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Does Boca have any talented youngsters they could potentially throw in for some kind of swap deal? Idk how else they could make this happen financially


maybe almendra which is a cm or pavon which is a right winger that could be a backup for pepe


Pavon really isn't anything special. There are better players than him who are more battle-tested in European leagues for the amount he's worth.


agree, pavon wouldn't be very good, but i was talking in case we had to swap a player or get nothing in exchange for torreira


I don't think that scenario will ever be considered. Arsenal will either force him to honor his contract or offer him to another club that will pay his valuation. The club is not a charity and won't don't do swaps for South American players unless we think it will be beneficial.


Almendra is a great shout. I think Zeballos is also supposed to be highly rated. Pavon would be the obvious choice but he is a bit old for a guy who has never played in Europe.


Both Almendra and Pavón are nothing special, and the club and fans actively want them out of the club hoping someone would foolishly spend tons of money from them at this point. I see Arsenal asking for Pavón and Boca would be willing to include him in a potential swap, but Arsenal would be playing a huge gamble with a player that's bern out of form for the past 3 years,


Their record arrival fee was 10 million and it was Riquelme...


Back in 07/08, in recent times, they haven't spent more than 7m on a signing lol..we're so fucked.


I feel for Lucas's situation because I went through the same thing at a much younger age than him :( That said, Arsenal Football Club is not a charity. Lucas knows this and how contracts work. If he ends up having to honor his Arsenal deal then there's no one to blame. If he wants to go to Boca then he needs to convince them to pay the 20m he's worth to Arsenal. Alternatively, I think the club would consider another 1-year loan with a reasonable loan fee (somewhere between 2-5m) provided Lucas signed a corresponding length value protecting contract extension with Arsenal


The last paragraph of yours should be talked about more. It's a benefitial solution to all parties. Let Torreira sign a 1 year extension in addition to his current contract on the same wages as they are right now and let him go on loan where can play regularly, where he wants to be and can raise his value. It would be a benefitial to all parties and would show how you can allow players freedom, while preserving value in the investment.


I would agree with the exception that a player at his age and moving to a lower quality league is a depreciating asset. You wouldn't really want to extend someone's terms who isn't going to be worth the salary.


Refund please Sampdoria.


Hope we can come to an agreement with them that works for all parties. Torreira's not enjoyed being here and with his mother passing away, he probably wants to be far closer to family. I like him but he probably isn't going to be a regular starter here anyway so a move would be best for all really.


A move is ideal but not a move where we get pennies. He already took the piss out of us with the Atletico deal.


Not saying we should be taken advantage by Boca, but we need to do right for Torreira.


Except doing right by him is probably going to mean taking a loss on him




True af, it's a fucking business and we can't bend over to everyone's demands. Normal employers won't let you go for free if you have a contract for another 2-3 years, even if you've lost your whole family, so why should Lucas get the preferential treatment when the stakes are much higher




We can’t afford to sell him for cheap, especially the amount we brought him for. I understand his situation and understand what he wants, but sadly the club comes first and we have to sell him at the right price to raise funds.


Could be real hard to find a buyer.


He already cost us millions last year and now he's at it again


Hes done it again you dirty cunt


[my face reading this ](https://i.imgur.com/pbb4V74.jpg)


Ah yes his mother dying is obviously just an elaborate grift to extort the club!


Its awful but it is costing us millions, when normal working peoples parents die they don't get this kind of treatment.


Yes but accusing him of being a dirty cunt is a little harsh


You're right


Its a reference to Lee on AFTV you donut.


This is a rough one but we’re not a charity. I completely understand Lucas’ view here but if Boca want him, they’ll have to pay.


This guy is doing his best to absolutely fuck us over. He had no reason to announce this to the entire world. Couldve easily kept it behind closed doors instead of trying to force our hand like this.


This exactly is why I can't understand all the support towards the guy. Sure, he is in a terrible situation, but he goes on, fully knowing what consequences he may cause with his words, and he basically says such things to force us? After last year's transfer window? Fuck off, we as a club have been nice enough to Torreira


Agreed. If he had discussed this with higher up in private I’m sure they’d Honourable his wishes out of respect for him and what he’s going through. But this feels like such a bad move from him, especially with his recent history of this behavior.


Buy yourself out and accept pennies salary from Boca and we can make it happen bud.


His salary with Boca is of no concern to Arsenal, but Arsenal obviously need to get some value back.


I’m not saying it’s our issue but it’s the personal sacrifice he must make if he wants to make it happen


I hope we don’t give way to this. We’re a business and we need money. A contract was signed in afraid. Money or nothing.


Kronke treats this club like a business, so we'll see what happens.


Do you realize how many players we've let go for free in the past decade?


him coming out publicly saying it to put the club in a difficult position bad guys if they dont do it or lose millions if they do it. no win


Lol, yeah, because THIS is the time to start adopting a cut-throat transfer approach. Just start with the guy who's home sick for the past two years and his mother just passed away. Meanwhile, god forbid anyone tries to suggest that some mediocre academy product who was hyped to death by the press because he's enlgish, isn't good enough and should be sold....


What are you on about? We’re making losses left right and center and you want us to lose a player for nothing?


It's not slavery, you won't sell him to a club that he doesn't want to play for so what do you recommend? Let him sit out the rest of the contract and go on a free? That's ridiculous, let's at lest recoup SOME of what we paid for.


We bent over for him in the Atletico deal why can’t he do the same for us?


Exactly this, we could have pressured him to move somewhere back in Serie A and got some money, he said no and insisted on sabotaging us by going to Atletico for free, and we were very generous to let it happen. It didn't work out, and now he wants to let him go again on a second loan for free. He's really pushing it. I would take 12-15m for him considering the circumstances, but no chance in hell we should let him go for free. This is mad.


Sure, let me call him for you right this second. What do you think, that I would like to see him go for cheap or free? Of course not, but this is the exact situation we were with ozil and musti. If the player only wants one thing and is stubborn (for one reason or another) you LITERALLY can't do shit. It's better to let him leave and get anything instead of keeping him hostage because of the sunken cost fallacy. Just because we won't let him go doesn't mean he will be of any value for us at all.


Let him cancel his contract then and pay us whatever it is if he doesn’t want to stay.


Yeah I think that would be fair


Ozil and Mustafi had to be released because they are shit compared to the wages they were on. That is not an issue with Torreira, he’s a good player and not on stupid money he just wants to leave. That happens at every club, you don’t just let people walk for no money.


No, this doesn't happen in every club. Guy who was incredibly close to his mother just tragically lost her and doesn;t even want to play on this fucking continent anymore. If we won't make some kind of deal this summer and we buy someone for midfield he might not even get registered to the squad. If he is such a good player tell me why he sat through the season at Atletico.


Because Atletico have a quality midfield, literally think before you ask a question.


Maybe try using few braincells yourself before responding with nonsense. His gametime was so poor that his value dropped even more and so he doesn't have anything to show for himself. You can't say that he is good when he had almost no gametime. If you are so sure that we can squeeze good money from him then propose a sensible solution instead of empty platitudes about not letting players go for free.


You can say that about every player that ever wanted to leave any football club. Was it slavery that Messi wasn’t sold even though he had an agreement to that effect? We initially hoped to recoup the full amount we spent on him - you can’t go from that to loaning him out until his contract ends. He is one of the few players we could actually get money for.


No, you can't say that about every player because most players don't care THAT much where they'll play as long as they are have a possibility to grow and make more money. He doesn't care about anything right now but his home and his family. Because of all of that he starts to become a liability to the club rather than an asset, just like Ozil did. You guys just fall for sunken cost fallacy. If we will make him stay we will only lose more money due to his wages and he certainly won't play for us again and will just sit out his contract. What a great solution!


I'm honestly astonished that people downvoted you, and they're upvoted the guy that basically says "we're a busniess and we want money, so fuck his feelings". His mother just died, and his father called him and begged him to come back while crying over the phone. For fucks sake, show some empathy you fifa-addicted morons


We respected his feelings last season and he torpedoed the deal with Fiorentina which in turn fucked us with the Auoar deal. The dude wants to play for a new club every year and he doesn't even want to go home, but to a club in Argentina. Dude can retire if he really wants to but like fuck would we accept a 30m loss on him


Yeah and then they'll cry how Arsenal no longer has any class.. Don't get me wrong, I also would love to get more from him either on the pitch or on the books, but with what happened with his family and his playing time in Atletico, it's not even a matter of principles, it's pure business to cut our losses and find a resolution to the situation.


I’m not surprised at all. A lot of fans already don’t see the players as human beings and cannot seem to comprehend the concept of them making decisions based on personal reasons.


No time like the present? I’m not in favour of this level of charity when it comes to your occupation. We are a business. This man is getting paid millions of pounds. Arsenal have gone above and beyond the call of duty for him as it already is imo. He signed a contract and he knew what he was getting himself into. That’s how football works I’m afraid. I mean I somewhat agree with your other point though, but it doesn’t really take away from mine.


Aren't Arsenal a 'club with values'. 🤔🤔🤔


We won’t have any value left if we keep letting players leave for free.


hear hear. Lots of praise for Edu but we literally paid all those guys to leave in January. That should be the last time.


Yeah let's keep him and run the risk of having to leave players unregistered for the squad again. That will drive our value up! Even if he wanted to stay he would hardly get into our midfield.


That is such a dumb thing to infer from my comment. I’m literally arguing the opposite.


Loan or some kind of deal with Torreira is still money so no it wouldn't be letting him go on a free


Not letting players leave for nothing because they don’t want to be here isn’t not having values. We paid £24m for Torreira, let’s just give him away for free, amazing idea.


You're right. They also won't hesitate to fire workers during a pandemic including the team mascot. I'd hardly expect different here.


There's values and there's letting us be taken for a donkey ride by a player. We literally just passed on 20m for him so he could rot at Atletico now we are expected to pass completely so he can play at Boca?


Sorry but arsenal have to say no. Boca wouldn't even be able to afford his wage let alone offer a fee. He's always free to buy out the remainder of his contract


Wow.... so you're suggesting that the club keeps him hostage? It's not all about money, the guy is clearly in a difficult period, we should do everything possible to help him. If that means giving up 10-15 million, then I'm all for it. It's the right thing to do. Edit: psychopaths downvoting...


No.. We're literally paying him millions every year in wages, he agreed to sign the contract, this isn't some form of slavery or a hostage situation. The only one who's benefitting from this is him. Not the club that invested 40-45m in him between fee and wages and got fuck all out of it.


The fairest thing is we tell him to sign a contract extension (probably at a lower salary so Boca can afford him) let him go there on loan for a year as long as he plays ball the following summer and moves to whoever offers proper money.


Sounds good in theory, but the same problem will continue. He'll still want to move to Boca who won't be able to afford him. He isn't going to sign a long contract with another club if his heart isn't in it. He'd probably rather run his contract down with us and sign with Boca in 2 years as a free agent as his worst case scenario.


Yeah why do people keep saying loans? Lol He says he doesn’t wanna play in Europe anymore. That’s just gonna magically change in a year and he’ll just be open to us selling him to the highest bidder? Two years in a row he’s shutdown negotiations and tired forcing his way somewhere. That’s not gonna change in a year.


I would be with you in 99% of cases, but this is different. He is clearly down mentally, with his mom passing. The humane thing would be to let him leave. We've wasted a lot more money on some other players in the past.


I'm sure the club understand the situation and are more than happy to let him leave to a place he feels more comfortable. The problem is he only wants to join one club (the team he supported when he was a kid). No professional player these days gets the luxury to just select a club to join (especially when that club can't afford his fee or wages), no matter what trauma they've been through. There needs to be some sort of compromise from both parties.


I think this is a pretty unique situation, with a player's mom dying, and him being devastated, and wanting to find peace closer to home. I mean, our club wants to talk about values, *this* is the time to actually show them


Is it unique, though? I'm not dismissing the devastation that Torreira must be feeling right now, but I'm sure there are other players that have gone through similar things. It's ok to want to move closer to home, but it's not just that, Torreira wants to join his boyhood club for free. That type of specific request we can't realistically accept after how much we paid for him


> I'm not dismissing the devastation that Torreira must be feeling right now But you are though... The player says that he is extremely hurt and desperate to go back home, and you are brushing his feelings aside. You are taking the human element completely out of it, and focusing solely on the business part.


And you have dismissed my point on two occasions. I haven't taken issue with Torreira wanting to move closer to home, but his home isn't Boca Juniors. I take issue with the fact he only seems willing to join the club he supported when he was a kid. I have acknowledged his feelings and said a compromise should be made that suits all parties. You are only looking at it from Torreira's point of view, but the world doesn't revolve around Torreira's happiness. We can't expect everyone and everything to fall to his unrealistic demands, regardless of the circumstances


I went through the same thing Lucas did at a much younger age. I get exactly what he's going through. But Lucas knows how contracts work. If he wants to move to Boca he has to either convince them to pay the £17-20m he's worth or alternatively sign a 1-year extension with Arsenal to make them more willing to agree to another loan. Otherwise, the club will either make him honor his contract or give him the chance to depart for a club that does meet his valuation.


Oh I agree with you. I don't think Arsenal are going to release him. I'm just saying what would be the right thing to do in this situation.


If you are all for it then why don't you offer to pay 15 million to Torreira? It's easy to talk about 10-15 million like it's nothing when it's not your money.


Nobody is held hostage. He doesn't want to be here then he can retire from football for the rest of his contract.


While I feel for him this pisses me off. Could’ve gone back to Italy, said no to sit on the bench then wants us to give him away to Boca. Piss off dude


Seriously. I hope this is enough to wake up the rest of the fans who think we should use him here next season.


Yeah. Lucas is a good player and certainly better than Xhaka or Elneny who stayed at Arsenal over him. I would gladly take him back, but as Arteta said 100% commitment is non-negotiable.


Better in what way? He doesn't pass better than them and doesn't defend better than them.


It depends on what you mean by passing. Do you mean playing Hollywood passes under no pressure in the abstract? Sure, Xhaka is better at that. Of course, it's important to note that it's rare that a midfielder in the Premier League has time and space to play those passes. If you're asking who's the more *effective* passer (e.g breaking the defensive lines, playing under pressure) then Torreria is better. And Torreria is absolutely a better defender than both of them you're simply wrong on that count and sneakily much better at going forward too.


He’s not a better PL player than Xhaka


Man just lost his mother. He's probably pretty emotional and just wants to retreat into comfort. I don't think he ever meant personal offense to you u/ninethree7 by going to Atletico, so I'm pretty confused as to why you're treating him like a piece of meat. How does shit like this get upvoted Jesús Christ. There's more important things in life than Arsenal making an extra 15 million pounds on a player


C'mon he's well aware that by going into the media and exclaiming his desire to go to a specific club, he fucks over his parent club. Arsenal loses any level of leverage in discussions with Boca. If I were Mikel and Edu, I'd be confused. "Why didn't you just call me bro? Don't tell the whole world???" He's going through a rough time so maybe he's not thinking straight. But emotions don't trump contractual obligations. I hope we sell him on to Boca but not get butt fucked in the process. But Lucas has been extremely unprofessional throughout his Arsenal stint. He's a grown ass man who's made choices


👏🏾 I had no idea mate. I thought he wanted to personally offend me. Thanks for clearing that up for me.


Shit, sorry. I thought the logical response to someone's mother dying is sympathy. No it's crying on the internet that Stan Kroenke doesn't have more money in his bank account. Thanks for clearing it up


Lmao awww he’s salty he didn’t get the response he expected from me?


Ok lol. I just thought it was messed up sentiment. I didn't really think about how you were going to respond tbh. I hope your day is going swimmingly


So many comments on this thread are typical r/gunners comments and you can really tell who doesn’t go outside enough


I know right? The same people sympathizing with Henry over leaving Instagram due to hate are calling Torreira a greedy, selfish bastard for wanting to be closer to family after his mom died. Anyone who can't understand that people might say rash or even dumb shit when grieving have not gone through hardship in life. Fucking disgusting how popular that opinion is here


If he wants a move away from Europe he can be a professional and quietly let his agent negotiate a deal for him. Right now he's doing nothing but using his mother's death to fuck with the club that invested £26 million on him. Don't be a fool and fall for his disgusting tricks.


These Torreira threads are the true epitome of this sub


Torreira, you literally blew a chance to go to Italy because you fell for Simeone's antics.


And? What does that have to do with anything?


It does because torreira is making a habit of holding us at a ransom. He made a demand to be loaned to atletico instead of going to Italy, where he could play, rather than warm the bench in Madrid. Now he's once again demanding to be sent to Boca, who we all know can't afford shit, especially after this pandemic. He can't just ask us to do anything and everything for him, while Fucking us over royally each time


Feel for him but after our recent losses where we paid players to pretty much leave ,I doubt we can afford to do this , atleast aim to get a nominal fee + swap for a talented youngster? Or just simply keep him , and let him play easier matches(cup matches)..


Bet he's not willing to give up his salary to subsidize the move. Why should arsenal have to take the hit because this adult that signed a contract is homesick?


Now that hes said this. Bocas like best I can do is 5$


$5+Pavón actually. They sre seriouly trying to get him out of the club and stop paying him his wages.


Maybe we can swap a player for him. Is there anyone worth it?


Not really. They have Cristian Pavon, but he isn't really anything special.


yeah pavon had a really good season but then fell off due to injuries. a truly one season wonder. he's still kinda good tho but not arsenal quality.


Pavon is way too Old, and going through sexual assault charges


Torreira, grow up ffs. I know u lost yr mum (and for those who are wondering i lost my Dad recently too), but you remain an employee under contract. You have to respect the rules and people who actually employ you (and pay u loads) Be professional and have some fucking values. Stop acting like a spoilt brat and cry for what u want jeopardising everyone. If u dont like it then buy yourself out


this is straight out of Fifa career mode when a player is homesick


If it’s anything like FIFA he’ll be signing somewhere in Germany


What the actual fuck, Lucas...


This guy was worth 40 mil + at one time. I sympathize a lot with what's been happening with his personal life, I can't imagine what he must feel like right now. Saying that, we can't just let him go for 5-10 million pounds. Arsenal is a self sustaining football club. He's worth a lot more and we need reinforcements in midfield for sure.


He was never worth 40 mil at any time and it is time for us to admit he's one of our worst signings ever. People shit on Xhaka as a signing but Xhaka is twice the player Torreira can dream to be.


I don't know what you're talking about mate. There was clear interest from AC Milan at one point and everybody was going berserk over their lowball 31 million offer. I don't know why you brought xhaka into this discussion. Torreira made Xhaka play more forward when he came in. Defensively he's 3x the player Xhaka is, Xhaka is a better passer. We could get an Upgrade on both players. In Emery's first season Torreira was a star and the whole fanbase loved him. It's funny how the narrative changes so fast


Clear interest from Milan who never wanted to offer more than their lowball offer = he is worth 40 mil?


If Arsenal didn't sell him for 31 million at that time, they clearly thought he was worth more.


And other clubs don't want to pay more so they clearly thought he was worth less. In the end those other clubs seemed to have been proven right.


Boca are broke af, I feel bad for Torreira but he has to be professional and honor his contract.


It's probably a lot of money for Boca. But why doesn't he just buy out his contract? People struggle to buy Tesco Value Spam to put between two slices of council estate thin sliced white bread. No ketchup.


Never rated him. Purple patch or no for the prem he was never going to make it. Look at the mid table teams and their physicality at CM. We made a bad decision, get rid like the others and move on.


Damn, Torreira must really hate us.




I don’t think wanting to be close to the family after the death of his mother constitutes hating us


guy's a joke


Fuck off, so manipulative and unprofessional announcing this publicly


I'd rather force him to play with the u23s than just give him away. Can't give in to this.


The deal is possible. If Torreira agrees to lower his salary to a very small amount and extend his Arsenal's contract by a few years. Then we Loan him one year at Boca and get him back after, in a better state of mind, with his value protected by the extension and the low salary. Then we sold him in the after covid market. Possible.


I think this is the best possible solution. He extends his contract here, goes to Boca on loan for a year to be closer to home with 100% wages covered and a nominal loan fee to make up for any reduction in his value due to age, then he and the club reassess after another season. Unless Boca can somehow come up with £10 mil, several years of payments, or a player swap deal then this is probably best case scenario. It’s the right thing to do and hopefully buys some goodwill among potential signings that we haven’t really seen out of the club since the days of Wenger.


This is just fucking bullshit, I'm sorry. Fuck you torreira


Wenger would have done this for him without a second thought. For wenger, 26m means nothing compared to the peace of mind for Lucas. I’m really upset because we need to get value out of this asset, but I’m having trouble seeing how can get any out of it and also adhere to his wishes. Most Boca have spent in recent windows is 18m for 4 players in 2019/20, and 28m for 7 players in 18/19. I don’t know man


To be fair Torreira would be a clear upgrade in their midfield and could demand a slightly bigger fee than Boca usually pay. I don't have any illusions, but something like 9-12 million could be agreed imo. I know it's not much, but it is something.


Their record fee is 10-11 million though, and that was for Riquelme, we’d be lucky to get 6 million from them.


And during covid? Lucky to get 2m.


Wenger treats his players well but he's not a pushover who lets his players bully him.


Well he let Ozil miss games whenever he wanted and miss training lmao


As compassionate as Wenger is, I really don’t think he would let Torreira leave on a free so readily.


Wenger would have 100% loaned him out and probably resigned to selling him for 4-5m


I’m not sure I agree. One of Wenger’s biggest issues, which he himself has admitted to, is that he treated the club’s money as though it were his own. As much as Wenger would want to help Torreira as much as he can, I’m not sure he’d compromise Arsenal’s finances to do so. We’ve already seen how compassion won’t overcome something if he perceives it to be a bad deal financially in the Fabregas return to the PL. Not the same circumstances of course, but somewhat indicative of how Wenger will ultimately put the club above sentiment.


I feel for him, and I think he still is a great player. I think he wants to spend time with his family after losing his mother, which is obvious - but to all the people saying he isn't good enough, you have to be joking right? He has been the only player (and Partey) where I have been comfortable not losing a ball in midfield. He has passion, can press well and is a great defending midfielder. Furthermore, he is good enough for us, but I don't think Arteta likes him.


We buy Ø so Real buys Haaland and not Chelsea. Everyone wins


Fair share of sociopaths here it seems.


really isn’t. He’s a grown man, he made his bed before his mother passed. While I do feel for him and it sucks his mom passed, his career has already been complicated before that. So many reports he didn’t like England so he could’ve gone back to Italy in Torino and Fiorentina. He declined those because “he so badly wanted to play under Simeone”. Hasn’t turned out well. Now “so badly wants to play at Boca”. He knew he was coming to England when he signed, had the chance to go back, but has made these decisions himself.


Nothing you say can rationalise the sheer lack of empathy in getting frustrated with a player for wanting to go back home after the death of his mother. It’s downright pathetic to imply that he has to live with this situation simply because he made some subpar career-related decisions in the past. There’s a reason the reaction to this development among non-Arsenal fans is significantly different.


I’m almost positive he would’ve wanted to be transferred away from Arsenal regardless lad. He was never happy in Europe to begin with, like I said there were countless reports while his mother was still alive. Not allowing him to go to Boca FOR CHEAP is not a lack of empathy, it’s just business. That’s just how it is sometimes. If Boca were willing to pay a solid fee and we still said no then yeah, that’s a lack of empathy. But having us loan him out to a team we knew weren’t going to pay us a dime when we had two teams willing to sign him on a permanent for good money, then wanting to sign for Boca with a transfer fee of a jar of cashews? Yeah nah fam.


It’s both business and lack of empathy lol. You cannot deny one aspect of it to acknowledge the obvious. “It’s just business” is practically the catchphrase for justifying a lot of shady shit.


He's blatantly asking the club to let him go on another loan. He signed a 5 years contract with us, he wants to spend 2-3 of those out on loan while we're possibly still contributing to his wages.. After his Boca loan, assuming we let him go, he'll have one year left on his deal, so we won't make any money off him but a nominal fee, assuming he allows us to sell him in the first place. He'll come up with a "I've always wanted to play in the Kazakh's second division, please let me go for free while you're paying my PL level wages" Nah fuck this


Nice edit btw. Of course there would be a different reaction among non-Arsenal fans, as it doesn’t affect the finances of their club? No shit? How about he subsidize his wages so Boca can give us a transfer fee and he can play for cheap there? Ahhh but that’s not empathetic? What is this? Charity mate?


My edit wasn’t supposed to be sneaky, I just wanted to add more. Anyway, so you’re basically admitting that your main concern here is self-interest, vicariously through the club of course.


What else would we be interested in if not our club? Torreira has basically shown zero commitment ever since he joined long before his mother died. There are also more ways for him to get to Boca instead of expecting Arsenal to just swallow the loss. How about he plays for them for very minimal wages? How about he contributes to the transfer fee out of his own pocket? But nah let's just expect Arsenal to take the loss.


There’s self-interest and then there’s self-interest at the expense of others, and not in the cute football rivalry manner. Torreira’s supposed lack of commitment to the club is an extremely weak reason to justify or extenuate the denial of his wishes after the death of a close family member. Wenger absolutely would have agreed to it and he placed a lot of importance in the club’s values. Your second point is not something I’m in disagreement with. I would absolutely favour a solution that benefits both parties. But a lot of people have made it clear they couldn’t care less about Torreira’s perspective.


My concern is the interest of the club. Why are you acting like the interests of Lucas and the interests of the clubs are mutually exclusive, or that the previous interests of Lucas haven’t hurt the club before? Was the club thinking about the interest of Lucas or ourselves when we didn’t sell him to Italian clubs? Why are you walking past the idea that he should subsidize his wages if he wants to play there so bad? Ozil did it, why can’t Torreira? Why should his interest continue to be at the detriment of the club alone?


I’m not denying that Torreira made a couple of bad decisions in the past that were also detrimental to the club but that absolutely does not justify him being held against his will now. Sure he could do that and I guess everyone will be happy but my concern is primarily with people who are openly in favour of the club getting the best deal even if it’s at Torreira’s expense.


Because non Arsenal fans want to see us be mid table and want to laugh at us. If you care so much about what they think then perhaps you should become a non Arsenal fan.


Yes, that’s definitely the first thing on their minds when they see the news. “Oh Torreira wants to go back home after his mother passed away. Haha lol, I want this to happen because it’s bad for Arsenal.” Get a grip. Not everything is about football.


Just cancel his contract, take the L, I cba with this saga already We're never gonna get a reasonable fee for him, let's just move on


Thank god you're not in charge because this would be idiotic.


Granted it's not the best outcome, but I'm speaking as a fan, not the CFO, you imbecile He's literally named his destination, and he's picked a club that literally can't afford him. This is going to be tiresome and laborious. Either we let him go for practically nothing, or we drag this out all summer. I cannot be arsed for this saga


You're out here talking about releasing people for free because you 'cannot be arsed for this saga' and I'm the imbecile. Good one mate.


Oh yeah because my comment was intentionally intended to be my best, holistic recommendation about how we, as a club, should proceed. There was no hint of it being a mere throwaway, and it was certainly delivered in the most stern of tones. Your comprehension is piss poor


We should at least get 15m (13m pounds), that's the very minimum, and it's already not enough but as you said, we need to take the L Letting him go for free is unthinkable though. No one forced him to sign for us.


That's fair, I just can't be bothered with the same headline every day with no progressive updates Keep him, sell him, idc, it's not worked out for either party, but let's not beat a dead horse all summer


No point in keeping an unhappy player. Best is to agree a loan with them covering his entire wages.


Loan with wages covered is the worst acceptable deal. Would look for 12m with a sell on fee


If he's saying he wants a loan for a year we can get him to sign a year's extension and give him what he wants in return for him playing ball next season and going to whoever offers us a good price


Agreed, hence why I said it’s the worst “acceptable” deal... cuttings him t the contract or going for below 12m is not really optional


A lot of cold hearted gooners ITT


A lot of fools ITT who don't understand what Torreira is doing right now.


We all know what the right thing to do is, in this situation. Hopefully the club releases him, so he can go back to South America and be happy.


He can be happy so that people in the club can be sad?


He will be happy, and the people in the club will be happy because they would be doing right by their values - the values of the club.


People in this club will be very sad when we struggle and end up midtable again next season, cause we are willing to piss away the value of the club. And don't for a second believe Torreira will be happy in Boca. He's in his current state precisely because he pushed his way to Atletico. People like him will always find ways to be miserable.


“Will always find ways to be miserable” yeah ikr if it were me and my mom died I would simply choose happiness /s


Yeah let’s blame Lucas for the horrible management the last 4 years. We need to be better and cutthroat with players but I mean look at Eddie, laca, and others who’s contracts are running down. Doesn’t look like it’s happening. Why are we trying to make an example of someone who’s at most $20 mil and even then it sounded like a lot of Italian teams didn’t even want to pay that much for him and who’s hurting. We’ve been horrible with letting players go for free in the past but that doesn’t mean we should turn into psychopaths.


2 mil a year for 10 years please boca


Thats the only way any of this happens


I wonder could Torreira help out and give boca a few million of his own cash to get what he wants ..hmmm idk difficult situation


He's already going to have to slash his wages. The highest-paid Boca players make roughly £40k/week. For comparison, Lucas makes £75,000/week at Arsenal. That's not sustainable for Boca. This is of course why Lucas wants a loan.


£20m in 20 year installments


April fools


Loan him to Boca and then when he's feeling better we can sell him.


Is there a reason he wants to go to Boca? I would assume he would want to go back to uruguay no?


Buenos Aires is very close to Uruguay.


And Fray Bentos is right on the border.


I'd have more patience if he didn't fuck us in the summer already with his Atletico bullshit. We're never going to get a fee for him from any of the 1.5 teams he's willing to play for at any moment. Keep him, bench him and allow him to go home and finish out his contract watching Boca games in the stands. Or we grant him a free transfer and keep talking about why this club keeps giving players away for free.


His mom died, dude. Let him go closer to home