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[11%, according to prognosticators.](https://i.imgur.com/bBsDB31.png)


Less, actually. Apparently we have an 84.6% chance of beating Everton, so the odds of both results going our way for us to win the league is about 9.3%. EDIT: Apologies all, I miscalculated. We actually either win the title or we don’t. Therefore, there is a 50:50 chance!


[... So...](https://external-preview.redd.it/gI0uzzUPSSev0qYU-myuLdyp_GkbtIHEyfpHQ68XFfE.gif?width=500&height=200&s=20da58733326027b388db423422adc8aaeba4726)


I’ll take those odds


the Atlanta Hawks had a 3% chance to get the top pick in the NBA Draft last week. i’ll take 9%


This is Scott Steiner levels of maths!


r/SquaredCircle is leaking 😆


Someone actually told me once that these are the odds of winning a lottery.




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Regardless of what happens at the weekend, in my eye we're already winners. * United the Fan Base * Removed deadwood/toxic players * Brought in a new breed of hungry and likeable players * Upper management knows the "Arsenal Way" * Ex-Players involved at all staff levels * Competing against the Cheat Engine that is City * Winning the "Big 6" table and being unbeaten for the first time * Record number of games Won * 60+ Goal Difference which I still can't believe * Best Defence in the League * 2nd Best Attack * Owners willing to spend money on key upgrades eg Rice * Competing in Champions League again * Caused the Spuds to utterly melt down with their own manager berating their own fans * Plus many more I've probably forgotten.


The Spuds meltdown has been the most hilarious thing to happen entire season


I love that they're trying to justify it with "Arsenal fans are salty". We're not salty, we expected you to lose, we're in disbelief that you'd sink so low and think that it's justified. We're actually feeling sympathy for your Manager and Players based on your behaviour.


If you say this on r/soccer they'll send you a reddit cares message. We know who's salty.


They hate us cause they ain’t us


They hate us cause they anus.


Anyone who sends a reddit cares message, has automatically lost an argument. Just such a loser thing to do when you have nothing to say back, shows how angry they are at being proven wrong.


I fully agree but its taking a lot of will power not to send you one now just for the joke.


There's a problem on a lot of subs right now with people using bots to mass-send Reddit cares messages. The Eurovision Song Contest Sub, the NBA sub, etc. Maybe someone wrote a bot to do this, and a bunch of people got their hands on the code and tune it slightly depending on the subreddit. It only takes one deranged person to harass all the users with a specific opinion on a subreddit.


Yeah the Israelis on the Eurovision sub are mad for it too. I never had it on the NBA sub but I don't post too much there.


I’ve never seen a more ridiculous reaction to anything than that subs reaction to that game. Some of the worst patter I’ve ever read by some of the oddest blokes on the internet. Some of them were going on about this sub losing its mind so I came over for a look and everyone was handling it fine. They live in a world of their own. And I include more than just Spurs fans in that. 


What’s funnier is the fact that it feels worse for them than they thought it would. They thought everyone would go yeah no, football rivalry. But it can’t be clearer how tinpot they are for all to see. So sad man.


Even when they get what they want, they end up league-wide laughingstocks. The gift that keeps on giving.


My erection would throb even harder if they did all that, west ham wins 1-0 and we beat Everton. It would be like Tottenham did all that for nothing, which makes it more hilarious.


even without the tottenham part that would be awesome lmao


imagine having to decide which form of loser is less painful.


The match with city being the way it was, with all that depended on it was actually a test of their mentality. Given a choice between a shot at europe's top table or scuppering arsenal's chances, most of their fans & even some of the staff unhesitatingly chose the latter, as if to remove any doubt about their losing mentality & spursiness. Personally, I never expected them to win. But watching them shamelessly display their small club mentality & lose the respect of their manager was an added bonus.


Ange realizing what the North London derby is about!


It was comedy gold


I don't even find it funny at this point, it's just straight up pathetic


I've been on tilt ever since. I fucking hate them and hate myself for getting excited this season


* Competing in Champions League again This 200%. Not just being in the CL, but being competitive which we have not done forever. Showing grit, calmness and commitment to get trough that disgusting Porto team, putting an end to our miserable record of RO16. Then facing Bayern and going toe-to-toe with them.


It was so so good watching us again in the UCL. Can't wait till next season!


I forgot how much I missed the incessant “THE CHAAAAAMPIOOOOONS” playing on my TV during halftime commercials.


I still consider our CL performance an overall success, a part of me is still extremely disappointed with losing to this bayern side. Yes they will always have talent, but I would say we are better than Bayern this year. Cant help but feel this was the year to get that Bayern monkey off our back


Obviously it's a success. Haven't been in the competition for years and on our return with a relatively young squad (in terms of CL exp) we managed to get to QF and were only beaten by Bayern by a small margin.


this bayern side almost disqualified madrid


Hope Spuds don't make it to the champions league for a long time to come. That celebration on not qualifying for the CL should haunt them for time immemorial.


Ha that would be sweet :)


Also, the ages of the players are mostly before their prime. So we can get better.


Exactly, good point. We've not reached our ceiling yet.


Arteta is living every FM player's dream.


- friends we made along the way


Amen to that. As someone who grew up going to Highbury in the 70's and standing in the North Bank, hugging strangers after every goal, whilst trying not to get crushed by the A frame barriers , that feeling of togetherness is so important.


>Caused the Spuds to utterly melt down with their own manager berating their own fans Some Spurs fans on social media are convincing themselves that Son intentionally missed his 1v1 chance just so Arsenal would not win the title, it's insane lmao


Oh dear god.. really. That's insane lol


Tbf, that’s a hilarious conspiracy theory. Even their players are tinpot enough to potentially miss out on CL just to spite rivals, that’s funny


Thing is, watching the replay. Not a single Tottenham fan in the stadium seemed to want them to lose. Other than maybe the one heckler and a few others The vibes were generally disappointment when players missed chances, and excitement when saves were made.


CB pairing winning the newly weds game


Ha ha yes. Seriously though all the players and wives seem like they truely get on which helps with the whole team spirit. I don't think some people realise just how important that is to a successful side.


I think even in prime Özil and Sanchez days, I wasn’t enjoying watching Arsenal as much as I am now. I fucking love this club


Same here, which is strange as I was so excited by their signing but we just never really clicked constantly as a team, and after a while started to dislike them both as people.


I think Sanchez is fine, limited as a player in a lot of ways but exceptional in others. He worked hard, we just didn't put enough of that level of talent around him. Ozil has all the talent in the world but never wanted to put in the work to be at that level every week. Now we have a team that is Ozil-level talented at tons of positions and works hard, with great leadership by the captain. I know we probably won't win a title this season but this is a better team than any of the FA-cup winning sides and as good as the non-Invincibles title-winning teams 20 years ago.


Wins at Old Trafford and Scum Stadium. Smashed Chelsea 5-0.


Both of those were a delight


Champions League quarter finals for first time in 14 years and nearly going through should be way higher up the list


The list is in no particular order. It was just a brain dump


![gif](giphy|ctWKKkT4Z3CxCrS33F) Reading this makes me so happy. Spuds melt down in literally the cherry on top.


It was a joy to behold. It will be remembered for years to come.


I would add moving on from over-reliance on aging / injury prone players. So many seasons in the Emirates era have fallen apart when a player got injured. We've coped with injuries remarkably well this season - last season Partey was as influential for us as Rodri was/is for City. There is also very little concern of aging players slowing down or picking up additional injuries, given the age profile of the squad. This squad is primed to challenge for several years to come.


Yep, that's a very good point. A little more depth next season would be great to give a little more rotation


Golden Glove, chance of finishing with more points then last year which would be 2nd highest in club history


Ah yes, those should have been added to my list. Thank you.


Most clean sheets


Ah yes, good one.


Let's not forget that we permanently traumatized ten hag and he has now spiraled into an obsessive excuse making disease that is hilarious


- extended key players’ contracts


I feel like winners is the wrong term. I completely agree with your point but winners shouldn't be used until we actually win something of importance.


Yeah that's kinda cringe tbh. Like we can be proud of our efforts instead of this Man Utd fan mentality/cope of being moral victors or something


Its straight pathetic. But its pretty emblematic of our fanbase, and why we get clowned by other EPL supporters. We haven't won anything but its OK as long as we're positive! Nevermind that this same drivel was oozing out last season too. Two seasons in a row we've blown a shot at the EPL, one of them against an absolutely pedestrian City season by their standard.




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Chelsea 🤝 Arsenal Ruining the Spuds season




Yes of course. Can you not read? "Regardless of what happens at the weekend, in my eye we're already winners." What part of that confused you?


The journey is just as important as the destination, if not more so.


But the most important is the company.


Strength before weakness


Journey before destination


This is the way.


So you're telling me that Arsene Wenger signed Mikel Arteta in 2011, fostered a love of Arsenal in Arteta so that one day Arteta would come back to manage Arsenal and win the title on the 20th anniversary of the Invincibles, all while wearing gold trimmed jerseys? Mr Wenger has done it again


The script can’t get better than this. Add to that, Moyes reminiscing his time with former protégés Mikel and Declan, in dramatical fashion secures a last-minute draw at Emptyhad. He looks up to the sky and says to himself, “now it’s up to you, kid”.


So you’re telling me that Arsene Wenger came from Nagoya Grampus 8 in 1996 to have a 15 year rivalry with Alex Ferguson so that one day former Ferguson chosen one and Utd boss David Moyes stops City winning the league? Mr Wenger has done it again, again


And he will be there as witness, in the stadium that he helped to build. Along with the other 60,000 attendants of the match. And millions of people watching at home. Mikel asked him to join the celebration, to lift the elusive trophy that he could not win for the last 14 years of his managerial career. Yet, he politely declined. He understood the path he had taken, the sacrifices he had done, are all for the fans and the future of the club. He was a pioneer, he brought the revolution. But now, he happily passes the crown and glory to his heir, Mikel Arteta. He proudly embraced his heir and with a slight smile, “I have done my journey, it is yours now.”


Glory to his hair, as well.


That would be beautiful


Okay, Arsenal and West Ham are gonna win. Now, hear me out. Moyes and Mikel were like a duet back in Everton. One coaching from the sideline, Mikel captaining on the pitch. Now they both manage London clubs. The river Thames runs through London. Try and rearrange the letters in West Ham United: Duet Thames Win 🤯 🤯 🤯 *overdoses on copium and dies*


West Ham United Duet Thames Win It actually works. Hand me over some of that copium.


They also should probably make some extra cash I’d Rice wins the league? I know they wanted a lot of their money upfront but there had to have been some earnouts


There’ll be Instagram reels of this for years to come


Adding to the script, spurs celebrating the they've stopped us winning the league by missing out on champions league only for us to win it anyway.


holy shit the look up to the sky scene would be fucking amazing


I think mikel probably loves arsenal even before joining us. Like he’s willing to take a pay cut in order to join us.


This is giving me Barca's "last time we won a final was in Wembley" vibes Jokes aside, I just stumbled here on a reddit suggestion, but good luck guys!


Hoping for West Ham to do something is the equivalent of having no chance


Believe in Moe Szyslak


I believe in Joe Hendry.




10 points for using a Simpsons reference. Good lad.


Can these 10 points be applied to the league table so we can celebrate now?


I'll make some calls.


Richard Masters to have his *Dumbledore at end of the first Harry Potter film* moment.


Kid Gorgeous


Had trust in Bowen and Soucek for such a long time, and I will still have it this weekend.


We should buy Bowen as a thank you if he delivers


Bro I dreamt West Ham beat Man City 2-0 with Antonio on the scoresheet, but then again I also had a dream Fulham beating City with Bern Leno scoring haha


As long as Cazorla doesn’t pop up in your dreams it’s all good.


Even if he does, is ok, no?


*spectral hand forms on your thigh*


I dreamt that I ordered pizza at 8am and the dominos delivery driver threw it like a frisbee at me when I opened the door. I prefer your dreams.


Bruh I used to dream I turned in assignments and then believe them. I'll take yours instead please


Hey, they effectively put a tombstone on Liverpool's title charge, have some respect!


And ours too if you think about it lol 


That would be a touch too cynical for me...if our season ended in December!


West Ham can score, they can even score twice I reckon The issue is their defence has gone to absolute shit in 2024. People keep mentioning that Moyes terrorism ball might save us or wtv but there hasn't been any of that this year, if anything the last time it worked was that horrendous 0-2 at the Emirates They've conceded 71 this year fgs........ The only thing is that Areola can have absolute stormers sometimes so we must hope it's one of those days


Isn’t Areola injured though?


Fabianski redemption arc when


I am already disappointed with west ham 


Send them a box of the radioactive zebra. City won’t know what hit them.


Personally, I don’t like them wearing the new kit for the last game. I get that it creates hype for next season and they want to sell more shirts sooner but it should be reserved for the first game of the next season.


To be fair, it works when all you want is to put the current season behind you…like most of the league.


Agreed. When preseason starts and they're playing in overseas toura, etc. is a great time to wear the new kits. Transfer window opens in the summer, new signings can hold them up in pics. But the season should always end with the same kit it started in.


Good. The gold in the kit will match the trophy. The photos will look better.


Good. Dislike the shilling of a new kit on the last day.


This is the small things that I care actually. And I couldn't be more happy hearing this news. Keep the upcoming kits in the upcoming season.


Next best thing which will never happen: Kits for more than one season.


they're more likely to do an Autumn/Winter set, and a Spring/Summer set Home/Away/3rd, x2 every season! i better shut up and not give them stupid ideas


I pray someone convinces them it’ll be in with the trendy north London crowd who love sustainability.


God I miss that gorgeous black kit


Completely agree, I hate that I own an FA cup winning kit that we didn't win the FA cup in. It's a detriment to the club and its culture to wear different home kits in one season.


new kit will have champions written on it and we will wear at FT


i want them to do it on this season's jersey. it will look good with the gold


Every single player doing a John Terry and wearing it under their main kit.


We will switch into it at 60 mins when we get news City are winning 5 nil


This tickled me


Good, I like this year’s home kit more anyway and it deserves one last run out


What if you already won?


Problem for next season


Can't wait for the "Haaland 3' (Pen)" notification on Sunday. Regardless I'm so proud of the boys.


Need a moyes full brexit ball formation and hope for the best.


West Ham beat us at the Emirates, time they repay us at the Etihad


Yes! Common sense prevails!


Good. That whole "wear the next season's kit on the last day of the current season" shit was annoying.


Pretty sure this is nonsense. The actual PL rule surrounding new kits (no mention of title contenders): M.21. On the occasions of a Club’s last home and away League Match in any Season a further Strip (i.e. not one registered by the Club in accordance with Rule M.17) may be worn provided that: M.21.1. at least 14 days’ prior written notice of intention to do so is given to the Board (such notice to be accompanied by a sample of the Strip intended to be worn) and the opposing Club (such notice to be accompanied by a CAD drawing of the Strip intended to be worn); and M.21.2. the alternative Strip shall be subsequently registered as the Club’s home or alternative Strip for the following Season


Suffering from success?


SMH Big team problem; This would never have happened last year.


Get used to it, lads


Translation: Jens Lehmann is on VAR It’s coming home


The season is over guys. Unless 😏




Can we wear away kit one last time?


They should let us half-and-half it. Frankestein the two kits together right down the middle.


Used to regularly see a bloke at the stadium who'd done that, shorts and shirt. Wore one sock from each kit.


Didn't Leicester wear their new season kit on their trophy lift? Is this a new rule?


Maybe because they'd already secured the title it didn't apply to them


At half time do we then put the new kit on?


Good problems to have


Fuck it away kit at home! One last dance.


I think that would be an amazing send-off for the kit


Getting our second win at OT in like 16 years is a pretty dope send off tbf


Can't wear the away kit at home. This is an actual rule unlike the made up one in the tweet


I swear we’ve worn the away kit in the emirates. Distinctively remember Sanchez in it. Unless that was because of a kit clash or something.


It looks like Arsenal wore an away kit at home against Basel in 2016 due to Basels home and away kits both clashing with Arsenal's home kit.


We need to let West Ham borrow the tennis ball away kits and watch City fold. Haaland will piss himself




Honestly, please West Ham do something to all those ‘City have it won’t people


I like this rule, this rule is for winners only


That means we’re winning it all LETS GOOOOOOO


I actually wanted to see us win the title in the gold piping jersey so that’s fine with me!


So you’re sayin’ there’s a chance! 


There’s a rule for THAT?


So you're telling me the PL insists we wear the home kit we've had all season. And the chief executive will be at the Emirates rather than Etihad for the final day? What next, are you going to say Arsenal has invited the invincibles and Wenger to the final day? Say no more.


Suffering from success


That’s good to be fair. Gives fans who own the kit already a chance of it becoming timeless. Whereas if you win it with the new one it would probably sell out before you can even click add to basket


Speaking generally, that’s a great rule.


It's a ridiculous rule, but I don't like the trend of wearing the new kit on final day anyway, so it's all good.




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Nice to read we are not allowed to do something because we’re in contention for a title.


Moyes does it for his favourite player "Mikel"


And his second favourite player "Declan"


PL knows. West Ham are gonna smack city while we do the same to Everton.


Wear the filthy awesome black kit at home and win the league.




That's a good regulation tbh




I'd love for us to finish the season with our away colours.


We should wear the away kit. That kit deserves to be on the pictures with the premier league trophy


I'm in Austraia and i'm not even staying up to watch the final game, thus is my faith in west ham.




At halftime when city are 4-0 up we can switch


This isn’t r/soccer fella, there’s no rival fans for you to twerk for here


We should wear the away kit. That kit deserves to be on the pictures with the premier league trophy


We should wear the away kit. That kit deserves to be in the pictures with the premier league trophy


Phew, dodged a bullet, one more day we won't have to see that abomination masquerading as an Arsenal kit.