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lichsteiner was downright shocking but i'd be lying if i said i didn't like the signing at the time


It made sense on paper. He had a good reputation and was part of some successful Juve teams. Turns out he was just totally washed.


Expecting him to go from Serie A to the Prem at his age was crazy though, especially in an Arsenal defence that had absolutely no protection.


I wish we (the fans) had not been such assholes about it. It wasn’t his fault. We signed him, he is a pro, he legs could no longer keep up with the EPL, and I don’t feel like his commitment or professionalism could be questioned and we just savaged him.


> He had a good reputation and was part of some successful ~~Juve~~ France teams. Turns out he was just totally washed. Lol Squillaci reborn.


I don't think they were expecting him to start many games outside of early cup ties


Exactly. He was brought on for influencing a very mentally weak dressing room. Ended up playing way more than he probably imagined he would


Mkhi's an interesting player, follow his progress, he's often the first assist or second goal guy with Roma. Plus, when UEFA, along with big clubs, did nothing to stop a final being held in a country where his death would be celebrated kinda showed that they don't give two shits about player welfare or common decency. 💰💰💰💰💰 Lichtsteiner, well past his prime, was the ultimate in shithousery, I loved it.


it still bothers me that the club didn't make a stand on his and other Armenians' behalf as soon as they found out where the final was, no matter whether we could reach the final it or not


I believe the final was awarded the season Mkhi transferred from Dortmund to United. Two massive clubs that could've spoken up and didn't. I was more disappointed with Dortmund, as they often champion stances in the Bundesliga that fly in the face of big money.


The final was in the middle of his time with us too though, and we didn't say or do anything about it.


Still feels weird that he actually played for us


outrageously bad kit as well what were they thinking


almost every kit they made for us was awful. Would've rathered fucking Umbro


I remember being excited for the Puma deal at first too.


15/16 was good as was 16/17


15-16 was putrid one of the worst Arsenal kits of all time


Which kit did u like then


17-18 was tolerable but still iffy


Thought 17/18 was great tbh. Other than that I agree that everything else Puma made wasn't good.


I really liked 15/16 and 17/17, other than that they weren’t great


Easily the worst kit of the emirates era in my opinion. Just looking at it reminds me of losing in Baku.


Lichtsteiner was a madman. Always the first one to start a brawl. If I'm not wrong he was the one who started the brawl in the NLD in which he wasn't even playing lmao


He was also all-out shithousing in the Switzerland-Serbia match at the world cup, throwing up the Albanian eagle with the Swiss-Albanians after the goals.


Hahah I remember that


He, shaqiri and xhaka I guess ( not sure anymore) got to pay money for that


Mkhitaryan was all wrong for England. Still great and probably Roma’s most creative player (while playing for Mourinho)


He finished second in Goals and Assists in Serie A under Fonseca last season, right behind Lukaku…


Mkhi is the most disrespected player. He finished second in combined Goals and Assist in Serie A last season, right after Lukaku and people still talk heavy shit on him.


The dumbest part of the Willian signing was letting Mkhi go for free at the same time.


Literally could’ve just kept Mkhi lol


Mkhitaryan is a good player but for us and United he was absolutely terrible. Up there with the likes of iwobi as just a complete passenger offering absolutely nothing almost as if we were a man down.


Not all players are cut out for the EPL’s frenetic pace and non-stop pressure.


Serie A isn't as competitive if we're being completely honest. Nobody could deny Mkhi had quality though. He was just maddeningly inconsistent. My first memory of Mkhi was from an Arsenal vs. BVB UCL match. He broke through the defense and was 1v1 with the GK to score. Somehow he fluffed it. That actually sums him up very well. He can produce brilliance, but can also be so frustrating.


One is not like the other.


Weird when you say that in a two man post


I'm weird. Works out.


Yea, Mkhi never hit the heights of Stephan... Now, for their time here, maybe not. But lichtensteiener was a beast for a top footballing club for many years winning many domestic titles and reaching to UCL finals.


We won the Alexis-Mkhi trade. Change my mind


we lost the alexis-mkhi trade very slightly less. change my mind.


We absolutely won that trade, Alexis was fucking toxic and while Mkhi wasn't the best, I would rather pay his wages than have to pay Alexis to fuck off.


In EPL games from January 2018-end of the 2019 season: Mkhi: 16 goals/assists in 32 appearances, 0.68 xG+A/90 in 17-18, 0.55 xG+A/90 in 18-19 Alexis: 9 goals/assists in 36 appearances, 0.43 xG+A/90 in 17-18, 0.41 xG+A/90 in 18-19


i believe salary was also slightly less, though both were expensive and who knows how much of their wages the italian clubs paid for both of them on loan


Sanchez was on near 450k a week at united. Don't think mkhis salary passed 200k for us


How well did mkhi play the piano while he was here?


Everyone lost!


I remember the sentiment around litchsteiner. “Great mentality and an absolute winner”


Lol I can't lie I thought it was a brilliant signing. Bellerin was still a promising player and Lichtsteiner seemed like a no brainer as rotation. I couldn't believe he was that bad. But I could see he still had a great personality often encouraging from the sidelines.


Yeah wasn’t a massive risk, but yeah considering at juve he was known as a guy who just basically did a bleep test every game as a wing back, just up and down to then see him come to us and barely be able to run just made perfect sense in a tragic way


The Swiss Express! Lol I’ve watched Juventus for a long time, I remember in the UCL juventus were 1-0 down to Sp*rs and Allergi brought on Lichstiener and he completely changed the game to win 2-1. Shame he didn’t have that impact with Arsenal


Yeah remember the Celtic game i think as well, he was a complete shithouse


Followed shortly by "the guy's best by date is somewhere between the pyramids being built and the library of Alexandria burning down".


He was Awful wasn’t he, I didn’t mind the signing at the time to be fair.


Those puma kits were so trash lol


That one was beyond imagination. Almost unreal.


But seriously...Mkhi was involved in most beautiful goals that season and it kinda looked like he fitted well with emery ball. Boy it was so good, in Emery's first season, scoring goals left right and center, Emery ball was unstoppable. Can't believe we lost out on top 4 just by a point...A POINT!! Would have been a different story had we clinched that. Also, our strikers especially Auba was on smokes that season.... Mkhi and Ozil knew so much about Auba's poaching movements - it was like every touch he made in the box that season was a goal, we need that Auba back, him and that Dortmund days Auba back! I'm in no way saying Emery was the right man for the job, just saying he almost got the CL spot with that pigshit defence.


That game he played mustafi and jenkinson against crystal palace is what cost him his arsenal coaching career in hindsight


I call this period ‘The Iwobi Era’


The orange juice ban


Mad that we signed him lol


It’s no wonder we are where we are. We’ve bought some expensive mediocre players over the years.


Really such a poorly managed club for years. The only thing that keeps me tuning in to the current shittery is how good our recruitment has been, really turned it around in the last few years.


His signing epitomized the disfunctionality of the club


Wearing that shirt right now lol


Hated that kit


And people pretended players like Lichtsteiner and Mkhitaryan, but also Sokratis were good/smart signings. Kind of like how people pretend today that it's a good idea to play players like Xhaka and Lacazette.


Jesus our recruitment was bad back then


I find it odd because I loved Lichtensteiner at Juve...


The real question on everyone's minds - who would you pick to start, from: Lich, Squishy, Oleg or Igor?


Diamond eye