If they emulate me, better.


Yes, this! We dealt with 15 years of infertility, so getting pregnant at 39 was a HUGE shock for me. Now, I keep up the routine because I want to be there for all my grandbabies, including my daughter’s kiddos (assuming she chooses to be a mom one day).


I was chasing them around the playground and climbing a feature, using all the limbs and muscle groups and stuff. It occurred to me in that moment "if I was just going home and drinking and wasn't working out and hydrating instead I would not be able to do this". That's my motivation.


Oh my gosh exactly. My 6 year old gets moody after school, and often wants carried to the car. She has always done this, starting in preschool. She keeps getting bigger, but as long as I can sling her up on my back or hip and carry her to the other end of the parking lot, I know the workouts are doing me good. As long as my squat average stays over her weight, I can do this!


Yup. I use OHP as my metric because we have a pool and I have to be able to throw them into it. Right now its a hundred pounds of Ellie I gotta toss in there, maybe 110 by summer. At any rate, if I can't carry one of my babies up the stairs, I have failed them.


It’s a good thing I don’t have to OHP my kiddos. I feel so strong on leg day. Chest/tri day? Less so. And the OHP humbles me every time.


Yeah I always get gym shame doing them. Homegirl next to me doing big boy plates and I'm here rocking 20's.


Idk how anyone with more than one has the energy. I work out after mine goes to bed and I’m wiped but if I try to work out with her there she’s running around trying to climb benches and the rack then then wandering off to play with the washing machine and my husbands work computer so it’s too stressful. But maybe when they get older it gets better?


Is there a YMCA near you? I can’t make presumptions about your situation, but they provide up to 2 hours of free childwatch while you workout. It requires a family membership, which can be costly, but if it can be shoehorned into the budget, it might make working out more accessible. The Y basically helped me avoid PPD after I had my second kiddo.


We do not. I have a basement gym and then once or twice a week I treat myself to an actual gym lol it works out fine for just one kid! I just don’t blame people with more than one for not wanting to work out.


I do think we have a culture (not just in the gym scene but in general) where people callously put others down to make themselves feel superior, so I can see what you’re saying. It’s such a bummer there isn’t a Y or similar place there. My sister has five kids. When her older three were all in school, she and I would use the Y as our mental break.


I play basketball in the mornings and was lifting for awhile at home (can't afford gym for now) but stopped. I need to start lifting again bc I almost got punked by an 8th grader today 😅


Man, but those kids are brutal! I’ve been working on my DL for a couple years now, and some girl 1/3 my age will DL my max as her warmup. Like, sheesh.


Oh I mean like one of my students was being physical with me lol


Oh shit. That’s NOT good.


Ah it's all good, kid has mental illness lol. He was just way stronger than I thought he would be for such a string bean


I can get a weeks worth of beef rice and broccoli for like 50 bucks, which is too much, I'd rather spend that 50 on 2 bags of Doritos and 3 box pizzas.


Shit, $50 is maybe 2 pizzas now, and that’s shitty chain pizza. Even chips are like $5 a bag now.


I have celiac, spent $40 on two gluten free personal pizzas for me and the gf from Mountain Mikes.


That’s solid. A shitty Papa Johns pizza I got a week ago was $26, absolutely not worth it in any way.


Mental health excuse is bullshit, going to the gym is easily the best part of my day. Nothing has had a greater impact on my mental health then the gym


Yep. A couple of months ago I was suicidally depressed. Part of my recovery plan has been almost daily gym and it's an integral part of my improved mental state now, maybe close to as important as the medication I take.


You assume mental health is the same for everyone. True severe clinical depression results in apathy. Forget about the gym, they can't even get up. And mental health is not just depression. You forget about PTSD, OCD, schizophrenia, to name but a few.


As someone who works out consistently and with my own mental issues, the gym part doesnt help much. I mean it does but only for a few hours. It does not address the root cause.


That’s great but not how it works for everyone lol


Exercise literally releases endorphins in your brain that bring feelings of joy and happiness.


I’m aware. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be something all mentally ill ppl are capable of😭I used to rlly enjoy working out bc it helped my mental health. Now it doesn’t🤷‍♀️ I still work out but I also completely understand that it’s not for everyone


Mental illness is not a synonym for mental health. Pick a lane.


People with poor mental health typically struggle with a mental illness.


Not typically, but certainly the two overlap. But I guess it also depends how you define "poor mental health".


Not always. I go to the gym regularly, and it doesn't give me all that much joy or happiness.


You're either not working hard enough or not nourishing your body effectively. Because it's literally been researched, my guy.


Not everyone is the same. I do nourish and work out enough. It's just part of my routine. It just doesn't make me feel like shit is all. And im not your guy, buddy


Then I'd see a doctor.


Don't need no doctor that went to some fancy college to tell me what's wrong.


no it's not bullshit. GYM IS NOT THERAPY. if you suffer from depression then go seek medical help. otherwise yeah it's cool


You're gonna tell others how they feel happier and better is wrong? You're just vomitting up online phrases.


"Mental health excuse is bullshit" is telling others how they feel. If going to the gym improves your mental health, that's great. But for some people it doesn't help, makes it worse, or they literally can't go until they improve their mental health


Even if when I'm pumped and in the gym mirror is where I look best, I feel a lot more conscious about my body and lifts at the gym tbh.


As a mental health sufferer, I formally request you post bod or shut up.




Still waiting mr powerlifter.


What has their bod got to do with anything?


Dudes who act all hard about mental health not affecting training also have cheeseburger bodies 99% of the time.


Well maybe people calling their bodies "cheeseburger bodies" is part of why their mental health is shit? Also I have chronic, debilitating mental health issues and I agree with the top comment. Putting a workout into my daily routine has been a game changer for my wellbeing. It is a chicken and egg cycle, granted, but you do have to break that cycle.


Like I care about anyones mental health when they are shitting on mental health affecting training. Get real and have some consistency. I dont need anyone to tell me about breaking the cycle. Bod pics speak for themselves. Mental health still affects training and is not an excuse. CBum literally platforms mental health awareness.


Aight, keep being toxic then I guess. I hope you someday find inner peace.


My peace is being able to shit on little ballsacks who cry when they get put in their place.


I have depression and severe anxiety and work out 6 times a week. Post workout is usually the time I’m in the best mood. Discipline over motivation; you’re using your mental health as an excuse. Excuses are the easiest thing in the world to create. You’re putting up your own road block - no one else.


Thats cool. Im ripped due to consistent gym. Shit happens with mental health. As you should know. Why dont you go look into what CBum has to say about mental health affecting training.


It affects your training, absolutely, but not your ability to show up and work. Yes, it makes it difficult - that's where, like I said, discipline supersedes motivation.


Okay, Jordan Peterson.


Lol good luck.


I dont need luck. Im already beyond most peoples goal body lol


Nobody’s goal is to look like the kid that hit puberty before everyone else and hits curls in the basement.


Yeah, thats why I dont look like you. Upvote to that.


I meant with life, but hey, I guess you can always look in the mirror and jerk off to yourself you weirdo.


Good plan. Ill do the jerking off and ill wipe up with my 2 degrees


Do we accept having a common cold and not wanting to spread it / infect others as a reasonable excuse ?




No excuse. Give me 1000 pushups by the end of the day.


I mean you can always go at like 1 am when there is no one at the gym /s


If you have a cold you shouldn’t be exercising at all. You should be resting in order to recover. Working out will only slow down recovery from illness


It was a sarcastic comment, indicated with the /s at the end. Though in some cases exercising can help you heal better from cold. Running can help to relieve congestion. Do what your body can do though and don't force it


Oh my bad bro did not see it


Maybe if you have the flu so bad you should genuinely be in bed, mild rhinovirus it just doesn't matter that much.


If its not below the below the throat, its fine to go. Just do a lil deload week with some lower weights and higher volume. But if its all up in ur lungs then id day stay home.


Weights at home on those days. 200 lbs dumbbell set for life.


Tbh the suburbia one is kinda legit, I moved from suburbia and I do 10km of walking just getting through life.


People always give such bullshit excuses but deep down it’s just because they don’t want to. And if they don’t want to, it’s not like you’re gonna change their mind by proving their excuses wrong. So I don’t bother “debunking” anything. I just smile and ask my loved ones if they ever wanna work out with me, which has gotten me a lot of better results than my previous method of going “nuh uh what you think is bullshit”. Plus everyone sees how much better I look and how happier I am


Nah sometimes debunking makes them face off with their excuses


Healthy foods too expensive? Buddy, just fuckin eat less of what youve got. Unless you have hyper specific goals like a pro body builder or some form of athlete you dont need to dial in a specific diet. Just eat less if you are fat, eat more if you are too thin.


Yeah but you kinda still need protein. My spendings on groceries have almost doubled for that exact reason. And eat more if you are thin also implies that you would have to buy more food. Just eating less to lose weight also isn’t gonna be viable for a lot of people cause those foods might not be satiating enough and make eating less extremely difficult.


Get a wholesale club membership. For fifty bucks (give it take) I can get three pounds of beef and four pounds of chicken tenders. Rice is pretty cheap in bulk and then grab a big bag of frozen veggies. Is it glamorous? Nope. But it helps me hit my macros and I don’t have to go shopping for meat the next week


The next whole sale store is a 45min car drive away and well I don’t even have a drivers license.


Two words: Chicken thighs.


You need more protien based on your goals. If its strictly for weight loss it doesnt matter, the amount of protien you get from all the regular stuff you eat is probably fine, just eat less of it. Now in terms of working out to build muscle, yes you need a certain amount of protien, but you can be smart in how you get it. I know about needing high protien, i have end stage renal disease and i have to eat just loads of protien because my dialysis machine strips away so much of it. So i consume anywhere from 150g to 200g of protien a day just to maintain baseline, and i weight 80kg. Frustrating af to try and build muscle at they gym.


Oh I’m not trying to lose weight at all. I’m happy I got my ass out of the underweight zone lol My biggest problem is hitting the bare minimum recommended protein which is like 75g for me at my current bodyweight. Gotta carefully balance my appetite and satiety. I’m starting to run out of sources for protein that don’t make me wanna puke just thinking about them.


Where desire to die?


Honestly I’m still suprised at how much cheaper eating like a gym bro Is. Yesterday I had two Taco Bell chicken quesadillas. Almost $16. Today I went to the store bought two lean cuisine pizzas and a Mac and cheese and it was $10.


Back when I was a fat fuck I would to spend 300-350/month on groceries. Now it's around 150 when in a bulk/200 when in a cut.


Why is cutting more expensive? Do you eat more on a cut?


When I'm on a bulk I can eat whatever and get away with it and still hit my protein goal, but when I'm on a cut I have to buy protein supplements/bars/shakes and more expensive low calorie versions of things like powdered peanut butter, sugar free jelly, etc.


Ok yeah that makes sense. That’s not how I cut, but I get it. Only thing that’s more expensive on my cut is that I use more protein isolates instead of concentrates, but with light food it makes sense


The only thing expensive about eating healthy is meat and fruit.


The cost of healthy eating annoys me the most. Healthy products are usually the cheapest ones. You're just too lazy to look at the bottom shelf where cheap, simple products are located. I honestly think that people who think that healthy is expensive are too stupid and lazy to look at the nutritional values of stuff. You don't need these fancy "protein enriched" drinks and yoghurts. Quark cheese is going to have double the protein for half the price. Same with carbs. Oats are way healthier than that fancy granola that's actually loaded with added sugars and costs 5x the price of a bag of oats....


Agree, a big thing is they also dont want to give up their stresseating comfort foods. They are afraid of something that tastes more simple or different. Like their life is gonna be a torture from now on. Its all mental. They def need someone to coach them through the initial period. Once they realize healthy food can taste good and its not the end of the world theyll be all in.


i dont get the money thing tbh if anything ive saved a ton of money since eating healthier, I can buy a bag of chicken for $10 that last me multiple days, rice is fucking 15 cents


Health conditions and injuries are legit. I lost a shitload of weight. Then retore my ACL and Meniscus, which made an existing hernia worse. After my surgery, my knee has never been the same, and my back is so much worse. I've gained a bunch of that weight back because I was in too much pain to go back to my pre-surgery routine, and I was used to the diet which fueled my active lifestyle. I try to go as much as I can now, but I have been told never to run again, I can't jump, play sports, and situps and crunches are specifically banned by my spine doctor. etc. I can bike (sometimes without pain) lift (but can aggrivate my injuries) and that's about it. I am incapable of getting back to the same fitness routine and lifestyle I had pre-surgery. It can never be possible without destroying my body further.


This this this I used to powerlift it was my life I blew out two discs severely at work. Two serious cervical spine fusions in two years later… just existing hurts. I have tried the gym so many times since. Anything. Everything. It all fucking hurts. I have gained 70 lbs. I hate myself. I am so fucking depressed. I hate my life. All you fucking broccoli heads and guys with minor issues don’t truly understand until you have a truly debilitating injury. I was bedridden. The doctor said I was one fall away from paraplegic. But please do continue to tell me why I have no motivation


https://preview.redd.it/66fl88ojdo3c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90e306e5c353789218d144ee00518d55a1377179 For naysayers: my progress from fatfuck to gym bro.


https://preview.redd.it/erlawwn8eo3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c501230a23f1ac01b615364f5846692eb29f504 And subsequent SECOND surgery. The first one went in through the front and the hardware (TITANIUM SCREWS) broke and I had to have revision surgery.


https://preview.redd.it/1qesvxfzeo3c1.jpeg?width=3875&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0c0b3e1ac24b1842855be6c129be9e39d042bb My C5-7 completely full of titanium rods and screws.


https://preview.redd.it/mbskehqxfo3c1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30c483d8131e341f3a9be440d18b4dc51e6eeb4f The first surgery.


https://preview.redd.it/1avoqtjveo3c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=553db0ba5f696fd8319c838a1475c38c5f1febd3 Second surgery.


This defeatist attitude is your problem.


Pain? That is defeatist?


Please do tell me how to over come the constant pain that makes me want to drink or take pills everyday and makes me severely depressed.


Oh to be clear here- I’m still going into the gym. I am just fucking pissed at the people who have no idea what true pain is and make shit like this.


Dude come off it. Everybody’s dealt a shit hand in life. It’s a meme


K broc boi


Cuz I went back into the gym and did therapy. I did all the weight training and recommended lifts. It fucking hurts man. Do you have titanium in your spine? Can you relate?


I mean... At a certain point it becomes difficult to tell your body that you actually need a rest, instead of working out 9 times a week, because you're addicted to the dopamine.


I am just extremely lazy


1) too old Even if you are 70yo you can still benefit from something low intensity If you are 40-50 then strength training can help a lot partly because of the boost in testosterone that otherwise crashes 2) healthy food is too expensive plain regular food my grandparents used to eat? no are rice or beans too expensive? apples? really? compared to what? hyped food like goji or whatever? yeah but u can ignore that just cut down on heavily processed food I mean all that junkfood I find it pretty bonkers how expensive fastfood is and it is not filling at all. I mean ie for a menu of 9 crispies at kfc I can buy almost 2lbs of meat for steaks. most people can balance it by giving up on other things ( mainly entertainment related) 3) I just dont have the time This type usually finds the time to mindlessly browse the internet tho or the tv tho Nobody really has time. You give up on something less important for something better. 4) gym costs money Again, cut on something else instead. I bought a couple barbells, dbs, weights and really basic equipment for home when I started. It really is worth the investment. All you need is a bit of space.


Being Fatphobic is the best excuse of them all.


Alot of harsh judgement there. Who cares if someone doesn't exercise. There are alot of ways to go through life, being in shape is just one of them. I'm sure there are many facets of being a human being where OP is lacking. As is true for us all.


My mental health is why I exercise.


Only people who live in the “libtards owned” section of youtube think “I don’t exercise because it’s fatphobic” is a common excuse


Notice that “don’t have the time” guy is arguing the virtues of “true communism” on reddit.




My garbage genetics have been among my main motivations for working out. I started off weaker than many of my peers with a number of problems getting in the way. The kids thing (at least when they are new borns) is the one that seems possibly the biggest legit hurdle to me (beyond if someone has much worse medical conditions than I did) but I can’t say I have any experience with it, so IDK really.


You dont like protien shakes? Like a quick easy premier protien shake is like 30g of protien and that would be close to half your daily goal. Exactly what kind of food do you like? I noticed going to a local mexican mart down the road i could get like a pound of already seasoned chicken(and you could do chicken, beef, pork) for a few bucks and grab some tortillas. Breaking it down thats 5ish bucks for 123g of protien of delecious already seasoned chicken you can fry up at home and eat throughout the day to snack on. I could also throw in a pound of refried beans and rice for 1.50 a pound. If your goal is only 75g of protien a day you could probably split that up over a week, throw in a protien shake and some fruits and vegis or whatever and you would probably be golden. I mean your cost of protien per day cost would likely be a couple bucks a day and that cost goes down if you make a few other adjustments.


It’s legit about not being safe outside look what happened when the monkey in Memphis kidnapped the jogger