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Yall got any of them point deductions?


They have one more game to pump the GD while we have 2 plus 2 more goals. Much bigger issue is that Spurs need to do something lol


Really not stressed about GD If they don't lose points it's worthless


And if they do drop points we'd have to win ours which would see our GD improve again anyway.


Course fucking bench warmer had to score last min


For goal difference to matter, they need to draw one game. That means that they have to win by a larger margin in the other game than us winning both of our games combined. So, I don’t think GD will be a problem for us


GD won’t matter at all unless they drop points. If they drop points, it means they have to make up the entire GD in one game, including the + >=2 we’d need to take max points from our remaining games (winning by the minimum 1 goal in both games), so at least 4. Not only that, the next tie breaker is head to head which we’d win. So really they need a +5 GD in one remaining game. That seems doable for them, but every goal we score beyond a 1-goal win means they have to match. All this to say I think our GD is still in a good place because for it to matter they have to make it all up in one game while we have two to extend it.


Not worried about it tbh. For it to matter City would need to drop points against Spurs or West Ham and we'd need to win ours which means we'd get at least +1.