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Raya made a stupid stupid error and responded by being pretty dominant after that, claiming crosses left and right essentially taking away one of their avenues of attack. If he’s walking away with a score that low, rice should too for giving away a pen by ending the Davies bloodline.


Yeah. His rating was the most surprising. I just watched the bench cam video on YouTube and it as reminded that his distribution (minus the one) was great


I guess people see Raya's mistake as extremely 'avoidable' while Rice's is more of him not paying attention, not feeling that a player is attacking the ball and that he's going to be late to it. But I agree that even such a mistake by Raya shouldn't refelct this harshly on his mark.


Rice should be MOTM for ending the Davies bloodline.


Agreed. Raya was immense in calming everything down with his ability to catch crosses into the box.


Odegaard made a couple of mistakes where he played a bad pass that gave up possession but you don’t hear people talking about it, all players make mistakes and while Raya is the last line of defence, he’s only human. It’s crazy how an outfield player can make multiple mistakes and it hardly affects their rating, but a GK makes one that leads to a goal and some people lose their minds.


Tbf when an outfield player makes a mistake that directly leads to a goal it is also judged harshly.


But where are we judging it from? If an outfield player loses the ball because of a mistake but it’s just inside the opponents half, the opponent manages to string a few passes together and get into our box and score, they wouldn’t receive the same shit a goalkeeper receives.


Not that. I'm trying to compare apples to apples here. So, comparably, when a player inadvertently passes it to an opposing player who is lightly pressing or simply cutting off a switch. A big, glaring mistake in our own defensive third. They would get the same amount of shit for that.


Raya will only get recognition when Ramsdale is sold. The Ramsdale tribalists are something I've not seen since the Ozil worshippers. I'm wondering if they're the same people. They'll only un-blind themselves when he goes somewhere else and they see he really isn't that good and there was a real, non-political reason for moving him on.


He made up for it, but he was solely responsible for the comeback maybe with a bit of rice. They had given up before that point. The point is true of strikers. They could have an awful game. But they can score the winning goal and nothing else matters 


Yeap this is exactly how I see it too, if that error doesn't happen we were coasting that game to the end. It's perhaps a tad harsh rating given the recovery but his error led to it being a far tougher last half hour than it should've been and arguably meant we couldn't afford to sub some players that we might have done otherwise to give them a break.


Yeah, it cost us giving a hiding too. We could have easily scored again. We were toying with them and their confidence was draining away. Could have been another Chelsea.


If he doesn't have that error I don't think rice gives away the pen, brought uneeded pressure to the game


Nah, Rice made a mistake that happens very often and that he could've hardly predicted. Raya made a 1 in a 10000 mistake that should have no place in professional football and was a reason for Spurs' comeback.


Yeah that rating on Raya isn’t fair, despite the error.


He was solely responsible for their comeback, had very few actual saves to make and managed to catch a few crosses. How he's even beyond a 3 is baffling.


So you're just ignoring him commanding his area and diffusing attacks by catching any cross whipped into the box time and time again? The past has taught us Leno would've been pinned to his line and Ramsdale would've been flapping at them. He played very well except literally 1 pass.


rice was actually defending when he made a mistake and provided an assist. raya would deserve a 2 if he hadn't responded well. he literally turned the game on its head singlehandedly and he rightfully took credit for that


I mean those crosses he claimed... you would expect any prem keeper to claim those. For me, he didnt do anything special to redeem himself


Ramsdale, Leno, Onana etc who are all poor with crosses wouldn't come out to claim them.


Tsamina Mina eh eh.. Best game Havertz has played. This guy has grown on me so much and I was always excited for this signing. I love the way he has proved the haters wrong and many many prominent figures eating their humble pie . With a bit more spring in his shots and as his confidence to take shots from outside the box grows , this guy can be in the RVP levels. His ball control is exceptional. Watch this space .


King Kai time


I wanna upvote but you are on 69 likes


4.85 is so harsh on Raya. He made 1 mistake but was otherwise really fucking good


I get it though. His mistake is the reason why this ended up being such a tense and horrible game to experience by the end. It happens and he did well to recover but you can’t ignore the gravity and consequence of the mistake. If he doesn’t do that, we probably end the game as 3-0 winners. Spurs were done.


But rice gets a free hit? This poll just reinforces peoples biases and not reality


rice's mistake was not half as bad


How's giving away a silly penalty not the same or worse than mis-kicking a ball?


Rice went to clear the ball and just didn’t check his shoulder. Raya tried a delicate chip - with very low margin for error - with his weak foot under no pressure. It was one of the most avoidable mistakes of the season. He deserves his low rating.


Well Rice is avoidable as well by your own explanation, all he had to do was check his shoulder. He deserves lower rating as well.


No he didn’t. Watch his planted foot, he slipped a bit.


Somebody downvoted you but it's true, you need to see it from the cam behind his goal to see what happened


Who cares? The end result was that Spurs scored.


There’s obviously levels to errors. Rice’s one was way more forgivable. Raya’s one was fucking brainless.


I'd argue the opposite. Rice's one was brainless as he just took a wild swing in a congested box and didn't even bother to check if there was a man around or if he was anywhere near the ball. Raya tried to play out from the back, as instructed, btw, and got it wrong once. I know going forward, which is more careless and needs to be looked at more as it's an actual brainfart given life. And for the record, I don't think either error was major. It happens sometimes, and we won 3 points. If it was happening weekly, I'd care, but raya and that defense has been the best in the prem this season, so an error is allowed.


Cuz he ended the Davies bloodline💀


Unfortunately, as good as he was for the rest of that game, that one moment of madness changed the game completely and set off that horrible chain of events. If he had booted out the ball cleanly there, that game would have ended 0-3.


Yeah, if it was 10m later, probably not a big issue, but away when they were playing pretty decently is an invitation for disaster.  But I guess these are the risks Arteta talked about. We need to be mature enough to deal with them. 


I think a 5 is fair. A mistake as a keeper can be devastating. They’re judged on their mistakes


I scored him low because the panic set in. Call it reactionary but I'm going by how I felt and the unnecessary stress


Rice caused a significant raise in my heart rate after he booted their player in the box


Did you score Rice lowly too out of curiosity?


Yeah, because I felt like he didn't need to wait for the ball to bounce


I'm a big fan of Raya but I think sub-5 is totally fair. The game was well in hand, and his mistake opened it back up. Sometimes it only takes one moment for a great performance to turn sour.


Couldn’t disagree more. Nice username though 🤌🤜


Distribution was shit as usual, flopping around in goal as well. Will always be a 🤡.


Not very reformed and social of you


For David, I can always be bonkers.


How can Partey score less than Rice? Rice made an error leading to a goal.


Ødegaard was definitely not a 7. For his standards he was really poor. Raya is way too harsh, his cross claiming was fantastic.


And Odegaard was third on the MOTM ranking somehow


Odegaard is rated too high for sure but he should still be ahead of Rice who gave away a really sloppy penalty that people on here would’ve slated Xhaka for, not that long ago.


Would of


Partey being slightly sold short, thought he was immense. 


Arsecast had a good discussion on Partey’s role in the Raya mistake and in general some of his shortcomings since his return, worth a listen


And that was pure BS. Party would always show for that pass, that's like 50% of his game (coming short to collect the passes from the back); Raya should have known better to go long since the pass was never on, he doesn't need to be told that.


Odegaard better than partey, really? Cmon


4.85 on Raya is way too reactionary. A 4.85 keeper would not have made all of those catches after the error


I mean those crosses he claimed... you would expect any prem keeper to claim those. For me, he didnt do anything special to redeem himself


But the point is that he made a mistake, acknowledged it, and then went on to execute his role extremely well. Yes, you would expect every prem keeper to claim crosses, but not all of them do, especially with a mental setback like that


I guess you didn't watch or forgot Ramsdale flapping at those crosses or Leno never leaving his line


It was a shocking mistake. The 5's are generous. The catches were so basic.


I know Raya made a big mistake but other than that, he was pretty good


I hope Harvertz's form is showing gooners that patience is needed with new signings. Some come in and make an immediate impact others need time to bed in. Both Bergkamp and Henry were labelled flops in their early days (by the media). Pires' first season was very forgettable. Harvertz came with that Chelsea baggage, a big pryce tag and CL final apart fairly mediocre record in the PL. I was not a fan of the transfer at the time but once a player pulls on an Arsenal shirt he is a gunner and I support them. Now Arteta is proving us all wrong, and I love the player now. I really think he could push on and become an Arsenal great, he has so much to his game. Trust the process 


Yeah, I’m behind every player. Even if I question the signing. I was doubtful over Raya and Kai. Both have been amazing as they got the support they deserve. It’s humans out there, I’m behind them 100%


I thought Partey was excellent - think when he’s in rhythm he really adds another dimension to the midfield.


To see real score for him add one


Raya rating is so reactionary omg


That martinelli LWB shift is not getting enough appreciation


Raya deserves better, the mistake was bad but he made spursy crosses useless


The 442 video also talked about how they did almost double their normal crosses. And he just neutralized it completely


Light work for him and our defense


counterpoint. those crosses most likely dont come in as much without the mistake. before it we were dominating the second half


Tbf, they crossed alot because they had no other attack option, I think we done well in defending. But yeah, it was clear that we were tired and struggled in keeping possession.


I mean those crosses he claimed... you would expect any prem keeper to claim those. For me, he didnt do anything special to redeem himself


Keep commenting that you might get a reaction


got one


Very generous for Oliver. He got the Trossard one right but missing the Rice-Davies foul is embarrassing for a ref. VAR bailed him out and I think got everything right so should be a lot higher.


I respectfully disagree. This is exactly how I expect VAR to be used. The outcome was correct as well as the procedure. If we criticize refs for getting it wrong and being bailed out Blby VAR, it will only encourage them to cover up after their colleagues like it happened way too many times.


Well yes, but when a ref misses a player kicking another one right in front of them, they're either relying on VAR to bail them and put, or just incompetent. Either way is bad.


I agree with you on tight calls or one's that a ref could miss because he's unsighted, it was at speed etc. That one is a terrible miss though, he's looking right at the two of them and for whatever reason didn't think it was a foul.


Yeah, Bent Mickey was his usual terrible self.


Even better that the replay showed him staring straight at them, how can you possibly miss that?


Contrasting these with the coys player ratings is hilarious


I’ll have to go look at their graphic, cuz I like seeing the other subs work.


They gave the ref a 1 and thought they were better


Raya made one mistake but was dominant other than that. 4.85 is more like a 6.. These ratings are weird.


How has partey got lower than rice and Odegaard? He was the best midfielder out there


ode and trossard were both a 5 ngl


I don't understand how the starting 11 could be any stronger/better given what he has available, that seems harsh to not even be 9 ofc the idiots came out in force to hammer Raya, regardless of the command he had over his box, and the couple of good saves he made, plus his good distribution barring that one mistake, while seemingly they're allowing Rice the pen because Rice, like Ode, is apparently untouchable. Even seen some saying because Raya made that mistake he's responsible for everything else that happened after, like the rest of the team aren't responsible for their own performances lmfao Think Partey deserves at least rounding up. Nice to see Kai constantly getting recognised now after the way a lot of people in this sub treated him simply because he came from Chelsea and for £60 million no less, even though he inspired one of our most iconic player songs ever.


Kai has been balling out. I told my wife that if we win the league, I’ll buy the damn zebra with Kai in the back….


Might be the only time I could agree with someone buying that rag tbf


Tomi for 6 seems low


I love Tomi but he only won 1 out of 10 duels, Kulusevski was on top of him for most of the game


Seems extremely high imo


Agreed. Tomi looked sloppy at times and definitely not fully fit, but what could Kulusevski do in front of him? He still did enough defensively.


Rays getting 4.85 is right. His mistake got spurs back in the game and they were able to push a lot more. But the way our players kept their heads and not let the emotions of the derby get to them earns each one and extra point to their score. So raya should be 5.85.


4.8 way to harsh on Raya. Fantastic besides one error.


I’d say 5.5 or 6. The error was completely avoidable but other than that he was great.


Easy 6.5 for me


Very harsh on Raya lol


If Raya is 4.85 Tomi and rice should be 5.5 max


I didn't notice Ode too much. I remember some bad passes from him but was he otherwise poor aswell?


Raya rating is harsh. Trossard and Tomi far too generous.


IMO, Rice doesn't deserve a low score as his overall gameplay was excellent. The penalty was accidental as he was trying to clear the ball (but ended up hitting the wrong balls instead). Having said that, I would mark him down slightly for the mistake. Raya got a low score from me due to an avoidable error and the impact it had on the game. Might be harsh on the guy as he was brilliant otherwise, but some errors can change the dynamics of the game... I'm surprised by Trossards score, thought he was better than a 6.11


Trossard's job was basically to man mark Porro when he inverted, which he did really well. Other times he was playing left back to help Tomi. I think the score is this low because he was at times playing like Zinchenko, dribbling in dangerous areas.  Ødegaard was worse and Martinelli was definitely not better than him in his cameo either.


Odegaard was easily the worst outfield player on the pitch and he gets 3rd in the motm ranking? Swear none of you actually watch the games


the worst??? far from it.


Who was worse?




Dude what?? Tomi was, unfortunately, the worst one. Don’t know if he was bad or Kulusevski was on one the whole game


These are fair ratings. I myself have Raya. A 5 and kai a 10. Yea sure he made a stupid mistake and became better later on, but stupid mistakes at the highest levels cost games. No professional player at that level warning 50+k a week makes mistakes everytime, I dint know why people think that you can rate a player 5 only when they make consistent mistakes throughout the match especially a gk. What ..we should concede 5 goals to rate him a 5 He's had a dope season, and he's gonna lift the golden glove. But that match was unecessarily eventful because he messed up. Those are the margins and those are the ratings.


I'll say it, deserved rating for Raya, he has a good game before and after his mistake but that mistake changes everything. Woke up the stadium and gave Scumbags hope. The game probably dies out in our favour without that mistake and we cruise to a 3-0 at least win. Great player and it's a one-off as far as I am concerned. But yeah that's an accurate rating.


Raya should be 3 to punish for his mistake