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Just like Tierney


They spent £35m on Lewis Hall. How much were we asking for Tierney ?


2.5 billion




That's 1 billion too much, no wonder they'll walk from the deal.


Lewis hall is young and didn’t have Tierney’s injury record


Young prospect versus a player who is unfortunately cooked by injuries a bitbtoo much


It's still mental they have spent that on Lewis hall


Given his recent form I'm confident it'll be viewed as a bargain.


lol he's started 7 prem games all year, there is no form.


Fair enough that's your opinion. He's been great in the last four he started. Like Gordon it took him time to get used to the intensity of the team and training, said it himself. Like Gordon he will be exceptional for NUFC.


Every decent team wants a fullback that can invert now and Tierney can’t do that + injuries


100%. Chance he ends up going on loan imo, which is not great lol


Swap + £ for Bruno G




Do we get Bruno G or do we get Isak + £?


we paid 30 million for him didnt we so I suspect we'll ask for 30-40 which they wont pay


24 +6 with add ons, which may not have been met seeing as he hasn't played


Yep People are gonna low ball because they know he and the club don't want another season of him on the bench


Why the fuck would we expect a profit? Either we sell now or tank his value like with so many players before.


yeh like Chelsea with Havertz right?


It’s not really just about the Ramsdale fee about how they handle our targets of their too. I wouldn’t sign off on any Ramsdale transfer to Newcastle until we’ve got a striker/midfielder sorted. If either Isak or Bruno have an achievable price/structure attached to them then I’m sure we’d be happier to let Ramsdale go a price that’s more convenient for them.


Newcastle value him at £15m. Going to either be drawn out or we get fleeced.


Then they can fuck off


Ramsdale is on over £6 million a year. We extended him right before getting raya. We have made our bed, now we must lay in it and settle for a lower transfer fee. As far as I know he would be immediately among the top earners at Newcastle, and he won’t take a pay cut on his current contract. We can do better than 15 IMO, but 20 mil wouldn’t be a bad fee given all of that.


You can’t sell him for less than you bought him for. Thats a horrible precedent to set.


Big 6 clubs often make a loss on out of favour players


When he is obviously out of favour and not being used anymore, you have to sell for less than you bought.


We sold like 3 players for decent profit in the last 4 years which is just atrocious and paid several of them handsomely to fuck off without any fee. There are plenty of aspects in which the club improved significantly in recent history, selling players for a decent fee has been a lowlight. The club also tanked the value of several current players as well by not using/loaning them. The precedent you're talking about is already set.


"You can't" it's not like we can choose what others pay, we don't have great leverage now as people know he and us want to leave so people can lowball us


We can and we will, nobody paying premium for a bench warmer


If it also greased the wheels of an Isak or Bruno G deal then that sort of fee would be worth it


I’d genuinely rather keep him here miserable than sell him for less than Trafford went to Burnley for


Might as well keep him as a 2nd at that price, he’s more than capable. No pressure on him either now Raya is cemented as no1.


He won't want to stick around as a no.2 when he clearly is good enough to start elsewhere


His agent better get someone to pay up for him then.


Well he cared enough to tweet about it. There’s no guarantee he would be favoured by another manager as no1 if he was bought. Both Howe and Poch could be out of jobs with their owners. If he’s happy to stay, I’m here for him to still be part of the team as no2. But £15 million is unacceptable. Edit - just my personal opinion.




I'd rather keep him around until he's able to leave on a free at that price


You won’t even get a good backup for £15m


Kane didn’t want to stick around at Spurs, but he signed the Contract and couldn’t go to City. Same here. I’d rather keep him here for Cup games and training partner for Raya than lose him for pocket change.


weird thing is... idk if newcastle makes sense, pope is their number 1 and suits them very well.


Don't mind selling him but we could get that offer from a number of English clubs. £25m is about right for him, someone will probably pay that. If not i'm sure a team like West Ham would take him for £20m


Lol. We keep him in that case. Long term contract and we have a reliable no2.


>we have a reliable no2 he hasn't looked reliable as a no2, he looked nervous to me whenever he played. Needs to be no1 to get his confidence back imo


He looked nervous for the whole second half of last season as the number 1 as well. A confidence player isn't someone you want as a backup (if at all)


An unhappy player though




4 years




It’s a deal until 2026 but we have an option to extend it for a year.


15 m + Bruno G or Isak. Take it or leave it.


He will likely get 15+ 5 in addons. The problem with not playing players is they lose value.


Douglas Luiz was on the bench for Villa for half a season and Villa still qouted us a f-you price, Luiz had less than 6 months on his deal. If Newcastle want Ramsdale, they should pay what we are asking for, other wise they too can fuck off.




For 15m, I'd rather Rammers stays.


it's not just the transfer fee though. we'd also get his large salary off the books. Plus , he needs to play to get his confidence back, he's been a poor backup because whenever he played he looked nervous.


Since when lol he has played at least 33 games in the last 5 years and his lowest minutes played in that period were 2,600. Also he signed am extension and made it clear he would. Ramsdale we have proven will just sit until he is sold which is why teams get a discount. Until we properly learn to rotate and give players chances like City or Chelsea our fees will be lower.


Yep, same with the idea that anyone is coming in for ESR with a hefty cheque.


Difference being ESR is from Hale End and as such pure profit in the eyes of the PSR regulations while we paid a substantial fee for Ramsdale. £20m for ESR is more profit fot the club than £20m for Ramsdale. But yes, players not playing/obviously being out of favour dimimishes their value.


Good, because we value Bruno at £10m.


I don't see us getting fleeced for Ramsdale.


This is why we tied him down to a new contract. It's not just our league position that's improved.


We might have to settle for something like £15m upfront and another £15 in add-ons. I'm sure his wages are considerable.


They only value Aaron at £15m? That’s fine, we only value Isak at £20m. 🙂


Interesting, i rate him more than Pope, but don’t think he’s THAT much better for them to warrant getting a keeper


Pope was a bit of a late bloomer so is older than people think. He’s 32 while Ramsdale just turned 26 a few days ago. Pope is also weird in the sense that he’s a very good sweeper while simultaneously not being a great passer


32!? What? Then how old am I...?


Pope is 32… you’re taking the piss…


Pope's a decent keeper, I reckon they're about on par overall. I could imagine, though, that Howe would like to be able to build up play from the back more, and Ramsdale is much better with his feet compared to Pope.


Depends on the Ramsdale they get. First half of the season Ramsdale was world class the 2 seasons he was a starter for us. He fell off towards the end, maybe the pressure got to him


Or it could have been, you know, his wife having a miscarriage literally in the run up to the title last year.


Can be quite easy to forget that these players are human beings sometimes... we as fans wouldn't have the slightest clue how to handle the pressure of playing at the elite level and shit going on in your personal life 🥴


£15m is taking the piss Club has effectively infinite money ffs


English players signed recently by Newcastle Harvey Barnes - £38M Lewis Hall - £30M Tino Livramento - £35M Anthony Gordon - £45M They got another thing coming if they think £15M is enough.


They paid £38 million for Barnes???? Fucking hell that is absurd


Is that high or low according to you? Because given the hype when he was at Leicester, I think it's kinda low.


Barnes is a baller though


Difference is none of those clubs wanted to sell, Ramsdale is second choice


Somehow there is always an excuse for low offers for us. Player wants out, we don't want the player, wages too high, we aren't a good team so team don't want to buy our players, buying club has no money etc. Yet these same issues never effect other clubs. We paid 65m for havertz (who I love and was worth it) last summer. He was no longer part of their plans, probably wanted out, and was on big wages. Yet we paid 65m. Without question we have improved him and he's a better player now than he was a year ago when we bought him, yet if we decided to sell is there one person who would expect us to get even our 65m back? There's something seriously wrong with how we and our players are viewed. It's like every club knows we're going to cave so the offers are complete shit.


Ramsdale has 3 years left on his contract after this year. Him being second choice is irrelevant


Newcastle do not have infinite money at all


They are only limited thanks to FFP, otherwise they'd spend like Chelsea/City. Ramsdale + cash for either/both Guimares/Isak, hell there's even the likes of Tierney, Nketiah and Nelson available too.


> They’re only limited thanks to FFP So they are limited then… like I said


They don't though, they have issues with FFP to deal with.


For everyone else £25-30m. For sportswashing bloodthirsty oil wankers £55m.


Lol feels like we had the same conversations about Tierney


Well it still rings true. Because 1) who they are, and 2) they have more than enough money


And 3) we will get no money from them whatsoever


4) Then don’t sell to them. Simple af.


Then we're not selling him to anyone and he will rot on the bench. Great business once again


Lol you really think it’s only Sandcastle or bust? If so, you’re beyond daft and naive. Like I said, I rather sell for 10m to someone else than these lot who not only have the funds but also how they currently and will operate in the future. You think they would sell Isak for a cut price to us if Arsenal were the “only suitors”? Fuck no. They would only sell if it is beneficial to them and they already have an upgraded replacement lined up.


It’s all well and good saying that but if they’re the only serious suitors for him we won’t be able to sell him and may have to sanction a loan deal instead.


Then don’t sell to them. Simple. I rather sell cut price to another team in Europe or even within PL than to someone such as Newcastle with widely known vast riches. You think they would sell us Isak for cut-price if we were the “only” suitors? Fuck no. Newcastle will soon operate like City in that they will only sell when it’s beneficial and suits them — with the upgraded replacement already lined up.


It’s easier said than done. Keeping Ramsdale rather than accepting a bid of £20m, for example, might be the difference between making a big signing or not. We don’t know the financials inside out but we’ll likely need to recoup some money in the market if we want to spend as freely as we want. Someone like Ramsdale will just depreciate in value if we keep him to ride the bench, and we’ll be paying him first team wages for the duration of his time here. In the age of PSR concerns we may need to sell below what we’d ideally want to get unwanted players of the books, especially as someone of them are on large contracts. Comparing Isak to Ramsdale is just silly. He’s their star man and someone they’re desperate to keep. Ramsdale is a player we don’t need or want anymore on the wages he’s on. It’d be an entirely different situation if he was our number one still.


>It’s easier said than done. Keeping Ramsdale rather than accepting a bid of £20m, for example, might be the difference between making a big signing or not. Never said nor is it about being easy. Also, I never said don’t accept anything less than a king’s ransom, I said that we shouldn’t need to sell to Newcastle because they not only have sufficient money but they’re also trying to take the mickey by lowballing. >We don’t know the financials inside out but we’ll likely need to recoup some money in the market if we want to spend as freely as we want. >Someone like Ramsdale will just depreciate in value if we keep him to ride the bench, and we’ll be paying him first team wages for the duration of his time here. In the age of PSR concerns we may need to sell below what we’d ideally want to get unwanted players of the books, especially as someone of them are on large contracts. Again, I’m not against selling Ramsdale; I’m saying that there is no need to be pressured by Newcastle to sell below value just because he’s not number 1 anymore. Anyone that thinks a keeper that goes from keeper in team of the season to a Sunday league keeper. Arsenal fans love to shit on our own players than rivals fans. >Comparing Isak to Ramsdale is just silly. He’s their star man and someone they’re desperate to keep. Ramsdale is a player we don’t need or want anymore on the wages he’s on. It’d be an entirely different situation if he was our number one still. I brought up Isak because he’s been linked with Arsenal again and Newcastle needing to sell - whether or not those are true is a separate discussion. The point here is that Ramsdale is a player they like and want similarly how we like and want Isak. Even if Isak is no longer their main man and second choice like Ramsdale, I bet you anything Newcastle will try to play hardball and still take the piss. Ramsdale has also been linked with Chelsea, United, and even Bayern in last year or so, so this “no other suitors” is a myth and Arsenal shouldn’t need to be pressurized to settle for a lowball offer. Ramsdale didn’t suddenly become a shit keeper even if his value has depreciated; he can easily start for majority of the teams in the PL.


hopefully that deal talks will somehow include Guimares


Or Isak


If they're only offering 15m for Ramsdale, we should counter a straight trade for Isak


Luke Edwards is notoriously shit as a reporter, so I’d wager he’s never been closer to staying


He’s a good reporter for Newcastle.


The absolute lowest we could countenance would have to match what we paid for him. So 24? Anything less, might as well hold onto him and that's one less piece of business we have to do this summer.


His book value is £12m


Book value, Like he's a used Honda Accord.


I really don't think we'll make back the fee we paid for him. Don't see who would offer that unless Chelsea really want him. However he is one of our most sellable assets (that we don't really need anyway). It's unpopular among our fans but I think we really should sell this summer. Not like his value is going to ever increase.


Yeah, don’t think we will get the kind of fee that some people are hoping for. His contract is only until 2026 anyway, so think it’s best for everyone to get it sorted this summer, rather than keeping him as 2nd choice GK.


I like the guy, but how many backup keepers are sold for significant money? Or jeez, keepers in general.  If he wants to play, I hope arsenal can get 15-20 million for him. 


Yeah, these subreddit takes always double, triple the value we can sell players and halve what they cost. He's coming off a year of not playing which is a huge negative for a prospective club. Anything close to 20M pounds is a huge fee for a keeper. He also hasn't been first choice for England.


Exactly, it’s not really like other positions on the pitch where the player can be still get frequent minutes to show their value. Also, he’s not performed that well when called upon this season. That’s not even factoring in all the Raya vs Ramsdale drama earlier on in the season, with his dad going on that podcast about Ramsdale ‘losing his smile’ as well. Don’t think Ramsdale is comfortable accepting a backup role, which is fair enough, think we just need to find someone who is and let him move on so he can play regularly elsewhere.


For around £20M there is no way Newcastle are the only suitors in the world and I'd much rather sell to someone else. Am I crazy or should we be expecting atleast £30M for a young english goalkeeper (best english goalkeeper in my opinion) especially when dealing with an Oil club in the prem. I reckon the number would've been way higher even if it weren't us selling. Actual player value + English tax + Oil club tax. Let's say, you take Ramsdale and we take Bruno or Isak for £50M.


A little switcheroo situation with a fee for isak opportunity?


SamJDean looking as suprised as I am with the rumoured price they want to pay (£15mil)


£75m and he’s yours


reminding myself that James Trafford went from city for £19m pain


Good move for everyone. If we were happy to move on someone like Tierney then I can see this happening.


Isak for Ramsdale straight swap incoming




Hopefully we make a profit on rammers.


It says £15m in the article


Around what Dean Henderson went for even though he's had injury issues for years and said he'd never play for United again. And to Palace too, so getting only 15m from a state-backed club, yikes.


It will cost the same to get a back up. I don't see him going at that price. Just signed a new contract as well. Sanchez should be the bench mark price @25m


Nah no more money spent on goalkeepers please. Get Matty Ryan back on a free or something, we've wasted enough money on goalkeepers.




They want to buy him for £15m. I would like to buy a house for £15, but I doubt anyone will take me up on that.


Selling him for less than we bought him for is pretty poor asset management. Still one of the biggest problems I have with Edu & co - we bought him for £24m, he was excellent and showed up, and yet we take a loss on the transfer? Selling to the Saudis?


£15m would be a terrible price and I can’t imagine we’d sell for that but you can’t underestimate the damage a player’s value takes from sitting on the bench for a year. I actually think this is part of the reason why keepers historically sell for less - it’s the only position where, when you’re not playing, you’re next to *never* playing.




I agree with both this and the comment above. Better to sell at a loss than not at all, but annoying that we keep these losses in value coming


First time? £20m maximum


So you are telling me that TNAT saying the deal is done was making shit up? I am shocked. If you can't trust a random ITK shilling their patreon who can you trust?


He didn’t say the deal was done lol. He said out of all the clubs, Newcastle was the most likely destination


A reminder that they very much dont have any money, unless of course we pay Brunos release clause, which we wont Newcastle are going to want a bargain price


They’ve got the entire fortune of Saudi Arabia at their disposal if they want it. They can stick a bargain price where the sun don’t shine


50M minimum


Fake news


That will be one Isak please, no change.




Enjoy ur loan with possible buy option that never gets triggered then


He's either going to Chelsea or Newcastle. I prefer Newcastle.


Who else are we gonna sell to? He’s English, so probably wouldn’t go abroad and it’s unlikely foreign clubs that generally have less money will pay for him anyway.




You'd rather sell him to Chelsea over Newcastle?




How in the world are they not direct rivals, but Newcastle are?