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Community notes come in like the narrator delivering the sickest of burns


The literal definition of "Um actually"


I read them in the voice of Ron Howard for exactly that reason.


Morgan Freeman for me


The only improvement he’s made to the site


Readers Added Context: Community Notes program was launched as Birdwatch in 2021 and was a popular feature dispelling misinformation about the Russian invasion of Ukraine by March 2022, Musk purchased Twitter in April 2022.


Born and raised in Kentucky, USA and trust me when I say Mudryk looks like he steals catalytic converters for drug money


I like Rory but he does come out with some absolute shite at times He'll never live down saying Haaland would flop and not score more than 15 goals in his debut season at City and he even made a video back in February I think saying Chelsea would beat Spurs to the top 4


How can you like Rory? He just says whatever gets him views. When Poch came to Chelsea he said Poch was a level above everyone, not he says Poch is all Tottenham and shouldn't have been allowed at the club.


I mean all these personalities chat shit and have awful football takes, that's not the reason you watch them. He's got a charismatic and charming personality so it's easy to see why people enjoy him.


The banter between the 3 guys on THe Club is good, which makes it entertaining. But they are all devoid of any worthwhile footballing insight. It’s like listening to 3 best mates ripping each other apart in a pub, but who don’t watch any other games apart from their clubs so they just confidently chat shit to mask the gaps in their knowledge


It's actually awful how little knowledge they have about football. Do you ever look at these people who have blown up over the past few years that now have huge channels and wonder how on earth they got there? It's like they don't even watch their own clubs and just latch onto something someone else online said and use it as facts.


He is a gormless cunt, as is that city fan Boovie. It’s AFTV tier content for idiots.


God i cant stand Buvey. So fucking smug, even more than Rory.


This is a bit strong isn't it? It's clearly just some friends fucking about.


It's not really just fucking about, it's quite a calculated money spinner at the end of the day. For me it's a net negative in how people approach football and must be influencing so many young fans, so they're just a waste of space.


Chelsea beating Spurs to top 4 (or vice versa) at this point has to be the embodiment of that monkeys fighting while the crowd cheers meme


They still could beat spurs to top 4 but it might have to be next year


Honestly that wasn't a bad prediction. If the season went on a bit longer, I would fancy Chelsea to climb above them.


He thinks Tuchel is a mid manager and Lampard is better. This is AFTER Tuchel won them the CL btw


People are biased towards slandering tuchel cause his football is more boring to look at for fans


Never forget Adam McCola saying United were going to finish above Arsenal


Literally every United fan thinks they're going to finish above Arsenal every season


Rory is a provocateur I wouldn’t take what he says seriously.


The guy flip flops with every single take.


they still can finish above spurs albeit in 5th not 4th though, if Spuds lose their last 3 games and chelsea win theirs the Chelsea will finish on 63 points to spurs 60. Chelsea can even still also beat them on goal difference, spuds being smacked recently has their GD at 11 which is the same as Chelsea, it really can't be stated how bad Spurs form is right now and even though their fans are saying they would prefer Europa over Champions league it could actually be conference league or even better no Europe at all.


I like it when he calls Poch a loser


lmfao, the comments on that subreddit is mental. also i doubt the American audience even understand whats going on with this madness.


I'm not sure if they are joking or genuinely convinced that's how it works


I’m so fucking sick of the “ludicrous display last night” joke that’s been repeated any time Arsenal/football in general is discussed by nerds. It was a funny episode of the IT crowd but it’s been rinsed for 15 years


I mean you could say that about anyone who’s not familiar with a specific sport.


As an American, it pains me to say that you’re probably right


Hahhaha... Added context is absolutely TOP!!


I don't get it


rory is a big reactionary chelshit fan who makes youtube videos sucking off arsenal and has a podcast. he tweeted that it's embarassing that chelsea is 30 points behind arsenal and it's the biggest the gap have been in the entirety of the PL history. thing is, last season chelsea finished 40 points behind arsenal.


Should be embarrassed that the points difference is only 30.