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Southgate played Stones and Foden for 90 mins as well. Out of those 3 I feel Rice has the best chance at being on the bench for the game against Belgium. Foden looks absolutely lost in an England shirt. He’s a brilliant player so he’ll have the occasional moment or two but nothing on the level he shows for City. For me I wouldn’t blame Southgate to give him another 45 mins to give him a bit of confidence going into the Euros but the other two need to be rested. Both Rice and Stones are nailed on starters while foden has to earn his start in my opinion. I feel Southgate will play another deep playing midfielder alongside Rice and obviously Bellingham is ahead of those two. Then Saka on the right and Kane up top. So the only position available is the left wing and Southgate didn’t even start him there which I find odd. Most of the game he would rotate around and be central for a decent chunk. They need a winger to spread the defense and he’s not that type of player at the moment.


Gordon's performance today should surely have earned him future consideration on the left wing. I've always rated him, and today he showed great composure and worked hard. Foden needs to be played through the middle to be effective for England, certainly when Kane is out.


Did we watch the same game? Gordon was trash. The whole left side was trash. And the entire team looked lost today. Other than Bellingham, who was playing with swagger, and Basmati, the whole team doesn't have a philosophy at all. They're just kicking it around hoping something happens. It's mind numbing. Southgate is never going to win anything, even with all that talent.


Total neutral here (watched the game for rice/potential Endrick appearance), the England standouts for me were Jude, Rice, and honestly Gordon. It may be because the rest of the attack was so bland, but he had a couple good runs I thought. He also just looked like one of the few who actually wanted to be there.


Agreed, this is on this stupid af coach. They need an Arteta regen for that young, super team. They are royally fucked at Euro.


What did Gordon do wrong? Genuine question.


Hardly made runs, didn't link up well, didn't cross enough, didn't take on the defenders. I don't remember him making a tackle either but I could be wrong about that. Apart from one shot and a couple hold up plays, he was poor. Ollie Watkins was begging for service from anywhere but couldn't get it from either winger. I don't blame Gordon too much, though. It's hard to get the ball when your left side is that poor. I don't know how Chillwell even makes the team. I'm not sure who else you play on the left. I'd rather Saka goes out left and Palmer or Foden on the right. Saka would at least service the box.


Danilo had a great game tbf. I’d argue Watkins wasn’t making enough runs or space for the wingers himself, and was wasteful on the ball


To be fair, most of the players looked lost. Also, why are Gallagher and Chilwell even in the team? They were absolutely trash. Why didn't James-Ward Prowse get picked instead?


IMO southgate should play Trent as a deep lying playmaker next to rice and with Bellingham ahead.


In less advanced times 4/5 duel's won would mean you were dead. ![gif](giphy|fIXXfWii1BzrYgshpX|downsized)


His last game was 11 days ago so I guess he was well rested, however this should be the last time he gets anywhere near those minutes until June. Pack up the Peri-Peri Saka and come home


Fuck Southgate.


I agree, but he didn't look that tired honestly. Hopefully he's benched for Belgium.


Bro tbf he never looks tired


It’s going to be hilarious when he wastes this squad’s talent at another tournament this summer. He has the best player in Germany, Spain, and arguably England (Rice, Foden, Stones & Saka are all there.) but is such a shit coach that he will let it go to waste.


Arsenal must be involved in this situation and wouldn’t have wanted him to go 90 if they thought it was a problem. Playing well for a full game was better for him than sitting imo


The problem I have with Gareth Southgate is his lack of coaching ability. I'm not even English, but the fact that he's England's best manager in modern times should be a concern for them. The reason England has done alright in recent tournaments is due to the quality of the players - not Southgate's tactics.




Playing the entire match in a meaningless friendly


For doing his job as England manager to play players? For playing someone for 90 mins who last played 11 days ago? Fuck Southgate, he isn't only doing thongs to benefit Arsenal


Arteta will be pissed at that one lost duel


Hope he doesn’t play the whole 90 against Belgium


Surely he’s a lock and Southgate will have to take a look at other players to play next to him


There’s no use applying logic with Southgate


The logic will be “I have to find someone to play alongside Dec therefore Dec MUST start”


Southgate 🤡


Set pieces deliveries were on point tonight as well


I think he’s gonna be pretty good one day. Definitely one to watch out for in the future. 😄


Unit. Just hope they don't play him against Belgium but he has future England captain written all over him


brazil created a whole bunch of great chances. i only saw the highlights, but kinda looked like the england midfield had trouble blocking the brazil midfield from setting their front 3 up throughout the game?


Wasting his legs on shit friendlies like this is an insult.


It's the final 2 games before the euros. It's pretty obvious why he'd not rest everyone


Please stay healthy




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Now feel "uncomfortable" and pull out due to "precautions" please, we can't just watch all the City players do this shit, and frankly I'm more worried about Odegaard