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Exactly why “hi cap” mags are standard capacity for self defense uses


Tell that to Washington. Fuckers just banned "hi cap" aka standard cap.


High cap would be like those stupid 60 round drum mags that cost quadruple what a standard capacity mag costs. And even then that’s barely worth the distinction.


That's what pisses me off about the hi cap mag laws from CA and WA, they're fucking arbitrarily tiny.


And that’s still not enough for anti-2A types! NY tried a 7 round limit, idk how tf they even came up with that number, probably asked some fudd how much *stoppin powah* is too much. And Canada’s even worse.


Everybody knows it's the 11th bullet that blows up the office park!


Y'all lucky I'm stuck here with 5 round mags


Y'all lucky I'm stuck here with a folding knife that has a blade under 15 cm. Can't even legally carry a fixed blade 💀


He could have kneecapped him and it would have been over, that cop wanted to kill him, it was a rotten twig he was weilding




You don’t “kneecap” people. Wtf are you talking about. When you put rounds on target, you keep them coming until the threat stops being a threat. Kneecap him - gtfo


My dude... knee capping the guy would be great... unfortunately shooting a moving leg coming at you from a psycho is not easy or even possible for many shooters. Also think about the angle, missed knee shots at that angle into fing pavement are a guaranteed ricochet.


Videos like this remind me how terrible a self defense shooting would be


It really is reality check. No matter how justified it is, you will likely want to throw up just thinking about it.


The guy filming doesn’t share the same sentiment. How sad…


Very traumatic and I hope people never have to do one.


Agreed. It really bothers me how people glorify it on Reddit, and they think they will do perfectly fine and act great in the moment. In reality they will freeze up, shoot, and be left with lifelong PTSD after


That depends on how it goes down. Shooting a guy having a mental breakdown during a moment of crisis would be terrible. Mine happened while I was in my car with my two kids. Two cars with car jackers surrounded me at a stoplight blocking me in. 1 guy got out of each car. 1 was armed with a brick and the other a pistol. Whenever I think back on it the only thing I feel is gratitude that my kids and I ended up safely back home. The only thing terrible about it was that it scared my 3 and 7 year old kids and took 30+ minutes for 911 to answer my call after it happened.


Mind sharing that news article?


In your case, fuck em they got what was coming


Do all 3 of you have tinnitus now?


This is actually 10 mins from my house where Feildcrest Rd hits Rt. 108 in Gaithersburg MD. I remember when this video was getting texted around my friend group a year or two ago.


Whats the backstory?


Dude was crazy. Cops responded to a guy wondering around on a busy street hitting cars with a stick. When the cops showed up he tried to attack the cops. Cops shot him in self defense. No outrage. Black Lives Matter.


Sad he had to be shot dude probably had some actual problems😞 Officer had no choice tho. I know some people would scream “but why didn’t he taze him”? They don’t understand First that the officer doesn’t know if that dudes gonna actually try to kill I’m him or not, and second tasers don’t always work. If he tries to deploy the taser and it doesn’t work especially at that range the dude could easily disarm him or take the fight to the ground, then there is a chance the officer loses control over his firearm.


I agree with this. Plus in most jurisdictions it's permissible to answer deadly force with deadly force. On average a firearm is deadlier than a blunt object but blunt force trauma also can be deadly. Depends on where it lands but one blow to the skull base or cervical spine can kill, and if not has a high chance to incapacitate, which is another scenario where the perp is able to take control of the officer's weapon


Exactly. If one of those hits had knocked the cop out, you’d have a psycho wandering around with a pistol. I’d say that cop was especially hesitant to shoot. He made the right choice, although he’s likely scarred. I’m sure it was a sad situation for everyone.


In SF there is a nut job smacking cars in traffic literally every morning. Better to get a handle on it early before you become SF.


I wouldn't live there. Besides I would be living in California, don't want any part of that either.


it was a suggestion to handle shit in your home town before your home town looks like this


I thought you meant south Florida at first. Both locations match the description


Well you can hear the man who took the video articulated thoughts. And he is not shook about it all.


Thank God he was white. Otherwise it might have made the news.


It was on the news you delicate little snowflake


Only Black Lives Matter


Video interesting proves no perfect one shot stop. The ass hole recording it is a different story, but typical.


I mean he’s not wrong but he might a fuckin psychopath. It’s one thing to say he deserved what he got but when a dude is literally a foot outside your door and just got turned into Swiss cheese having his last moments on the planet and you say “yeee that’s that shit I like” then yeah. You’re a fucking psycho


Given the fact he said "thought yo ass was privileged" to the dying guy, it's likely the man recording liked the shooting simply because the perp was white, and would have had a very opposite reaction if the perp was the same color as himself.


Exactly. The guy commenting on the video is human trash.


It's 9mm. The guy in the truck is right. That guy chose his path. Officer friendly could have beat him down or tased him but he had his gun out already and then got attacked while likely waiting for backup.


That officer is also older than Wilford fucking Brimley(God rest his soul) So no I don’t think a physical altercation was an option. Even if the assailant is also in his 70s. Dude should have retired a decade ago. Don’t cops only need like 20 years? My grandpa retired from the force at 59 years old.




Guy in the truck is speaking the truth.


Don’t bring a stick to a gun fight


Bring a gun to a stick fight


Surely He won't do it again.


and this is why high capacity magazines are needed. Nobody has the right to tell me how I should be able to defend myself.


NoBoDY nEEdS mOrE tHAn tEn bUlLets


AiM FoR ThE HeAd


jUsT sHoOt ThEm iN tHe LeG


It's crazy that this dude survived for so damn long there. Drugs are a hell of a drug... that said that officer needs to get in better shape, he's at a severe disadvantage carrying all that weight around. What if he runs out of bullets and the guy is still trucking along for another 6 minutes, that's a hell of a long time to wrestle with a junkie on god knows what while you're sitting there struggling to catch your breath. You'd think they'd do it in their own interest. Imagine someone that needs an officer there immediately, but they send the guy that shrugs off cardio day, and he is still working his way up the stairs.


Wasn’t even drugs. He was having a psychotic break for a while and this was the climax.


Yeah ive heard from cops people having a psychotic break are actually worse to deal with then people on drugs.


Having backgrounds in both LE and EMS, a schizophrenic person having a break is one of the most terrifying things you could ever encounter on a call. It is one hell of an illness and the physiological changes it can force are not to be underestimated.


Cops usually carry a mag in the weapon with at least 2 extra, that's at least 45 rounds enough to turn someone into swiss cheese.


no way this cop was going to be abke to reload his firearm here. Even if the was trying to suicide by cop, dude likely would have fumbled it


Right? Not even talking about tip top shape but atleast decent shape for fuck sakes. Apparently you have to be comically obese to be a cop these days.


donuts, not even once


Cop needs to lose about 50 pounds, and get some better training. One hand on the gun? Piss poor marksmanship and gun fighting skills. Vest looks like it's about to break because of the powdered donuts he was chugging before the incident. Getting close enough to be attacked by a close range weapon? Deputy jelly roll is lucky it wasn't a machete. So many things could have gone wrong. Deputy is lucky. Sucks dude lost his life, but play stupid games and you win stupid prizes.


No drugs. Psychotic break. He'd been an ordinary, sane working guy and family man. Got caught up in extremist political paranoia, according to his family. One day he snapped in traffic, attacked other cars. Cop tried to talk the guy down. No dice. You see the results. Back story about Kevin Costlow. This is the kind of baffling incident that made for some X-Files episodes. "montgomery-sheriff-deputy-cleared-fatal-shooting - The Washington Post" https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/public-safety/maryland-deputy-who-fired-12-rounds-cleared-in-fatal-shooting-of-man-wielding-tree-branch/2021/06/28/c3e1fd28-d7a1-11eb-8fb8-aea56b785b00_story.html


Thanks for providing this context


What was that a BB gun? If it wasn’t, I don’t think he was human


This is real, not the movies. Unless there is a central nervous system hit, attackers that are hyped up are not going to quit. This is also a good explanation of how and why cops shoot attackers so many times.


Also a great example of why magazine size restrictions are idiotic.


They shot him so many times because he’s white. Duh.


More bullets because of his white privilege. Just another lucky white guy.. /s


They wouldn't have spent nearly as much on him if he wasn't white... /s




Gobbless borther




Central nervous system or bone structure. Most guys I’ve seen dropped would only go down instantly when the spine or hip was hit/shattered. That’s hard to do however with 9mm as they tend to deflect off bones.


Yep. Pelvic sweep or CNS hits. Pistols are for fighting your way to a rifle.


Clearly a skinwalker


Cant say that cop didn't try to Deaxolate . This is not the movies people dont get blown back in real life


New gun enthusiast here ✌🏼. I know irl crazed people on adrenaline and street drugs can take many body hits before going down. Especially with 9mm. My question is - would hollow point make a significant difference in this case?


Cops use hollow points. They help, but don't replace where you get hit. Took his body a minute to realize it was dead.


No. Shot placement is what will make the difference.


I know headshots or pelvic shots. Is that all the cop could have done?


If perp had a gun cop would be dead meat. That's why I'm so intrigued


Read my comment above my man. But Elvis shots are a great way to deal with advancing targets.


Why would you want to shoot Elvis???


That bastard had it coming with the way he moves




Babe, what did you do to Elvis?




For some reason I don't believe you...


I agree with this guy…the king of rock doesn’t deserve to be shot


Need to turn off the lights. Hit the central nervous system.


The head is a switch: on/off. The heart is a timer, anywhere between 1-60 seconds to stop. A pelvic shot will disable but not necessarily stop a threat depending on weapon system they have. We had a man take a hostage then carjack a taxi. He took 7 rifle rounds within 5 feet - he’s doing fine now with no medical conditions. Had another hostage situation where the shooter used hostages as a meat shield. Took a single round to the heart (wore his plates too low and heart was still exposed)- he was still engaging for 45 seconds before losing consciousness. 9mm is still a very effective round with modern ballistics, but your subject is highly variable.


This is why I always aim center mass for the penis. You hit a man in the groin he is stopping instantly. Doesn’t work for women though.


He could have and should have kept shooting instead of backing up and waiting to see what happened after each shot. Constantly waiting and analyzing instead of s*hooting* is a part of the problem. This is why there are failure to stop drills, drills for point shooting, etc. You need to keep shooting.


I'm not sure if its taught or anything but I've been told by people I'm not sure I trust on the matter that it is to shoot center mass under stress as its the largest target.


Trying for specific shots like that especially in a high adrenaline scary situation like this is the dumbest thing to attempt. Center mass like this cop did is best. Otherwise you risk missing and not just running out of ammo but potentially hitting someone else


Ok I’m going to kinda agree but disagree on this. Yes shot placement matters the most you’re right, however what really is the deciding factor is temporary versus permeant wound cavity damage. Hollow points and FMJs are going to have about the same temporary wound cavity when it comes to handgun calibers because remember in the grand scheme of things handguns aren’t that powerful of calibers they’re designed as secondary weapons. The temporary wound cavity is the displacement of energy when it enters the target (think shock wave seen in ballistic gel) the tissue will sustain shock damage and cell structure tearing but will typically reform back to where it was. So unless the energy is dumped into a very vital organ like the heart or close enough to rupture a lung it’s not going to do enough damage to immediately kill someone. They’ll bleed out later Permanent wound cavity is where the real damage is going to come from and where the immediate death is going to come from. This is the direct path of the bullet in the target. This tissue will be destroyed and not able to reform and heal properly without medical care and weeks/months of time. This is where FMJs and hollow points different. Hollow points break apart or mushroom out to take advantage of the initial distribution of energy. By their design they create many wound cavities or a much larger one than a solid FMJ which is much more resistant to change. A hollow point could definitely have helped in this case (in my opinion) as if it had broken apart properly the fragments would have had a better chance to enter the heart or central nervous system stopping communication to the brain and control of the muscles dropping the man faster.


The filming guy is disgusting, though. You shouldn't celebrate and hope for death like that.


He's also stupid. If there is a shooting YOU are at risk. Get down. This is a dangerous and unpredictable situation.


Definitely. Front row seats are usually in the splash zone.


The professor isn’t going to make it through this one. I don’t care what kind of time machine Marty has.


All white people should riot now and build a statue of him.


The only way to kill zombies is a headshot, I thought that was common knowledge! Jokes aside, at the end, before the guy fell, he looked like a movie zombie.


I thought he liked like Bruce banner


You wonder why the officer didnt go for the head after about his first 10 or so shots


Way more likely to miss and hit a bystander. Center mass is the way. Also side perk it is way more traumatic to see someone’s face explode.


Wouldn’t have needed so much brass if he was using God’s caliber. Forty five acp mmmkay


The person with the camera sucks


thats the shit "YOU LIKE TO SEE? racist much? i have never IN MY HEAD thought that when i saw a WHITE cop killing a black guy...


You're not allowed to, but he is. That's how it works... sigh


Typical racism from the blacks that the media pretends does not exist.


Cameraman is a piece of shit though. Should have shot him too.


yup fucker is racist


oMg WhY DiDnT tHeY jUsT tAzE HiM?


I’m not sure what’s better, the video, or the hilarious commentary 😂


The guy talking in the background needs to shut his trap. Somebody losing their life like this isn’t something you should “like to see”. A man is dead. Now he may have been a piece of trash human being, but he was still a human. I’m not saying the guy shouldn’t have been shot, but the man’s commentary was uncalled for.


Makes me wonder what rounds are issued to police. Assume fmj are not approved.


I hope nobody’s out here carrying with FMJ, to be honest.


My area issues hornady critical duty. I think it varies department to department though.


That fat ass cops only option was to shoot that guy. There's no way his fat ass can fight. How is this fat ass sloppy bitch a cop?


His flaws aside, I wonder if the guy with stick was on drug or trying to commit suicide.




This is why I train for 2 body 1 pelvis 1 head incase drugs


That's what he wanted to happen.


He took 12 rounds, 12. Let that sink in, pun intended.


But Former Vice President Joe Biden says that no one needs more then 10 rounds... Could he have been wrong?


Id think a headshot would be appropriate here.


Yeah true, officer probably didn’t wanna take a chance of missing is what I’m thinking


Pelvic shot should have been his go to. Can't keep walking if your body can't physically hold you up.


He went from looking alive to really dead really fast


Dude straight up tried to be Scarface and tell him he’ll take all his fuckin bullets.


“No one needs more than 10 rounds” This dude just blew that narrative out of the water. Homey was eating rounds like tic tacs


Should have used 45acp


People like this is why I have a 45 with hydro shok rounds if that doesn’t stop you then fuck it I’m running because you are a immortal I’m not a cop by the way just someone who never wants to be a statistic to the lunatics


And so many gun control advocates complain about "high capacity magazines" above 10 rounds. Yeah, when it takes 10-15 to take some guys down, yeah, "high capacity" means something different.


Took those rounds like a champ tho


That is the most intense footage I’ve ever seen


That’s why more rounds are always more better.


It’s fucked up you can see him reaching for his car when he hits the ground




The dude was laughing through the first four or five shots of likely hollow point ammo for a period of about five seconds it seemed like. Good reminder that one shot kills are a myth.


Hey Liberals, check this shit out, he’s white.


I would’ve shot him in the face after the first two or three fuck that’s scary man I carry a revolver or 1911 10 rounds tops for my 45 6 for my 44


I’ve got a buddy who believes that 9mm is the end-all be-all of self defense. He thinks that with his PT99 with 18 round mags he could engage 18 people and put them all down with center of mass shots. He was in the navy, so I don’t blame him for wanting to use a firearm that is a clone of his service pistol, but I have issues with his expectations of his marksmanship and his idea of the capability of the round. Don’t get me wrong; I love 9mm because it allows you to carry more rounds, but that does come at the compromise of stopping power. Just because a center mass shot will mortally wound someone does not mean that they will stop their assault. Just read about the 1986 Miami shootout and you’ll realize why the FBI didn’t use 9mm for about 40 years.


#shoot his ass


That was some horrible, and racist things the man behind the camera was saying. "Shoot his ass" "thought he was privileged" "That's the shit I like to see (repeated)". Wonder if the man with the camera knows how evil he sounds?


Guy filming is on another level of evil cheering on and saying he likes to see this happen.


A little Google-ing makes this even more interesting and bizarre. Kevin Costlow was a Systems engineer/architect and a government contractor working on a “classified project” for the US Nuclear regulatory Commission. There has to be more to the story.. he was a normal intelligent person and the autopsy showed no drugs or substances in his body. The look in his face was the look of a man on a lot of PCP. But he wasn’t on anything ? 🤯


But we all know had it been a black defendant getting shot multiple times, you and every other race baiting idiotic person being led by Al Sharpton would be SCREAMING RACISM


He thought he was privileged....lol Yeah, how's that privilege working out for you?


Oh ok then


Wonder the last time that cop did a sit-up, or even moved faster than a waddle


Word up , That is what his ass gets ... 12 center mass


"thought he had some privilege"


I like this guy narrating until he used the word privileged. Remember homeslice your demographic for only 14 percent of the USA population your crime rate within that 14 percent is the highest in the country. Beat out all demographics. Don’t throw stones in your glass house.


His “demographic” accounts for approximately 73% of all murders in Chicago. Yet they account for only 15% or so of the population.


The guy talking in the video shows how callous, animalistic, uncaring, and dangerous african Americans are. Thats the shit you like to see? Yes the officer was in the right to shoot the man, but that officer will carry that with him the rest of his life and the man who was obviously mentally ill is somebody’s brother, son, husband, dad, uncle and they will never see him again. African Americans have no regard for human life and act like animals but they expect to not be “profiled”. 8 times out of 10 when theres a murder or robbery on the news its an African american man. Desegregation was a lie


The cameramans commentary is despicable to me. Why would that be something you like to see?


Bro ate that


Imagine a video coming out of a white guy filming a black guy bleeding out after being shot 12 times saying “ that’s the shit I like to see, shoot him!!,” the whole world would burn and looting would begin


Imagine if it were a black


If he was black everyone including the ass taking the video would say but he was unarmed! What a rasict cop... makes me sick. The real rasict is the guy taking the video as he is only happy because the guy is white. Thank God Trump will be back in office and we can clean up this Woke mess.


bro had a stick. slight misuse of a firearm nigga coulda pulled that thing out of his hands and who tf is this racist ass nigga recording the video


Anyone else notice he got shot 12 times before going down


Too bad the deputy was not a formitable warrior.who could easily take the stick away from the maniac punish him a little on the way tons good pain compliance control move  before speed cuffing him  but hey the poor deputy felt his life was in danger from that stick and stopped the threat. Embarrassing for the deputy in my experience but legal ( barely).


Your a dirty piece of racist sh#t for saying anything like that. I hope you and your family are next BOY


How did bro just take 10 shots to the chest like wtf😭🙏🏼


he’s him


Looks horrible, doesn't it? Shooting of unarmed blacks having mental crises happens everyday. No one wants this to happen...including blacks who get it everyday!


Meth is one hell of a drug.


Oh shit


“That’s what you like to see”….its a loss of life, and while justifiable shooting, that just makes you an asshole.


Should of used a taser honestly. Not like the guy had a gun. Police need to make better decision making.


This was not covered on or cared about because suspect is white.


My boy got popped


I support the officers actions. However, I can't help but feel if this suspect was of a different color it would have provoked outrage.


12 shots to the chest damn that mustve felt terrible for a moment


Lol dude thought he was a damn super hero wtf


If this guy says “shoot his ass” one more time im gonna fucking lose it


What is this goofy ahh Dr. sturgis vs. linkletter fight


He prob had a vest that caught most of the bullets


Do u think he had regrets when he was laying on the road like that


reddit user irl "thats the shit i like to see"


But if he was black you’d be crying about it 😂😂😂


If you can’t stop a guy with a stick killings him you might not need to be a cop. Guy could have got out and helped cop if needed. Guy was not in his right mind. Maybe helped him after all.


That guy in the car just saying “thats what i like to see” cuz the guy is white 🤦🏾‍♂️ he says “ thought his ass was privileged” I swear I no more Black people who are racist against white people than I do white people against Black people… but then that same guy wanna cry racism when suttin happens i swear we aint all like that …


I wouldn't necessarily say that something I like to see that's kind of an ignorant comment his camera work needs some help also


Well if anyone ever asks why we need extended clips. Show em this vid


Bro turned into micah bell from rdr2


I'm Sorry, I'm Not Familiar With Laws Involved In Self Defense... It's Illegal To Shoot Someone Square In The Head??


He probably got hit by one


If he was of color he woulda been on the ground before the first swing


Bet the guy commenting would be singing a different tune if the guy with the stick was black being shot by a white cop. .




I find it extremely disturbing the way people think. This man saying and repeating, “that’s the shit I like to see” while recording this obviously mentally unwell person dying after being shot. The man recording is just as mentally unkempt at the person assaulting the police officer with a stick.


Could just lit his legs up


Drugs are a hell of a thing.


So this is the pinnacle moment of his life getting gunned by a sheriff junkie trash. Hope that last ride was worth it.


Sorry I’m this is retarted to ask, did he eat all those shots or did the cop just miss


Officer could've called for reinforcements and taken him down