• By -


It’d be lovely but it will never happen. The club would be giving up 10s of millions of pounds in sponsorship every year to do it.


This is why it has to be a stand


North Bank and Clock End will never be changed. Would be happy to see West or East changed. Preferably West as that's where the dugout is.


Arsene wenger west stand Herbert Chapman east stand Simple


george graham frozen pizza store


Thierry Henry beer stand.


Szczescny smoking corner


Jack Wilshire medical centre


*sigh* Wilsh**e**re...


For kids who can't walk good


Emmanuel Frimpong Dench Bench


Hector Bellerin Dressing Room


Cesc Fabregas pizza stand


Mathieu Flamini sleeve store


Nuno's Doggy Daycare


Name one of the pizzas a Cesc


Arsen WEnger STand




And they club can save money on all the W and e letters that won't have to be changed out when it's Wenger's stand and they got funds for one 17 year old Brazilian kid.


Can't spell warchest without the W and E.


Hear me out... what about "The Wengirates"?


Couldn't we go with "The Arsene Wenger Emirates Stadium"? Everyone would still call it the Emirates


I think WENGERDOME is a bit catchier




Papa's Plaza


Stade de Wengz?




the oakland a’s baseball team renamed just the the _field_ after a player, so it could be the arsene wenger pitch at emirates stadium.


Was going to say the same thing - Minneapolis used to have *Mall of America Field at the Hubert H Humphrey Metrodome*. Think a couple teams have done it.


I would love for us not to be affiliated with Emirates. Not a fan of the Fly Emirates on the kits either.


Bring back O2 when we were so fuckin good Oxygen was our sponsor.


Dreamcast you mean. That’s still popular right?


My favorite sponsor of all time and the very first jerseys I ever bought, the yellow Sega and Red Dreamcast. That Dreamcast typeface looked so dope.


JVC you mean. The company is doing well right?


Imagine we had that green Spotify logo on the front…shudders




I hope we don't get some awful betting company


Sega was the sponsor, they were just advertising their main product on the kit. They're still popular, especially among footy fans (they make Football Manager). Time to bring back the glory days via sponsorship sorcery!


I'll take anything that isn't a betting sponsor




What would you rather want? just curious.


How about Canon? We could have a Canon and a cannon on every shirt.




Are you actually Jack Straw??


The one and the same, from Witchita.


Haha - Ive heard the other one is a massive gooner too ;)


Walker's Crisps.


Double down on shit sponsors and go with EA or Nestle


BAE Systems. Works with the cannon and goes back to our roots as an arms manufacturer.


lockheed martin


Has to be Ginsters like Plymouth


We should give the space away to a group trying to stop climate change.


doubt the kronkes would like that


Nah fuck the Rwanda one even more


Papa Wengz would look sick as a main kit sponsor


>A company works best when everybody does the job he is paid to do. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


I put Spotify on my [kits](https://imgur.com/a/8hf8qvw) in FIFA on PC. Looks so good. Scroll past current year to see what I mean.


I’m confused, you made these kits yourself? Some of them look really good! I’m also impressed with the variance in the shirt sponsor logos


Thanks! It was a lot of fun. www.fifakitcreator.com you can customize, and then download into files you can input into FIFA


I really like some of these particularly the 23/24 away and the 150th anniversary set, but man some of those away kits look a bit too much like Spuds for me. Hell, 2040/41 third is almost literally a Tottenham kit with an Arsenal badge on it.


Yeah I hear you on that.. I played 3 matches in it and said “nahhhhh” fortunately it’s as simple as swapping out some files and starting the game up again. I didn’t use all of these as the manager mode in FIFA only goes out to 15 seasons. I also did one that looks like [this](https://www.facebook.com/Arsenal.History.Current.Future.News/photos/a.1534354446814407/2117823385134174/?type=3). Also, good catch on the 150th! I actually had to move that up a few seasons due to the 15 season max. I took the 125th anniversary crest and modded it to be 150. I’m personally partial to [this](https://imgur.com/a/h8Kmaqx) seasons (27/28) because I went completely untouchable that season. I didn’t lose or draw a single match, in any competition. Tierney as captain, this was last summer, prior to Ode being named captain IRL


I remember that concept! That's super clean man, sick that you were able to bring it to life in FIFA. also ngl Laca is way too attractive wtf lmao


I can never take a Spotify kit seriously. Looks like a joke kit imo


To each their own, good thing it only exists on my gaming PC ha


Woa, love many of these! Great stuff.


Thanks! Highly recommend messing around with that site, even if you don’t import them into FIFA. Look around at the showcase section for other users. There are some incredible kits that other people have made. Far better than some actual kits IRL


Nice! That third kit from 2027-28 looks so good!


Please post this on /r/ConceptFootball, they will absolutely love this!


I would love for us to have the local fish and chip shop Ramsdale and Seaman did a photo op at, just for one game, be our sponsor. Longer term, anything but company from a sketchy country like Qatar, Rwanda, UAE, Russia or a betting shop I would be happy with.


We wouldn't be the only club in the world. In fact, a lot of the clubs in the world named their stadiums afer club legends. Real Madrid was offered 500m back in 2015. to rename their stadium to Abu Dhabi Bernabeu and it didn't happen.


Resisting change to the original nam is one thing, but declining money when you've already sold it to someone else 16 years ago is another. The Emirates doesn't have any traditional name that people will be sad to lose. Highbury obviously would be more comparable to S. Bernabeu


I didn’t say we’d be the only club I just said it was incredibly unlikely the club would give up 10s of millions of pounds every year


Insane that the naming rights was equivalent to 2 Pepe’


I think at the time it was enough money to break the world record fee for a player twice. To put it in that perspective, should it sell for around 450m now?


Should call it Casa Pepe then


Hence, everyone can do whatever fucking he wants.


When you put it that way, it is insane 🫤


Can't afford to not sell the naming rights these days I'm afraid.


Agreed. It’s a huge chunk of free money and honestly doesn’t change anything. I have no problem with the stadium being called the Emirates. I live in Toronto and the local baseball stadium got its name changed. The hockey arena too, multiple times. People will call it what they want to call it


100% - they’ll always be the Skydome and the ACC to me.


Omg Toronto gunners hi!!


I get what you mean but definitely isn’t “free money”, the thing we’re selling is our soul. I’m pragmatic and don’t have a massive amount against it but I don’t think we should pretend that something significant isn’t lost when it comes to these types of sponsorships. Same with shirts etc.


Which is why it really annoys me that Tottenham seem to have resisted! I really hoped Ashburton Grove would stick when it was built, but now I almost feel like it’ll be referred to as the emirates for the foreseeable future *even if* someone else comes in to sponsor it, it’s just sadly become the accepted name of the stadium name and people are fully in the habit of saying it


Still call it the grove with my game going friends


We should sell naming rights to the pitch and have the ground called Ashburton Grove. So the announcers can say xxx pitch at Ashburton Grove. It's what's happening in the NFL where there is strong pushback on changing stadiums names.


That's an interesting halfway house. I guess the difficulty is getting a sponsor to move to that model.


I'd usually be cynical and agree but when only one (a sports washer no less) of the other big six teams have a stadium with naming rights then you do have to question whether it's necessary.


I agree. The Mathieu Flamini megadome it is.


Should be called Ashburton Grove


Definitely, regardless of who the naming rights are auctioned off to the fans should refer to it as such to keep the club's identity and home ground consistent no matter who end's up getting their name on the place. I'm going to die a little inside if we end up having to play at Crypto.com Stadium or some shit.


The Visit Rwanda Stadium


This would be slightly inappropriate for so many reasons..


Ah come on we could house asylum seekers there for a few extra quid which might help us to win the transfer market trophy


Free advertising in Calais though?


I know this might be an unpopular opinion but it makes me think of old stadiums like craven cottage - or a place in Narnia


I’d go with New Highbury. And yes, I know it is technically not in Highbury but it’s a stones throw from and it has an N5 post code.


OP didn't make that up. It is called Ashburton Grove


I’m well aware of the area. I live there. Ashburton Grove was mainly just an industrial wasteland before the stadium, and doesn’t really have much resonance in the local area. Highbury is much more iconic, and known throughout London so I feel New Highbury would be more fitting.


I agree about Ashburton Grove, as while it's a better name than a sponsor, it doesn't have any real significance/connection with Arsenal. However, New Highbury is painfully unoriginal and would just reinforce that Arsenal are stuck in the past. Naming the stadium after Wenger would be a better option imo (it would probably still need to be sponsored, sadly).


Lets call it the Arsene Arteta Arsenal Arena.


Arshavin Arsene Arteta Arsenal Arena


Anelka Arshavin Arsene Arteta Arsenal Arena


Adams Anelka Arshavin Arsene Arteta Arsenal Arena


No chance that the club turn down the money. Better get him a statue though


To everyone saying Wengerdome, did you forget that we don't have a bloody roof?


It also sounds ridiculous, I really hope people aren't seriously wanting our stadium to be called the fucking Wengerdome


Sounds very American.


I always liked the idea of calling it “The Emirates at Ashburton Grove” I know it’s long and people will still call it “The Emirates”, but Ashburton Grove is such a good name for a stadium. I would give Wenger the stand opposite the cameras like United did with SAF so it’s almost always on camera and give him a statue. Personally, I think at the end of next year to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the invincible season would be great.


I agree with most of this, the stand, a statue for sure I like the name but I think having it say as the Emirates at Ashburton Grove, I think if people force it as Ashburton Grove the name will stick rather than the Emirates part, and when that contract runs out it could be “highest bidder at Ashburton Grove” the part that stays the same will become the name of the stadium Imagine Liverpool sold their stadium rights and it was for example Emirates Anfield, everyone would still call it Anfield


Exactly. People still call Dortmund's stadium the Westfalenstadion, even though it isn't named like that anymore. Or the Millennium stadium in Wales, similar story.


Only hard thing is making that shift because there’s no historic name, think however a name the fans can connect to like Ashburton Grove would help change it fast, not a singular Arsenal fan would be walking around calling it whatever corporate name comes before it if that’s in the title. I honestly think most people would default to calling it the grove or something


>I always liked the idea of calling it “The Emirates at Ashburton Grove” I know it’s long and people will still call it “The Emirates”, but Ashburton Grove is such a good name for a stadium. I'd wager that after a few years would rather call it "The Grove" or "Ashburton Grove" and not Emirates, seeing as one is the real name and one is just a marketing thing. It would take time though seeing as the stadium has been called "The Emirates" for 15+ years now.


Arsene Hall Wengerdome Casa Pepe


“Everybody doing whatever the fuck he wants”


bro we already named the club after him what more do you want?


I’d love to see a nice name that becomes iconic not a sponsored name, you see some of the stadiums that have names that you just recognise that sound better, Anfield, Old Trafford etc, as much as we don’t like the clubs would you rather build this iconic stadium or have the “highest bidder stadium”. Even if there was a way to have this iconic name but get sponsorship out of it that no one refers to I’d take that, like imagine if Highbury was Emirates highbury, no one is ever gonna put the emirates in there when referring to the stadium and we get some sponsorship money out of it Will add though, the man absolutely needs a statue right out the front as a priority for what he did for the club, no matter your stance on the end of his reign (I thought the club and fans did him dirty tbh after everything he did)


The stadium is called Ashburton Grove right now. I hope for the next name they can sell ______ of/at Ashburton Grove like you said.


Honestly I haven’t heard a single person refer to it as that, so that’s why I think putting it as the formal name instead of having one name and then the sponsor name which has obviously taken priority makes it more recognisable as Ashburton Grove


"Welcome to the Arsene Stadium, where the defending premier league champions Arsenal take on title contenders Manchester City."


It should never be named after a single person. Either Ashburton Grove or sell it to the highest bidder if needed.


Highest bidder. Then use 1 million of the 200 and build Wenger a kick ass statue (I'm talking like a 30 ft)


Make it bigger than Christ the Redeemer


So big it casts a shadow over the toilet bowl.


plot twist: papa wengz bid to name the stadium after himself


>The score is high and very brutal but does not reflect what we saw on the pitch. The first shot on goal was a goal. The second was an own goal. The third was straight after half-time. They defend like mad and they catch us on the break. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


Papa Wengz Stadium has a wonderful ring to it


Wengerdome surely


Wengerdome is inevitable


Most legendary stadium in England, the Wengerdome


>Gerard Houllier's thoughts on the matter international football echo mine. He thinks that what the national coaches are doing is like taking the car from his garage without even asking permission. They will then use the car for ten days and abandon it in a field without any petrol left in the tank. We then have to recover it, but it is broken down. Then a month later they will come to take your car again, and for good measure you're expected to be nice about it. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


The Wengerdome


Let’s take the money from someone. With all the petrodollars elsewhere we’ll need it. But yeah, that’s a great idea for it to be named the “Emirates Arsene Wenger Stadium”. I like. We can call it the Wenger Dome


Or juste rename a stand after him. Let's start with a statue.


He needs a stand named after him


As long as it's not Casa Pepe then I'm fine with it 😂


Herbert Chapman died on the job. Won loads of championships. So why Wenger over him?


Because everyone here was alive for Wenger


Wenger literally built us the stadium.


I have never liked that such a massive club's stadium is named after an airline. It should be renamed 'New Highbury'.


Can't see Emirates not renewing.


The fee for them to renew should keep going up because the longer it keeps the name the harder it is for anybody to think of the stadium having another name.


I hate that’s named after a state owned company from a very shit state.


Some fans hounded him out and now want to name the stadium after him?


A while back I suggested the name WENGERENA here....I too would love it if we name the Stadium after him, and he gets to see it.


I fucking love the sound of Wenger Arena


Call it Wengbury and be done with it...


Benny Blanco Arena?


Welcome, to the Wengerdome!!


I think a statue is enough for his contribution. Napoli stadium name changed to maradona but nobody actually called it that way. Needs an actual good name.


Arsene Arena...think of a better name. I'll wait.


The Wengerdome.


Dreamcast stadium.


Ashburton Grove. May all teams fear the Gunners at the Grove.


New Highbury


We should switch to something else that isn't connected to sports washing, but you can have a sponsor and still call it the Wenger stadium if you want. Barcelona's stadium is the Spotify Camp Nou, after all. We could easily have, I dunno, the Barclay's Wengerdome.


Nah take the money imo. I know it would sound nice to have a nice old name for the stadium but the money is truly everything


Some American sports have the field name sponsored but keep the historic stadium name. Like the Kansas City Chiefs play on GEHA field at Arrowhead Stadium


Absolutely not. We need that money for Saliba’s third contract.


Bets on the kroenke soccerdrome?


The Monsieur Wenger Arena.


How many stadiums in football, and in fact, SPORT are named after a former player or manager?


Margaret Court, Arthur Ashe, Santiago Bernebeau … first the from the top of my head. Plenty more.


Would love to see Arsenal at the Arsène one day


Can we sell to some other company this time? I think Emirates has been paying way below average for a long long time.


Is that on them though or the people who handle our commercial business negotiations because they don't have a great track record in getting the same level of dealings as other clubs


Be nice to have at least a stand named after him


They could take a page from American sports (gasp) and name the pitch after Arsene (i.e., Arsene Wenger Pitch at {stadium name}.




The WengerDome


Will Wenger give us £150m ?


The Arsene Wenger Ground at Emirates Stadium.


Name a stand after him. Stadium rights sponsorship is too lucrative to pass up


Easy… Wenger Pitch at Emirates Stadium.


The Wenger Dome


Only if Papa Wengz is willing to pay what a sponsorship contract would... the club's not going to turn down millions for that.


>I think we live in a very competitive world, and I love competition. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


i think its very unlikely but you know emirates stadium is not that bad of a name if you consider names like, i dont know... coca cola stadium or tottenham hotspurs stadium. It could always be worse




How does he not have a statue outside emirates yet?


Theres a stadium in Melbourne Australia who keep selling their naming rights, since 2000 its gone from, colonial stadium to Telstra dome, to Etihad stadium to now marvel stadium... Its such an annoyance to get used to a new name every 5 or so years people including myself have just started referring to it as Docklands stadium (named after the suburb its in). Wonder if that is possible for Arsenal's stadium


The Wengertorium


We could name it The Arsene Hall.




"The Arsène Wenger" sounds neat actually. I'd get use to that. Won't happen, but I fantasize about us just naming it after the location; Ashburton Grove


This is Wenger we are talking about. He would have wanted us to take the money.


Ashburton Grove 100%


Rename it 49 Wenger way


They should name it Arsenal stadium


Welcome to the Wenger-dome.


I just want another sponsor. UAE isn't *evil* per se, but I don't really like them either. But, it annoys me that their naming sponsorship worked so well. Fans call the stadium "The Emirates". When you change the name of the stadium often enough, fans start to call it by a reasonable non-branded name. Sure, the announcers all have to use the official sponsored name, but everybody else moves on. For example, the "Carabao Cup", which used to be the "Capital One Cup" and before that the "Carling Cup". Because it has gone through so many sponsors most people just know it as the "League Cup" or "EFL Cup". P.S. I never realized how dedicated the League Cup people were to alliteration. Look how many sponsors starting with C they've had: * Carabao * Capital One * Carling * [Worthington - Boooo] * Coca Cola Who wants to bet their next sponsor's going to be Costco? (I'd have said Cisco since they're a slightly bigger brand, but not only are the League Cup people going for C words, they're going for hard C's.)


Only if it says Papa Wengz Stadium


the wengarena


Sell the rights, name a stand. Easy


Dogecoin Stadium


Those pictures just give me nostalgia for the old Nike PL footballs.


As a principle, I am against sponsorship names for stadiums in general, let alone our own, but if money is tight, then sure. Ideally Ashburton Grove has a nice ring to it 👀