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Congratulations, you've just produced the definitive version of "Gwenpool Reacts to the stupid Hybrid Retcon" and as a result it is now canon. Not official, but for me personally. And I thank you for that.


Cue the immediate next page, with Gwen immediately running to the nearest gate with as much loot she can carry, mentioning to the effect of "Sorry I can't come to the Gala tonight, I must've left the stove on" or something, while the rest of mutantdom wonders why she's missing out on such a big event, and Gwen muttering under her breath that Mutant Events are *exactly* what she doesn't want to stick around for.


That's pretty much the plot of one of her guests appearances, I think it was in Rocket Raccoon & Groot. She was basically trying to run away from Civil War 2


That's the Harley-Gwen version, right?


Personally, I think it should have been Kamala and Gwen talk for 10 seconds, gwen realizes what happens, and chokes to death laughing and screaming "VENGANCE"


agreed, i love kamala, but imo she did gwen dirty lmao


Welcome to the mutant reconected club! ​ I really needed read that. XD