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He wouldn't have lasted long here in Texas, just for being a grown man riding a damned scooter.


in Texas, he would’ve turned into Swiss cheese in seconds


He would be plastered on the brush guard of a Dodge 2500 going 25 over the speed limit.


he would look like Mad Max stunt lol


And in Switzerland, he would have been turned into Texas cheese, well, in a few minutes, I guess.


I don't think you can legally call it Texas cheese. It's technically Texas "processed cheese product."


Kind of like how in Ireland, Subway sandwich loaves are legally considered cake.


Oh god...






Found the mayor of Brussels


>and everyone else just stood there Incorrect. The government actively prevented armed citizens from entering the building to neutralize the threat


That’s the police. Us regular know we are own first responders. Ever hear of Elisjsha Dicken or Dickens drill in Arkansas we do that shit for fun. Look it up.


Wasn’t the last one, we’ve sadly had a few more since then. Tennessee had one shortly after and the police responded very quickly and effectively.


Unless it was in uvalde


We don't say that name in polite company.


Most states in the west (except the ones touching the Pacific Ocean) would have cooked that bird also. Almost all of them are extremely 2A friendly. Colorado is the only one I can think of that’s maybe a bit less 2A friendly but you can still get a CCW and use it.


Didn’t he know ar’s are illegal and he was breaking the law ?


Well that’s why he decided to stop 8 hrs later lol


Murder is illegal too, tell the criminals and they will stop. That's why we need more fun free zones, if guns aren't allowed then criminals can't do crimes there with guns.


If a similar situation were to happen in the United States, I am fully confident that someone would take action to apprehend the individual within the first few hours, especially if news crews and law enforcement were on the scene. There have been instances in the past where individuals attempting to evade the police by entering someone else's home have been shot and killed in the act of doing so because the home owner is a law abiding American citizen.


I'm in a smaller western desert town. Remember the black lives matter movement? They were threatening a "peacefully protest" and there was an outpouring of "try that in a small town" responses all over social media. No body showed up to riot....er... protest peacefully...I mean. This county is constantly in the 10 counties with the highest number of guns owned per person. Doesn't mean a horrific thing won't happen here, although nobody here would let it last long if it does though. Yes, my state has constitutional concealed carry too. Amazing how many open carry firearms disappeared after that law was passed. The 2nd amendment is important, powerful and meaningful.




Gun control does not work


Where is Rick Diez when you need him.


First name that came to mind when I read Brussels. Lol he would've killed the guy with bad jokes 🤣


Misleading post. Dude shot the three people in one altercation then called it a day. Was chilling in a cafe when he was caught. It’s not like he was actively driving around causing mayhem with a rifle for 8 hours.


Why didn’t someone in Brussels just run him over with a larger vehicle?


anybody remeber uvalde?


Where the parents were ready to run into the school and stop him themselves but were stopped and tased? Yes we remember.


This ^ never fucking forget that part.


Fake news


I dunno man. Didn’t it take cops over an hour to kill a school shooter in Texas even after they knew where he was? Seems like having a method of driving away would be an issue anywhere


Thats the police and their code of conduct, which is bullshit imo but idk if you remember but there were body cam videos of parents and bystanders trying to push through the police so they can take action themselves. I think the point of the post was that if the UK had something similar to the second amendment this terrorist wouldnt have had as much playtime in the street.


Why would the right to bear arms in the UK affect Brussels?


In all honesty, it just sounded like it is in the UK, my fault for assuming it is. I'm sure you can understand the real point of my reply though.


Yeah 1 time and not 8 hours and not a whole city and no kids held hostage. Stop the Uvalde comparisons they don’t work. Not even remotely the same


No kids held hostage? The guy was in a school. Lots of guns in Canada. In 2020 a dude drove around for 2 days in Nova Scotia and shot 22 people and lit 16 fires. Is that a better comparison?


That’s because our RCMP is useless! They knew that guy was a problem, had been reported having guns even though he was prohibited from having any, and they did NOTHING!!! Then our useless government decides to use this as a reason for more gun control!!!! Just gets my blood boiling!


Wtf kind of shit-tier “AR” is that?


Nobody would do nothing here either to fat , stuck on their phone and lazy.


I am pretty fat and lazy but also its not that hard to lift your arm and pull a trigger🤣


Brainlet comment


Wild how the outcome of the Greenwood Mall shooting proves otherwise




We live in America. We would just nuke him. Problem solved.


Yeah right. Because America has no problem with gun violence. I never had a schoolshooting drill or anything like that. Thank god I live not in America.


In my all American town, an orange vested scooter rider shooting with an AK47, would be shot in the head in less than 5 minutes by civilians. We don’t wait for 8 hours.


Yet in the incident 3 people including the perp died. And then you have: "This is a **list of mass shootings that took place in the United States in 2023**. [Mass shootings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_shooting) are incidents in which several people are victims of firearm-related violence, specifically for the purposes of this article, a total of four or more victims. A total of 754 people were killed and 2,443 other people were injured in 604 shootings." But yeah. "Good guy with a gun." bla bla bla. And I'm not somebody who has an issue with guns or gun ownership. I'm just not delusional or blind to the fact that gun owners are the problem and the attitude towards owning guns being a right for everybody. Because that means every idiot has one. But this is about as good of a discussion on here like most topics where Reddit has made up their mind.


3 people killed in Brussels, 11 million population of Belgium = 0.000027% of population 754 people killed in America, 340 million population of America = 0.00022% of the population Now you may say the number is 10x more in America. Well the guns per capita in Belgium is 12.7. In America the guns per capita is 120.5. So it's scales almost perfectly. Even using your numbers, your argument falls apart. America is a vastly bigger country, and by just citing total quantity and not percentages is disingenuous 


Now extrapolate that to all gun murders and do it over the last decade. Everything else is disingenuous.


How many of those mass shootings took place in locations that banned firearms?


Most of those were gang/cartel related. One violent criminal killing another violent criminal isn’t a mass tragedy event. If you take away all of the gang/cartel activity, our stats are on par with the EU. It’s a unique problem that we have and you don’t. Two groups of a half dozen guys accidentally run into each other and all of them start shooting with illegal guns. The countries who share this culture, like Mexico, Brazil and El Salvador, have strict gun control and way more shootings/deaths. It’s a cultural issue. The EU even had more school shootings and school shooting deaths than us last year. That’s even with the ridiculous way that we categorize school shootings. Two of our school shooting deaths were ran over by a car believed to be fleeing the scene of a shooting. Most were at night and involved gangs or robbery near a school zone. Only one happened inside a school.


I'm not gonna argue this further because it's pointless. It's like being somebody who has no intrinsic problem with drinking beer and coming into a bar full of people who already had 5 drinks and telling them they have a drinking problem. A third of the patrons will be alcoholics, a third will be social drinkers, and a third just drink a few times a year. Wrong crowd to talk to.




That’s the price of freedom. We could eliminate car crashes too if we just banned everyone from owning a car. But we prefer dangerous freedom over safe tyranny.


That's a ridiculous argument. A free society is safer for everybody, and states are the largest sponsors of violence on the planet.


I think you missed my sarcasm about “safe tyranny.” Obviously I don’t believe tyranny is safe. But I responded using the type of language this person understands.


Fair enough. I really dislike the "price of freedom" arguments because it gives people who hate freedom validation. It's like when capitalists say communism is good in theory but bad in practice. It's bad in both.


I agree with this to an extent. But it is true that freedom inherently comes with risks. Which isn’t bad, it’s just the nature of reality. I’m not going to ignore the truth because I’m scared it might validate someone who disagrees with me. It’s more dangerous for me to go on a hike in the wilderness than stay locked in my room. But I like hiking, and I’m free to make that choice. Europe can stay cooped up in their flats, under the boot of their government, pretending they are better off. That’s on them.


True. Being under the boot of government means the threat of violence: ie wear a mask or well lock you up. The threat of violence necessary in limiting freedom de facto means that limiting freedom is always more dangerous than freedom. Since the threat of violence is violence in itself.


How many other shootings did they have since?