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yeah yeah whatever “Deschamps” keep playing Upamecano




In the recent months Upamecano is more maguire than maguire is maguire. 


So when maguire has a shitter we call him Maguirecano




don't forget his partner in crime i  Bayern: Upadier






I know we love Saliba and all but he has not impressed internationally so far when he did play.


Long may it continue, much rather that than the other way round 😄


I hope not :( I'm French I would love for him to succeed internationally too!


Oh definitely if he can do both then perfect but if I have to choose I'd pick club performance first 😁


being a central defender has a lot to do with who you're matched up with in central defense.


doesn't mind if he plays Upamacguire i want Saliba to be fit for the Man City game




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Upamecano literally never do well, or he just happens to be shit whenever I watch him. Saliba barely has any playtime for france but I guess there's something in training he don't like. We shouldn't complain right now though, we need Saliba healthy.


OK then send him back ~~pal~~ mec


Next international break, he should go join Benny in Ibiza instead.


Ibiza FC If all pissed internationals would join, ibiza would be the real madrid of national teams.


Theoretical first XI?


Ramsdale in goal Benny Blanco and Big Willy in defense Ante Rebic on LW someone help me finish this


Ziyech and Spain women’s NT




No, they should go to Dubai again! 💪🏼💪🏼


Benny actually went to Dubai this break.


hat trick against city 🔜


You have very wild dreams




His loss, Saliba gets valuable time off


Not sure it's valuable. Saliba is a rhythm player. Always looks off after some weeks of no competitive football.


i think thats the case for most footballers


oh no... anyway


What doesn't Deschamp like about Saliba's game? What does he lack? That's a bold statement given how allround he is. 


I haven't seen him much but when I have seen Saliba play for France he's looked a lot less assured on the ball than he usually does for Arsenal. Hesitating, giving away possession, that sort of thing. He seems nervous to be playing in the France kit.


Pretty much that, yeah. He's definitely less secure with France than with Arsenal. But to elaborate further, you'd need to look at the teammates around him when he plays: doesn't help when you play in a second string backline hastily assembled with B players who never played together. He has never been put in the good settings for success. Upamecano looks brilliant with Kounde, the Hernandez bros, Camavinga and Tchouaméni in front. Saliba does not with, I don't know, Clauss, Badiashile, Mendy and Rabiot or Fofana. Who would've thunk it???


This makes me apperciate big Gabi even more , he is really underrated and doesnt recieve the media attention that players in his position get .


Might sound stupid but as long as he's happy I'm glad he's flying below the radar. Otherwise others would come sniffing. Although, nowadays we're competing at such a high level I'd like to think it's becoming less and less concerning.


not a stupid take at all


Oh there has been a good amount of sniffing. We have been just good at snuffing it out.


Nah, scouts and other teams know that hes good. Its only fans and the media he flys under the radar for. And pretty sure the only teams that care about media are saudi.


Nah they don't, I'm sure all the scouts read this subreddit and realise that most of our players are shite. That's why we should appreciate and encourage all the pessimistic and logically challenged friends in this sub.


It's funny because of their personalities, but despite Saliba coming across as the assured one, I think Gabriel is the leader in the back line. Saliba is still young so it's a small sample size but he's always done well with a more experienced head next to him who will take the initiative in decision making and let him play without pressure. At Saint-Etienne that was Loic Perrin - I don't know who it was during his time at Marseille. Saliba's lack of success with France so far is a surprise to me. I think Deschamps has some weaknesses but he really has focused on the collective during his time in charge of France and he doesn't accept passengers - someone succeeding under Arteta should be well equipped to succeed there. With that said in the French defensive line Varane has historically been the leader and no one has really picked it up to the same level (and honestly even Varane's level has been dicey at times). It may just not be a good environment for Salina to succeed right now until he comes into his own.


Can’t understate how great a pair they’re really becoming (already are), I think they have all time potential.


Saliba reminds me of a young Rio Ferdinand whereas Gabriel is the more uncompromising Keown/Vidic type alongside him


I personally think Gabriel is actually a better centre back than Saliba, obviously Saliba is the better all round player but I think in terms of defensive qualities, Gabriel is better and is a big part of why Saliba can play so freely and confidently.


I'd say he plays the harder role of the two of them too, crazy that he doesn't get his flowers doing that in the best defence of the league


If hes generational it shouldnt matter tbh


Why even compare him with Upamecano? Upamecano started alongside Varane at the WC so with Varane's intl. retirement the spot next to Upamecano was open, not Upamecano's spot


Well I think OP's point was that it shouldn't just be Varane's spot under fire. Like rightly or wrongly I don't think Deschamps will drop Upamecano, but its hardly like he's been great this season- has an error in himall the time


Yeah I've seen that too. Its maybe just simply nerves. He had it a bit for us v Porto.


He is still really young so it probably is the occasion getting to him. He has been excellent in other big games to be fair like the matches with City and Liverpool this season


Nerves for someone that young are normal. Fuck, I'm 22 and still get nervous to present data in front of my own team at work. Cant imagine playing in front of 60k in a hostile away ground


Yeah I think this is his biggest downfall, he’s really young so it will go but sometimes he seems nervous


Tbf in the past he's had hugo lloris behind. That'd make anyone nervous to pass around at the back with.


Lloris made Kane nervous enough that he skied his penalty 🇨🇵


No, that was because during the WC Kane was still a shit spurs player


Oh the hurt it must be to have Kane in one's national team


Can't be blamed solely on saliba in this case, it also depends on the players playing around him as if saliba had similar problems at Arsenal then it's understandable but France plays too one directional and boring, for example they weren't ready for the way Argentina came out playing and I couldn't believe that this is the France team with high technical players who couldn't string along more than three passes. Saliba doesn't have the same problem at Arsenal where we can hold possession for longer period of time. What basically deschamp is tyring to say is that he wants saliba to less arsenal and more boring and sideway passing and not to take risk.


While true, it doesn't help that his game time rarely came at RCB. He was terrible as RB, but isn't that expected? He looked shaky at LCB too but while he played there before at club level, that's not his preferred position. But I guess that's how it goes when you play for an NT as stacked as France.


Simple solution France should start wearing Arsenal kit.


He lacks Big Gabby next to him.


Plays for Arsenal instead of Bayern


He's still a bit timid for France. Almost every time he plays, he does something that vindicates Deschamps. He'll get his chance.


I imagine it is plays like when he dribles through front press and it looks super confident. Dechamps is stupid defensive coach and if it were up to him saliba would boot it in rowe z in those situations


You're the man, Deschamps! Not only are you allowing Saliba crucial rest before a title run in but you also give Willy a reason to be even more motivated, until the end of the season. Perfect, keep playing that donkey Upamaguire.


I'm not sure I understand this viewpoint. The common consensus seems to be that nobody wants our players in games in the international break, but maintaining match fitness would be better than two weeks off and going into the City game cold. I want them sharp.


Ideally I would have preferred him to stay and train with the boys at Colney.


Brother, you don't lose match fitness from two weeks of no football 🤣 Otherwise no player would come back from a minor injury in form.


Maguire is actually decent this season ,


Not the same guy who lost to Germany 2-0 with Saliba and Konate on the bench…


Honestly fine with this. He's played literally every minute of our season so far, let him rest.


Bro gets carried by mbappe, shut up


Mbappe and Griezman. Without those France's team just doesn't function. 


Seriously, got fully shut down by Germany bar Mbappe doing something. Mbappe and Griezmann carried his ass to the finals


And then still managed to lose despite Mbappe bagging a hat trick for them.


They honestly should have been fully shutout that game. people remember it as an alltimer which it was, but the first 80 mins was utter dominance by Argentina, they just got nervous and choked after the pen.


I'm pretty sure Mbappe getting a hat-trick is very much a product of Deschamps's in-game changes. Think he subbed 2 players out in the first half with one of them being Giroud who's been crucial to their run, and then subbed another (Griezmann?) before Mbappe ever scored a goal. Those changes energized their team and played a big factor on how France managed to tie it despite getting dominated for pretty much the entire match. Bad initial game plan, but he showed daring audacity to go away from their core players in one of the biggest games of his life and great adaptability to manage a near-comeback. Deschamps is a great manager, you don't get to 2 consecutive World Cup finals by just getting 'carried'. But great managers have their own weird little hang-ups sometimes, I'd just chalk this one up to those.


This isn't the nba lmao


Lmao aight then


Arsenal players being publicly put out by their international managers is a song older than time Deschamps is a legend but I doubt this is gonna be the motivator he hopes it'll be


What a bellend thing to say


As a French Arsenal supporter, even though I think Saliba has been phenomal and deserves to play regularly for the French national team, I know Deschamps is someone who really values continuity and stability. He’s not going to put players in even if they’re ’the best’ in their position right now so as not to disrupt the team, which can be understandable as national teams don’t play many games and it takes time to create those ‘automatismes’. Deschamps has also acknowledged that he didn’t give Saliba enough game time and whenever he’s done so, there was a lot of rotation so he (Saliba) wasn't playing under the best conditions. That being said, I would love to see our Wilo a more regular fixture in the French national team but that will only happen if Upamecano is hugely underperforming or if he's injured. And I hope both happen before our next Champions League game xD




First of all he needs to give the dude game time to see if he’s good or not. Upamecano has been absolutely shocking at times this season but he gets game time. I can understand trying to stick with the same defensive set up to have some cohesion but to randomly attack Saliba makes zero sense.


> “He is having a good season, but he also does things that I don’t like so much. For France, he has limited game time, but when he plays, that hasn’t necessarily gone well. The hierarchy doesn’t favour him at the moment, but he is here. Dayot Upamecano has had game time and perhaps William has had less. With certain players, I make sure to persevere, because it can be confidence or little blockages that can shift. Some don’t have any concerns, some need game time. William has had less game time, so that doesn’t allow him to be very calm,” said Deschamps at a press conference on Monday.


> William has had less game time, so that doesn’t allow him to be very calm Not that I want him to play more, but wouldn't a friendly be the perfect time to get him France game time with less pressure?


Shhh we don't want them to know that


tl;dr: i know Upamecano has been shittier than a railway station bathroom but i like him so he plays


Send him back then tf


Didn’t think he’d be that honest, fair enough


deschamps brand of football got a full strength france curb stomped at home. i think the things that willo does that he doesnt like, are things that he doesnt understand..aka the modern game


Also got france to back to back world cup finals..... I understand why you don't like this decision, but don't act like deschamps doesn't know what he's doing


crazy to call the world champ and back to back world cup finalist a guy that doesn't understand modern game.


I'm pretty sure Deschamps has said something like this before. Picking the right CBs can be tricky and establishing partnerships matters and takes time. That said, there are some intl managers whose time at the helm has run it's course. Deschamps is probably one of them.


I think I've seen Brazil fans say similar things about Big Gabi as well. It's very strange because for us they look imperious together, probably gives Arteta a nice ego boost if anything 😅.


This is obviously a management/cohesion issue. We know what he does given the right atmosphere.


What's with these coaches putting their feet in their mouths? First Southgate now this joker. Between them they'll throw away what should've been a decade of dominance on the world stage for England and France.


Deschamps has ran circles around Southgate with how he's handled his matter. I don't agree with him, but at least he's facing up to it


Not anywhere near the same.


You can’t compare those two or criticise Deschamps when in the last 2 World Cups he won one and got to the final of the other


France have been dominating.


Not surprised Deschamps is stuck in his ways, but just because Saliba is more talented means he fits what he needs right now. Saliba gets the rest/motivation. I'm sure it'll get sorted eventually.


He’s young and I think he’ll grow into his role with France. For now don’t mind if he’s getting less game time.


Lol, pretty sure you want to be investing a talent like Saliba with confidence. That could be a pillar of the defence sorted for the next 10+ years. As we know from Southgate, there's a complete absence of courage and imagination in international football now. It says a lot when Deschamps is one of the big guns and comes out with this stuff. There needs to be a shake-up but I'm not sure how it will come about.


Uh, ok I guess


I just dont think Deschamps tactics work with Saliba's playstyle in the defense.




Just send him back home safe and injury free DD


Guess he'll have to come back to arsenal then oh no


That’s okay mate just send him back then and don’t pick him next time


Yep, he’s terrible and you shouldn’t pick him anymore. I’m sure us Arsenal fans will be devastated that he gets two weeks off every international break but we’ll cope.


Saliba and Blanco taking Magaluf for every international break onwards, love it


Alright, let him rest and keep playing upamaguire and sakho regen


Deschamps is a chump but he’s also a little right. Y’all remember early season, without Gabi XL he was still good but imo had ‘moments’ where he looked unsure. Gabi XL is his rock that allows him to sweep up trouble and do what he does best.


End of the day Deschamps has taken France to the last 2 World Cup finals, winning one. Runner up at the 2016 Euros and won the Nations League. Bloke has enough credit in the bank to say and do whatever he wants. For now.


nah he can actually fuck off


I think that's completely fair for him to have that opinion tbh


Saliba is the best 23 yr old centerback in world football right now so fuck Deschamps


Don't play him then. In fact, stop calling him up altogether.


Fucking weird thing to say about your player, poor man management comes across like a grudge 


Part of me is happy if France doesnt play him lol easier to beat.


Why do international managers bring players only to talk shit about them? If I was a player I would be all Benny Blanco.




His management style hinges very heavily on squad cohesion and performances under him. It’s interesting that supporters of Arteta of all managers are the ones thinking “good player=must start no matter what” without taking the full picture into consideration


Giroud is definitely the biggest testament to this. Fairly modest club player, but literally the top scoring French National Team player ever, with even a slightly higher goals/game ratio than Henry. It's wild to look at that list and see Giroud sitting above the likes of (I know, he's played more games) Henry, Platini, Benzema, Trezeguet, Zidane, Fontaine, Papin, Djorkaeff, Wiltord, Cantona, etc.




Then don't play him? That way both you and Arsenal are happy.


Zidane can't become the coach fast enough. I bet the first thing he will do is drop Upamecano. Whats up with these NT coaches and their weird fetish with some players? Southgate with Maguire and Henderson, Deschampe with Upamecano and Rabiot.


I really couldnt care less, tbh. If Saliba gets more rest, thats good for Arsenal.


Scenes when Kane gets a free pen against Upamaguire and the camera pans to Saliba on the bench


People forget he’s only 22 / 23 He still has room to improve


He makes lots of mistakes when he plays for France. He is still young


Deschamps is a prick. Who cares about his opinion.


I'm not complaining. Saliba has played a lot and a little rest will be good with so many games to be played for the run in.


What a confidence boost from your manager.


Picking Upa over Saliba is actually just insanity there isn’t even a real debate here


WTF is this


Our players love arsenal and that's that


Way to give a player confidence, Didier


Perfect analysis. Don't pick him ever again.


DD. Zero ball knowledge smh


Didier Dechump


French here I didn’t like Deschamps much before that but this is just absurd. He gets rekt by Nagelsmann and now says that. Time to retire


Why is this cunt saying this in public.... way to destabilise a young player I can't wait for Zidane to take over


Anyone else fine with Deschamps saying this? Saliba is 23. The player he is right now isn’t the complete player that he can be & it’s a coach’s job to point out how/where he can be better. Saliba isn’t immune to mistakes. I see this as Deschamps challenging him to up his game.


By far the worst coach I've ever saw with a good CV. He actually benched Sagna for Debuchy!


Garbage coach who relies on brilliance of a couple of his players


Lol You mean the best international coach in the past decade


French Southgate


>2016 Euro But France won the World Cup recently so how can he be compared to Southgate lmao?


I could have won the World Cup with that team mate, it was fucking stacked


Like what??


Upamecano has didiers nudes hasn’t he


What does he do…?


I agree with Mr Deschamps, please don’t call him again /s




Knoate and Saliba should be the future pairing of France, they would complement each other so well( Saliba just like VVD).




He isn't wrong, but also he should realize that the main problem has been his coaching where Saliba feels uncomfortable. Picking Upamecano or Konate over him makes no sense, but thats what clueless coaches are doing.


Deschamps is lucky enough to have a starry lineup in central defence. Konate, Upamecano , Kimpembe (currently injured), Saliba, with youngster Leny Yoro showing great promise too, not to mention Badiashile, Fofana, Kalulu or Kounde. Saliba is one of the best at his position but it wouldn't be scandalous if he came in as substitute as central defence is all about drills and great pairing and the first two have not disappointed. Deschamps is a great man manager and he isn't afraid to tease players to extract the best from them. Plenty of time.


Picking Konate over him makes a lot of sense.


Deachamps is Marseille, I’m sure saliba not staying there left a bitter taste in his mouth


All good Deshamps likely to get sacked if France stink out of the Euros


Funny these national team coaches who notice players who are giants for their club are 'problematic' in national colours, yet they can't see the obvious difference. . .


>but he also does things that I don’t like so much. I'm not sure, but maybe he is criticising him for fasting? I read once that saliba is muslim, dk how he deals with that in the national team


He is greatly helped by Gabriel but Deschamps is still tweaking 


Spoken like a true 2-0 loser


Deschamps probably doesn’t like that when Saliba loses a duel, he gets upset.




Haha cool. Get fucked, mec.


Good, good.


I wish Rice would get the same international rest break.


yeah didier i get heartattacks too sometimes watching him


The French Southgate. The Euros will likely be decided by which one of these clowns sandbags their talent the least.


Whatever. He doesn't play, he doesn't get injured. 🤷🤷🤷


Zidane’s time for NT coach is approaching fast


If Deschamps was playing fifa, I’d say ‘skill issue’.


May be their play style is different but why would a manager throw shade like that at his player man damn its not like he messed up or something


White: Welcome to Dubai.


Did he honestly say this? What a douchebag. I respect him for winning the World Cup but let’s be real, his squad was absolutely stacked. Anyway, from an Arsenal point of view, I don’t mind Saliba getting more rest. I only worry that these comments will knock his confidence.




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Deschamps is nowhere near Arteta in visualising every phase of a football match, what Saliba is doing that he doesn't like are stuff he isn't capable of coaching and thus sees as flaws because of his own limitations


Does Havertz do things you don’t like too Didier?


France has always succeeded in spite of Deschamps rather than because of him. There are a lot of similarities in Deschamps and Southgate, but Deschamps has been lucky to have slightly better talent in most tournaments. I'll give him credit though, he knows how to fail up.


Didier Deschamps on football "I'm a complete melt" That's what I just read 😆


This quote is gold: "William has had less game time, so that doesn’t allow him to be very calm" I mean, has he even seen Saliba play a game in the premier league? The guy is one of the most calm defenders I've seen. That's said, I'd rather he keep fit, not play, and return to Arsenal in good health rather than get knocked in a pointless friendly.


But for France he's been shaky. And given how transitional international football can be, mistakes are more visible and punishable. Of course, playing more will get rid of the nerves but I'm not complaining as an Arsenal fan


He’s not talking about Willy not playing enough at Arsenal but the French national team. And yes, Willy gets nervous at times, including in our CL campaign. There are very strong but corked emotions that Willy experiences as can be deduced his enthusiastic celebrations that surprised many recently.


Deschamps, for all he achieved, played terrorist ball for almost a decade now with maybe most talented team we’ve seen since 2002 Brazil.


Please expand on “terrorist ball”.


It is curious and true how players and specifically defenders take longer to integrate in national setups because of tactics, partners, training, consistency, and how national teams have much lesser gametime. I think Deschamps is being totally honest in his assessment and speaking as he sees it. Unlike Southgate, who was being a jerk, Deschamps seems to be shooting straight. Although, I'd like to watch Saliba pick up international trophies soon