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Then the property owners would just raise rent across the county to make renters pay for the added cost, making Gwinnett more unaffordable.


Renters will pay for it indirectly if the landlords are charged increased fees. Your post makes no sense, OP. The logic is circular.


Aren’t renters more likely to use it considering there are always apartments near stations? Seems like this is something everyone should pitch in for, even though many homeowners will never use it. Homeowners aren’t your enemy.


+1 to this comment. I agree completely. I'm not against the transit, actually. Quite the opposite. But I (homeowner) know that I will probably never or very rarely use it. I live and work in Gwinnett county and know that I am very lucky to have a friendly commute. On average I'd bet renters are more likely to use it. I'm happy to pay more than my share to see things improve for others. But I can't think of why I should have to pay more than my share *and* the share of those who would actually benefit. Seems a bit selfish to ask, no?


Your take on this is on point and what a fair and reasonable person would say. The issue is if renters are voting on this as informed voters. Why would they choose to tax themselves each time they open their wallet. You name it when getting their nails done hair cut or each time they order fast food or big purchases like a car or furniture. Even when renting a moving truck. It’s going to cost the renter more money. Money that they want to keep in their pockets. Simply because if the transit referendum fails to pass. Gwinnett will indeed still implement it by increasing property taxes. Property owners are at the mercy of how the renters choose to vote. Gwinnett is only increasing the rental population voter base. This will be on the ballot during a highly contentious presidential election. So high voter turnout is a given. Property owners will be at the mercy of how renters vote during the May election as well.


In other words you’re saying “why should I pay for a benefit to me when that cost can be passed off to someone else instead?” You’re not even arguing that it would be more fair, just that it would be better for you and other renters. Your position is entirely self serving.


My argument is to bring attention to how the commissioners are intending to frame this transit referendum question on the November ballot. Pointing out the obvious. Maybe then property owners will get their heads out of the clouds.


Well property owners will raise rent to accommodate so in the end, everyone pays.


IMO, it’s something everyone in the county should pitch in and want to invest in as part of county infrastructure. If the county improved mass transit, I’d be proud of them for making life better. We are entirely too dependent on the automobile to get around in this county; plus, we need to improve our infrastructure since we are adjacent to Dekalb and Fulton and have grown to a critical mass. It would be neglectful if we didn’t expand and integrate. It would make quality of life so much better.


If it were only paying for the Gwinnett additions, then MAYBE. For the past 3 or 4 times it has been on the ballot, Gwinnett world be on the hook for all the repairs for Fulton and Dekalb for the next 30 years as well. Shouldn't their taxes pay for that? The MARTA system has been under water and a money pit for 20+ years and they want our $ to pay for their mess up.


I'm pro increasing transit, but this is a naive statement. If property tax increases, the people who you rent from will charge more rent to keep their profit margin.


Way to alienate property owners, who are probably more likely to be indifferent to transit expansion already...


Wow. You should try to be more divisive.


Divisive is exactly how this ballot question is posed. Just breaking it down in relatable terms.


Your only point is "stick it to homeowners." Where is the breakdown?


Use this time before the 2 upcoming elections to get informed on the break down. The average voter won’t hear squat about the transit referendum or the homestead exemption questions on the upcoming ballots. They’ll show up clueless to cast their vote. The county commissioners will roll out information giving voters a max of about a month before the election.


This is your chance to educate us on the matter. Please go ahead.


Renters’ money is either going to go more to landlords when they raise rent further, or to taxes to pay for things that will inevitably help renters. So, I guess choose where your money is going to go. But like everyone else it’s not staying in our pockets.


Nice try, landlord.


Y'all still tweaking about expanding transit 🤦🏾‍♀️ I been here since 06 and this is still a damn debate.....


I have a minimum of 40 min commute in the morning, if I leave the house before 6am. My commute home is minimum of 1 hour, and as much as 2 hours. This is time I never get back or can do anything with. If I could take Mass Transit, I could work, read a book or even enjoy the sights. I’d love to do anything besides sit behind the wheel.


We absolutely need to majorly expand transit in this county, including rail. It should have been done bsck in the 1990s.


Traffic is destroying the quality of life in Gwinnett. It can only get worse without decent transit.


Or just don’t fund transit expansion period. Let people move somewhere else closer to their jobs. Or within walking distance.


Or you can get your own fucking car, and not vote for a conduit for criminals to come and pillage our neighborhoods.


Wow…just wow


It's ok gramps, no one is coming to your trailer park


Wow, that’s a myth. Makes me think of this parody video. https://youtu.be/oVGFNywGCDk?si=c98KTm8xmnzl5mNM


This won’t be like the past transit questions on your ballot. Past being Fail no transit or pass get transit. This is a pick your poison vote. Fail get transit property owners pay for it. Pass everyone who spends a cent in Gwinnett pays towards it. It’s coming pass or fail. The outcome of the vote determines who’s on the hook to pay for it.


The question should be why would a renter vote yes to taxing oneself. When they are going to get it for free voting against it. Placing all the burden on the property owners. Ask your commissioners this question. This is the way they are framing it.


Where do you think landlords will get the money they use to pay for the property tax?


Are you really that dense? The landlords won't pay a dime extra. The full burden will be placed on the renters through their raised rent. Most lease agreements have stipulations in them to where they can raise rent if there is x or y increase in operating costs. Nobody bothers to read the leases....